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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Footsteps of post-90s

Chapter 298 Counting the Loot

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    It was already afternoon when I came back from the secretary's house.

    We didn't stay for dinner. After all, after we went home after dinner, it would be dark and our family members would be more worried.

    "Ren Tao, you said that day that we shouldn't clean up the small hall. We won't clean up until you come back. It's been a few days. How long has it been since you started to clean up the small hall?" Grandma asked.

    Speaking of this, I have to mention what I said on the fifth day of the first lunar month.

    On the fifth day of the lunar new year, many guests came and brought many things, all kinds of food and drink, all of which I saw and kept in mind.  That night, after all the guests had left, I stared at the trophies in the room for a long time in a daze.

    Look at this one and want to eat it, look at that one and want to keep it, for a while I don't know how to start.

    But then my mother said that I had to visit relatives, and some things were going to be given away, so I didn't touch the spoils.  And promised to pack these things up when I was free.

    "I'll get it right away!" Grandma just reminded me, and my relatives are almost gone, so I have to count the spoils while I have time now!

    When I came to the small main room, looking at the room full of trophies, my heart burst into laughter!

    There is no need to leave the house!  These things are left to eat by themselves!  hey-hey!

    Milk, apples, oranges, bananas, honey, eggs, wine, black sesame paste, too much!

    After looking at it, grandma left the small hall to me and stopped intervening in the placement and distribution of things.

    It's not easy to count hundreds of things, I have to find a way!

    "By the way! Classify first!" Didn't the physics teacher say it?  Similar things can be classified first, so that the problem can be viewed more thoroughly.  At this time today, it is just right to use the knowledge points that the teacher taught.

    Since we want to classify, we must have a specific idea.  As a foodie, it is definitely best to classify by food!

    I have a habit of eating, and I like to save the best food for last.

    Therefore, classifying things also continues this habit.

    First, pick out the eggs!

    Our family has native eggs, so eggs are the least attractive to me!  Besides, some farmed eggs were mixed in.

    One pack, two packs, three packs, four packsa total of eight packs of eggs, two packs of duck eggs.

    Pick out the eggs and put them on the sofa aside, ready to subdivide the eggs.

    "Grandma! Come here!" I shouted.

    After a while, grandma came over from the kitchen and said, "What are you doing with the eggs here?"

    "Grandma, I'll pick out the eggs first, and you find two things to put them in, and separate the native eggs from the caged eggs."

    Grandma roughly calculated the volume of the eggs, and brought two boxes over after a while.

    "This bag is for us to put eggs in. We can put native eggs in." Then grandma took another box and said, "This is for duck eggs, but the ducks haven't laid eggs recently. It's empty. Use it to put eggs in cages."  , put the eggs inside and eat first."

    After grandma put down the bag, the two of us slowly moved the eggs on the sofa into the bag.  As for the few eggs that had been broken in the pocket, they were packed in a clean bowl and eaten at night!

    After the eggs are finished, the next step is wine!

    There are more than a dozen bottles of wine scattered everywhere.

    I first took out these wines individually and piled them on the high table in the center of the small hall.

    Then sort them again.

    Dad taught me how to tell the approximate value of wine before.  Although I don't understand it very well, I still learned some key knowledge.

    First, look at the packaging.

    Good wine is more expensive, so you definitely won't use that kind of rubbish packaging, at least you have to use a high-grade packaging box to support yourself.

    Second, look at the degree.

    Generally blended wine or cheap wine, the alcohol content is not high, below 48 degrees, and the packaging is not good, the kind of wine that looks inferior at first sight can only be ranked last.

    Third, look at the shell.

    In addition to the box of the wine itself, there will also be a bag.  Good wines have their own special bags, with trademarks and logos printed on them, while bad wines can only be packed in random plastic bags.

    Therefore, through the above three points, I will single out a few bottles of good wine.

    Among them, when my aunt brought it, I told my grandfather that I must drink it myself, and don't give it away.

    There are still a few bottles that I can't remember who brought them.  put these winePut it aside, and take the best bottles to Grandpa's room and put them under the high cabinet, so you can rest assured.

    After sorting out the eggs and wine, the rest is for food!  Now this is truly my favourite!

    First count the fruits, five bags of apples, three bags of oranges, two handfuls of bananas, and one bag of sugarcane. When I saw the sugarcane, I was speechless.

    Fruits are not my favorite, but having them is better than nothing. I put all the fruits in the living room and save them to eat slowly while watching TV.

    Take out all the tea leaves, carry them to Dad's room, put them on the cabinet, and wait for him to keep them for himself to drink slowly.

    A few handfuls of dried noodles and a bag of steamed bun powder were handed over to grandma to put away by herself.

    Soy milk powder, black sesame paste, honey, I also carried all these flushing water to the room of my grandparents.  Grandpa has hypoglycemia, and he likes to eat sweets on weekdays. He also likes this kind of desserts with water.

    Rice Krispies, biscuits, candies, put aside separately, these things are put here for the time being, because everyone likes it, it is not good to put it in someone's room alone, just keep it for everyone to eat together.

    After finishing all this, it's finally the turn of today's protagonist!  My long-awaited Want Want gift package!

    This is a gift my godmother specially bought for me!  I have to treasure it!

    Since years ago, it has been repeatedly played on TV: the brainwashing lines of the Want Want gift bag, which made me want to buy a pack of Want Want gift bag all the time to see what kind of thing it is, and whether it is as good as it is said in the advertisement.  tasty!

    "Grandma, I tore this apart!" I asked while holding the Want Want gift bag.

    "Okay! You eat, anyway, few relatives are leaving now, and these things are used to eat!" After the grandma agreed, she continued: "Ren Tao, do you know, in fact, we are the least cost-effective  .¡±

    "What's the matter?" I asked puzzled.

    "Look, a lot of things are piled up on the roof every year."

    In fact, I really want to answer: Is it not good to pile up things at home?  So much to eat!

    Grandma didn't wait for me to ask questions, and continued: "Every year we start to leave the household, and every household carries things for them, the money is spent, and the things are taken. After people bring things to our house, there are no relatives anymore.  I'm leaving." Grandma said disappointedly.

    Yes, buying things with money and sending them to others, and then they send the things back, is equivalent to spending money to buy a lot of things and keeping them for eating.

    The people in the front are the most cost-effective. They received the spoils in the first and second grades. When visiting relatives in the back, they can just give the spoils at home to others. They don¡¯t need to spend the money themselves. They only need to prepare a meal. It¡¯s so worry-free.  !

    Hey, this is a waste of energy and money for us!

    However, the Wangwang gift bag in my arms is still very fragrant, but it can't affect my mood when I open the gift bag!  (Remember the site URL:
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