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Volume Two: My Country Seven Hundred and Five.  The Battle of Moscow - breaks out!

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    "I have experienced countless wars in my life, and none of them have made me more excited than the one that happened on June 30, 1943

    Memoirs of General Paul Hausser of the German Second Panzer Army:

    "On September 30, 1941, the invincible German army launched an attack on Moscow with powerful force. But what makes us sad is that we failed that time. The invincible German army encountered  The failure was a serious setback and the direction of the entire war became uncertain. However, in less than two years, we came back with a stronger force.  £®2.4 million elite German soldiers, under the command of Marshal Ernst von Brahm£®  It was the last large-scale battle in Russia.

    ¡®The Armored March is ringing everywhere. The soldiers use their loud singing voices to exude the same excitement as me, and use their unparalleled outstanding performance on the battlefield to declare to Moscow:

    We're back!

    The battle went so smoothly that the two Russian armies commanded by Shaposhnikov were quickly disintegrated under our powerful offensive.  What I can be convinced of is that in the previous series of battles, the Russians lost the vast majority of their elite troops. Even though they still have the ability to replenish their troops in large numbers, I firmly believe that a country¡¯s human resources are definitely not real.  Endless, Russia's war power is drying up.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    All German troops and our Allied forces are making great strides forward.  On the way forward, Russian troops continued to appear. They tried desperately to block our progress, but under the overwhelming offensive of the powerful German army, they were unable to do what they wanted.

    In all the battles I was always with Ernst.  Together with Marshal Brahm, I had the honor to witness Marshal Ernst¡¯s commanding art with my own eyes.  What I want to say is that Marshal Ernst is completely a master of art. He performed the war so artistically that he turned the battlefield into a stage full of shock.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the Battle of Moscow broke out in 1943, there were some rumors, and I don¡¯t know where they came from, saying that after the war, Marshal Ernst would leave us again to continue his tour of exhibitions that gave him peace of mind.  Brigade, it is no exaggeration to say that my thought at that time was that if I were to find the spreader of the rumor, I would shoot him without hesitation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Germany cannot live without Marshal Ernst, absolutely.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When I tentatively asked the Marshal, the Marshal only replied, "When Germany needs me, I am there; when Germany is in greatest danger, I am there; when Germany stands on the edge of the cliff, I am there."  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  At that time I didn't quite understand what this meant.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Let me return the story to the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  From June 30 to July 3, we fought countless battles one after another. The distance of more than 100 kilometers suddenly became so far away. It was not the tenacious resistance of the Russians but the impatient mood of the soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  You know, those veterans who had participated in the first Battle of Moscow had long been unable to restrain their emotions when they saw Moscow again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Many of their companions fell on the Moscow battlefield, and the bones of some soldiers have not even been found to this day.  The veterans are extremely eager to see again the soldiers who have fought on the battlefield but have not participated in the last battle, and are eager to pursue the glory in their hearts.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    All efforts are not in vain. On July 4th, after more than ten battles, we finally arrived outside Moscow. It was also from this day that the arduous offensive and defensive battle in Moscow broke out.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On this day, the Ernst Battle Group, the Manstein Battle Group, and the Guderian Battle Group arrived one after another. The powerful German army was about to burst into its most powerful roar under the Russian capital.

    I am sure that such a roar can be heard clearly throughout Europe and the world:

    we are coming!

    Standing on the battlefield, I saw at a glance an endless stream of German fighter planes, a torrent of German tanks, and German soldiers all over the mountains and plains. The magnificent battlefield scenes are something I will never forget in my life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  I was thinking at that time, when I grow old and can no longer hold a gun, I can proudly tell my children and grandchildren that I have personally experienced this most magnificent scene!  I have no regrets in this life!  Just like all the German generals and soldiers who participated in the Second Battle of Moscow, we have no regrets!  "

    General Paul Hausser is right, all those who participated in this war, in their??I have no regrets in my life!

    The planes hovering in the sky and the tanks galloping on the ground represent Germany's indomitable determination to win.  They launched a tsunami of attacks from all directions on the battlefield, and they even prayed that the God of War could bring them victory today.

    They can no longer wait for another day.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Large numbers of Russians also appeared on the battlefield.  Moscow is their capital, and they are never willing to throw their capital to the enemy so easily.

    The entire Moscow has become a fortress larger than Stalingrad, and all people - whether soldiers, civilians, old people, children and women, have become soldiers at this time.

    They are fighting for their country, and they are also fighting for their own honor.

    When the Second Battle of Moscow started in the first minute, Stalin summoned the two Soviet Marshals Zhukov and Vasilevsky who were responsible for the entire defense war in the Kremlin.

    He hoped to hear firm confidence from the two marshals, but to his disappointment, Zhukov answered him like this:

    "Comrade Stalin, the enemy has advantages in all aspects. We can block them as much as possible and delay the war as much as possible, but what I can confirm is that we cannot win if we only rely on Moscow's current strength  £®

    "So, please tell me, Comrade Zhukov, how can I get the victory I need?" Stalin asked with some displeasure.

    "I still recommend that you retreat out of Moscow immediately" Zhukov quickly replied: "Even if you are not in Moscow, you can still command the battle. Even if you are not in Moscow, you can exert your influence more. You can  Call on all the forces of the Soviet Union to move closer to Moscow and let you personally direct it. We can use other methods."

    "No, I declare again, I will not leave here!" Stalin was so stubborn at this moment: "I must be with my people. I must win the second defense of Moscow just like the first Battle of Moscow.  Victory, Comrade Zhukov, you can do whatever you want."

    The faint sound of explosions coming from outside was the Luftwaffe once again appearing in the Moscow sky.

    Moscow is suffering. They have to face the indiscriminate bombings of the Luftwaffe every day, and they can't get peace for a moment.

    Moscow is trembling.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Zhukov and Vasilevsky exchanged glances. They now knew that Stalin would not leave Moscow no matter how much he was persuaded.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What can they do?  They could not change Stalin's mind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This battle was completely different from the previous one. Although Moscow looked extremely dangerous the previous time, in fact, at that time, the Soviet Union still had huge power and continued to fight on all battlefields with Moscow as the center.  The blow to the German army indirectly guaranteed the victory in the battle to defend Moscow.

    But the situation now is completely different.

    With the continuous victory of the German army on the battlefield and the elimination of a large number of Soviet troops, the German army's intention was very obvious from the beginning of the war, to sweep away all foreign aid from Moscow and completely isolate Moscow.

    The Germans did it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Now Moscow has completely become an isolated city.

    Although there are still a few reinforcements on the outside who are desperately trying to reinforce Moscow, these reinforcements are like a drop of water falling into the sea and have no effect at all.

    Moscow can only rely on its own strength, but this strength is so small.

    Now, the only thing they can do is to delay as much time as possible.  £®  £®

    "I hope Marshal Budyonny can delay the enemy's advance as much as possible outside the city" Vasilevsky sighed softly.

    But in fact, he also knew that Marshal Budyonny had three armies and a large number of workers' armed forces in his hands, but it was too difficult to stop the assault of the elite and powerful German army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Budyonny had the same idea.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After the German army arrived in Moscow, without any adjustments, aircraft and ground artillery launched an indiscriminate bombing of the Budyonny Group.

    Terrible artillery fire covered the battlefield, destroying all targets to its heart's content.

    ??In one blast after anotherDuring the bombing, the 11 worker brigades placed at the forefront by Budyonny suffered heavy casualties every minute and every second.

    ¡°Placing the Workers¡¯ Brigade at the forefront is a very cruel decision.  Let those civilians who have not received any formal military training directly face the elite German army. They have no possibility of winning. Not even one of them can leave the battlefield alive.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But this is the only thing Budyonni can do now.

    He wants to hold back the German army, and he wants to consume as much of the German army's effective strength as possible. However, now he can't find a better way except to pile up accidents with human lives.

    Those workers¡¯ brigades were commanded by Lieutenant General Khachiko, who was also a veteran Russian general.

    Several phones on the table in front of him rang in turn, and each call was so scary that no one could bring good news to Kachiko.

    The German army is bombing and the German army is attacking.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The 11 workers' brigades faced successive attacks by elite German troops. The tragic casualties made them unable to cope with it.  Kachiko knew very well that such a battle would be a one-sided massacre.

    Moscow also added reinforcements to the front line. Among those assigned to Khachiko were 21 women's battalions, guerrillas and 8 youth regiments.

    They are all composed of women, old people and children.

    The most elite troops are all left in Moscow, and they cannot be consumed too much outside the city.

    How can we fight a war with just this kind of troops?  !

    But Kachiko had no choice. He had only two ways to go: either repel the enemy's attack or die here.

    Another round of German artillery fire ravaged the place crazily, and then a large number of German troops appeared under the cover of tanks.

    The sound of "Ula" sounded among the workers' armed forces. They were facing the German army who were armed to the teeth.  Men, women, the elderly, and children were all thrown onto the battlefield, using their flesh and blood to block the impact of steel.

    This is an unfair fight.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Pieces of Russians who were civilians before the war broke out fell on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Their bodies lay quietly, seeming to tell their sorrow and helplessness.  They shed every last drop of their blood, but the result was still failure.

    The German army attacked fiercely, but they were in no hurry for success. Since they already had victory in their hands, why should they continue to risk too many casualties?

    Kachiko begged Marshal Budyonni again and again to add more regular troops to him. He did not want to take the lives of those ordinary people and die in vain.  The 11 workers' brigades and a large number of women's battalions and youth regiments suffered unbearable casualties under the Germans' crazy bombing attacks.

    After constant pleading, Budyonny finally sent his 129th Infantry Division, commanded by Major General Chalkinsky, to reinforce the front line.

    Although the reinforcements of an infantry division are no more than a drop in the bucket, it at least gives Kachiko some confidence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But he could never have imagined that this would be the beginning of his nightmare!

    An hour after the 129th Infantry Division arrived on the battlefield, an uninvited guest came to Chalkinski¡¯s headquarters:

    General Wallwork!

    "I am here to persuade you to surrender on the order of Marshal Timoshenko." Volvok did not waste a minute and immediately said straight to the point: "There is no suspense in the war. Please accept your fate, Chalkins.  General Key.¡±

    Chalkinsky is an old subordinate of Marshal Timoshenko. Over the years, he has always maintained great loyalty to Marshal Timoshenko. It is precisely because of this willingness that after Marshal Timoshenko lost power,  He too was implicated.

    "If it hadn't been for the massive German offensive, the Soviet Union would have been stretched thin with troops and had a serious shortage of generals, otherwise it would not have used him again.

    And as "untrusted generals", Chalkinsky and his troops are not qualified to stay in Moscow, but can only be used as artillery outside the city.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Therefore, after listening to Volvok's words, Chalkinski was not angry, nor did he immediately agree. Instead, he calmly asked: "Did the Marshal really fall to the Germans?"

    "Yes." Volvok said frankly: "But this is not betrayal. The marshal did not betray his beliefs. He just wanted to build a stronger Russia. Under the leadership of that man, the Soviet Union had no hope and had completely deviated.  Comrade Lenin's line. The Great Purge cost us countless outstanding comrades. Even a man with outstanding military exploits like Marshal Timoshenko almost died in Stalin.Lin's clutches.  I must tell you that Marshal Timoshenko has reached an agreement with the Germans. A better tomorrow is waiting for us. You have no time to hesitate.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    "Yeah, I don't have time to hesitate." Zharkinski sighed: "Then what does the marshal want me to do?"

    "Make the choice you think is right!"

    When he heard this sentence, Chalkinski nodded thoughtfully.

    Something unexpected happened to Khachiko and all Russians:

    Chalkinski convened an emergency meeting with officers from all regiments and above of the 129th Infantry Division. He informed his officers of Marshal Timoshenko's summons without any concealment and asked them for advice.

    Surprisingly, not a single officer expressed any objection.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Timoshenko had an unparalleled reputation in the Soviet army. When he was galloping on the battlefield, some officers had not even entered the army.

    Although most people don¡¯t know what¡¯s going on behind the scenes of the unfair treatment he suffered, since Marshal Timoshenko has made such a choice, he must have a reason.

    ?Almost everyone agreed with Czalkinski¡¯s choice:-


    Once the same intention was reached, there was not much hesitation, and the battlefield mutiny of the Soviet 129th Infantry Division occurred immediately.

    A large number of regular army soldiers who were supposed to provide strong support launched a direct attack on the Workers' Brigade, Women's Battalion and Youth League.

    A tragic scene occurred on the battlefield.

    Those civilian armed forces who were struggling to resist the German offensive forces on the front line encountered attacks from "friendly" forces.

    They were completely surrounded.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The battle was going on beyond words.

    With attacks from the German troops on the front and attacks from the 129th Infantry Division on the flanks and rear, the civilian armed forces were surrounded and divided in the shortest possible time.

    When he heard the news, General Kachiko was also stunned.
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