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    The king surrendered to the Central Plains. People told him that the king had been named Marquis of Guiyi by the Sui Emperor.  "The king is now living in Luoyang, Central Plains." When a caravan spent the night in a roadside village, a wool trader loudly announced, "Now His Majesty the King has sent an order to Goguryeo, asking us all to submit to the Sui Emperor." The hawker didn't seem to know at all.  Pyongyang now has a new king, and the new king has claimed that the former king died in the Liaoxi War and held a funeral for him.  Of course, for the people in this small village beside the Fuyu Sichuan Road, this is the transportation link between the Liaohe River, Sumo River, Nanhe River and grassland, and the road to and from Turks, Xi, Khitan, Lin, Shiwei and Mohe.  This is the territory of Goguryeo, and it is also common for businessmen from various ethnic groups such as Han Turks and Khitans to come and go.  "The late king was defeated and killed in western Liaoning." Another merchant retorted, "At that time, the late king was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Sui troops by the Liao River. The two sides fought for seven days and seven nights. The late king killed more than a hundred Sui troops alone.  The general was finally exhausted and was shot to death by a Han general from behind with an arrow. " "That's right, the late king was not dead at all at that time, but was wounded and captured. He was taken to the Central Plains to see the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who asked him to surrender.  , and then the late king refused to kneel down or surrender, and was eventually poisoned to death by the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty. "A caravan guard said with confidence, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.  The weather was extremely cold and the north wind was blowing loudly. Juan just listened quietly to the nonsense of the passing vendors.  These businessmen traveled far and wide, and sometimes they did bring some fresh news, but many times it was just hearsay.  For example, what they are saying now is all bullshit. Huan knows that the former king of Goguryeo was defeated and captured in Liaohe last year, and then surrendered to the Sui Kingdom in the Central Plains.  Then Pyongyang chose Gao Jianwu, the younger brother of the former king Gao Yuan, as the new king. However, after the new king came to the throne, the Sui army had swept across the entire Liaodong, all the way to the west bank of the Yalu River, and there were only a few left on the west bank.  The four cities of Guoguo, Wugu, Bobi and Daxing were conquered.  The new king sent troops to reinforce and defend these four cities, and at the same time deployed defenses at the Yalu River to make the final resistance. At the same time, he asked the Sui State to surrender.  The two sides have been talking back and forth, but nothing substantial has been reached yet. However, the new king has sent his own sister to the Sui Kingdom to marry the Emperor of the Central Plains, so the Sui army has not continued to attack until now.  I heard that the Emperor of the Sui Kingdom had intended to withdraw his troops and cease the war. At present, most of the hundreds of thousands of Sui troops in Liaodong have withdrawn, but the Sui Kingdom still has hundreds of thousands of troops in Liaodong.  It is said that the emperor of the Sui Dynasty insisted on using the Yalu River as the boundary with Goguryeo in order to reach a peace agreement and prevent each other from attacking each other.  However, the new king of Goguryeo was only willing to use a hundred miles west bank of the Yalu River as the boundary at most. The purpose was to preserve the four cities on the west bank such as Wugu and Guangguo that had not yet been lost. At the same time, he would take back the land of a hundred miles west of the Yalu River through negotiation and make it  Strengthen the Yalu water defense line.  Juan hears many kinds of rumors every day.  But the Fuyu River is far away from the Yalu River. Even if the Sui emperor really agreed to set the boundary a hundred miles west of the Yalu River, their area would still be occupied by the Sui people.  Time passed day by day, and the situation was just as Juan expected. After the Sui Emperor married the Goguryeo princess, he stopped attacking Goguryeo, but the two sides were still wrangling over the national boundary negotiations. So far,  No definite news has come out.  But for the land of Liaodong, the resettlement results have already been achieved. To the east of the Liaohe River, it is bounded by the Xiaoliao River. In the north, it is the newly established Liaobei Province of the Sui Dynasty. To the south of the Xiaoliao River, it is the Liaodong Province of the Sui Dynasty. As for the eastern boundaries of the two provinces  Where, for the time being, it is based on the actual occupation area of ????the Sui army, that is, reaching the west bank of the Yalu River, except for the four isolated cities.  The Huan family now belongs to the Liaobei Province of the Great Sui Dynasty, and he has also become a subject of the Great Sui Dynasty from a subject of Goguryeo.  Winter has passed in the blink of an eye, and summer has arrived again.  The weather was extremely hot. It was only about twenty miles from Ping'an Fort to Buyeo City, but Qinghua's chest and thighs were already soaked with sweat.  This big green horse is Juan's treasure. It is very strong and is the best animal in Ping'an Fort.  The sun hanging in the west shines through the trees on both sides of the road, and it is still hot. The muddy water splashed on the car is still hot when it hits the bare legs with rolled up pants. The car finally managed to get out of the ditch.  When we reached the dry road, Juan, who kept shouting at Qinghua, breathed a sigh of relief.  "Aye, the Han army that passed the day before yesterday was so big. You see, the road was completely destroyed by their carts. It was a good road, but when it rained, it turned into a river of mud." The speaker was  Juan's little daughter, who was sitting a little further back in the car, was wearing a cloth dyed blue, her hair was neatly combed, and a big shiny knot was tied behind her head and dragged on her back.  Her eyes were a little nervous, and she was looking around, following her father into the city. This was originally one of the few happy days in the year.  Because my home was close to the main road, I opened a restaurant that not only sold tea, cooked meals, but also provided accommodation, so I made a lot of money.Most of the time, she was busy in the kitchen with her sisters-in-law.  But when she went to Fuyu City today, she was not very excited, but more nervous.  "We are almost crossing the river. The rain has increased a bit. Sit tight." Old man Juan shouted, raised his whip again, and commanded the blue and white flowers.  Almost all four wheels were sunk into the water, and only the back of the blue and white car was exposed. The four legs could not be seen. The car seemed to be floating on the water.  The little daughter held on to the carriage rail tightly. Juan focused on directing Qinghua to cross the river. The carriage swayed a little bit from side to side and finally crossed the river. The carriage bumped violently again.  On both sides of the road and on both sides of the river, there is a neat field with full bean pods, as swollen as the breasts of a plump woman.  Juan looked at this piece of land and sighed in his heart. Although this is Liaodong, where the climate is cold all year round, the land is fertile and the water is sufficient. Not only can he grow millet and wheat, but he can also grow beans with a high yield.  Especially this piece of land along the river bank is both convenient and fertile. Every time he goes to the city to buy goods and passes by, he always feels an indescribable feeling of envy. Why doesn't he have such a good piece of land?  Although the Hu family has lived in Buyeo River for several generations, as Han Chinese, they have a natural desire for the land, and this desire is endless.  It's a pity that the ancestor who came here was just a slave kidnapped by the Goguryeo people. Because of his diligence and meritorious service for his master, he finally became free.  Then after several generations of hard work, they finally established a foothold here. With the skill and intelligence of the Han people, they bought a piece of land and built a large house on the side of Ping'an Fort Road more than 20 miles outside Fuyu City.  Starting a business as a passing merchant, he had a business, and his family gradually became prosperous.  But although Juan inherited the family business, he was still full of envy for the land.  He couldn't help but said to his daughter, "In our Ping'an Fort, the land on both sides of the roadside and river bank is the best. Whatever you plant will grow. In the spring, if you insert a chopstick, it will sprout. This land, not to mention the cultivation of bean sprouts."  Beans, you can grow millet, wheat, or even rice from the Central Plains and Jiangnan, and it will still grow very well. " "No one here knows how to grow rice. I heard that growing rice is extremely labor-intensive and requires water to grow for a long time.  "I'm so worried about planting rice seedlings and so on." The younger daughter has heard her father say more than once that the land here can grow rice and how to grow rice, but she can't remember much.  "Our ancestors were from Jiangnan in the Central Plains. We have hundreds of acres of land to grow rice. We can grow two crops a year. One acre of good paddy field can produce a harvest of ten acres of beans."  According to legend, they are Han people. Their ancestors were from Jiangnan in the Central Plains. They were also quite large landowners. Later, they joined the army during the war. As a result, they fought with the northerners and were captured. Later, they became soldiers of the northern court and fought with the Hu people further north.  , was finally defeated and captured, and went all the way to Buyeo River, and then established a foothold. From the beginning as a prisoner of war slave to the present, it has gone through quite difficult generations of management efforts.  "Do we have to go on a blind date this time?" The old man nodded and said to his daughter with some guilt, "Now this place is under the rule of the Sui Dynasty. Our place belongs to Liaobei Province. The newly arrived officials conveyed the message of the Sui Dynasty.  The emperor's will is for us, the original Goguryeo people, to live in harmony with the newly arrived Han people. " "We can't live in harmony without us marrying them. Such a hasty blind date is simply a robbery." My youngest daughter is sixteen this year.  Years old. Originally, this age was also the age for marriage. However, Juan had always cherished this daughter and wanted to find a husband with good conditions for her. Who knew that he would be confused for a while and before he could choose, this Liaodong Fuyu  It became the Liaobei Province of the Sui Dynasty.  Immediately after the Han army stationed in each city, Han officials arrived, divided states into counties, divided townships into villages, and then a large number of people from the Central Plains began to move in.  Most of the people who came were young people, said to be people from some impoverished mountainous areas in the Central Plains, and most of them were from families with little land but many brothers and children. The Central Plains had little land and it was difficult to divide the land evenly for farming, so the imperial court encouraged these people.  Young people came to the newly established Liaodong and Liaobei provinces to immigrate and reclaim wasteland.  As long as they are willing to come, the imperial court will provide them with travel expenses and send them here. After arriving at the place, the local government will first set up a fort for them and gather them together to clear wasteland and stockpile land. After three years, each person will be given two hundred acres of land.  , these lands are twice the number of equal fields in the Central Plains, and in fact, many places in the Central Plains have long had no land to equalize.  However, most of these immigrants who accepted the emperor's encouragement were young and poor. Many of them were in their twenties and thirties and had not yet married.  Now he has moved to Liaodong and Liaobei, and has built various forts and settled here, but there is no woman.  Therefore, there is an official order, in compliance with His Majesty the Emperor's decree to immigrate and bring native families together, all native women in eastern Liaoning and northern Liaoning who are over fifteen to thirty years old, unmarried, or widowed and divorced, are ordered to go to the prefectures and counties.  Register with the court, then participate in blind dates organized by the government, go on blind dates with unmarried Central Plains immigrants in prefectures and counties, and then marry the suitable ones.There is even a special order from the government that every unmarried indigenous woman of the right age will only have ten blind dates. If an immigrant man fails to match them ten times, the government's official matchmaker will directly help them marry the person they choose.  past.  Such an order is very strict, but there is compensation for the people of Goguryeo.  That is, as long as a daughter or sister marries a Han immigrant, these indigenous families are also eligible to receive land equalization from the court. All indigenous families with a field property of no more than 100 acres can also receive equal land as long as a daughter or sister marries a Han immigrant.  , to make up for each household¡¯s allowance of one hundred acres.  ??The Juan family runs a family business and has no land. If his youngest daughter marries a Han immigrant, his family will also be allocated 100 acres of land.  It is said that as long as he behaves well, after five years, each adult male will be granted one hundred acres of land. He has three sons, and in five years, three grandsons will all be adults. At that time, he  There are seven adults in the family, and each person has 100 acres. Then wouldn¡¯t his family get 700 acres of their own land?  This is simply something he has never dreamed of in these years. In Fuyu, although the family inheritance industry can keep the family fed and clothed, it is not as satisfying as his own land.  But it turns out that it is too difficult to have your own land.  Goguryeo was half pastoral and half farming, but agriculture was not developed, but most of the land was concentrated in the hands of nobles and powerful leaders. The vast majority of Goguryeo people were tenant farmers, or simply slaves of those nobles.  Few people can own their own land.  Therefore, although the official order from the Han officials this time aroused everyone's surprise, and felt that this order to force their daughters to marry Han people was too difficult, but after seeing that the land could be divided, everyone almost all took their daughters with them.  We rushed to the government office to register.  On the one hand, this is the rule of the Sui Dynasty, and their small arms cannot hold up their thighs. On the other hand, the attraction of being able to divide the land is indeed very great.  "Our family is also Han. If we can find a diligent and honest Han immigrant young man, it will be a good marriage." The old man is full of expectations for the fields, and now Fuyu is already a Han world. Because he is a Han, he usually has no  Having been less oppressed by the Goguryeo aristocratic leaders in Buyeo, I think I can finally turn around this time when the Han people are in power.  It would definitely be better if the daughter could marry a good Han son-in-law. It would be much better than marrying a Goguryeo, Mohe, Khitan, or Fuyu.  The old man turned around at this time and looked at his daughter with the eyes that he had seen countless passers-by all year round, "You have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people, so you must keep your eyes open when you go on a blind date.  We are looking for a hard-working, honest and smart young man. These young men are all immigrants. Most of them come from poor families and have many brothers, so they come out to work. We don¡¯t care about anything else, as long as they are hard-working and honest.  Yes, it doesn¡¯t matter if you are temporarily poor or whatever. He can share the land. Our family also has some savings. We will support you some by then. In a few years, your life will be prosperous. When we look back, we will still need you in the future.  The couple are here to help the brothers from my mother's side." "Aye, what are you talking about?" the younger daughter said a little shyly.  "Hahaha." The old man said happily, "Dad, I'm telling you the truth. Originally, children's marriages were decided by their parents, but now that the emperor has the decree and the government has the fate, it can only be like this. Can you  Remember, don¡¯t just focus on the good-looking one. Good looks doesn¡¯t matter. It has to do with someone who is down-to-earth and willing to work hard. Appearance doesn¡¯t matter, but the body must be strong. Find someone taller with thick hands and thick feet.  " "Oh, I got it, stop talking." The little daughter covered her face and said to her father coquettishly.  "Okay, no more, no more. Look, we're almost there. There are a lot of people." Buyeo City is already in sight in the distance. On the road outside the city, there are cars and horses everywhere, and more of them are young people.  Women, aged between fifteen and thirty, almost all local unmarried people came, and a large number of them were all queuing up to sign up.  At this time, Juan's little daughter raised her neck and looked towards the city gate. After looking for a long time, she said with some disappointment and confusion, "Why don't you see the immigrants?" The old man laughed loudly, "I didn't let Aye say it just now.  Now you are getting anxious. Don't worry, our daughter is so beautiful that people from all over the country will be attracted by her. You must remember what I just said.  Just don¡¯t be dazzled when you arrive.¡± ¡°Register, those who haven¡¯t registered come and line up, and the women who come for blind dates are all queuing up here.¡± A Goguryeo man was standing in a Han-style robe.  Shouting vigorously in front of the city gate, Huan recognized this person at a glance as a scribe from the city lord's palace in Fuyu City. He had dealt with him in the past, and he was a person who looked down on others, but he couldn't.  At the moment, he looks serious about doing things, especially when facing the Han generals wearing armor and several Han civilian officials in green official robes.?A flattering and flattering look.  "Oh, shopkeeper Hu is here. He sent his daughter to choose a son-in-law for a blind date, right?" Secretary Gao saw Huan from a distance, raised his eyebrows, and immediately ran over with a smile on his face, talking to the two of them enthusiastically.  They seemed to be close friends, which surprised Huan.  "Mr. Hu has met Gao Shuli." Huan saluted quickly.  "Who among us is following whom? Why are you so polite? Just call me Lao Gao." Secretary Gao smiled very familiarly, then pulled Juan to the side and whispered, "Old shopkeeper, we are all  We are old friends, so today I will tell you a special situation. Today is actually not only a blind date, but also a rare opportunity. If you are willing, I will make it easy for you right away.  How about fighting for a spot in the draft? ""Draft?" Juan asked with some confusion.  "It is a sea of ??beautiful girls. Girls aged fourteen or fifteen are selected from all over the world. Finally, the outstanding girls are sent to the palace. If they are born with nobility, once they are favored by the emperor, they will be the emperor's concubines. Even if they are not that good,  Luck, as long as you stay in the palace for ten years and serve His Majesty for ten years, you can be sent back to your hometown. At that time, you can bring a reward back to your hometown. Even if the family of a beautiful girl is selected, the state will give 500 yuan.  "Five hundred acres of land?" Huan couldn't help but take a breath, feeling extremely surprised and immediately feeling a little excited.
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