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Chapter 26 Fief Reform

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    When Yunyao opened her eyes again, she felt incredible. Yesterday she had won a battle on the field, and today she was exactly the same as before.

    Winning a war these days is really unrealistic. There is no spoils at all. There is no grabbing money, food, territory, or people. It¡¯s just a fight, and then we go home and have a bonfire party. There is only boundless emptiness. It¡¯s really  There is no sense of achievement in winning.

    Fighting between nobles is like this. If you are not used to it, you have to get used to it. If you really want to rob, you have to participate in the monarch's foreign war. However, Yunyao is the only child in the family and does not need to serve at all.  Service also depends on population. If a family is successful, there are rules.

    Yunyao definitely does not need to serve. After all, she is the only one in her family. Instead, she will let the savages serve.  Just like the last time the fief collective repaired the house, it was equivalent to a labor service, but it didn't have to go too far.

    "Congratulations on your victory yesterday." Ji Jiang heard the children in the fief singing on the way and knew that Yunyao won the battle yesterday: "Originally, I wanted to stay in the thatched cottage yesterday and wait for you to come back, but  Shefei asked me to go back." It's really a pity that I couldn't share Yunyao's victory immediately.

    "It's nothing. To be honest, I didn't feel much. I just shot three arrows and the other party gave up and it was over."

    Ji She also came over at this time, and he felt that Yunyao's victory was natural: "Although the battle only lasted a short time, you have been preparing for this battle three months ago. This is the victory."  Reason, if you learn nothing and prepare nothing, it is impossible to win.¡±

    This teacher¡¯s education is really philosophical. Yun Yao didn¡¯t even think so far ahead, but he was right. One minute on stage and ten years of work off stage.  He won easily, but the efforts behind it were not.

    "What the teacher said is that I have to continue to work hard."

    Ji She nodded, this apprentice is indeed smart: "Have you mastered Bai Ya?"

    "I have already grasped the feeling, and I am still working hard to master it, and strive to be able to use it every time." Yunyao said. To be honest, she didn't know what Bai Ya's principle was, but even if she used it, she would still fail sometimes.  But the number of failures has become less and less.

    "Well, you must train until you can do whatever you want, but you can't do it sometimes."


    Everything returns to normal, continue training, and while training, think about how to make the field more productive.  In fact, it is not just Yunyao who is thinking about this matter. Many people are thinking about it, but it is not so easy to do it.

    Seed improvement has been ongoing, and every year the country selects the best seeds and distributes them.  The reason why nobles are not allowed to keep their own seeds is to ensure that the yield of planting can be increased.

    The fields in the Western Zhou Dynasty were divided into three types: upper, middle and lower. The upper fields were the most fertile and produced the most, while the middle and lower fields were less productive and were sometimes left fallow, meaning they could not be cultivated for a year, all to ensure the fertility of the land.  But it is still only once a year, and the yields are low.

    To solve the problem of insufficient food, we can only cultivate more land and conquer more savages. Only then can we ensure that there is no problem with the food supply of the Chinese people.  It is impossible to feed the whole world, including the savages, so now it is a debate between Hua and Yi. The Chinese civilization is the Chinese, and the others are Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong, and Beidi.

    The Western Zhou Dynasty was an agricultural civilization, which was much more advanced than the surrounding civilizations that relied on gathering and nomadic survival. The Chinese civilization took thousands of years to tame livestock and cultivate crops. It is impossible to rely on Yunyao, a time traveler, to climb the technology tree all at once.  .

    How can I have enough food?

    Only when the fields produce more, can there be enough feed for raising pigs and sheep, and can the life of the fief get better.  After experiencing this heavy rain, Yunyao suddenly felt that she had been too indifferent and lacked subjective initiative in the past twelve years. Some things should still be done. It just so happened that this time they defeated the Mou family, and everyone's cohesion improved a lot. Do you want to  How about making some reforms in the fief first?

    Even if the output in the fields cannot be increased, you can still use some other methods to increase your ability to resist risks. The ability to resist risks in your own fief is too poor. If you lose the achievements for one year, you will definitely starve to death.

    What is there in my fifteen miles of land, including rivers, trees, fields, soil, reeds, and bamboos.

    There are the least trees, bamboos are okay, and reeds are the most.

    First, we need to grow more trees, and then we need to find ways to make bamboo and reeds into something that can make money.  Reeds, in particular, grow very fast and can be regenerated sustainably.

    Yunyao originally wanted to make pottery, but he needed fuel. Even if he cut down all the trees, he wouldn't be able to make much pottery, so he had to plant trees. Wood is a strategic material.

    Bamboo can be used to make handicrafts such as bamboo baskets, which can be exchanged for money, but what about reeds?  The most productiveIt would be a shame if the reeds were not used.

    To make money, you need to make good use of local resources. In the past, Yunyao used the leaves of banana trees in the territory to make coir raincoats, but now he wants to make money from reeds.

    Reed leaves can be used to feed livestock. Yunyao racked her brains and came up with something. Then the reed flowers can be used to make brooms, the reed poles can be used to make curtains, and even further, it seems that they can also make paper.

    But making paper also requires fuel, because there are not many trees, so Yunyao can't cut down trees, just make paper. Anyway, there isn't much information to be transmitted these days, and bamboo slips are enough.  Of course, it doesn't mean that there are enough for everyone. After all, King Wen of Zhou wrote such a great masterpiece as "The Book of Changes", so bamboo slips are definitely not enough for him.  But there are very few people who can write a book. The only ones who really want to write so many words are officials who record weather, history, and stars.

    Yunyao has traveled through time for twelve years. Except for carving oracle bone inscriptions when she was studying, she has never used it on daily basis. She does not keep a diary.  Therefore, regardless of papermaking, the main development directions are feed, reed mats, and reed curtains.

    Now that the decision was made, Yunyao immediately mobilized everyone to harvest reeds and prepare to revitalize the fief's economy.  Of course, in addition to making handicrafts, there are also planting trees and building roads.

    Planting trees is understandable, but Uncle Zai suggested planting mulberry trees: "I heard that the capital has begun to stipulate that every household must plant at least two mulberry trees. Although we have not implemented it here, I think it will be our turn next year at the latest."  .¡±

    Of course, planting mulberry trees is for raising silkworms, and raising silkworms is for weaving. As the country stabilizes, people's demand for cloth is increasing, so Zhou Li has a new rule that every household must plant mulberry trees to prevent the silkworms from not having enough to eat.  .

    "Mulberry trees must be planted, and other trees must be planted. Only by planting trees can we have matches and wood. Isn't there some land in the fiefdom that is difficult to open up? Plant all trees."

    Uncle Zai also knew the benefits of planting trees, and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I will make arrangements. I will write down new family rules and prohibit cutting down new trees." Not only must we plant, but we must also prevent savages from cutting down saplings.

    "I have to arrange for a few people to learn to weave reeds with me. This heavy rain made me see a lot clearly. We can't just rely on the weather for food. We must find ways to use the resources in the territory to create goods that others need." Yunyao said.

    Uncle Zai nodded again, because Yunyao's raincoat is really useful, and you don't have to worry about getting caught in the rain when you go out on rainy days. He believes that Yunyao has the ability to turn waste into treasure.

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