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Treasure career Latest chapter update list


Chapter 1 Misfortunes never come singlyChapter 2 Meng Zitao himselfChapter 3 Superpower? !Chapter 4 Heading to Antique Street
Chapter 5 The leak that comes to your door (Part 1)Chapter 6 Leak that comes to your door (Part 2)Chapter 7 TestChapter 8 Wang Zhixuan¡¯s Past
Chapter 9 Business RulesChapter 10 Helping HandsChapter 11 Wang Zhixuan¡¯s TeachingsChapter 12 Good Luck, No Choice (Part 1)
Chapter 13 Good Luck, No Choice (Part 2)Chapter 14 StoryChapter 15 ResignationChapter 16 Chicken Cup
Chapter 17 HelpChapter 18 Not Suitable for Stone GamblingChapter 19 Famous MoneyChapter 20 Zheng Anzhi
Chapter 21 Boxing ScoreChapter 22 Official Hat ChairChapter 23 Chance EncounterChapter 24 Rosewood Willow
Chapter 25 WorryChapter 26 Pay back the moneyChapter 27 Aunt was cheatedChapter 28 The consequences of greed
Chapter 29 ConfrontationChapter 30 An unexpected discoveryChapter 31: Blind at the sight of moneyChapter 32 Treasure map?
Chapter 33 Good things come in pairsChapter 34 Meeting againChapter 35 Ink Bamboo PictureChapter 36
Chapter 37 A strange combination of circumstancesChapter 38 Imitation Green MaterialChapter 39 Picking the Red Seal BoxChapter 40 Exchange Meeting
Chapter 41 During the AuctionChapter 42 FightChapter 43 LimelightChapter 44 Finale Lot
Chapter 45 Finale Lot (continued)Chapter 46 High Price TransactionChapter 47 Chance EncounterChapter 48 A little worried
Chapter 49 Someone gives moneyChapter 55 No more servingChapter 56 Big jokeChapter 57 Can¡¯t stand it
Chapter 58 Buying a CarChapter 59 Backflow PotChapter 60 Backflow Pot (continued)Chapter 61 Super Pure Pearl
Chapter 62 The Magical Supernatant BeadChapter 63 Trip to JinlingChapter 64 Rubbings of "Xiping Stone Classic"Chapter 65 What a coincidence
Chapter 66 Encounter in Antique CityChapter 67 "Treasure Appraisal Activity"Chapter 68 FraudChapter 69 A good plan
Chapter 70 The so-called backup planChapter 71 A fake lookChapter 72 Elephant LordChapter 73 Elephant Zun (continued)
Chapter 74 BeatingChapter 75 Something happenedChapter 76 StorefrontChapter 77 Storefront (continued)
Chapter 78 Earning a store for nothingChapter 79 Transaction CompletedChapter 80 Fighting SpiritChapter 81 Small-minded
Chapter 82 Li Xianle¡¯s troublesChapter 83 A blessing in disguiseChapter 84 The guess comes trueChapter 85 Opening Business
Chapter 86 Qian Dexiang comes to visitChapter 87 Adding color laterChapter 88 Bad LuckChapter 89 Strange reaction
Chapter 90 Hongwu Underglaze RedChapter 91 Seals of Two PartiesChapter 92 Please go to Palm EyeChapter 93 Qiujiao Shanzi
Chapter 94 GloomyChapter 95 A coincidenceChapter 96 IdeaChapter 97 Delivered to the Door (Part 1)
Chapter 98 Delivered to the Door (Part 2)Chapter 99 The whole storyChapter 100 AnxiousChapter 101 Problematic Bricks and Inkstones
Chapter 102 TianyanChapter 103 ExperimentChapter 104 There are still secretsChapter 105 Left-handed?
Chapter 106 Amazing changesChapter 107 The Perseverant Aunt QianChapter 108 Impure motivesChapter 109 Coming in droves
Chapter 110 ShamelessChapter 111 Solve it as soon as possibleChapter 112 NewsChapter 113 Departure
Chapter 114 Fan Dingxi¡¯s behaviorChapter 115: Gaozu Zhuanxin Cup (Part 1)Chapter 116: The Student¡¯s Heart-turning Cup (Part 2)Chapter 117 Going to the countryside to receive goods (Part 1)
Chapter 118 Going to the countryside to receive goods (Part 2)Chapter 119 Going to the countryside to receive goods (continued)Chapter 120 Returning with a Full Load (Part 1)Chapter 121 Returning with a Full Load (Part 2)
Chapter 122 Remarks on the launchChapter 123 Snuff Bottle and Guanyin StatueChapter 124 Another pair of snuff bottlesChapter 125 Another pair of snuff bottles (continued)
Chapter 126 Ziding?Chapter 127 Watching a ShowChapter 128 PerformanceChapter 129 Secret Love Object
Chapter 130 Hitting the muzzleChapter 131 Wishful thinkingChapter 132 ReturnChapter 133 Good News
Chapter 134 Shutdown?Chapter 135 So that¡¯s itChapter 136 No more entanglementChapter 137 Opportunities cannot be wasted
Chapter 138 Trade FairChapter 139 The Dragonfly Eyes of the Warring States Period (two chapters in one)Chapter 140 Apprenticeship?Chapter 141 Joke
Chapter 142 Bai Qinan BraceletChapter 143 The treasure dug out?Chapter 144 Game?Chapter 145 Revealed
Chapter 146 Making troubleChapter 147 LightweightChapter 148 Don¡¯t want to let goChapter 149 Qian Jiangcai
Chapter 150 ReversalChapter 151 Selling Coffins and Giving PearlsChapter 152 Makeup LessonsChapter 153 Genuine Dzi Beads
Chapter 154 Changes in Super PowersChapter 155 Changes in TemperamentChapter 156 Jiang JianxueChapter 157 Lost in the east, gained in the mulberry tree
Chapter 158 Student AidChapter 159 AggressiveChapter 160 Association CommunicationChapter 161 Association Communication (continued)
Chapter 162 InterestingChapter 163 BetChapter 164 Very easyChapter 165 Shameful
Chapter 166 DiscussionChapter 167 Before BeginningChapter 168 ExploitationChapter 169 A little confused
Chapter 170 Xinmang CoinsChapter 171 Get a handfulChapter 172 Teach a lesson (Part 1)Chapter 173 Teach a lesson (Part 2)
Chapter 174 Teach a lesson (continued)Chapter 175 Ru kiln pink green glaze Arhat bowlChapter 176 Views on picking up leaksChapter 177 Help to the End
Chapter 178 Glass species?Chapter 179 ScamChapter 180 Tin KettleChapter 181 Clues
Chapter 182 JoinChapter 183 An unexpected surpriseChapter 184 PersuasionChapter 185 Betting on Porcelain Pieces
Chapter 186 Betting on Porcelain Pieces (Continued)Chapter 187 Difficult to judgeChapter 188 The Origin of Porcelain PiecesChapter 189 Commission
Chapter 190 QuarrelChapter 191 They are all actorsChapter 192 Meeting Zhu Tianhua againChapter 193 Confusing right and wrong
Chapter 194 A laymanChapter 195 Burning the bridge across the riverChapter 196 Enemies meet on a narrow roadChapter 197 Enemies meet on a narrow road (continued)
Chapter 198 Bao XiaoshanChapter 199 Seeing the Treasure Glaze AgainChapter 200 "Fate"Chapter 201 "Xi Yu Tang Tie"
Chapter 202 AgainChapter 203 Ge Kiln Fish Ear StoveChapter 204 Is there a secret?Chapter 205 It turns out to be a trap
Chapter 206 Plans don¡¯t change quicklyChapter 207 ConfusingChapter 208 Speechless RulesChapter 209 Businessman¡¯s Awareness
Chapter 210 Unexpected NewsChapter 211 The same personChapter 212 Encountering TroubleChapter 213 Trouble Solved
Chapter 214 Northern Wei Dynasty Guanyin StatueChapter 215 Familiar FigureChapter 216 Birthday Banquet and ApprenticeshipChapter 217 Blind Date Accident
Chapter 218 TroubleChapter 219 Hiding somethingChapter 220 Peach Stone BoatChapter 221 Trip to Langzhou
Chapter 222 Peace of MindChapter 223 Pu¡¯erChapter 224 Tea TrayChapter 225 Cheng Mazi
Chapter 226 Phoebe BoxChapter 227 Chengxintang PaperChapter 228 The clue is interrupted againChapter 229 Do me a favor
Chapter 230 Finally got a clueChapter 231 Chinese New YearChapter 232 Cheng Qiheng¡¯s troublesChapter 233 A bright future
Chapter 234 Good intentions lead to bad things?Chapter 235 Judging people by their appearanceChapter 236 InvolvementChapter 237 Misunderstanding
Chapter 238 What a coincidenceChapter 239 A great harvestChapter 240 Thief? fraud?Chapter 241 Car accident
Chapter 242 Hit and RunChapter 243 ComplexChapter 244 ConflictChapter 245 People ran away
Chapter 246 True and False Sanyang ZunChapter 247 The incident happenedChapter 248 Making PeaceChapter 249 Photos
Chapter 250 Propaganda ChannelsChapter 251 A good startChapter 252 BriberyChapter 253 Strange things
Chapter 254 Strange NotesChapter 255 The humble jade pendantChapter 256 Hairspring CarvingChapter 257 Heading to Shangdu
Chapter 258 GameChapter 259 It¡¯s too early to be happyChapter 260 Are you willing to admit defeat?Chapter 261 You¡¯re not a fool, are you?
Chapter 262 Uncovering the Second FloorChapter 263 TragedyAsk for leaveChapter 264 Recipe
Chapter 265 RequestChapter 266 Problem FoundChapter 267 Upgrade RecipeChapter 268 Gu Yuexuan
Chapter 269 Angry DiscoveryChapter 270 No Guarantee for the Late FestivalChapter 271 CompetitorsChapter 272 Captured the telltale sign
Chapter 273 SatisfactionChapter 274 Amazing repair skillsChapter 275 Portrait of Emperor Guan ShengChapter 276 Incredible results
Chapter 277 VillaChapter 278 Silver DollarChapter 279 Shooting yourself in the footChapter 280 Jiang Siyuan appears
Chapter 281 The location of the treasureChapter 282 Unknown PaintingChapter 283 ImpersonationChapter 284 Zhan Ziqian
Chapter 285 Magic BeadsChapter 286 DetoxificationChapter 287 Elevator FailureChapter 288 Zhou Yide
Chapter 289 Scenic AreaChapter 290 There is a gunChapter 291 The Treasure of JinChapter 292 Malfunctioning Mechanism
Chapter 293 Raging Spiritual EnergyChapter 294 New AbilitiesChapter 295 The rest of the discussionChapter 296 Incense Cone
Chapter 297 Khotan RubyChapter 298 EbonyChapter 299 Gloomy WoodChapter 300 Drinking together
Chapter 301 Drinking (continued)Chapter 302 PreviewChapter 303 Red Mountain Jade OwlChapter 304 Someone is really up to something
Chapter 305 An unexpected fightChapter 306 AppearanceChapter 307 Yu WeigangChapter 308 Yu Weigang¡¯s Experience
Chapter 309 Agarwood smellChapter 310 Lin LingyunChapter 311 Fake NecklaceChapter 312 Push
Chapter 313 The scam encountered by Chang HuarongChapter 314 Returning disappointed?Chapter 315 Gilded Glass Bile BottleChapter 316 Mu Yueze¡¯s accident
Chapter 317 ShamelessChapter 318 Betting on golden nanmuChapter 319 Betting on Wood (Part 1)Chapter 320 Betting on Wood (Part 2)
Chapter 321 The finest golden nanmuChapter 322 Master MuzuoChapter 323 Picking up a small leakChapter 324 There is a problem with dating
Chapter 325 Those who wish take the baitChapter 326 Those who wish take the bait (continued)Chapter 327 Something is wrongChapter 328 Golden Bowl
Chapter 329 How to remove rustChapter 330 Help solve the problemChapter 331 Help solve the problem (continued)Chapter 332 Tea Ceremony of the Song Dynasty
Chapter 333 Learning Tea CeremonyChapter 334 Discovering new cluesChapter 335 Encountered a car accidentChapter 336 Accidentally Learned
Chapter 337 Ding kiln small bowlChapter 338: Taking out the heavy weaponChapter 339 Strange Guanyin BottleChapter 340 The Origin of Guanyin Bottle
Chapter 341 Wants revengeChapter 342 Frame upChapter 343 Almost Something HappenedChapter 344 Bailu Zun
Chapter 345: Pretending to be true or falseChapter 346 Earth LeopardChapter 347 SecretChapter 348 Secret (continued)
Chapter 349 Changes in Guanyin BottleChapter 350 Pay attention to detailsChapter 351 ArowanaChapter 352 Instigation?
Chapter 353 Li ZhuChapter 354 RuinChapter 355 SuddenChapter 356 School
Chapter 357 Scam?Chapter 358 Not a liarChapter 359 White Deer CoinChapter 360 White Deer Coin (continued)
Chapter 361 Tang Yin¡¯s Landscape PaintingsChapter 362 One for Two (Part 1)Chapter 363 One for Two (Part 2)Chapter 364 The trouble in exchange
Chapter 365 It¡¯s still an accidentChapter 366 Zheng Zhongfeng¡¯s Family MattersChapter 367 See the Repair Porcelain AgainChapter 368 Another clue
Chapter 369 Red PearlChapter 370 InsiderChapter 371 SearchChapter 372 Famous Sword Ten Thousand Ren
Chapter 373 Green Bag Book?Chapter 374 "Bian Que Medical Treatise"Chapter 375 The sudden action teamChapter 376 Fright
Chapter 377 ThanksChapter 378 Han Siyan¡¯s TroubleChapter 379 It¡¯s actually a magic weaponChapter 380 Li Zhu¡¯s Revenge
Chapter 381 KidnappedChapter 382 The whole storyChapter 383 Meng Hongchang picked up the leakChapter 384 Go to Yingdu again
Chapter 385 Zhu Family AffairsChapter 386 Huanghuali Official Hat ChairChapter 387 Problem Diamond RingChapter 388 Problem Diamond Ring (continued)
Chapter 389 Ran away againChapter 390 Something is wrongChapter 391 Department CodeChapter 392 Xibei goods
Chapter 393 Divine TreeChapter 394 CollisionChapter 395 Avoid Water BeadsChapter 396 The Great Military Family
Chapter 397 Discovering the tomb robberChapter 398 Preparing for arrestChapter 399 Unexpected GainsChapter 400 Another treasure map
Chapter 401 Copper Coins in the ShuttlecockChapter 402 The Key BoxChapter 403 Du LiangChapter 404 News about Brother Bao
Chapter 405 Bagua ArrayChapter 410 Problem ScreenChapter 411 PlaythingsChapter 412 Treasure Hunting at the Bottom of the Lake
Chapter 413 Treasure Hunting at the Bottom of the Lake (Continued)Chapter 414 HijackingChapter 415 Black FireChapter 416 Casino (Part 1)
Chapter 417 Casino (Part 2)Chapter 418 Continue the betChapter 419 SuddenChapter 420 It turns out to be this
Chapter 421 Strange BeadsChapter 422 Something happened to Meng HongchangChapter 423 Unlucky Meng HongchangChapter 424 It works
Chapter 425 With bad intentionsChapter 426 Strange thingsChapter 427 Suan Ni StatueChapter 428 Shen Qiucheng
Chapter 429 Ridiculous ThiefChapter 430 Someone wants to cause troubleAsk for leaveChapter 431 Fake Agarwood
Chapter 432 The dead man sinksChapter 433 Yan XifanChapter 434 Iron BoxChapter 435 The bronze man of the mechanism
Chapter 436 Yang SuijingChapter 437 Night Pearl (Part 1)Chapter 438 Night Pearl (Part 2)Chapter 439 Night Pearl (Part 2)
Chapter 440 Ge Qingyun¡¯s experience (Part 1)Chapter 441 Ge Qingyun¡¯s encounter (Part 2)Chapter 442 Ge Qingyun¡¯s experience (Part 2)Chapter 443: Surrendering to the old
Chapter 444: Surrendering to one¡¯s old age (continued)Chapter 445 Is it a scam?Chapter 446 Is it a scam? (continued)Chapter 447 You have to pay the price if you mess with someone
Chapter 448 Some bumpsChapter 449 News about the StatueChapter 450 Two CoinsChapter 451 The oriole holds the lot
Chapter 452 Carved AxisChapter 453 Weird exchangeChapter 454 Colorful GobletChapter 455 It may be stolen goods
Chapter 456 The conflict between the Gesang familyChapter 457 ThiefChapter 458 Emergency RescueChapter 459 Forced explanation
Chapter 460 Cost-effective?Chapter 461 ZirconChapter 462 WormsChapter 463 There are loopholes to pick up
Chapter 464 Righteous InkstoneChapter 465 DonationChapter 466 The world is impermanentChapter 467 The accident brought by Gong Yechen
Chapter 468 Clues brought by the porcelain piecesChapter 469 Strong PotChapter 470 Reality is falseChapter 471: False and real
Chapter 472 The Cui family is hereChapter 473 Special Plum VaseChapter 474 Meet Song Peng againChapter 475 Unlucky Du Tongquan
Chapter 477 Investigation ResultsChapter 478 Konoha LampChapter 479 Something has to happenChapter 481 Propaganda in the name of others
Chapter 482 Jumping off the buildingChapter 483 The trouble caused by bloodstoneChapter 484 It depends on the situationChapter 485 Black-hearted
Chapter 486 A visitor from the Yan familyChapter 487 Another punch in the eyeChapter 488 Calligraphy Master (Part 1)Chapter 489 Someone is following
Chapter 490 Calligraphy Master (Part 2)Chapter 491 Second Grade YouthChapter 492 Second Grade Youth (continued)Chapter 493 The fish that slipped through the net (Part 1)
Chapter 494 The fish that slipped through the net (Part 2)Chapter 495 Prisoner Cow StatueChapter 496 Discovering the subcontractingChapter 497 The fish that slipped through the net (Part 2)
Chapter 498 Fraudulent CompensationChapter 499 Alchemy Iron CouponChapter 500 Song Dynasty GoChapter 501 Salon
Chapter 502 High ImitationChapter 503 Comparing CalligraphyChapter 504 Comparing Calligraphy (2)Ask for leave
Chapter 505 Calligraphy Comparison (3)Chapter 506 Another statueChapter 507 Jade RepairChapter 508 Jade Repair (continued)
Chapter 509 SuspiciousChapter 510 Porcelain DuckChapter 511 Entering BeijingChapter 512 The purpose of the competition
Chapter 513 Diagnosis and TreatmentChapter 514 Jade Dragon Pendant (please subscribe)Chapter 515 Buying GiftsChapter 516 Preliminary Round
Chapter 517 First place in the preliminary roundChapter 518 Final (Part 1)Chapter 519 Final (Part 2)Chapter 520 Final (Part 2)
Chapter 521 Cheating?Chapter 522 Well-deservedChapter 523 ResurrectionChapter 524: Stealing the Apprentice (9/60)
Chapter 525 Wine Bottle (10/60)Chapter 526 Painting (11/60)Chapter 527 Heavenly Treasure? (12/60)Chapter 528 Got to Paint (13/60)
Chapter 529 Teacher Tang¡¯s Ability (14/60)Chapter 530 Tribute Tea (15/60)Chapter 531 Find the reason (16/60)Chapter 532 Dealing with the Statue (17/60)
Chapter 533 Treasure Hunt in Ghost Market (1) (18/60)Chapter 534 Treasure Hunt in Ghost Market (2) (19/60)Chapter 535 Treasure Hunt in Ghost Market (3) (20/60)Chapter 536 Treasure Hunt in Ghost Market (4) (21/60)
Chapter 537 Treasure Hunt in Ghost Market (5) (22/60)Chapter 538 Jiang Mingbao¡¯s rescue (23/60)Chapter 539 Conspiracy? (24/60)Chapter 540 Forced (25/60)
Chapter 541 Gambling Again (26/60)Chapter 542 Give it a try (Part 1) (27/60)Chapter 543 A little try (Part 2) (28/60)Chapter 544 A little try (Part 2) (29/60)
Chapter 545 Sky-high Price Jade (Part 1) (30/60)Chapter 546 Sky-high Price Jade (Part 2) (31/60)Chapter 547 Sky-high Price Jade (Part 2) (32/60)Chapter 548 Feedback (33/60)
Chapter 549 Imitation of Huang Binhong¡¯s Landscape Painting (34/60)Chapter 550 Teacher Tang invites you (35/60)Chapter 551 Long Liuxi and Black Paint Disk (36/60)Chapter 552 Party changes (37/60)
some notesChapter 553 Dalong Stamp (38/60)Chapter 554 Charity Auction Exchange Meeting (Part 1) (1/60)Chapter 555 Charity Auction Exchange Meeting (Part 2) (2/60)
Chapter 556 Charity Auction Exchange Meeting (Part 2) (3/62)Chapter 557 Secret Color Porcelain? (4/62)Chapter 558 Hu Tielun (5/62)Chapter 559 During the exchange meeting (6/62)
Chapter 560 Holding the Pot (7/62)Chapter 561 Put on a show (8/62)Chapter 562 Strange Jade (9/62)Chapter 563 Discovered (10/62)
Chapter 564 Encounter with Wang Qingbin (11/62)Chapter 565 Who is the fool (12/62)Chapter 566 Who is the fool (continued) (13/62)Chapter 567 Deja Vu (14/62)
Chapter 568 Purple Clay Pot (15/62)Chapter 569 Another change (16/62)Chapter 570 A blockbuster (1) (17/62)Chapter 571 A blockbuster (2) (18/62)
Chapter 572 A blockbuster (3) (19/62)Chapter 573 A blockbuster (4) (20/62)Chapter 574 A blockbuster (5) (21/62)Chapter 575 Preparing to go home (22/62)
Chapter 576 School Examination (23/62)Chapter 577 Unhappiness (24/62)Chapter 578 Chenghua Colorful Chicken Cup (25/62)Chapter 579 Chenghua Colorful Chicken Cup (continued) (26/62)
Chapter 580 Confession 26/62)Chapter 581 Zicha plays with the bird statue (27/62)Chapter 582 The fake bronze ware looks like the real one (28/62)Chapter 583 Arrival (29/62)
Chapter 584 Weird (30/62)Chapter 585 Weird (2) (31/62)Chapter 586 Weird (3) (32/62)Chapter 587 Weird (4) (33/62)
Chapter 588 Weird (5) (34/62)Chapter 589 Rendezvous (35/62)Chapter 590 Pottery Figurines (36/62)Chapter 591 Blackfish (37/62)
Chapter 592 Solve the Blackfish (38/62)Chapter 593 Shaokang¡¯s Tomb (39/62)Chapter 594 There is always something to gain (40/62)Chapter 596 Solving the Curse (41/62)
Chapter 597 Imitation Porcelain Master (1/62)Chapter 598 Xiao Likai (2/62)Chapter 599 Advancement (3/62)Chapter 600 Help (4/62)
Chapter 601 Bloody plot (5/62)Chapter 602 The Shameless Family (6/62)Chapter 603 Heading to the Porcelain Capital (7/62)Chapter 604 Zhang Hui¡¯s Enthusiasm (8/62)
Chapter 605 Porcelain PiecesChapter 606 ReunionChapter 607 Speculations and NewsChapter 608 Emergency
Chapter 609 Aunt and NephewChapter 610 Chi Kiss StatueChapter 611 Lingbi StoneChapter 612 Previous Lesson
Chapter 613 Aunt and nephew fall outChapter 614 Rising againChapter 615 Make a friendChapter 616 Exactly the same
Chapter 617 Coordinated SolutionChapter 618: EloquentChapter 619 Meng Zitao¡¯s planChapter 620 Cooperation
Chapter 621 DiscussionChapter 622 Discussion (continued)Chapter 623 ForeignerChapter 624 Stolen items discovered again
Chapter 625 HappyChapter 626 Conflict in the Photo StudioChapter 627 Geng YanChapter 628 You can¡¯t get used to it
Chapter 629 Sword (Part 1)Chapter 630 Human trafficker and liarChapter 631 Sword (Part 2)Chapter 632 Northern Song Dynasty Official Kiln
Chapter 633 Easy to getChapter 634 Inside StoryChapter 635 Is it wrong?Chapter 636 Is it wrong? (continued)
Chapter 637 Lucky Money (Happy New Year to everyone!)Chapter 638 Pork for Silver Coins (Happy Spring Festival to everyone!)Chapter 639 Garden-style VillaChapter 640 Juran¡¯s work?
Chapter 641 The meaning of informationChapter 642 Oil Paper UmbrellaChapter 643 Home InvitationChapter 644 Changes in the former company
Take a day offChapter 645 Meteorite (two chapters in one)Chapter 646 Small ConflictChapter 647 "Acquaintances" meet
Chapter 648 Mr. Su¡¯s surpriseChapter 649 A call from a bald manChapter 650 New cluesChapter 651 Record
Chapter 652 Wooden SlipChapter 653 Contents of the wooden tabletChapter 654: ExecutionChapter 655 Pretending
Chapter 656 Pretending (2)Chapter 657 Pretending (3)Chapter 658 Changes in Super PowersChapter 659 Jianwen Official Porcelain
Chapter 660 Prescription IssueChapter 661 The Pearl of Sui MarquisChapter 662 Come to the doorChapter 663: Test of Medical Skills (Part 1)
Chapter 664: Test of Medical Skills (Part 2)Chapter 665 Master of Horse Drawing (two chapters in one)Chapter 666 Xiyuan GatheringChapter 667 Strange Candlestick
Chapter 668 Inviting Kang YanChapter 669 HongdingChapter 670 Shameless ActChapter 671 News about the army
Chapter 672 Rescue (1)Chapter 673 Rescue (2)Chapter 674 Rescue (3)Chapter 675 Rescue (4)
Chapter 676 Rescue (5)Chapter 677 Temporarily put on holdChapter 678 Problematic Porcelain Plate PaintingChapter 679 Lu Ma
Chapter 680 Feng ShuiChapter 681 Feng Shui IssuesChapter 682 Peach Wood SwordChapter 683 Treasure Appraisal Activity
Chapter 684 Treasure Appraisal Activity (2)Chapter 685 Treasure Appraisal Activities (3)Chapter 686 Treasure Appraisal Activity (4)Chapter 687 Treasure Appraisal Activities (5)
Chapter 688 Treasure Appraisal Activities (6)Chapter 689 Treasure Appraisal Activity (7)Chapter 690 Treasure Appraisal Activities (8)Chapter 691 Treasure Appraisal Activities (9)
Chapter 692 Treasure Appraisal Activities (10)Chapter 693 PursuitChapter 694 Rumors about the firewood kilnChapter 695 Recipe
Chapter 696 Deliberately causing troubleChapter 697 RevengeChapter 698 The wedding is brought forwardChapter 699 Cousin¡¯s car accident
Chapter 700 Another secretChapter 701 Ji ChengheChapter 702 DifficultiesChapter 703 Visit
Chapter 704 Family MattersChapter 705 Double Eagle PictureChapter 706 Painting and Jade PendantChapter 707 Green material appears again
Chapter 708 Jun Kiln Flower Pot (Part 1)Chapter 709 Jun Kiln Flower Pot (Part 2)Chapter 710 Early experiencesChapter 711 The forbearing people
Chapter 712 Clues to High Imitation Green MaterialsChapter 713 Mo CuiChapter 714 New and old grudgesChapter 715 Strange material
Chapter 716 Depressing ResultsChapter 717: Show your faceChapter 718 A few blowsChapter 719 Letting go
Chapter 720 Zhou Yide¡¯s ChangesChapter 721 Zhou Yide¡¯s invitationChapter 722 A Can CoverChapter 723 Compensation
Chapter 724 Photo Box PendantChapter 725 Golden SealChapter 726 Island MapChapter 727 Investigation
Chapter 728 Bian Jingzhao¡¯s paintingsChapter 729 Original "Yongle Ceremony"Chapter 730 Small ConflictChapter 731 Past Grudges
Chapter 732 Miserable LossChapter 733 ContinueChapter 734 Good Fortune and LongevityChapter 735 Variation
Chapter 736 Flower WorldChapter 737 Golden Dragon on a Blue BackgroundChapter 738 ArrogantChapter 739 Discussion
Chapter 740 A chance encounter to helpChapter 741 Showing Calligraphy (Part 1)Chapter 742 Showing off his calligraphy skills (Part 2)Chapter 743 Showing off his calligraphy skills (Part 2)
Chapter 744: Teach a lessonChapter 745 ErrandsChapter 746 Another discoveryChapter 747 The army welcomes the bride
Chapter 748 Luo Shiyi¡¯s FamilyChapter 749 Recognition of relativesChapter 750 "The Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites"Chapter 751 The boss suddenly appeared
Chapter 752 Hearing about Cao Jin againChapter 753 Jade Carved Small Plum VaseChapter 754 The problem of porcelain piecesChapter 755 Bizarre things
Chapter 756 Human Face and Beast HeartChapter 757 The clue is broken againChapter 758 Who is the mastermind?Chapter 759 Unbelievable News
Chapter 760 Soap Jade BoxChapter 761 A Jade PendantChapter 762 Deja VuChapter 763 Problematic Jade
Chapter 764 Alexandrite Cat¡¯s EyeChapter 765 EnlightenmentChapter 766 Master Sculptor (Part 1)Chapter 767 Master Sculptor (Part 2)
Chapter 768 Master Sculptor (Part 2)Chapter 769 Technique RestorationChapter 770 GuessChapter 771 Interception
Chapter 772 Brothers QuarrelChapter 773 Invitation LetterChapter 774 Membership ProcessChapter 775 Presumptuous
Chapter 776 During the exchange meetingChapter 777 SapphireChapter 778 Inexplicable RevengeChapter 779 Inexplicable revenge (continued)
Chapter 780 Secret activitiesChapter 781 Treasure FightChapter 782 Something happened to Chen ZhongfengChapter 783 Baoxi
Chapter 784 IntricaciesChapter 785 Emergency SituationChapter 786 Frequent AccidentsChapter 787 Wizard Tomb
Chapter 788 Ghost hits the wallChapter 789 Killing the SnakeChapter 790 Substitute TeachingChapter 791 Class
Chapter 792 Bixi?Chapter 793 Li Sixun¡¯s works!Chapter 794 Li Sixun¡¯s Works (continued)Chapter 795 To Xiangjiang
Chapter 796 Go for appraisalChapter 797 Changing name and surnameChapter 798 News about the AuctionChapter 799 Be honest
Chapter 800 Debt SettlementChapter 801 Zhou Danquan¡¯s WorksChapter 802 Weird ThingsChapter 803 Emerald Watermelon
Chapter 804 Luo Danran¡¯s warningChapter 805 Another troubleChapter 806 Cleaning the Jade BiChapter 807 Betting on Agarwood
Chapter 808 The auction beginsChapter 809 The crisis is approachingChapter 810 SuddenlyChapter 811 Gunfight
Chapter 812 Gunfight (continued)Chapter 813 Jade DragonChapter 814 Xia Dayou¡¯s HobbiesChapter 815 Revealing
Chapter 816 Tasting fragranceChapter 817 Ornamental StoneChapter 818 Catching the "Rat"Chapter 819 Sky Green Mud
Chapter 820 EngagementChapter 821 Unexpected DiscoveryChapter 822 Betting on Green SkinChapter 823 Liu Woer¡¯s invitation
Chapter 824 Unexpected DisasterChapter 825 DiseaseChapter 826: Walking around the beadChapter 827 Copper Ink Cartridge
Chapter 828 What happened to Xie MingxuChapter 829 ComicsChapter 830 Information in old photosChapter 831 Enemies meet
Chapter 832 Stone Tasting PartyChapter 833 Careful thinkingChapter 834 Dragon Stone SeedChapter 835 Uprising
Chapter 836 HijackingChapter 837 The culpritChapter 838 The culprit (continued)Chapter 839 Encounter with Yuan Lin
Chapter 840 A discovery led to by a piece of porcelainChapter 841 RegretChapter 842 ConditionsChapter 843 The real Xuande furnace
Chapter 844 JealousyChapter 845 The problem of the rotating bottleChapter 846 An unexpected encounterChapter 847 Traps and counterattacks
Chapter 848 You are the ones who are being trickedChapter 849 Entering the UrnChapter 850 An ancient medical bookChapter 851 Fishing for Porcelain from the Sea
Chapter 852 Investigation ReportChapter 853 Little TrickChapter 854 MisunderstandingChapter 855 News from Tiepi
Chapter 856 Sudden gunfireChapter 857 Shark SkinChapter 858 Discovery of ToxinChapter 859 Wei Shanan¡¯s thank you gift
Chapter 860 ShrikeChapter 861 RecognitionChapter 862: DoggyChapter 863 The Statue of Chaofeng
Chapter 864 IslandChapter 865 Encountering a trapChapter 866 A great harvestChapter 867 Seal
Chapter 868 Inexplicable ConflictChapter 869 "Yuanhe County Map"Chapter 870 Mao CiChapter 871 The ultimate scumbag
Chapter 872 Give a lessonChapter 873 A gift of thanks for treatmentChapter 874 A chance encounter on the busChapter 875 Thin Water Material
Chapter 876 Revealing FlawsChapter 877 Dealing with the scumChapter 878: Pretend to be true and turn out to be true and falseChapter 879: Pretend to be true and turn out to be true and false (continued)
Chapter 880 Contact (Part 1)Chapter 881 Contact (Part 2)Chapter 882 Contact (Part 2)Chapter 883 Coincidence?
Chapter 884 A Bronze MirrorChapter 885 Showing GoodwillChapter 886 FightingChapter 887 Mo Dao
Chapter 888 PedestalChapter 889 YelangChapter 890 Aura of FalsehoodChapter 891 Incense Tasting Party
Chapter 892 AmbergrisChapter 893 Premium AmbergrisChapter 894 Long Chuan Incense FormulaChapter 895 The Origin of Super Powers
Chapter 897 KoiChapter 898 Some trivial mattersChapter 899 Video on ComputerChapter 900: Pry the corner
Chapter 901 RudeChapter 902 Someone is going to jump off the buildingChapter 903 MisdiagnosisChapter 904 High imitation of the Republic of China
Chapter 905 FishingChapter 906 The box at the bottom of the lakeChapter 907 Smashing the StoreChapter 908 Burning the Car
Chapter 909 Sitting Human SealChapter 910 Clubhouse Game (two chapters in one)Chapter 911 Asking for helpChapter 912 Another Bet
Chapter 913 TrackingChapter 914 Unraveling the Mutton Fat JadeChapter 915 Colorful JadeChapter 916 Master Huan
Chapter 917 Ancient CountryChapter 918 Strange Painting (Part 1)Chapter 919 Strange Painting (Part 2)Chapter 920 Nervous Dong Jichang
Chapter 921 Man in BlackChapter 922 Wang Wei¡¯s paintings?Chapter 923 The Secret in the PaintingChapter 924 Kidnapping
Chapter 925 An unexpected personChapter 926 Catch them all in one fell swoopChapter 927 MurderChapter 928 The result of smashing
Chapter 929: Cunning (Part 1)Chapter 930: Cunning (Part 2)Chapter 931 Cunning (Part 2)Chapter 932 Tips
Chapter 933 Magical BeautyChapter 934 Excellent imitationChapter 935 The visitor is evilChapter 936 Good people never come
Chapter 937 DespondentChapter 938 Good things come to youChapter 939 ChannelsChapter 940 Special Jade Bottle
Chapter 941 Jade EssenceChapter 942 Damascus ScimitarChapter 943 Boss Shi¡¯s requestChapter 944: Giant Underground City (1)
Chapter 945: Giant Underground City (2)Chapter 946: Giant Underground City (3)Chapter 947 Giant Underground City (4)Chapter 948 Giant Underground City (5)
Chapter 949 Giant Underground City (6)Chapter 950 Giant Underground City (7)Chapter 951 The Giant Underground City (8) (Thanks to book friends for the reward!)Chapter 952 Giant Underground City (End)
Chapter 953 Feng Shui Bureau (Part 1)Chapter 954 Feng Shui Bureau (Part 2)Chapter 955 The hateful thingChapter 956 Entrustment
Chapter 957: Character not worthy of Feng ShuiChapter 958 Easily pick up the leaksChapter 959 Bian Xixian!Chapter 960 Killing Wife
Chapter 961 Counter RobberyChapter 962 The Terror in the Secret RoomChapter 963 Trip to the United StatesChapter 964 Home Auction
Chapter 965 Final Appearance (Part 1)Chapter 966 Final Appearance (Part 2)Chapter 967 Longquan Official Kiln PorcelainChapter 968 Bronze Ice Mirror
Chapter 969 Voidness and SubmissionChapter 970 Plateau Blood JadeChapter 971 Chapter 971 Meeting Bu ChaofengChapter 972 Chapter 972 Sweeping Up
Chapter 973 Royal FlushChapter 974 Chapter 974 The numbers on the noteChapter 975 Oracle Bone FragmentsChapter 976 Negotiating an Agreement
Chapter 977 Test?Chapter 978 Lang Ziqing appearsChapter 979 Something slipped through the netChapter 980 One Pot
Chapter 981 Qian SongyuanChapter 982 News about the Jade PendantChapter 983 Hidden Yang JourneyChapter 984 Serial Murder Case
Chapter 985 Feng Shui Master?Chapter 986 Bai XinshengChapter 987 Rare RosewoodChapter 988 There is a hidden secret
Chapter 989 So that¡¯s itChapter 990 News about Master MengChapter 991 Restoring the StatueChapter 992 Statue of Wei Tuo
Chapter 993 Seeking each otherChapter 994 The Origin of the Jade GourdChapter 995 The Jade Mirror Appears (Part 1)Chapter 996 The Jade Mirror Appears (Part 2)
Chapter 997 HypeChapter 998 Hype MethodsChapter 999 Zhuang Gongtai¡¯s CollectionChapter 1000 Trip to Shu Capital
Chapter 1001 Theft CaseChapter 1002 Something is wrongChapter 1003 Found tracesChapter 1004 Another big case
Chapter 1005 Five-Colored Golden Five-Colored BowlChapter 1006 Mr. Pei¡¯s requestChapter 1007 Rumors about LudingChapter 1008 Treasure Hunt Show
Chapter 1009 The program is being recordedChapter 1010 The program is being recorded (continued)Chapter 1011 Coincidence? conspiracy?Chapter 1012 Shang Dynasty Bronze Square Rei
Chapter 1013 Zhao XiaChapter 1014 Top SoapstoneChapter 1015 An unexpected house huntChapter 1016 Almost got caught
Chapter 1017 A Jade JadeChapter 1018 Visiting Mr. GongChapter 1019 Old Jiao JingChapter 1020 Golden Bell
Chapter 1021 Sudden kidnapping caseChapter 1022 Si Nan Jade PendantChapter 1023 InquireChapter 1024 Possibility
Chapter 1025 HearingChapter 1026: Forcibly touching porcelain (Part 1)Chapter 1027: Forcibly touching porcelain (Part 2)Chapter 1028 Experts with Questions
Chapter 1029 A small counterattackChapter 1030 Weird Pen HolderChapter 1031 Appears againChapter 1032 The real spring pot
Chapter 1033 TV ShowChapter 1034 SearchChapter 1035 TurnaroundChapter 1036 Star Map
Chapter 1037 Closure of BusinessChapter 1038 Commemorative CoinChapter 1039 Amazing calligraphyChapter 1040 Surfaced
Chapter 1041 Troublesome Luo ShiyiChapter 1042 It makes senseChapter 1043 A satisfactory solution?Chapter 1044 Something weird
Chapter 1045 "The black eats the black"Chapter 1046 I don¡¯t know whether I¡¯m alive or deadChapter 1047 ConfusingChapter 1048 Successor
Chapter 1049 News about Fang LeiChapter 1050 Stone TurtleChapter 1051 InvitationChapter 1052 Unknown Invitation
Chapter 1053 Murderer (Part 1)Chapter 1054 Murderer (Part 2)Chapter 1055 Chasing the murdererChapter 1056 Chasing the murderer (final)
Chapter 1057 Special Jade MirrorChapter 1058 A small disputeChapter 1059 The origin of the sachetChapter 1060 Five Flower God Cups (Part 1)
Chapter 1061 Display of calligraphyChapter 1062 Five Flower God Cups (Part 2)Chapter 1063 Shen Yi ArrivesChapter 1064 Doom
Chapter 1065 The Secret of ImmortalityChapter 1066 RecoveryChapter 1067 The bottle at the bottomChapter 1068 Dark Market
Chapter 1069 The porcelain piece is missingChapter 1070 Golden Dragon Pattern MirrorChapter 1071 Four MirrorsChapter 1072 Progress (Part 1)
Chapter 1073 Progress (Part 2)Chapter 1074 Progress (Part 2)Chapter 1075 Two MirrorsChapter 1076 Obtaining the Flower God Cup
Chapter 1077 Follow the rulesChapter 1078 Ten Bamboo Studio Painting ManualChapter 1079 Painting Skills (Part 1)Chapter 1080 Painting Skills (Part 2)
Chapter 1082 Return incidentChapter 1083 Painting Skills (continued)Chapter 1084 One PotChapter 1085 Come to Apologize
Chapter 1086 Pairs of Jade PendantsChapter 1087 Final (Part 1)Chapter 1088 Final (Part 2)Chapter 1089 Image of Luanfeng
Chapter 1090 Shen Yi is missingChapter 1091 Hanyu MaeiChapter 1092 Disappeared Without a TraceChapter 1093 Playing (New Year¡¯s greetings to everyone)
Chapter 1094 Tea Tasting (Wish everyone good luck in the Year of the Dog!)Chapter 1095 Found someoneChapter 1096 FarceChapter 1097 There is something inside
Chapter 1098: AmbiguityChapter 1099 Pay some tuitionChapter 1100: Forcing others to make things difficultChapter 1101 Visiting the Museum
Chapter 1102 The purpose of the patternChapter 1103 Component BodyChapter 1104 UnreasonableChapter 1105 Sudden Disease
Chapter 1106 ThanksChapter 1107 ExploitationChapter 1108 A small sealChapter 1109 Qianlong Jade Seal
Chapter 1110 Square inchChapter 1111 Duke QingwuChapter 1112 The disgusting liarChapter 1113 Perfect Recovery
Chapter 1114 Firewood Kiln Recipe?Chapter 1115 A chance encounter at a farmhouseChapter 1116 Counterfeit (Part 1)Chapter 1117 Counterfeit (Part 2)
Chapter 1118 GratitudeChapter 1119 Harvest NotesChapter 1120 RescueChapter 1121 Guqin
Chapter 1122 Full of evilChapter 1123 A strange combination of circumstancesChapter 1124 The deceived collectionChapter 1125 Breaking through the bottom line
Chapter 1126 The wind and horse refuse to answerChapter 1127 Big CaseChapter 1128 SuicideChapter 1129 Russian materials for mountain materials
Chapter 1130 Determining the AuthorChapter 1131 Encountering a car accidentChapter 1132 The hidden secret of the car accidentChapter 1133 New Porcelain Pieces
Chapter 1134 Getting into troubleChapter 1135. Solution in the middleChapter 1136 An unexpected nameChapter 1137 Pretend to be a ghost
Ask for leaveChapter 1138 The real blood jadeChapter 1139 Technology (Part 1)Chapter 1140 Technology (Part 2)
Chapter 1141 Finally meeting Mian LiangChapter 1142 Mian Liang¡¯s explanationChapter 1143 PricelessChapter 1144 Museum Opening
Chapter 1145 Member ServicesChapter 1146 Hidden ContentChapter 1147 EffectChapter 1148 Life and Death
Chapter 1149 Asking for helpChapter 1150 A strange exchange meetingChapter 1151 SelectedChapter 1152 An unusual mission
Chapter 1153 Mission PurposeChapter 1154 MurderChapter 1155 KillerChapter 1156 Surfaced
Chapter 1157 The Land of HopeChapter 1158 The golden cicada escapes from its shellChapter 1159 Zhang Jingqiang¡¯s BetChapter 1160 Familiar
Chapter 1161 Bangs Playing with Golden ChanChapter 1162 Cicada Wing SwordChapter 1163 Weapon CompetitionChapter 1164 Kidnapped
Chapter 1165 Treasure Hunting in the DesertChapter 1166 The supernatural murder caseChapter 1167 The mysterious disappearanceChapter 1168 Four-Legged Snake
Chapter 1169 Sudden ExplosionChapter 1170 ReselectChapter 1171 JackalChapter 1172 Fragility
Chapter 1173 Living StatueChapter 1174 CoreChapter 1175 Snake and RatChapter 1176 Arriving at the main hall
Chapter 1177 Black Dragon Jade CoffinChapter 1178 VenomChapter 1179 EarthquakeChapter 1180 Escape
Chapter 1181 CooperationChapter 1182 Meng Hongchang was beatenChapter 1183 Finding the Black HandChapter 1184 Another mission
Chapter 1185 Small Taoist TempleChapter 1186 Tea TreeChapter 1187 Improvement MethodsChapter 1188 Danmu
Chapter 1189 Dragon King SealChapter 1190 Mural ContentsChapter 1191 PeepingChapter 1192 Greed destroys people
Chapter 1193 Unnamed MapChapter 1194 Inexplicable HostilityChapter 1195 ConfrontationChapter 1196 Stunned
Chapter 1197 Key JadeChapter 1198 The Land of Hope (1)Chapter 1199 The Land of Hope (2)Chapter 1200 The Land of Hope (3)
Chapter 1201 The Land of Hope (4)Chapter 1202 The Land of Hope (5)Chapter 1203 The Land of Hope (6)Chapter 1204 The Land of Hope (7)
Chapter 1205 The Land of Hope (8)Chapter 1206 The Land of Hope (9)Chapter 1207 The Land of Hope (10)Chapter 1208 The Land of Hope (11)
Chapter 1209 The Land of Hope (12)Chapter 1210 The Land of Hope (13)Chapter 1211 The Land of Hope (14)Chapter 1212 The Land of Hope (15)
Chapter 1213 The Land of Hope (16)Chapter 1214 The Land of Hope (Seventeen)Chapter 1215 The Land of Hope (18)Chapter 1216 The Land of Hope (Finale)
Final thoughts!New book "Yi Shen Xiang"Chapter 50 Can you be more professional?Chapter 51 Ghostwriting
Chapter 52 Ghostwriting (continued)Chapter 53 Losing MadamChapter 54 Ringing CylinderChapter 406 Meeting the Parents
Chapter 407 Teach a lessonChapter 408 Stolen PaintingsChapter 409 No impressionChapter 476 Suicide
Chapter 480 Ma HuayuChapter 595 Weird (End) (41/62)  
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