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Volume 9 HP Third Grade Chapter 78 Theft Plan

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    The communication with Huanyuan went smoothly, mainly because Lin An was not prepared to get any benefits from Huanyuan.  A set of advanced martial arts is given away for free. As long as Huanhua is not an idiot, she will definitely agree to it.  Although Lin An's "Purple Blood Dafa" is only a fragmentary copy, it is natural that Huanwan can learn a lot from it and use it to improve her combat effectiveness.  After giving "Purple Blood Dafa" to Huan Huan, Lin An led a group of subordinates and walked home.  "I don't know if Hanwen, who has gained new skills, can defeat Shi Feixuan. Originally, their strength was between equals." Lin An said with narrowed eyes.  "It should be no problem. The little girl I met in the tavern has too many thoughts. Her kung fu should only be performed with a pure mind in order to exert its greatest power." As for Cihang Jingzhai's kung fu, only Ah Qing at the scene had the right to say it.  This person is super human. He discovered the characteristics of the "Sword Code" just by sensing the breath.  Yang Xuyan curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Cihang Jingzhai has always been sanctimonious. Most of the descendants in the past generations have relied on talent. There are very few descendants who can truly exert the true power of the "Sword Code"." Zhao Deyan immediately followed.  He said: "They are busy representing us, so they have so much time to clarify their minds. The sword's heart is clear and the words are eloquent. I think even Fan Qinghui can't do it now." A member of the Demon Sect.  The quarrel with Cihang Jingzhai is clearly revealed.  Although the Yin Kui sect is the least likely to deal with Cihang Jingzhai, there is absolutely no one in the entire demon sect who has a favorable impression of Cihang Jingzhai.  "Okay, after we cut off Cihang Jingzhai's wings, we will go to the top of the mountain. Just destroy the mountain gate. Cihang Jingzhai established a sect with hundreds of experts, and there must be a lot of good things. I don't know about those nuns in the Death Gate.  How many of them are there in Shattering the Void?" Lin An squinted his eyes and calculated.  Cihang Jingzhai¡¯s secret scripture "Sword Code" of the established sect is written in Sanskrit. The whole volume is divided into thirteen chapters, focusing on "quiet", "shou", "empty" and "nothing".  The highest level of the mind method is the clear mind of the sword, and the second level is the telepathy of the mind.  The highest achievement is the retreat. It is said that the retreat has the possibility of breaking through the broken void. Only those who have mastered the sword's heart and mind are qualified to retreat.  According to the outside world, Shi Fei Xuan is the person most likely to become a clear sword mind after Di Ni.  But Lin An knows that there are still flaws in the Sword Heart Transparency that Shi Feixuan finally mastered. From this point of view, the only person known to the outside world who has mastered the Sword Heart Transparency and closed it as tightly as death is Dini.  However, it is almost impossible for a sect like Cihang Jingzhai not to have some potential behind it. According to Lin An's guess, there is only one, if not more, nuns who have been in solitary confinement on the Emperor's Peak.  Cihang Jingzhai has always claimed that the "Sword Code" has the power to break the void, but even Dini, the founder of the "Sword Code", is only in the state of seclusion. Therefore, in the "Four Great Books", the "Sword Code"  His reputation has never been high.  Gu Linan maliciously speculated that practitioners of the "Sword Code" should not be able to break the void.  The reason why Dini went into seclusion was just to give future generations a thought and to raise the level of the "Sword Code".  Of course, this does not mean that retreating is just a good thing.  Lin An estimated that retreat should be about condensing all the spirit, will, and skills.  Pursuing the one-in-a-million secret, this method puts people into a situation similar to suspended animation. In addition, the masters of that level have almost become leak-proof bodies. At least it is still possible to greatly increase the life span.  Maybe this is the real trump card of Cihang Jingzhai. At the critical moment of annihilation, if the death barrier is opened, a few old nuns who have lived for hundreds of years rush out, which can scare many people.  Thinking about it, you know that if Di Ni jumped out now, not to mention his own martial arts skills, his age alone would force others to think about Shattered Void.  "It seems that we have to be prepared to deal with Di Ni! If that old bald ladle is really alive, he will probably be able to pester Ah Qing for a long time. The sword's heart is in a transparent state, and it has been invisible and unheard. Look for danger and avoid it.  Not far away! Adding Bi Xuan can crush her, but along the way, Fan Qinghui and other nuns will become a threat. Zhao Deyan and the others are really not enough, let alone Cihang Jingzhai.  There are other hidden masters. What a headache!" Lin An couldn't help but frown.  " If the death penalty is really as he and the Flame Queen speculated, this tomorrow of Cihang Jingzhai's first place in Bai Dao is really not for nothing.  Compared with Jing Nian Chan Monastery, which comes from the same origin as Cihang Jingzhai, it is far behind.  The golden body of the Heavenly Monk is in Luoyang. Although it is rotten, it has withered away and has absolutely no life left at all.  "Huh, this seclusion is really a clever trick. Not only do you fool yourself, but even your opponents are timid. The girls from Cihang Jingzhai are really good at playing with people's hearts! But you don't dare to really do it,  It's so troublesome." Lin An shook his head, lamenting in his heart.  "If Lin An hadn't been thinking about Cihang Jingzhai's collection and the corpses of masters, Lin An would have accumulated a lot of magic floating disks. Hundreds of fireballs could be fired to trample the entire emperor.??Collapse is not a big problem.  But when it comes to fighting, there is still a difference between the spells triggered by the magic disk and the spells actually released by oneself. It is not easy to hit someone, but it actually makes his actual combat effectiveness drop a lot.  With the concentration of demon seeds, Lin An can use less and less mental power. Most of his mental power must maintain pressure on the demon seeds, otherwise he will not be able to do anything good.  Too much mental power was consumed and the demon seeds exploded. Lin An was probably turned into an idiot by his own mental power.  "The Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique" is worthy of being the top of the magic arts. Although Lin An's training method is different from the original due to his special physique, it is extremely dangerous. Before the demon seed appeared, his combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.  This is also because Lin An has a lot of magic items, and most of the spells he learned from Hogwarts consume very little mental power. If he were a real warrior, he would be immediately weakened from ordinary ones.  People are almost the same.  Such a profound martial art as "The Dao Heart Demon Cultivation Technique" has always been in the hands of big figures in the Demon Sect. These people are enemies everywhere, and there are not many who are determined to practice it.  It would be an understatement to say that "The Great Method of Planting Demons in the Heart of the Dao" has high standards and low standards.  After resting at his residence for a night, Lin An summoned his subordinates to discuss tonight's actions.  Yang Xuyan left last night. In order to ensure combat effectiveness, Lin An called out Ren Shaoming and Du Fuwei from the demiplane.  Bi Xuan is a celebrity after all, so unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to hide him as a secret agent.  And Yuan Bai is not a human being and is not suitable to stay outside for a long time.  Lin An cast a Muggle expulsion spell near his residence, making it impossible for people without internal strength to get close.  There are many powers similar to this kind of spell, such as "Expelling Idlers" and "Force Repulsion", which can have similar effects.  Luoyang City is a mixed bag, especially at this time, and the personnel are even more complicated.  Under normal circumstances, many people with high martial arts skills who are most suitable to be spies are ordinary people. Lin An's Muggle banishing spell saved them a lot of trouble.  After waiting in the lobby for a while, Bichen came in. This guy was dressed like a businessman and his face changed.  It seems that there are many people staring at him.  "My lord, Fatty An can't come. People from the Yinkui sect are targeting him. Bian Fuhua was killed last night and his body was not found. Fatty An and Bian Fuhua have been refusing to deal with him. The Yinkui sect is suspicious.  He's on the head." Bichen came to the hall, revealed his true colors, and explained the reason why Anlong didn't come.  Lin An was very satisfied with the news brought by Bichen. He nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. What's going on? Is there anyone you suspect?" Lin An said in a cryptic manner.  "I don't know the specific situation. I heard that he was attacked when he was with Zhu Yuyan's disciple Huan Huan. Huan Huan was tripped at the time and was not at the scene. When he arrived, he saw a man in black killing Bian Buhua and carrying him  He walked away with the body. I discussed it with Fatty An and suspected that it was the Dongming faction, and Ba Dao Yueshan might have done it," Bichen said.  "Ba Dao Yueshan's death is rarely known to the outside world. As the father of Mrs. Dongming, it is not surprising that he is suspected.  Although Bian Buhua offended many people, there were indeed not many people who had the ability to kill him.  It was reasonable for Anlong to be suspected. Lin An was not surprised at all that Anlong was being targeted.  This fat man's body shape is too special. In a place like Luoyang, it is almost impossible to avoid the surveillance of local snakes.  "Well, tonight's gathering is basically a rehearsal. Everyone is testing each other's strength. People who have ideas about the national jade seal should be here." Lin An changed the topic.  "Yes, but these people are local emperors everywhere and may not listen to Cihang Jingzhai's arrangements. This gathering was initiated by Wang Bo. Cihang Jingzhai and the others can't afford to offend them, but the people they selected can  Not necessarily." Bichen said with narrowed eyes.  "Haha, the imperial seal may not be in the hands of the chosen one. It's not impossible for those bald donkeys in Jing Nian Temple to be brave enough to come and steal the imperial seal directly." Lin An said with a smile.  "Oh, what do you mean, Lord?" Bichen asked, squinting his eyes.  "Haha, let's cause something to happen tonight and attract everyone's attention. Let's go steal the Imperial Seal tonight! When it comes to stealing, no one in this world dares to compare with Pindao!" Lin An  He said with narrowed eyes.  With the strangeness of the spell, Lin An was ready to activate several spells, and he unknowingly produced the national seal to solve the problem.  After studying the special energy of the Imperial Seal, if you have time, you can forge one and put the blame on Shuanglong. If you don't have time, you can just not forge it.  No one would believe that someone could steal something from the hands of the Four Great Vajras and Laokong of Jing Nian Monastery without alerting them.  At that time, Cihang Jingzhai had no idea whether they would forge a national seal or frame the matter on the unlucky guy.  When the water becomes muddy, Lin An will have plenty of opportunities to do something dirty. ?PS: As expected, there must be activities on Christmas Eve. I will post one chapter first, and I will post another chapter if I have time in the afternoon.  That's it for the night. I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve.  Take it easy at night if you have company, and go to bed early if you don't. My left and right hands have been tired for so many days, so let's take a day off today.  Thank you!
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