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Text Chapter 562 Pioneers

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    Zhao Xuan immigrated from Jianghuai, which is now called Huainan Province. It is a fertile place with intertwined rivers and endless plains. There is not a mountain in every village for ten miles. There are crisscrossed roads and a land of fish and rice.  However, growing up in that wealthy place, Zhao Xuan's family has always been extremely poor. His father and two brothers originally grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. Later, after the fall of the Chen Kingdom, they crossed the river to Huainan. Officials granted land to them, but Huainan had many people and little land.  The system provided that each member of the family had an equal land of 100 acres, but the brothers were only allocated 20 acres of land, which was barely enough for the family to live on.  In the event of some natural disaster or insect infestation, it would be completely impossible. Therefore, the two brothers usually worked on the tenant fields and went to the dock to get work to carry out work during their free time. Zhao Xuan was herding cattle for the landlord's family at that time.  The family suffered for ten years and spilled their blood and sweat on the land. Year after year, they slowly saved some money and bought some more land.  However, the father, uncle and brother's family had many children. Sixteen men and dozens of people from the two families lived together. Men, women, old and young all had to rely on the dozens of acres of land. Life was still difficult.  So the only option was to rent more fields, and to hire workers during slack periods. Even the children, like Zhao Xuan, went to herd cattle and sheep for the landlord's family to make ends meet.  Zhao Xuan is his father's third son and the seventh in the family. His father and his two brothers came to Huainan to live, marry and have children. They have a total of fourteen cousins ??and six sisters. The poorer they are, the poorer they are.  .  When my father and uncle arrived in Huainan, they were barely allocated twenty acres of land. But after the brothers became adults, there was not even an acre of land left to divide.  A few years ago, the Zhao family heard from officials that the imperial court was planning to immigrate to northern Xinjiang. After hearing that immigrants could be allocated land, and each daughter had one hundred acres, even women could be allocated land.  Zhao Xuan's father and uncle were tempted.  The two brothers worked hard all their lives, and now the family has indeed multiplied. There are sixteen men in the next generation, but they have no land to live on, and only a few of the fourteen nephews have married.  Most of them reached the age of marriage early but could not find a suitable family because they could not afford gifts or build a new house. Even the girls did not find any good families.  The brothers gathered their nephews and nephews at home to discuss the matter and finally decided to sign up to go to Liaodong.  The original plan was to go to western Liaoning, but the imperial court recaptured Liaodong last year.  More immigrants were needed to immigrate to Liaodong. In order to encourage people to immigrate to Liaodong, the imperial court even issued special preferential conditions such that every man in Liaodong could be allocated 200 acres of land, and married women could also be allocated 100 acres of land.  In addition, the government provided travel expenses to send them to Liaodong.  In addition, there will be benefits such as settling-in allowance in advance. In the end, the Zhao family decided that since they wanted to stay in Liaodong outside the customs, it would be better to go directly to Liaodong. The land in western Liaoning was granted 100 acres, but in Liaodong it was doubled.  After the discussion, the Zhao family reported their names to the government. Many families could not show the courage of the Zhao family, although their families were also poor.  But in the end, they only asked the bastard or second son of the family to sign up to enter Liaodong. Very few, like the Zhao family, sold all their land, house and property to the government for recycling.  Then the whole family went to Liaodong with the ancestral tablets.  However, according to Uncle Zhao Xuan, when the two brothers were in Jiangdong, they were just tenant farmers. Later, when they arrived in Huainan, they were allotted twenty acres of their own land through hard work.  The next generation of the family has fourteen men and can continue to stay in Huainan.  The family will only live the same poor life as they did when they were in Jiangdong. From now on, the nephews and nephews can only work for the landlords and rent the land to cultivate.  There is no chance of success at all.  In this case, it is better to go to Liaodong to have a try.  Although they are old, the two brothers are still unwilling to stay and would rather go north together as a family.  It¡¯s hard to leave your homeland, and it can¡¯t compare with the temptation of a new one. Survival is always difficult, but if there is a good opportunity, no one is willing to miss it.  The migration process was much easier than the Zhao family imagined.  Everything was organized and arranged by the government. The immigrants from Shouchun County formed a team of more than a thousand people. Most of them were unmarried young men with no worries. Some of them had families like the Zhao family.  of.  These more than a thousand people were organized by the government, which sent several scribes and more than ten government officials to accompany them. The government also organized more than a hundred horse-drawn carriages, bringing tents and other items. Some families also had their own horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts.  join in.  On the way, the men walked and were organized into several teams. They were given some spears and swords. The escort team, women and children and the elderly sat on the carts pulling luggage. They walked slowly and slowly along the way, as scheduled every day.  They don't need to bring too much food or other things along the route. Along the highway, every other distance, there will be a supply station on the roadside. Most of them are in inns, which store a lot of supplies.  The imperial court specially prepared for these immigrants, and doctors would help them check their health, so everyone walked very easily. Even during the journey, in addition to organizing male escorts, the government officials also taught them some things as ordered.  Martial arts, it is said that this is also an order of the imperial court. It is said that after arriving in Liaodong, some martial arts can better protect themselves and immigrants. At the same time, every night, the officials accompanying the team will organize them to study together.Chinese characters, teach them pinyin, teach them some abbreviated words and calculation methods, and even teach them some simple Hu languages ??such as Goguryeo, Khitan, and Turk.  Zhao Xuan is very talented in reading. He has never been to school before and has never read a book. But along the way, he has learned a lot of words and can even write the family's greetings on the dirt with a branch.  The name, although a bit crooked, is correct.  The name Zhao Xuan was given to him by Secretary Liu who was surprised by his talent along the way. He was originally called Goudan, and he had this name since he was a child. According to what the country people said, a cheap name makes a living.  Yi, I have been called Yi since I was a child, and I didn¡¯t say that I wanted to have a famous name when I grew up.  My father and uncle couldn't think of one, and if you wanted to hire someone to name it, you'd have to pay for it.  They have fourteen brothers, and most of them have names like pigs, dogs, cats, stones, tree roots, etc. He is called Goudan. Among the brothers, there is also a brother named Xigou, Puppy and Ergou. There is also a cousin who is even called Gou Mei. He used to be called Gou Mei.  He didn't think anything of it, but now that he had a large size, he immediately felt that those names were too unpopular.  For this reason, he specifically begged his husband to give them a big name for all the brothers. He was a very kind man. It is said that he had never read a book before. He was born in a poor family, but he served as a soldier for the emperor, and later retired due to injury.  Return to hometown.  Because of his honors, he was able to enter the county government as a scribe. He also learned to read and calculate in the army.  Secretary Liu took a large number for each of the Zhao brothers and placed them all next to the fire.  Father and uncle were very happy about the new names of their nephews, which were chosen by Secretary Liu with help.  And it didn¡¯t cost a penny.  The two brothers were even more happy that Lao Qi Goudan could be favored by Shuli Liu and taught him reading, literacy and arithmetic.  Being able to read and write is a great thing. I never had such an opportunity at home before.  That was an opportunity only available to the children of wealthy landlord families.  Now this official Liu is so generous, teaching everyone how to read without asking for money.  Although they actually learned to read together, they couldn't remember how to learn it. They barely learned to recognize their own names and always made mistakes when writing them.  But everyone was still very grateful to Shuli Liu and the others.  Although it was said that this was the will of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, everyone still collected money on the road, and when they passed a supply station, they spent money to buy several banquets, buy some gifts, and held a thank-you banquet to invite Liu Shu  The officials and others drank together, and even asked Zhao Xuan and other young people who had achieved some success to perform a formal apprenticeship ceremony for Liu Shuli and several other officials.  Secretary Liu declined several times.  Seeing but failing everyone's enthusiasm, I finally had to accept a few young disciples, and they looked happy.  There were organizational arrangements made by the imperial court along the way.  It took them several months to finally reach Liaodong from Huainan. No one was lost in the team, and no one died of illness. Thanks to the supply stations arranged by the government along the road, the doctors and medicinal materials there, and the people in the accompanying team.  Liu Shuli will also have some simple treatments.  Everyone arrived in Liaodong smoothly.  More than a thousand people from Shouchun County, Shouzhou, Huainan Province were eventually resettled in Fuyu River, Northern Liaoning Province.  Just fifty miles west of the royal city of Fuyu, the original capital of Fuyu, Shouchun Fort was established there.  According to the court's plan.  These immigrants basically set up a camp according to their hometown, a county or a state. In this way, everyone comes from the same place, speaks the same words, and has more or less care, and can be more united and take care of each other.  .  Moreover, according to the court's plan, the immigrants would work together to hoard land and reclaim wasteland in the first three years. After three years, they could allocate land equally and cultivate by themselves according to the plan.  At the beginning, they wanted to build a camp together, live together, and cultivate wasteland together.  During the first three years of reclamation, the court would lend them seeds, furniture, cattle, etc., and provide them with a settlement allowance and interest-free loans to help them survive the first three years.  Of course, the imperial court also prepared a big benefit for them, that is, to provide blind dates for those young men who have reached the marriageable age without wives, and arrange for them to get married with unmarried girls of the right age from Liaodong indigenous people, and then they do not need to pay a bride price.  The government helped them solve it.  Of course, if you are willing to give more, the government will not object.  In short, this is good news that makes all immigrants excited.  Shouchuntun is still a temporary camp for the time being, with no houses, no walls, nothing.  Once you get here, you have to do everything yourself.  Fortunately, some officials came to help and taught them how to dig wells, build houses, and erect walls.  According to the government's plan, although Shouchun Tun is just a small immigrant settlement, it must have its own wall and its own militia. After the fort is established, someone must stand guard at night. According to the official's words  , although there are imperial troops stationed in northern Liaoning, they cannot be slack at all, and they must prevent some thieves or some unrepentant Goguryeo aristocratic landowners, etc.  Through explanation, Zhao Xuan learned that when Goguryeo ruled here, most of the land here actually belonged to a very small number of nobles and landlords, and most of the Goguryeo people were actually just their tenant farmers or even??Slave.  After the imperial court regained the land in Liaodong, it adopted different policies and treatments for these original Goguryeo survivors.  All the nobles and powerful landowners, after examination, if they are the kind of people who do evil things, then they will be sentenced according to the severity of the crime, sent to hard labor, mining, road construction and city building, and their family properties will be confiscated.  As for those who had no bad deeds, they were all moved to the Central Plains. Their fields, mountains, forests and other industries were purchased by the court at a discount, and finally they were given some land and property in the resettlement areas.  For those ordinary tenant farmers and slaves, it was much better. The slaves were separated from their original owners and placed in various farms or mines. As long as they served the court for five years, they could obtain free status.  After serving the imperial court for five more years, he would be able to transform from a hired worker into a formal citizen of the Sui Empire, and would be able to obtain the qualifications for land equalization and land granting, and be allocated his own land.  These slaves served the imperial court for the first five years, and the imperial court only provided them with food, drink, and a small allowance.  In the second five years, they can receive employment wages, and then they become their own masters and have their own fields.  For those tenant farmers or self-cultivaters who own a small amount of land, their situation basically remains unchanged and their property is protected, but they have to support the court's policies and decrees, pay taxes to the court, and perform military service to the court.  Unmarried daughters of marriageable age must also register with the government, participate in blind dates, and get married to Han immigrants. Their underage children must enter schools established by the government to learn Han culture. Adults must also learn Chinese, and at the same time, they must  Change the clothing system of the Han people, etc.  These policies are all designed to allow the imperial court to rule Liaodong and Liaobei steadily for a long time. The different treatment of the indigenous people is also to win over the vast majority and attack the minority.  To be more precise, it was to suppress the noble leaders and landlords, not only to eliminate the rule of Goguryeo politically, but also to seize Goguryeo's land, forests, minerals and other resources.  Otherwise, when the immigrants come, they will equalize the land and give it to the Goguryeo landlords as sharecrops.  This policy has a clear direction. Some people in the upper class of Goguryeo surrendered under the powerful force of the Sui army. They chose to move to the Central Plains. Although life will definitely not be so easy in the future, at least they can preserve their families.  There were also some who were unwilling to resist, and most of them were suppressed by the garrison troops stationed in various places in Liaodong.  Then a small group of powerful people took out their own money and took their slaves and tenants to recruit a lot of desperadoes and began to rebel. Although most of them were quickly wiped out, there were also some people who were familiar with the terrain and began to rebel.  The people in the mountains became bandits and bandits, and they were determined to fight against the Sui Dynasty to the end.  (To be continued)
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