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Volume 3: The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow Chapter 121: 140,000 people all disarm

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    In the original history, after Li Siyuan, Emperor Mingzong of the Later Tang Dynasty, replaced Li Cunxu, Meng Zhixiang cut off the Sichuan plank road with the intention of becoming independent. After Li Siyuan died, Meng Zhi assumed the title of emperor. However, he died a few months later and his son Meng Chang succeeded to the throne.

    At this time, Meng Zhixiang had also been dead for two years. In the two years since Meng Chang succeeded to the throne as the leader of Shu, everyone has had a good harvest, and they have three coins for rice. They are all ladies, and they do not distinguish between rice and rice. The scholars and people pick orchids and give them as gifts, and they buy and have fun.  , in the palace there were music and songs every day, wine every night, singers in the classroom, and ministers and guests, decorating a scene of peace and happiness.

    Meng Chang was a man who knew how to enjoy himself. He recruited beauties from Shu to fill his harem. In addition to his concubines, there were twelve levels of concubines. Among them, the most beloved one was Fei Guifei, the "Mrs. Huarui".  Meng Chang was in the palace maids team every day. Whenever he had a little free time after singing at the banquet, he and Mrs. Huarui would summon the ladies from the harem to the imperial court, and personally select the ones with graceful figures and good looks to ennoble them.  They took turns to enter the imperial palace, and their rank was comparable to that of public ministers and scholar-bureaucrats. Every month, the money for fragrant powder was paid by the internal eunuch, who was called the head of the month.  When it came time to pay the salary, Meng Chang personally monitored the palace. There were thousands of people in the palace. They were distributed by roll call. Everyone walked over in front of the imperial bed and received it with their own hands, which was called payment to buy money.

    Mrs. Huarui loved peonies and red gardenias the most, so Meng Chang ordered officials and people to plant a large number of peonies, saying: Luoyang's peonies are the best in the world, and Chengdu's peonies will be the best in Luoyang from now on.  Instead of sending people to various places to purchase fine varieties and open a "peony garden" in the palace, Meng Chang not only spent time with Mrs. Hua Rui under the flowers day and night, but also convened the ministers to hold a banquet to appreciate the peonies.  The red gardenia is said to have been presented by the Taoist priest Shen Tianshi. It has only two seeds. When it blooms, it is red in color, has six petals, and has a fragrant fragrance.  Because it was so rare, someone imitated the style of the flower and painted it on a round fan, and it became a common practice.  Whenever the hibiscus blooms, the city forty miles away and near looks as if it has been paved with brocade. It is almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the emperor ordered us to drive to Huanhua Stream, where he rows of people play in the water, and a sea of ??orioles and swallows shouts long live. He is really a romantic emperor.  , an eternal event.

    Meng Chang was having banquets every day and felt that the food was stale. When it was served, he became disgusted and could not eat chopsticks.  Mrs. Huarui came up with an ingenious idea, using clean white sheep heads, boiled them with red ginger, rolled them up tightly, pressed them with stones, flooded them with wine to let the wine taste into the bones, then cut them as thin as paper, and put them in the hand. The flavor was endless.  Known as "Feiyang Shou", it is also called "wine bone dregs".  When Meng Chang meets the first day of the lunar month, he must eat vegetarian food, and he likes potato medicine. He slices the potato medicine into pieces, mixes it with lotus powder, and adds five flavors.  It is "one plate per month".

    Meng Chang was most afraid of heat. Whenever it was hot, he would feel out of breath and find it difficult to sleep, so he built a crystal palace on the Mohe Pond as a place to escape the heat.  Three of the main halls are made of nanmu as pillars, agarwood as pillars, coral inlaid windows, and jasper as doors. The surrounding walls are not made of bricks, but are inlaid with tens of feet of open glass. The inside and outside are transparent without any barriers.  The bright moon beads have moved in, and the night is also bright and clear.  The surroundings are even more green and the red bridge is faintly visible.  From then on, the Crystal Palace was equipped with crocodile gauze tents, sapphire pillows, ice mats, and Luo quilts on midsummer nights. Meng Chang and Mrs. Huarui enjoyed themselves here every night.  There were also snow lotus root and ice plum this night. Meng Chang was drunk again, but felt weak in his limbs and swaying unsteadily. He leaned on Mrs. Huarui's fragrant shoulder, walked slowly to the front of the Crystal Palace, and sat down on the red sandalwood chair.  .  At this time, the stars in the pavilion returned, the jade rope turned low, Meng Chang and Mrs. Huarui sat side by side, Meng Chang held his wife's bare hands, the cool breeze rose, and the shadows of the willow flowers on the bank were reflected in the Mohe Pond, covered by the water.  The waves are swaying, sometimes sideways, sometimes swaying.  Meng Chang turned around to look at his wife, and saw that she was wearing a light cyan organdy gauze shirt, with a gold embroidered tube top vaguely surrounding it. Her breasts were slightly protruding, reflected in the gauze shirt, and she felt more and more like her icy muscles, jade bones, and pink lips.  Extraordinarily charming.  Meng Chang couldn't help himself and held his wife close to him.  The lady bowed her head and said with a slight smile: "It is such a good night and the scenery is pleasant. Your Majesty is good at diction. Why not write a poem to describe this elegant scenery? Meng Chang said: "If you are willing to chant according to the score,  I'll fill it in right away!  The lady said: "Your Majesty is so happy, how dare I, my concubine, disobey it?"  "Meng Chang was overjoyed. He took the pen and paper, waved it away, and handed it to his wife. She held the writing paper and recited in a sweet voice:

    "The ice skin and jade bones are clear and there is no sweat. The wind in the water palace is full of fragrance. The moon peeks at people under the embroidered curtain, and the hairpin on the pillow is in chaos. The clouds and temples are messy. When I get up, Qionghu is silent, and sometimes I see sparse stars crossing the river. I count the time when the west wind will come, only  Afraid of changing in secret."

    However, Wang Zongliang mobilized 50,000 troops from eastern Sichuan to attack western Sichuan, and even marched to Luzhou and Zizhou, which were only more than a hundred miles away from Chengdu. Meng Chang felt cold in his heart, so he asked Zhou Wenbo for help.

    Zhou Wenbo readily agreed to Meng Chang's request and sent Zhuge Yu to personally lead an army of 50,000 into Shu. Qin Zhen, the personal guard commander, and Xiao Wuxing, the general of Ningyuan, were his deputies.

    The Ruhu Army marched westwards by land and water, and Wang Zongliang returned to fight.

    The two armies fought twice in Wanzhou and Yuzhou. The Ruhu Army had the power of muskets and artillery and was unstoppable. Wang Zongliang took the lead and took the lead. However, in the battle of Yuzhou, Wang Zongliang died in the battle, and the remaining separatist forces of Shu were left behind.The power finally collapsed.

    The Ruhu Army continued westward and approached the city of Chengdu.

    Only then did Meng Chang realize that Zhou Wenbo had the intention of annexing him.

    Meng Chang felt helpless and cried all day long.

    Meng Chang said helplessly to Mrs. Huarui: "My father and son have provided adequate food and clothing for more than ten years, but once they encounter an enemy, they are unable to shoot an arrow eastward!"

    Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth month of the seventh year of Tiancheng, Sikong Pingzhang made a request to Li Hao, and Meng Chang tied himself out of the city to ask for surrender. Counting from the day Zhuge Yu sent troops, Shu would be destroyed only fifty-four days later. If Zhuge Yu was removed,  It only took eighteen days to put down Wang Zongliang's troops.

    King Yan of the former Shu Dynasty was destroyed by the Later Tang Dynasty faster than before, and it was Li Hao who drafted the surrender twice, so a loyal and resentful person wrote on Li Hao's door at night: "Shixiu surrenders to the Li family  ".

    Zhuge Yu¡¯s first mission after he recognized Zhou Wenbo as his lord was to enter Shu to gather the remnants of Zhao Guogong¡¯s palace.

    At that time, he was still an unknown young man, but he completed his mission perfectly in front of Wei Wang Li Jiji with his sharp tongue.

    Now a full ten years have passed. Zhuge Yu has successively conquered Chu and Shu, and has become the number one general under Zhou Wenbo. He has made great military achievements and is famous all over the world.

    After Meng Chang surrendered, in accordance with Zhou Wenbo's appointment, Zhuge Yu temporarily stayed in Shu to govern Shu. Qin Zhen, the commander of the personal guards, personally escorted the leader of Shu, Meng Chang, Mrs. Huarui, and Li Hao back to Jiangning Mansion.

    Meng Chang¡¯s younger sisters and several stunning concubines were also among them.

    In October of the seventh year of Tiancheng, Qin Zhen returned to Jiangning Mansion.

    Meng Chang suddenly contracted a serious illness and died when he was passing by Yuezhou. He was twenty-two years old.

    When Zhou Wenbo saw that Mrs. Huarui's body was plain and her eyes were bright, her teeth were white, and her bones were beautiful, he left her in the palace without any courtesy and ordered her to serve at the banquet.

    At this time, although Mrs. Huarui had been serving Meng Chang in the palace for more than a year, she was still less than twenty years old. She was still young and beautiful.

    At this time, Mrs. Huarui had no choice but to obey her orders. While drinking, Zhou Wenbo knew that Mrs. Huarui was good at poetry. When she was in Shu, she had written hundreds of palace poems. He asked her to recite poems impromptu to show her talent. Mrs. Huarui whispered softly.  Chanted:

    "When I first left Shu, my heart was about to be broken, and my regret was lingering. The spring was like a new year, and I heard the cuckoos all the time. The three thousand palace ladies were all beautiful, fighting for the beauty together, bunking and learning to look up to the sky. Who knew it was a prophecy today."

    After chanting, he said that this word was written when he left Shu and passed through Yuzhou that day, and it was written on the wall of the inn.  He also said: "Back then, in the palace of Chengdu, Meng Chang, the Lord of Shu, personally composed the song 'Wanli Chaotian Song', and asked me to sing according to the beat. I thought it was a good prophecy for Wanli coming to court, so hundreds of officials competed with long whips and rode from horse to land.  People wearing high crowns called her "chaotian". When Li Yanniang entered the palace, she liked to wear her hair in a high bun. Everyone in the palace imitated her and called her "chaotian bun". However, it was a long and difficult journey to Jiangning Mansion.  , came to see you Duke Zhao, the prophecy of thousands of miles to the sky is actually the fulfillment of surrender to the Tang Dynasty, shouldn't you sigh?"

    Zhou Wenbo was silent for a long time after hearing this. He drank three drinks in a row and said, "Come on and make a new song."

    Mrs. Huarui thought for a moment, then opened her red lips:

    "The flags were lowered from the trees in the king's city, but I learned about it in the deep palace;

    140,000 people were all disarmed, and not one of them was a man.  "

    Zhou Wenbo then made Mrs. Huarui drink.

    After Mrs. Huarui drank, her cheeks were flushed, and she became even more charming. After the banquet, Zhou Wenbo took Mrs. Huarui's hand and returned to the palace. The two of them slept in the same bed, enjoying the pleasure of both men and women.

    On the Lantern Festival in the eighth year of Tiancheng's reign, Zhou Wenbo hosted a banquet in the harem.

    Zhou Wenbo wrote poems and lyrics himself, Emperor Zhou E composed the music, and Mrs. Huarui performed songs and dances in person.

    During the banquet, the fragrance was lingering, the fairy music was floating, and the dancing postures were graceful. The eight dancing girls were bright, charming, and charming.  Among the eight dancers, Mrs. Hua Rui danced gracefully with her fragrant skirt spreading out, her bare feet as white as jade, and her delicate and beautiful feet. Mrs. Hua Rui's skin was as white as a piece of warm jade, without any flaws, and like clear spring water.  Fresh and not stained by any mundane world.

    She belongs to the kind of beauty that is astonishing. Every move of her hand, every move, every raise of her eyes, every glance back, there is nothing that is not beautiful, nothing that touches your heart, and her unworldly temperament will make you  I feel that this woman should only exist in the heaven. If she were in the human world, she would be just an illusory image. A mortal would not dare to cross the thunder pond easily.

    The gauze and thin sleeves of Mrs. Flower Stamen are like butterfly wings. Sometimes her movements are gentle and gentle, like a butterfly picking flowers; sometimes she is whirling and dancing quickly, like a bird flying into the forest.  With her beautiful fragrance dance, lotus flowers, peonies, chrysanthemums, plum blossoms, peach blossoms all kinds of flowers spread in all directions.

    Her arms are as clean as white snow, slender and soft, with white jade wrists and delicate jade hands. Every movement in the flower dance is full of moving rhythm; sheThe waist is incredibly slender, it can be held in one's hand, and it is as soft as boneless. Every movement of the waist is unparalleled, and the slender and extremely perfect legs are lifted lightly, and every dance is graceful.  And a fascinating arc.

    The most attractive thing is during the whirling dance, as the thin gauze skirt rises up, revealing a pair of bare feet standing on tiptoes, slender and snow-white, completely natural, like dreamy notes, dancing among the flowers.  The dancing fairy in white is like a beautiful butterfly.  I could see that there was a hint of charm in her luxurious beauty, and there was a hint of enchantment in her alluring appearance.

    She is dressed in white heavenly clothes, with a water skirt like snow, and a white tulle on her cloud-like hair. Madam Huarui¡¯s celestial flower dance is one of the best in the world

    At this time, Mrs. Huarui's heavenly maiden flower dance has reached its climax. Her light and beautiful figure opens a pair of jade arms, and her wide and long cloud sleeves unfold, like the wings of a butterfly, dancing with the rotation of her body,  Soothing and feminine.

    Gradually, the rotation began to accelerate, and her body rotated faster and faster. As the body rotated faster, the trailing gauze skirt also floated up, spinning higher and higher, and under the swirling skirt, there were small and white feet at first.  Ankles, then slim and well-proportioned calves, and finally beautiful knees, are slowly exposed, and finally, even the white and crystal-clear thighs are looming, with flowers blooming and the gods of flowers in full bloom

    If you watch the dance live, you will definitely be excited!

    Mrs. Hua Rui's hands are raised higher and higher with the dance. Her delicate arms are dazzlingly white, and her delicate hands are making wonderful movements that are dizzying. Finally, they become one, and her whole body dances and spins unbelievably.  , the wing-like dance skirt also fluttered in a dazzling way.

    Hundreds of flowers spread across the world, and it took half a stick of incense to make the beautiful figure of Mrs. Fei gradually freeze, and the fluttering fragrant skirt with water sleeves also slowly fell down.

    After this dance, the audience burst into applause.

    That night, Zhou Wenbo personally invited Mrs. Huarui and Emperor Zhou E to sleep with him. It was a romantic affair, which is not enough for outsiders.

    During these years, Zhou Wenbo was very energetic and spent at least five hours a day dealing with government affairs. He was still able to work hard in the harem and reap a lot of rewards.

    Fu Fengzhen gave birth to a son and a daughter, Xiao Baoer gave birth to a son, and others such as Jinling, whom Tiancheng married at the end of the fifth year, sisters Li Qiuyue and Li Qiuhua, Qing'e, Xiaoqing, and Qian Xianglan all had children. At this time,  , twenty-five-year-old Zhou Wenbo actually has eight sons and ten daughters.

    And the entire Southern Kingdom was swept away, and the nominal territory of the Later Tang Dynasty had almost restored the entire territory of the Pre-Tang Dynasty. However, at this time, even the dull and ignorant people could see Zhou Wenbo's ambition.

    In the past few years, Zhou Wenbo has gone his own way, almost ignoring the orders issued by the emperor in Luojing City.

    The edicts issued by Zhou Wenbo passed unimpeded in the areas under his rule. The people only knew about the Duke of Zhao and did not know about the emperor of the Li family.

    The officials and military generals sent by Fu Fenghuang to various places in the south must go to Tiance Mansion in Jiangning Mansion to meet Zhou Wenbo before taking office. They will be appointed after Zhou Wenbo's assessment.

    In this way, Fu Fenghuang not only failed to control these new territories, but was actually helping Zhou Wenbo cultivate talents. Therefore, by the sixth year of Tiancheng, Fu Fenghuang almost never issued any imperial edicts against Zhou Wenbo.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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