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Chapter 347 Secret

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    After listening to Bao Bao's words, Shu Ze couldn't help but laugh: "I have heard from people who specialize in robbing Ming and Qing tombs that gold and silver are found in Ming and Qing tombs, and they are easy to find, unlike tombs before the Han Dynasty, which are difficult to find and require digging holes.  It¡¯s a laborious, completely thankless job.¡±

    Tu Bao curled his lips in disdain: "Hey, listen to their nonsense! They have no strength. If the Han tombs are profitable, digging one tomb can earn them the money to dig several tombs."

    Shu Ze smiled and said: "Anyway, you guys are right, I can't care less. By the way, I read in the novel that there are masters who can tell the tombs deep underground at a glance. Have you ever met them?  "

    Tubao said: "I have heard about it, but I have never encountered such a master. Those who were with me have never encountered it either. Like us at that time, unless there was a particularly obvious tomb, under normal circumstances,  , first estimate the general location, and then take the time to explore. Once we spent a long time discovering a group of tombs, only to find out after digging them out that they had been stolen, it was a big loss!"

    Meng Zitao nodded secretly. It seems that there are indeed such capable people, but there should be only a few. And even if there are, they probably won't engage in robbery. If you have the ability, you can make a fortune doing anything else, so why do this kind of thing?  Something that is very immoral in the eyes of the world?

    Next, the three of them continued the question and answer session. During this period, Tubao indeed revealed everything he knew, and Meng Zitao and Shu Ze also learned a lot about the inside story of the robbery that seemed mysterious but actually sounded quite normal.

    "How do you divide the things you dug up?" At the end, Meng Zitao asked this rather curious question.

    Tubao said concisely and concisely: "Equity."

    You must know that there is a word called "fighting in the nest". Meng Zitao has heard of gangs that fight against each other before, and some people have died because of uneven distribution of the spoils. Therefore, when Tubao said that the spoils were divided equally, he couldn't help but be curious: "The division is not even.  There won¡¯t be any conflicts, right?¡±

    Tubao smiled and said: "If you have a boss, wouldn't it solve the problem? Besides, the more you work, the more you get, just be roughly average. There is no absolute average. Moreover, shipping is your own business. Sometimes good things may not be sold.  Good price.¡±

    Shu Ze was a little surprised and said: "Did you each sell your own goods at that time?"

    Tubao said: "We were just a small group at the time. We generally didn't have the strength to ship goods together and problems would easily occur, so we all sold our products separately and didn't care about each other. We were each responsible for anything that happened and never told anyone else."

    Meng Zitao asked curiously: "Don't you leave something good for yourself?"

    Tubao smiled and said: "The rule in our business is not to keep anything. Even if the things are not sold, we don't keep them at home to prevent anything from happening."

    Meng Zitao asked again: "Do you dig it up before selling it every time?"

    Tu Bao said: "This is generally the case, but sometimes in our industry, there are always people who choose to pay for their goods. It saves trouble and makes a lot of money, and even if nothing is produced, the boss has to pay."

    Shu Ze smiled and said, "You didn't hide things on purpose?"

    Tubao shook his head repeatedly and said: "How is that possible? As the old saying goes, thieves also have thieves. It is quite unethical to fight between thieves, but we will not break the rules again."

    After some small talk, Meng Zitao also gained a certain understanding of tomb robbing, a somewhat mysterious matter in the eyes of ordinary people.

    Tubao sat there for a while, then stood up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he told another piece of news, saying that there would be a black market auction next Sunday. The auctions were basically pit-generating tools. Only insiders could participate.  Because he had an acquaintance, he got a spot and asked Shu Ze if he wanted to go.

    Shu Ze actually didn¡¯t have much interest in pit-generating tools, but he was quite curious about this kind of auction, so he agreed.

    After making an appointment, Tubao left.

    "Are you going?" Shu Ze asked.

    Meng Zitao was certainly not pedantic and said, "Since you have this opportunity, let's go for it."

    "Okay, let's talk about this later."

    Shu Ze pointed to the antiques he had just bought on the coffee table and said, "Zitao, please choose a few."

    "That's it." Meng Zitao picked a piece of jade from the antiques on the coffee table.

    Shu Ze was a little surprised when he saw what Meng Zitao had chosen: "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about it. What's so good about this thing? And the lion doesn't look like a lion, it looks like a hysterical artifact."

    The jade article Meng Zitao selected is a jade belt decoration. The "belt" as a tie around the waist is an important part of ancient Chinese clothing.

    In the pre-Qin period, the "belts" of legal uniforms were "leather belts" and "big belts". By the Warring States and Han Dynasties, hook-and-loop belts became popular. After the Han Dynasty, "Jin-style" belts gradually became popular. Gold and jade belts became popular in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the Liao and Jin Dynasties,  , Yuan Dynasty ribbons are unique, Ming Dynasty jadeBelts were stylized. Leather belts basically disappeared in the Qing Dynasty, and belts with buckles and hooks were used.

    The jade belt decoration that Meng Zitao chose is a component of the ribbons from the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties. The material appears to be sapphire, and the decoration is a lion with its neck twisted and its head turned back. The shape does look a little different from the lions you usually see.  .  No wonder Shu Ze thought it was a product of hysteria.

    Meng Zitao smiled and said: "This is a jade belt decoration from the Liao Dynasty. If you think about their environment, lions are generally not seen, so the lions on the decoration are abstract animals, different from the lions on jade we see.  That¡¯s perfectly normal.¡±

    Hearing this, Shu Ze took the jade with some curiosity, looked through it, and asked: "Is this a jade from the Liao Dynasty? It doesn't seem to be of high quality."

    Meng Zitao smiled and said: "The jade workers at that time were definitely not familiar with the modeling characteristics of the lion pattern from the Central Plains, so the whole pattern exudes the bold and bold atmosphere of a childish and sturdy nomad, but the level of the jade workers was very high.  Moreover, he has a high degree of intelligence and imagination and can accurately capture the main modeling characteristics of the male lion."

    "If you look at the lion's head, it has been exaggerated by the jade work. The proportion of the entire head accounts for about 12% of the entire lion's body, but it accurately captures the lion's expression and does not look so abrupt."

    Meng Zitao pointed out the characteristics of the decoration, and then said: "The reason why I believe it is from the Liao Dynasty is because the jade carving style of the local jade workers at that time was very different from the imported jade from the Central Plains. The knife skills of this system were expressed  Single and clumsy, with no obvious changes in the knife technique. The knife enters deeply, straight up and down, and the radius of the circle is large. It is easy for discrepancies to occur. The way to eliminate discrepancies is to reduce the ground at a shallow level. After reducing the ground, it still cannot eliminate the deeper ones.  The knife marks"

    After listening to Meng Zitao's explanation, Shu Ze shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, but even if it is a jade belt from the Liao Dynasty, I don't think I can get a high price for the jade from the Liao Dynasty on the market now? I see you  Let¡¯s choose again.¡±

    Meng Zitao smiled and said: "Indeed, jade is indeed the most sought after in the mid-Qing Dynasty. However, according to the laws of history, it is very likely that an inflection point will be formed when the price reaches its peak. By then, the third generation of ancient jade and the ancient jade with exotic style will be the most popular.  Jade will also have a place."

    Shu Ze nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but I can see clearly that the jade in the middle period has not reached its peak yet, right?"

    Meng Zitao said: "If everyone knows that the price is going to drop, and what opportunities will there be to make money then, I advise you to take advantage of the fact that the price of this kind of ancient jade is still low, and just take a small price. You will definitely not suffer a loss."

    Shu Ze thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. By the way, are you really not going to choose these things?"

    Meng Zitao smiled and said, "This piece of jade is enough. Besides, do you really want to give me money?"

    "Hey, what you said is right. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to see the problem with this piece of Yunlong Pei."

    Shu Ze took out the piece of Yunlong Pei and placed it in front of Meng Zitao: "I don't know how to handle this thing, so I'll leave it to you."

    Meng Zitao was not polite and accepted it. In fact, he did know a way to deal with the grease on jade, but he was not sure whether it could be dealt with cleanly.


    After staying in Shuze for one night, Meng Zitao took the train back to Ling City.  As for the decoration of the newly purchased villa, Meng Zitao has already communicated with the designer hired by Shu Ze. After the other party completes the design drawing and confirms it for him, the construction can begin.  Moreover, Shu Ze basically handles the construction work on his behalf. He just needs to come over and take a look when he has time.

    Meng Zitao returned home and took care of all the harvest. After meeting his parents, he went to He Wanyi's store and stayed for a long time. They had dinner together, walked on the road, and relieved the pain of lovesickness.

    Early the next morning, Meng Zitao went to visit Zheng Anzhi, who had just returned from the capital.

    Seeing that Zheng Anzhi looked a little bad, Meng Zitao couldn't help but worry: "Master, you don't look good. Are you feeling well?"

    Zheng Anzhi waved his hand: "It's nothing. I suffered some colds some time ago, but I'm fine now."

    Meng Zitao said: "You must take good care of your health. If you have to go somewhere else next time, just let me go if it's convenient."

    Zheng Anzhi laughed and said: "Okay, but don't worry, I'm not that delicate yet. By the way, this is the certificate for you."

    As he spoke, he pushed an ID card on the coffee table that looked like a student ID card in front of Meng Zitao.

    "What is this?" Meng Zitao was a little curious. He picked it up and opened it and was stunned: "A work permit from the Cultural Relics Bureau?"

    Zheng Anzhi smiled and nodded: "What are your thoughts?"

    Meng Zitao scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "You don't want me to work in this department, do you?"

    Zheng Anzhi asked with a smile: "Don't want to go?"

    Meng Zitao said: "Master, I'm not being pretentious. It's just that I'm used to being free and loose now. If I go to work honestly, I can't get used to the nine-to-five job. The key is, what can I do in this department?"  Woolen cloth?"

    "Do you really have to go?" Zheng Anzhi asked.

    Meng Zitao said seriously: "Master, if you must let me go, I will definitely not say anything."

    Zheng Anzhi smiled and said: "Okay, no one will force you to go. Moreover, your current status is actually just an intern, and you don't need to be responsible for specific work yet." (Remember the website address: www.hlnovel  .com)Would you like to work in this department?  "

    Zheng Anzhi asked with a smile: "Don't want to go?"

    Meng Zitao said: "Master, I'm not being pretentious. It's just that I'm used to being free and loose now. If I go to work honestly, I can't get used to the nine-to-five job. The key is, what can I do in this department?"  Woolen cloth?"

    "Do you really have to go?" Zheng Anzhi asked.

    Meng Zitao said seriously: "Master, if you must let me go, I will definitely not say anything."

    Zheng Anzhi smiled and said: "Okay, no one will force you to go. Moreover, your current status is actually just an intern, and you don't need to be responsible for specific work yet." (Remember the website address: www.hlnovel  .com
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