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Chapter 1782 I can¡¯t find the power supply anywhere.

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    I can't find any place with power supply everywhere. I updated this while traveling today. I just got off the car and returned to Fuzhou. The surroundings are lonely. I can't find any place with power supply everywhere I look. I haven't written about half of the chapter yet. I got home by car.  It's going to be more than an hour, it's a tragedy.  It is estimated that I won't get home until three o'clock. Chapter 4 can only be updated around four o'clock. I'm sorry. Xiaoyu tried his best to write it in all possible time, but it's still too late. Chapter 4 will be posted at four o'clock in the morning.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian ( to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.) (Remember the website address:
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