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Text Chapter 0657 CL20

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    In a room at the core of the Self-Defense Forces Headquarters, a woman in black casually pulled out a tissue from the desk next to her and wiped the blood off the dagger.  On one side of the room, on the cold ground, Taro Kishimoto was lying in a pool of blood, holding his neck with his right hand. The protruding veins on his palm seemed to tell the owner of the palm how much pain he was suffering.  There was a shocking bone-deep knife wound on his throat, and large streams of bright red blood continued to flow down from between the fingers.  Looking at the white ceiling, Kishimoto Taro's eyes widened, and his throat let out painful sobs from time to time as blood filled his throat. He could feel that his life was disappearing quickly with each sob.  He couldn't figure out why a killer could easily get in inside the heavily guarded base and successfully assassinate him.  The pain did not last long, and soon his rapidly rising and falling chest stopped. Only his eyes were still wide open, with an expression full of deep unwillingness and aggrievedness.  The commander of a dignified army was actually assassinated on his own territory in what should be the safest place. Even after his death, he will definitely become the laughing stock of all political circles.  "Confirm, clear the target!" Throwing away the bloody tissue, the woman in black took back the dagger, and then rummaged around the room, seemingly looking for something.  "It's strange. The organization's intelligence clearly stated that Taro Kishimoto has a copy of that information, but why can't I find it?" After searching around, I found nothing. The woman in black's eyebrows slightly curled up under her mask, and she murmured  He murmured to himself: "It's a pity. Muto Masaki and Miyata Hanzo don't know where they went. Otherwise, we can take something out of their mouths." A series of messy footsteps suddenly came from the aisle outside the door, startling everyone.  He caught the woman in black who was searching the room.  "The second batch of replacement guards arrived three minutes earlier than I expected. If they find the bodies of the guards outside, they will definitely rush here as soon as possible. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." He looked up at the bright sky outside the window.  , the woman in black didn't hesitate at all, quickly jumped out of the window sill, and disappeared into the final darkness outside again.  Sneak into a military base where serious illnesses are stationed.  It's like standing on the tip of a knife and playing with fire. If you are not careful, you may die at any time.  Since the task is now completed, there is no need to stay here anymore.  Otherwise, the sky outside would brighten and without the cover of night, no matter how powerful she was, she would not be able to leave here safely.  Although the killer is a high-risk profession that walks on the edge of life and death, it does not mean that the killer does not cherish his own life. On the contrary, every successful killer cherishes his own life.  Unless absolutely necessary, one would not risk one's life easily.  Almost at the same time the female killer jumped out of the window.  The door to the room was pushed open, and a group of people swarmed in.  Apparently, the changing soldiers discovered the corpses of the previous group of guards and were worried that something unexpected would happen, so they barged in without going through the communication.  However, when they pushed the door open and saw the body lying in a pool of blood in the room, everyone was stunned Not long after, a loud and urgent intrusion alarm sounded over the base,  echoed sadly.  The base suddenly entered a state of tension. All entrances and exits were blocked. Countless sleeping soldiers were awakened and joined the search for the killer.  But at this time, before the large-scale search began, the female killer in black had already passed through several sentry posts, followed the pre-planned retreat route, came to a cliff, put on the diving suit where she had left it, and then jumped into the rapids under the cliff.  of rivers, leaving peacefully through waterways.  While countless officers and soldiers were searching for the assassin of Taro Kishimoto in the base, a fierce gun battle was taking place on the bridge less than ten kilometers away from the base.  The left and right sides of the bridge were surrounded by police officers with live ammunition. The bullets were like raindrops, flying towards the Lexus SUV in the middle of the bridge. In just two rounds of shooting, the originally majestic black SUV was turned into a pile of scrap metal.  , all the windows were shattered, four tires were burst, and the solid body surface left numerous craters, looking like a large super hornet's nest.  Fortunately, the people surrounding this place were only ordinary police officers, and they used conventional police pistols, which were not very lethal. In addition, the distance was relatively long, and the bullets fired from the pistols could only make some holes on the surface of the car, but could not penetrate the Lexus's body.  If it were a special police force, or a service equipped with heavy weapons like the army, I am afraid that the vehicles and people would have been beaten into a hornet's nest long ago.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????SeeAfter Masaki Muto and the two were rescued, Qin Ge clenched his fists angrily: "Are you just going to watch them leave safely?" With some careful planning, he managed to injure Masaki Muto and the two, and then  He chased them all the way for most of the night, chasing them half to death, and finally exhausted the two of them. He was about to take their lives, but he was really unwilling to let them escape alive at this last moment.  The underground base under the nuclear power plant park has been blown up, and all researchers and records have been basically destroyed. Now only Masaki Muto, a key figure, is left.  As long as he is eliminated, even if Japan has some data backup, without the control of an executor like Muto Masaki who is familiar with the plan, the Dawn Project will not be successful in another ten years.  "We can't let them go. If we miss today, I'm afraid we won't have such a good opportunity in the future." Qin Ge's mind turned quickly, and he finally made up his mind. From the Japanese named Kato, he knew the man who had killed Li Mengqing.  The biggest executor of the dying Dawn Project is Masaki Muto.  Killing him was not only to avenge Li Mengqing, but also to prevent the harmful plan from continuing.  Looking at the two Masaki Muto who were retreating to the rear under the protection of a human wall built by a group of police with riot shields, Qin Ge gritted his teeth and took out a black object the size of a basketball with his backhand.  Seeing the right opportunity, Qin Ge jumped out of the riddled off-road vehicle at the fastest speed in his life, braved the hail of bullets, and rushed to the edge of the bridge.  When they found the target walking out of the bunker, the surrounding police officers immediately pulled the trigger, and the gunfire on the bridge instantly became intensive.  With Qin Ge¡¯s extraordinary eyesight, he could clearly see countless yellow-orange bullets, shining with deadly light under the orange light of the early morning, shooting towards him.  In this regard, the only thing Qin Ge could do was to continue to increase his speed, avoid the direct path of the bullet, and run towards the edge of the bridge as hard as he could.  But the bullets covered too wide a range. Even if he raised his perception to the maximum, he would still be hit by more than a dozen bullets.  The results of "The Technique of Leading the Sky to Strengthen the Body" finally appeared at this time. Although he did not achieve innateness through external skills like the destroyer in the underground base, and could ignore guns and cannons with his physical body alone, after the "Technique of Leading the Sky to Strengthen the Body",  Strengthened, even though his physical strength is not as good as that of a real innate external martial arts master, it is far superior to other innate masters. These .38-caliber police pistols cannot penetrate him.  The bullet hit his back, and bruises appeared one after another. Qin Ge gritted his teeth and his speed did not slow down at all.  The distance of twenty meters flew by in a blink of an eye. Seeing that there was no way ahead, he jumped from the bridge into the rushing river below without any hesitation.  With his feet off the ground and leaping into the air, Qin Ge suddenly turned around, grabbed the black ball, and threw it towards the bridge in a certain direction.  Under the protection of a human wall built with riot shields, Masaki Muto and Hanzo Miyata were helped to the back of the defense line, looking at each other, with each other's eyes showing the joy of surviving the disaster.  Fortunately, these police officers showed up in time. If it had been a little later, they would not have been able to withstand the young man's bombardment in their current situation.  However, just when the two thought they were finally out of danger, a black ball carrying the sound of breaking wind flew through the air and flew towards their direction.  "That's cl20!" Staring at the speeding black ball, Miyata Hanzo's eyes instantly condensed, and a look of horrified panic quickly spread on his face.  As the leader of the kamikaze team, he is not only proficient in ancient martial arts and ninjutsu, but also has a certain degree of understanding of some highly lethal modern weapons.  The black ball in front of him happened to be one of the few weapons in his mind that could pose a fatal threat to the innately strong - the CL20 special bullet!  "What cl20Run!" After listening to Miyata Hanzo's words, Muto Masaki also looked shocked. As far as he knew, the power of this thing is almost twenty times more powerful than conventional tnt**.  Milliliters can kill someone.  How much cl20 is in the black ball flying in front of you?  No one can say for sure, but one thing is absolutely certain: once this special bomb explodes, there will be no chance of anyone on the bridge surviving.  For a moment, Muto Masaki and Miyata Hanzo ignored their tiredness and squeezed out the energy to feed themselves. Thinking of staying away from the flying black balls, they ran towards the end of the bridge as hard as they could.  It¡¯s a pity that their actions were a beat too slow! ????????????????? Boom!  The moment the black ball hit the ground, the ground shook and a loud thunder exploded, followed by a terrifying explosion, accompanied by horrifying high temperatures, like an apocalyptic storm, which quickly enveloped the entire bridge.  The bridge was broken inch by inch. Dozens of police cars quickly melted into scrap metal. Hundreds of policemen with live ammunition were blown to pieces. Muto Masaki was about to run to the end of the bridge.After all, Hanzo and Miyata could not escape the disaster and were destroyed in the violent explosion caused by the CL20 special bomb.  The latest full version:,,,,,,,,,,
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