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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in> Romance ->Born to be a master

Born to be a master Latest chapter update list


Work related recommendation period, update planText Chapter 1 The third-rate master¡¯s quick successText Chapter 2 Tough Neighbors (Please collect)Text Chapter 3 Borrowing Money (Please collect)
Text Chapter 4 Collapse? (please collect)Text Chapter 5 A loving father¡¯s painstaking efforts (Please collect)Text Chapter 6 Warmth (Please collect)Text Chapter 7 Inside the Research Institute (Please collect)
Text Chapter 8 Getting into trouble?Text Chapter 9 Chef? (please collect)Text Chapter 10 Tied? (please collect)Text Chapter 11 The legendary Bone-Transforming Cotton Palm?
Text Chapter 12 Being promoted (please collect it)Text Chapter 13 Physiognomy? (please collect)Text Chapter 14 Backlash (Please collect)Text Chapter 15 Tear Mole (Please collect)
Text Chapter 16 Sister Yanyan¡¯s Story 1 (Please collect)Text Chapter 17 Story 2, Proposal! (please collect)Text Chapter 18 Provocation (Please collect)Text Chapter 19 Competition (Please collect)
Text Chapter 20 Three million? (please collect)Text Chapter 21 Really promoted? (please collect)Text Chapter 22 Everyone wants to help Xiao Zhou (please collect it)Text Chapter 23 Buying a car? (please collect)
Text Chapter 24 The best bad friend? (please collect)Text Chapter 25 Shi Lei¡¯s identity? (please collect)Text Chapter 26 Weird learning effect (please add it to your collection)Text Chapter 27 I need a boyfriend urgently! (please collect)
Text Chapter 28 Crazy Woman (Please collect)Text Chapter 29 Arriving (please collect)Text Chapter 30 Kill! (please collect)Text Chapter 31 A great stick? (please collect)
Text Chapter 32 Marriage on the fingertips? (please collect)Text Chapter 33 The happiness I want? (please collect)Text Chapter 34 Shopping with the leader (please collect)Text Chapter 35 Just torment you? (please collect)
Text Chapter 36 I regret it! (please collect)Text Chapter 37 Crazy (Please collect)Text Chapter 38 Raising money? (please collect)Text Chapter 39 Are you still insisting? (please collect)
Text Chapter 40 Popular Shop (please collect)Text Chapter 41 Not Confident (please collect)Text Chapter 41 Awesome Identity (Please collect)Text Chapter 43 A political achievement (please collect it)
Text Chapter 44: Trust Relationship (please collect)Text Chapter 45 Conditions for skill improvement (please collect)Text Chapter 46 Ward War (please collect)Text Chapter 47 Request to take over (please collect)
Text Chapter 48 Guest (please collect)Text Chapter 49 A gift that cannot be given awayText Chapter 50: Fight (please collect)Text Chapter 51 Opportunities for each (please collect)
Text Boundary divisionText Chapter 52 Such an extravagance? (please collect)Text Chapter 53 Retreat in seconds (please collect)Text Chapter 54 The secret of the treasure (please collect it)
Text Chapter 55 Cowardice (Please collect)Text Chapter 55 Cowardice (Please collect)Text Chapter 56 Is the Zhou family in trouble? (please collect)Text Chapter 57: Betrayal and separated? (please collect)
Text Chapter 58 270 million (please collect)Text Chapter 59 Are you begging me? (please collect)Text Chapter 60: Break the sky? (please collect)Text Chapter 61 Cleaning (Please collect)
Text Chapter 62 Personnel Arrangement (please add it to your collection)Text Chapter 63 Throwing away garbage (please add it to your collection)Text Chapter 64: Obscure (please collect)Text Chapter 65: Subdued? (please collect)
Text Chapter 66 Explode Him (Please collect)Text Chapter 67: Fired (please collect)Text Chapter 68 Coincidence?Text Chapter 69 Fake? (please collect)
Text Chapter 70 The first-rate inner strength and mental method appears in the world (please collect it)Text Chapter 71 Shocked to hear about the land gods (please collect)Text Chapter 72 Forced Confession (Please collect)Text Chapter 73 Do you want to make progress? (please collect)
Text Chapter 74 Kill Zhang Wei (Please collect)Text Chapter 75 Self-inflicted evil (Please collect)Text Chapter 76 Visiting the Shi Family (please collect it)Text Chapter 77 Quasi-first-class medical scripture (please add it to your collection)
Text Chapter 78 Three-pronged approach (please collect)Text Chapter 79 Please become a doctor (please collect)Text Chapter 80 Announcement? (please collect)Text Chapter 81 Behind the scenes (please collect)
Text Chapter 82 Warmth (Please collect)Text Chapter 83 Home in the Heart (Please collect)Text Chapter 84 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition (asking for collection)Text Chapter 85 Surprise (please collect)
Text Chapter 86 Falling in love (please collect)Text Chapter 87 No Guarantee in the Late Festival (please collect it)Text Chapter 88 Mad Dog (Please collect)Text Chapter 89 Is help coming? (please collect)
Text Chapter 90 Being followed (please add it to your collection)Text Chapter 91 Strength (please collect)Text Chapter 92 What can you teach me? (First order required)Text Chapter 93 Monster
Text Chapter 94 Special BureauText Chapter 95 Is this too much?Text Chapter 96 Additional benefitsText Chapter 97 Special Position
Text Chapter 98 It should be mine (please beg to subscribe)Text Chapter 99 Detoxification, a little understanding (please beg to subscribe)Text Chapter 100 Being Sniped! (Please subscribe)Text Chapter 101 Important Clues (Please subscribe)
Text Chapter 102 Any questions? (Please subscribe)Text Chapter 103 The Bitter Meat SchemeText Chapter 104 Lust. SeductionText Chapter 105 Yumiko¡¯s Identity
Text Chapter 106 Where is the treasure?Text Chapter 107 Threat (please subscribe)Text Chapter 108 The truth? (Please subscribe)Text Chapter 109 Winning over
Text Chapter 110 Killing like hempText Chapter 111 Oda Family KeepsakeText Chapter 112 Exam startsText Chapter 113 The pressure brought by the land gods
Text Chapter 114 Land Gods   
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