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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Interstellar online shopping era

Text Chapter 163 Incubation

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    "It's miserable! It's no longer miserable!" The customer service girl curled her lips in disdain.  "Isn't this miserable?" Zhu Runfa was stunned, "Then what is miserable?" "Of course there are worse things! Boy!" the customer service girl said, "Don't be fooled by its pitiful expression, you have seen them  I think they are miserable, but have you ever thought about why they are so miserable? You also said that they are also a second-level cosmic civilization. How could they be reduced to such a situation? Not only do they starve to death every day, but they also  Selling your son or daughter? " "That I can't guess." Zhu Runfa shook his head honestly.  "You're stupid!" the customer service girl said helplessly, "Isn't this a parasitic civilization? You don't even think about what it calls food?" "You mean" Zhu Runfa suddenly realized what he said, and then shuddered violently.  Is it a parasitic civilization? Of course, their so-called food is other living organisms. If even these parasitic life forms starve to death, let alone those who are parasitized.  "Understood!" The customer service girl rolled her eyes at him and said, "So what do they call miserable? Those who are parasitized by them are miserable. Logically speaking, for the sake of their own survival, intelligent parasitic life will not treat the parasitized life.  The parasitism should be controlled. But now even these parasitic life forms are starved to death. You can think about how miserable those who are parasitized are, their bodies are probably almost becoming worm nests!"  Worm nest?  Zhu Runfa's scalp felt numb after hearing this. He glanced at the insect eggs with horror and couldn't help but get pimples all over his body.  ¡°So you see,¡± the customer service girl shrugged.  "These guys are nothing to be pitied for. Don't look at them. They seem to be living a miserable life now. But if one day they really come to the earth, then you will know what cruelty is." "Cruelty is for sure, but"  Zhu Runfa asked strangely, "Aren't they intelligent? Knowing such a result, they wouldn't control themselves if they were stumped?" "Wisdom is hard to match nature." The customer service girl explained, "Parasites are parasites,  Even with wisdom, it is difficult to change their greedy nature. This has been their way of survival since ancient times. These guys are so miserable because they don't know how to control themselves.  They lay eggs and reproduce, and they will not stop even until there is no more life that can be parasitized. So it is tragic. Those who have no parasitic target will compete with the same kind for the right to parasitize, and countless parasites will compete for a parasitic target at the same time.  , which can only lead to the death of the parasitized body. In the end, when all the parasitic targets are dead, then the parasitic civilization will be almost destroyed. Otherwise, why do you think that Yamu regards nine thousand star coins as a huge sum of money?  A second-level cosmic civilization, no matter how bad it is, can mine some ore and exchange it for some star coins, but why don't they do it? That's because all the minerals they can see have been mined and exchanged.  Various biochemical resources such as cloning equipment can be used to clone parasitic organisms. Unfortunately, there is a limit to the life that each planet can accommodate, and the aerospace level of the second-level civilization is very poor.  So now they can no longer find a new way out, they can only wait for death day by day. "But isn't that stupid?" Zhu Runfa said in confusion, "In this way, their civilization is not good."  It will never be possible to develop? Then how did they develop to a second-level civilization? They should have been extinct from the beginning?" "Of course not," the customer service girl said with a smile.  Although these parasitic civilizations all self-destruct, in order to adapt to survival in the universe, these guys have very strong vitality before they die, and some of these eggs will remain.  On the planet, some will be sent directly to the universe, hidden in meteorites and drifted randomly. If one day an unlucky person comes to this planet, or the meteorite carrying insect eggs drifts to an unlucky planet with life.  It¡¯s time for these guys to revive. It is estimated that this Yaguang civilization is this type of unlucky guy. It might have been an ordinary second-level cosmic civilization, but it was parasitized by these parasitic life forms and formed the current parasitic civilization.  Well, by the way, parasitic civilizations themselves have no civilization level. It can even be said that they have no civilization of their own except for their own wisdom. Their languages ??and characters are all the products of the parasitic civilization.  Later, the civilization level of these parasitized civilizations became their civilization level. This is one of the reasons why they are called parasitic civilizations. " "Oh my God!  So cruel?  Zhu Runfa exclaimed in surprise, "According to what you said, these guys are not very awesome. If one day they parasitize a level 20 civilization, then they will become two."A high-level civilization?  " "Theoretically, that's true!  "The customer service girl smiled and said, "But this is just a theory. In fact, it is completely impossible.  Judging from the statistics of the Interstellar Taobao client, none of these guys can surpass the fifth-level civilization. The highest one is level four. This is because it is a client holder and can obtain various materials from the Interstellar Taobao.  result.  After all, you have to know that they are in the state of eggs before parasitism, and they have time to grow and develop. This is when they are most vulnerable.  If they parasitize a technological civilization of level five or above, it will basically be a tragedy. With the medical level of a technological civilization of level five, a pill of anti-parasitic medicine can kill them; if they encounter an energy civilization of level five or above, then it will be a tragedy.  It's completely like a documentary about Mr. Bei's wilderness survival. These eggs will become delicacies in the mouths of those guys in minutes. Their powerful digestive ability will digest these eggs long before they hatch; if they encounter biochemical civilization,  That's a tragedy. They are one of the most popular raw materials for various biochemical civilizations!  Biochemical civilization takes advantage of the intelligence and parasitism of these guys to create advanced biological brains that are cheap and beautiful, and are simply popular on the entire Taobao network!  But it's a pity that although they are popular as raw materials, at the level of biochemical civilization, you can cultivate them yourself by just buying a little.  Won't patronize them a second time at all.  "    "Well!  I see!  Zhu Runfa said awkwardly. "Sure enough."  There's a reason why Yam is so sad.  Let me go, these guys sound like boss level, but in the end they are so hard-working that not only can they not break through to the fifth level civilization, but they have become raw materials for high-level civilization products.  By the way, you said these guys can actually be made into biological intelligence brains by biochemical civilization?  Is it surprising that biological brains are all made of these bugs?  " "That's not true!  "The customer service girl explained, "There are many kinds of biological intelligence brains, but this kind of biological intelligence brain is made by using intelligent parasitic life.  It is definitely the lowest cost among all biological brains.  Being able to be parasitic means that the user will not have a rejection reaction and can better integrate with the user's original brain. Their brain itself is very developed and can become a natural intelligent brain after simple processing.  In fact, if you look at it from another perspective, after the eggs we buy now have removed their reproductive potential, are they not a kind of biological intelligence?  The only difference is that the real biological brain is an accessory of the user, while these guys can gain dominance over the body after being parasitized.  " "That's true!  Zhu Runfa nodded. But then he asked doubtfully, "Then why didn't we buy a biological intelligence brain from the beginning?"  I always feel that these insect eggs are a bit too dangerous.  " "Because it's cheap!  "The customer service girl said helplessly. "First, because it's cheap, you can save some money and buy more. A high-end brain costs several thousand star coins.  As for those crudely made low-level biological brains let's not mention them. They are basically scams and are not as safe to use as these insect eggs.  Second, because these Japanese people are dead, their own consciousness has dissipated, so a new consciousness is needed to replace it, and the real biological brain does not allow self-awareness.  "    "All right!  I see!  Zhu Runfa looked at the package of insect eggs, and then said worriedly, "But are you sure these eggs are safe?"  How long did it take for Yamu to take care of them all?  There won't be any surprises, right?  " "Hmph!  juvenile!  You can rest assured about this," the customer service girl said proudly, "With the great Queen of the Mountain here, accidents are impossible.  Interstellar Taobao has a hidden biological filtering service. For example, you can apply for this kind of biological filtering. Those above 10,000 star coins are charged on a pro-rata basis, and those below 10,000 star coins are free.  But the premise is that you first need to know the existence of this service, and secondly you need to know how to apply. Various alien biological filtration equipment is sold on Interstellar Taobao, so this service is hidden.  How about it!  You know how powerful I am!  Hum!  "After the customer service girl finished speaking, she raised her chin proudly, with an expression of expectation on her face that she would come and praise me soon. Zhu Runfa gave her a funny look, then fully satisfied her wish, and gave her a thumbs up with a smile  :"Um!  She is indeed the most amazing customer service girl, amazing!  " "Hmph!  It¡¯s good that you know,¡± the customer service girl became even more proud and laughed loudly and proudly, ¡°So you humble boy, don¡¯t call me customer service girl from now on, call me your queen!  Oh ho ho ho!  " Zhu Runfa rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then sighed helplessly to God: What evil have I done! In the past, this guy was a bit unreliable at best, but now he has turned into a  He has a chuunibyou, and this guy's chuunibyou seems to be spreading! Sure enough, is God testing me? Damn it, can't you just let me live a normal life?  Do you think your smart customer service will die if this continues??It is becoming increasingly difficult to improve the level of civilization on earth.  "Hey! Boy!" the customer service girl said with a smile, "The navigation of the sea depends on the helmsman, and the growth of all things depends on the sun. Now let the great Queen teach you how to hatch these insect eggs!" "Uh!" Zhu Runfa said with a black line on his face.  Looking at her, he couldn't help but complain, "You're just Mao's Sun! Do you think you're Mr. Mao, or Jin Sanpang?" "Humph! How can they be as great as I, the Queen of the Mountain!"  The customer service girl laughed arrogantly, "My Queen, I am the greatest in the world, humble Zhu Moumou, cheers! You can follow the great Queen of the Mountain, you are the most lucky! Oh, ho, ho, ho!" "  Well! It seems that this guy has completely reached the second grade. I hope her 'puberty' can pass quickly!" Zhu Runfa sighed, then ignored her, and started to operate the so-called artificial insect emperor seriously.  .  "Beep!" A buzzer sounded, and the thing that looked like a large silkworm unfolded instantly, revealing the structure inside.  There are densely packed small holes inside, which look a bit like a honeycomb, but these holes are not hexagonal but square.  Zhu Runfa knew from the instructions translated by the customer service girl that there were a thousand square holes in total, and each hole could hatch an insect egg, and each hatch only took three minutes.  "Beep!" The buzzer sounded again, a probe stretched out, and then a strange alien language came out from inside the artificial insect emperor.  Zhu Runfa himself did not understand this language, but according to the description, he knew that it was a blood collection needle used to collect blood from him.  This blood will generate something like a brand inside the artificial insect emperor, and when the artificial insect emperor hatches the eggs, it will add this brand information to the genes of these parasites, so that these parasites are completely unable to  Betray one's master.  Zhu Runfa thought for a while, and for the sake of caution, he did not touch the blood collection needle directly. Instead, he cut his finger with the knife he carried with him, and then used the knife to pick up a little blood and drip it onto the blood collection needle.  "Beep!" The buzzer sounded again, the lancet retracted instantly, and then an alien language sounded again.  Zhu Runfa looked at it and put more than thirty eggs into it.  Three minutes later, more than thirty small insects as big as rice grains slowly crawled out of the artificial insect emperor (To be continued)
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