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Chapter 281 The horror of the ninth-stage monarch

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    Eight-winged Demonic Insects: World of Demonic Beasts - Insect System - Demonic Insect Tribe - Eight-winged Demonic Insect Subtribe - Monarch Level

    The Eight-Winged Heavenly Demonic Insect possesses the terrifying power of a wild beast on the top of a mountain, the agile and high-speed eight-winged flying ability, and the most powerful insect-type combat power that is almost invincible. It has extremely tenacious vitality, rapid recovery ability, severe toxicity, and extremely fast attack speed!

    The Demonic Insects are an extremely large race among the insect soul pets. They are listed by scholars in the soul pet world as one of the most widespread, largest, and most ferocious soul pet groups in the world. They are the last of the five disaster-level insect races!

    The so-called catastrophic Zerg refers to the proliferation of Zerg, which can form a terrifying manifestation of large-scale attacks on creatures like Hibernation. Once such a disaster occurs, the residents of the entire city may be bloodbathed. This has even been recorded in history.  There are records of entire areas being eaten away by the Hibernating Wasteland until no scraps were left, turning it into a wilderness of death.

    The two-winged demonic insects are at the slave level, the four-winged demonic insects are at the warrior level, and the six-winged demonic insects are at the leader level. The demonic insects have a complete biological system, and can even be said to be very "organized and disciplined".

    Generally, it is rare to see a lone Demonic Insect. Compared with many individuals of the same level, this race of Demonic Insect has some disadvantages and is not included in the ranks of mainstream soul pets. It can be said that there are very few soul pet masters.  They will capture demonic insects and use them as their insect-type soul pets or wing-type soul pets.

    Of course, if you can capture Commander-level and Monarch-level Demonic Insects, their combat effectiveness will also be astonishing. Unfortunately, soul pets of this level are usually accompanied by a large group of other Demonic Insects, making them much more difficult to capture than some arrogant monarchs.  Much bigger.

    The Eight-Winged Demonic Insect that Chu Mu faced first was an extremely tyrannical ninth-level monarch. Such a fully mature soul pet of the monarch did not need to be followed by other ethnic groups at all. It acted completely alone in a flamboyant manner, and even  Arrogantly, he fell directly into the human settlement, with an arrogant attitude that despised everything!

    Chu Mu has experienced the aura of a truly powerful creature. It is a small feeling like standing alone in the middle of an abyss, and the entire abyss is the mouth of a strong man.

    Just like the appearance of the mysterious soul pet on Prison Island, the incomparable power of the Azure Hidden Dragon, the strange movement and mental ability of the Blue Yu Demon Spirit Emperor, and the antiquity and spirituality of Liu Binglan's starlight soul pet.

    It can be said that the ninth-level monarch in front of him is still a few levels behind the powerful creatures Chu Mu encountered before, and his aura is not as vast as the sky like these soul pets. However, these powerful people are not  Chu Mu really faced the attack.

    This time, Chu Mu had to use his own power to collide with a ninth-level monarch. It was absolutely impossible not to feel frightened.

    In the eyes of many members of the younger generation, Mo Xie's speed was almost difficult to catch. However, in front of this powerful monarch, Mo Xie's speed was obviously not fast enough. Chu Mu could clearly feel that this guy's eyes were always following him and Mo Xie.  , you can even see a bit of sadism in the eyes of this powerful creature, as if you have become its prey, and it wants its prey to be alive and kicking for a while longer.

    Covered in flames, his four hooves flew across his body, leaving Moye's flaming hoofprints wherever he ran.  Mo Xie passed by the nine-stage eight-winged demon insect at a very fast speed, which was 100 meters away. Nine gorgeous long tails suddenly swept out, and nine fan flames suddenly rolled up a hot breath towards the nine-stage eight-winged devil insect.  The eight-winged demonic insect pounces!

    The ninth-level monarch is still prostrate on the attic, and his four pairs of flesh wings are still flapping slowly, as if he is waiting for the fan flames to slowly roll in!

    Finally, the Eight-winged Demonic Insect moved. Its eight powerful fleshy wings flapped violently, and its body flew straight out parallel to the ground. It was like a huge black arrow, churning up a cloud of black insect energy.  It passed directly through the flames swept out by Mo Xie and rushed towards Mo Xie and Chu Mu!


    The crown flame blew backwards, and the fan flame swept out by Mo Xie had no effect on this creature. The evil wind was strong, and a black wave surged directly, swallowing up the entire large mansion!  !

    The gorgeous crown flame burned in the dark night, and Moye, who was running at full speed, was like a lone boat swaying and escaping under the crest of a huge wave. Once caught,  It is to be swallowed into the black belly of death!

    "woo woo woo woo!!!!!!"

    Feeling the majestic and terrifying aura behind him, Mo Xie screamed with all his strength, accelerated his speed, and flashed past the complex Chushan Mansion like a stream of light!  !

    ¡°Boom, boom, boom, boom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¡±

    Chu Mu looked back at the violent black tide, and was horrified to find that the black tide was not a condensation of energy at all, but actuallyIt is all made up of thousands of black flying insects. Each small black flying insect is like a hungry little devil, leaving no trace behind wherever it passes!  !

    "Mo Xie, tail flame!" Chu Mu glanced at the long tail fluttering behind Mo Xie, and immediately found that many black flying insects were already attached to Mo Xie's tail, and began to corrode Mo Xie's tail with venom.

    ¡°Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [aa, mi(o's, uh, way, furry fox tails!

    The black flying insects have almost no defense. When the flames burn, these black flying insects are immediately reduced to nothing.

    "Mo Xie, Nine-Tailed Fan!!" Suddenly, Chu Mu issued an extremely urgent order.

    Mo Xie did not dare to hesitate at all, and the tails of the nine flames began to roll and flutter, like nine long dragons tumbling in the clouds, dazzling.

    Almost at the moment when the nine tails were dancing in a psychedelic way, a black body made of steel suddenly sprang out from a large group of black flying insects. Its eight arms suddenly turned into terrifying blades, tearing open the air.  Strike hard towards where Mo Xie is!  !

    The eight sharp blades can tear through almost all eighth-level defenses, not to mention that Mo Xie is only in the mid-level seventh level when he puts on the sixth-level soul armor!  !


    The eight blades condensed into a sound and slashed across Mo Xie's nine tails. Suddenly, a fluff of burning flames floated messily in the air

    The shadows on the nine tails slowly disappeared in the sharp cold light of the eight sharp blades. Mo Xie spiritually appeared twenty meters away from the attack position, maintaining a running posture and continuing to burst out at the fastest speed!

    "Chu Mu, come back quickly, they are safe!"

    At this moment, Chu Mu heard Ye Qingzi¡¯s shout from the stone palace.

    Chu Mu glanced at the door of the stone palace and saw that Chu Xian and others were already standing at the door, looking at him with anxious and frightened eyes.

    "Chu Mu, be careful!!" Suddenly Ye Qingzi's scream echoed in Chu Mu's spiritual world!

    ¡°Creak, creak, creak, creak~~~~~~~~~~~¡±

    A horrifying sound like bones being crushed and bent came from Chu Mu's ears. Chu Mu turned his head sharply, and his scalp suddenly became numb, because this terrifying ninth-level monarch had appeared ten meters away from Chu Mu at some point.  Inaccessible position,

    The distance of ten meters is like a human step away for the ninth-level monarch. At this distance, Chu Mu can even see some disgusting insect flesh squirming through the carapace on the chest of the Eight-winged Demon Insect!

    "Moye, Phantom!!"

    Mo Xie also felt the envelope of the ninth stage monarch's aura, and his running body quickly transformed into three other phantoms!  !

    With a strange red flash, two rays of blood shot out from the red eyes of the Eight-winged Demonic Insect, and struck towards Mo Xie!  !

    Completely different from the power of the death light, this red light did not explode with any energy when it fell on Mo Xie's phantom. When it fell on the ground, the large piece of ground including the wall next to it was completely covered with water.  This red light curtain enveloped me, and then the masonry floor and walls began to melt!

    In just a few seconds, all objects with a radius of ten meters were melted, and a black void layer with a diameter of ten meters suddenly appeared!

    Everyone in the Stone Palace took a breath. This attack was so fast that no preparation was needed at all, but the power was so terrifying that it was definitely enough to kill all the commanders below the eighth rank in an instant!

    "You guys come in quickly, we have to close the stone palace door!" Chu Ke stood on the steps of the stone palace and said to the people outside the stone palace door.

    "Senior brother, wait, Chu Mu is still outside." Chu Xian said immediately.

    Chu Ke immediately frowned. After walking down the stairs, when he looked into the distance, he was shocked to find that Chu Mu was driving the nine-tailed flame fox of Crown Flame to entangle with the ninth-level monarch!

    "Heis he looking for death?" Chu Dian, who was with Chu Ke, immediately cursed.

    "He is trying to save us by attracting the attention of the Eight-Winged Demon Insect. Brother Chu Ke, he is waiting and waiting for Chu Mu to come back before closing the stone gate." Chu Xian said.

    "How is this possible? The demonic insect army is about to appear. If the stone gate is not closed, everyone in the stone palace will be killed." Chu Ke said.

    As soon as Chu Ke finished speaking, a sound like scorching thunder gradually came from the sky, noisy and harsh.

    Everyone immediately raised their heads, and suddenly found that the sky above the stone palace had been obscured by dark clouds of demonic insects. A thick aura of death from the insectoids was overwhelming, like a black storm coming, the wind and clouds changing color, and the sky was dark!

    "All disciples listen to the order and close the stone gate immediately. They are not allowed to open it within three days!!" The majestic voice slightly overcame the noise and spread throughout Chu Mountain.

    The person who spoke was none other than Chu Lieming, the patriarch of the Great Chu Family. It was obvious that this patriarch had realized that the Demonic Insect Army was about to fly over Chu Mountain!

    "Close the stone gate immediately!" Chu Dian's expression changed and he almost shouted in a sharp voice.

    Ye Qingzi and Chu Xian both turned pale. Their eyes were staring at Chu Mu, who was being chased by the ninth-level monarch more than 400 meters away from the stone palace. Their lips had been bitten

    (Today¡¯s first chapter~~~~~~~~) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian ( to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation  .) (Remember the website address: listening to the order, the son immediately closed the stone gate and was not allowed to open it for three days!  !  "The powerful voice slightly overwhelmed the noise and spread throughout Chushan.

    The person who spoke was none other than Chu Lieming, the patriarch of the Great Chu Family. It was obvious that this patriarch had realized that the Demonic Insect Army was about to fly over Chu Mountain!

    "Close the stone gate immediately!" Chu Dian's expression changed and he almost shouted in a sharp voice.

    Ye Qingzi and Chu Xian both turned pale. Their eyes were staring at Chu Mu, who was being chased by the ninth-level monarch more than 400 meters away from the stone palace. Their lips had been bitten

    (Today¡¯s first chapter~~~~~~~~) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian ( to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation  .) (Remember the website address:
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