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Volume 2: My Country Seven Hundred and Six.  Red list and black list

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    General Chalkinsky rebelled and followed Marshal Timoshenko's call

    The 129th Infantry Division, which Khachiko had originally placed high hopes on, has now become a nightmare for the Russians.  The resistance here quickly collapsed.

    A large number of workers' brigades, women's battalions, and youth leagues were annihilated, and a large number of civilian armed forces were massacred.  Faced with the tragedy that was happening, Kachiko had no choice at all.

    For the first time, Marshal Timoshenko¡¯s appeal was reflected on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In less than two hours, the Soviet civilian armed forces who resisted here were completely annihilated. About 20,000 people were killed and 45,000 were arrested.

    General Khachiko ended his mission by committing suicide, which was probably the only thing he could do.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When he received the news, Marshal Budyonny was stunned. He had no idea that the Red Army commander, who in his opinion should have strong beliefs, would actually do such a thing.

    The rapid collapse of the civilian armed forces also forced Budyonni's regular army to face the impact from the German army in advance.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The mutinous 129th Infantry Division was immediately reorganized into the 21st Infantry Division of the Russian Free Army, and Chalkinsky was promoted to lieutenant general.  And took on the task of launching the first attack on the Soviet army on the opposite side.

    There was a scene of the Soviet army attacking the Soviet army on the battlefield.

    Those Russians from the 21st Infantry Division of the Free Army who had just surrendered did not even have time to change out of their original military uniforms before they threw themselves into attacking enemies wearing the same clothes as them.

    But at this time, the 21st Infantry Division no longer has to worry about threats from air and ground artillery fire. Instead, these powerful armed forces have now become their reliable backing.

    The artillery fire vents on this battlefield, never ending from day to night.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the morning of the next day, Marshal Timoshenko of the former Soviet Union delivered a famous speech.

    He called for an immediate end to the war, and all Soviet soldiers and civilians should lay down their weapons to end the suffering in Moscow, end the war that can destroy Moscow, overthrow the brutal comrades, and build a new Russia.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This speech spread quickly through various channels and caused great commotion in Moscow.

    Marshal Timoshenko has a high reputation in Russia. He is a Soviet marshal with outstanding military exploits and a deeply loved senior leader.  His rebellion shocked the whole of Moscow.

    The impact of this is difficult to describe in words.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In less than 24 hours, following the former Soviet 129th Infantry Division, the 130th and 149th Infantry Divisions mutinied one after another.  Subsequently, the 68th Tank Brigade also defected and announced its willingness to accept the leadership of Marshal Timoshenko.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It¡¯s chaos, the battlefield is completely in chaos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The power generated by a call can even exceed hundreds of cannons.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ?????? Back then Ernst.  Marshal Brahm risked his life to rescue him. Many people were still confused, but now they fully understood.

    The German army was deeply encouraged by the changes that occurred on the battlefield, but it dealt a heavy blow to Moscow.

    Although surrenders often happened in the past, it must have been when the ammunition and food were exhausted and there was nothing more to think about, but this time it was completely different.

    This time the troops surrendered without any resistance, and the entire Soviet military system was quietly collapsing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The faith that was once extremely firm is no longer visible; the soldier who was once willing to sacrifice without hesitation for his motherland has now fundamentally changed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But, we really can¡¯t blame the officers and soldiers who surrendered.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When you see no hope at all, you may make the same choice.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Budyonny was severely criticized. Stalin directly ordered him to immediately stop the occurrence of such things and immediately isolate those officers who were suspected of surrendering. If necessary, they should be shot directly on the battlefield if suspected.

    After receiving the call from Stalin on the street, Budyonny could only smile bitterly.

    Comrade Stalin should really go to the battlefield in person to see what kind of chaos the battlefield has become.  A large number of frontline troops surrendered, and a large number of frontline officers were panicked. God knows whether the friendly forces on their flanks will have secret contact with the Germans and suddenly launch an attack on themselves without any defense at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Some things are beyond the control of frontline commanders.??'s.

    Zhukov also called later. On the phone, Zhukov's tone was much more polite. He pointed out that he told Budyonny that he would just fulfill the responsibilities of a Bolshevik.

    Perhaps when he made this call, Zhukov already knew about the fighting in the outer city and that Budyonny would not be able to hold on for much longer.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    As mutinies continued to occur, the German offensive became increasingly fierce.

    Having lost her barrier, Budyonni fell completely into passivity.

    He was forced to invest all his reserves at the beginning of the war, but some of the reserves that had just arrived on the battlefield mutinied directly.

    The situation has completely gotten out of control.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    More and more Soviet troops defected and joined the ranks of the German army, and Marshal Timoshenko's call continued to ring on the battlefield all night long.

    Only a few Soviet commanders remained firm in their beliefs. They ignored the call of Marshal Timoshenko, a powerful enemy. For them, there were only two outcomes, either to repel the enemy's attack or to fight.  Die on this battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The artillery shells were destroying the Russian positions crazily without stopping at all. Every inch of the position was combed by artillery shells, and the land was plowed several times.

    The smell of scorched wood is so pungent, what is burning here is blood and life.  £®  £®

    What is attacking now is not the German army, but a large number of Russian Free Army. Large-scale attacks by Russians on Russians can be seen everywhere.

    The war has progressed to this day, and even the Soviet soldiers who are still resisting have already become discouraged.  The powerful German army has not yet launched an offensive. The offensive of the Russian Free Army armed by the Germans has made it difficult for them to resist. The outcome of this battle has already been determined.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The phone on Budyonny¡¯s desk kept ringing, and there were pleas for reinforcements everywhere, but where could Budyonny go to find reinforcements?

    ¡°He also once begged Moscow, but Moscow¡¯s answer was very simple. They had no reinforcements. They had to prepare for the coming fierce street fighting.

    So, now Budyonny and his troops have actually become a lone army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Very ridiculous thing: Behind them is Moscow. As long as Moscow is willing, reinforcements can come anytime and anywhere, but they are still alone.

    How to explain all this?  Budyonny didn't know.

    Charge after charge, defense after defense, under the constant blows from the enemy, the effective strength of the defending party is being rapidly weakened.  Maybe by tomorrow morning, the enemy with bayonets will appear in front of Budyonny.

    He has a clear conscience, he is firm in his beliefs and is doing what a true Bolshevik should do.

    Fight for the motherland - die for the motherland!

    While the Soviet soldiers on the front line were fighting bloody battles, Stalin, who was completely angered by the constant rebellions in Moscow, decided to use iron fist to carry out a major purge in the army.

    Zhukov and Vasilevsky were completely shocked when they heard the news.

    Now, the enemy is about to enter Moscow, but at this time Stalin actually wants to carry out a new purge?

    This is not an effort to encircle Moscow, this is simply doing the Germans a favor.

    But Stalin had already made up his mind. He told Zhukov and Vasilevsky: "There are a large number of traitors hidden in our troops and those who are not firm in their stance. Timoshenko and those who rebelled on the battlefield are among them."  Representatives, if the purge cannot be completed as soon as possible, the purpose of defending Moscow will not be achieved. £®

    Zhukov and Vasilevsky repeatedly persuaded Stalin, but Stalin, who had already made up his mind, was not moved at all. He handed over this task to Beria, who almost died in his hands.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    A big purge begins without warning!

    A large number of Soviet officers who were actively preparing for street battles were inexplicably arrested. Some of them were former Marshal Timoshenko's subordinates, and some were unidentified people who had been under surveillance for a long time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Most people were executed secretly without trial, and the impact of this was also obvious. The Soviet soldiers who had lost their commanders had no idea what had happened and what they should do next.

    The new commanders quickly sent to them by their superiors were all temporarily promoted from other units. Some company commanders were even just ordinary sergeants before they became officers.?.  They had no command experience and had no idea what their predecessors had done to defend Moscow.

    All previous efforts in street fighting were overturned. The new commanders used their ideas to prepare for street fighting again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is the saddest thing.

    The bloody storm in Moscow is going on. Gunshots were heard continuously before the Germans entered the city, but this time it was their own people who were killing their own people.

    Blood has already dyed the streets of Moscow red in advance.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Executions took place almost every hour. Some Soviet officers who had made great military exploits for the Soviet Union were shot without exception because they were implicated.

    Facing everything that happened in front of them, Zhukov and Vasilevsky were extremely anxious. This was simply a matter of pain for relatives and pleasure for enemies.  But they had no way to change Stalin's decision. They could only try their best to save as many lives as possible.

    What is strange is that General Demitav, who was really involved with Timoshenko and played a big role in Timoshenko's escape from Moscow, was not implicated in the slightest.

    On the contrary, he was further reused, and he and his troops were placed in very important defensive positions.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It is said that this was a direct order from Comrade Stalin. Comrade Stalin handed Beria two lists, one was the black list and the other was the red list.

    ¡°Those on the black list are dangerous elements who can be executed directly without interrogation, while those on the red list are those who have a firm political stance in the eyes of Comrade Stalin.

    Demitav is one of the red list.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Even Zhukov was surprised by the trust he received. Zhukov even specially asked him to find him and asked him to do some things: find suitable opportunities and protect some people on the blacklist.

    Those are Zhukov¡¯s extremely loyal Bolsheviks!  !

    Without any hesitation, Demitav quickly agreed to Zhukov's request.

    He also received secret instructions from Baron Alexson and Marshal Timoshenko to lurk as much as possible without exposing his identity and wait for the next decisive instruction.

    In order to ensure a latent victory, Demitav was very happy to do something for Zhukov in exchange for the marshal's trust in him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He risked the wrath of Comrade Stalin to meet the supreme ruler of Moscow and relayed Zhukov's opinions to him.

    What is strange is that Stalin, who flatly rejected Marshal Zhukov, paid great attention to Demitav's words. He even asked Demitav for his opinion.

    Demitav boldly replied: "Comrade General Secretary, I think that the reason why Marshal Zhukov did this is entirely out of a sense of responsibility and loyalty to you and the Soviet. In fact, he does not have to worry about these things that have nothing to do with him.  People asked for mercy, but he did it anyway. £®

    "And you." Stalin interrupted: "Everything you did was to defend Moscow. Comrade Demitav, these people have nothing to do with Comrade Zhukov, and they have nothing to do with you, but you have the courage to stand in front of me  It¡¯s good to express my opinion. £®I will consider it carefully. £®

    After Demitav left, he realized that his back was covered with sweat.

    You must know that it is not easy to deal with the supreme leader face to face.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Demitav¡¯s efforts were in vain. His suggestions obviously played a great role in saving a large number of Soviet commanders who had been escorted to the execution ground.

    After all, most of the people Stalin hated had been shot before, and the effect of killing one to serve as a warning to others has been achieved. Continuing endless massacres will only have the opposite effect.

    ¡°These people who have been on the verge of death may be grateful for his kindness and play a greater role in the defense of Moscow.

    However, those who were rescued were even more grateful to Demitav.  Without Demitav's efforts, they would all have become innocent ghosts now.

    Demitav¡¯s prestige was greatly enhanced by this incident.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Moscow is undergoing turbulent changes, but Marshal Budyonny, who continues to fight outside the city, has reached the end of his rope.

    The offensive of the Russian Free Army has been difficult to stop. At this time, the German army finally showed its ferocious fangs and joined the offensive.

      All Soviet positions have become precarious and are in danger of being breached anytime and anywhere.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The endless bombings turned the positions that had been built with so much painstaking efforts into complete ruins.

    A large number of Soviet soldiers were suffering huge sacrifices every minute and every second, but at this time, Marshal Budyonny had no soldiers left to send to the position.

    On July 7, the German army and the Russian Free Army completed the breakthrough of the main positions, and more than 35,000 Soviet troops were killed.

    Surrender incidents have become more frequent. This time it is not just because of Marshal Timoshenko¡¯s call, this time they actively asked for surrender.

    They can no longer endure such defeats, and they can no longer accept hopeless bloodshed and sacrifice.

    Especially when the news of the Great Purge in Moscow came, they felt even more desperate.

    They fought bloody battles here, but in Moscow their companions or family members may be suffering massacre. Who knows when the butcher's knife will fall on their heads?

    Any decision made by the leader may be decisive for the war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the 7th, Budyonny reported the situation on the front line to Comrade Stalin for the last time. According to his estimate, the enemy would be able to completely defeat his troops by the 8th at most.

    Stalin¡¯s answer to him was: ¡°I don¡¯t want to see my trusted marshal become a prisoner of the enemy¡±

    ¡°Enough, enough, this sentence is enough.  Marshal Budyonny had completely understood what Stalin meant.

    Since you cannot become a prisoner of the enemy, then just die on this battlefield.

    On the 7th, the German army launched a full-scale offensive and the Budyonny Army suffered a disastrous defeat.

    In the early morning of the 8th, Budyonny committed suicide in his headquarters.

    Xie Miao.  Mihajlovic.  Budyonny was born on April 25, 1883 in a poor peasant family in Kozyulin Village, Rostov Region.  He was drafted into the army in 1903 and participated in the 1qC5-year Russo-Japanese War.

    He graduated from the Petersburg Cavalry School in 1908 and served in the Coastal Dragoon Regiment.

    During World War I, he fought on the German, Austrian and Caucasus fronts.  During the preparations for the October Revolution in 1917, Budyonny was successively elected as Chairman of the Soldiers Committee of the Caucasian Cavalry Division Company, Chairman of the Regiment Soldiers Committee and Vice Chairman of the Division Soldiers Committee.  Later he served as Commander-in-Chief of the Southwest and Commander-in-Chief of the North Caucasus.

    On July 8, 1943, Budyonny died in battle outside Moscow.

    And it was on this day that all the outer lines of Moscow were lost, and the German soldiers were finally able to see Moscow most clearly!
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