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Text Chapter 563 Blind Date

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    For this reason, the imperial court had special requirements for immigrants. It required that all immigration sites must have fort walls, organize militia teams, and stand guard at night. In short, in addition to having troops stationed in various towns and other places, the immigrants must also have their own defense forces.  It must be able to deal with all kinds of bandits, and at least be able to support the enemy until the arrival of the army.  There are more than a thousand people in Shouchun Tun, which is considered a large-scale settlement. The surrounding land of 20 miles has been allocated to them. However, there is not much cultivated land. Fuyu is originally a half-grazing and half-farming place, especially since this is Goguryeo.  northwest corner.  However, there is a large river passing through the land in the north and south, which is the kind of river that has water all year round. Zhao Xuan and others were very happy and satisfied when they saw this river coming from the Huainan water town.  In the words of Zhao Xuan's father, rice can be grown here.  There is not much cultivated land, there are more than a thousand acres of land, which originally belonged to the indigenous nobles. But now these lands have been returned to Shouchun Tun. There are still a small amount of land that originally belonged to some self-cultivators. Now these self-cultivators have been moved to the north, where a hundred farmers have been built.  The Goguryeo settlement in Yuhu, their land was also integrated there.  The government's current separation of Han immigrants and indigenous people is also to avoid too many conflicts from the beginning.  There are more than 1,000 acres of land, and the average person only has a little more than one acre.  However, Zhao Xuan's folks were not disappointed. There was a lot of good land here that could be cultivated. The land allocated to them by the government could be used to cultivate thousands of hectares of land, especially since there are two rivers here, which provide water sources.  The land is fertile.  "These fields don't need to be fertilized. Look at this black field. You can squeeze out the oil with your hands. If you insert a chopstick into it, it will sprout." The person who spoke was an official from the county who was stationed in Shouchuntun. It is said that he was  The family technician specializes in guiding them, the Jianghuai people, on how to farm in northern Liaoning.  "What does the official mean? You have just arrived and are not very familiar with the land here. You will definitely not be able to grow rice now. If you have not mastered the land well, it will be difficult to plant. The above message is that you should plant soybeans and sorghum first. These two things.  It is best to grow in northern Liaoning, and it is easy to plant, work and harvest well. " Because Zhao Xuan's family has a large number of people, with a family of 16 men and more than 30 people, it is considered the largest family in the village, so he recommended his uncle to be the leader.  Got this village chief.  Old man Zhao's face was full of wrinkles.  He is very dark, but very strong. He has eight sons. In fact, he is not yet fifty years old this year, and he always speaks with a loud voice.  He is usually a kind-hearted person. If there is any minor dispute, he will always go to help make peace immediately. Especially along the way, he is also the captain of the escort team, so he is already very prestigious in the village.  At this time, he stood up and smiled and said to the officer, "Sir, it's just that. We have only grown rice in the past, and have never planted sorghum and soybeans. And if we only grow sorghum and soybeans, then we can't all grow sorghum and soybeans."  Let¡¯s use sorghum and soybeans as feed.¡± The agricultural technician didn¡¯t take it seriously and smiled, ¡°What Chief Zhao said makes sense, but don¡¯t worry, the government has already planned it.  According to the plan, we are planting sorghum and soybeans in Fuyu. After the harvest, they will be purchased by the government and used as feed for the garrison's horses. In addition, the soybeans can also be used for everyone's rations.  It¡¯s not a problem. The government will provide everyone with millet and wheat rations. As for the rice issue raised by the village chief just now, I think it¡¯s not impossible, but we might as well plant a small amount of rice by the river first to get a feel for it.  After we figure out the temperament of the land, we will promote the planting of rice or wheat and millet in large quantities in the future. " "The chief has considered it clearly. Since the government has considered it so properly and thoroughly, we will naturally listen to him.  Got it." Old Man Zhao said with a satisfied smile.  The agricultural technician smiled and said, "I will be stationed in Shouchun Tun for a long time from now on. Please don't be polite to me. I am not a chief, I am just an agricultural technician. I am here to help you with production under the orders of the imperial government."  We now have over a thousand acres of cultivated land. This year we will plant more than a thousand acres of land with sorghum and soybeans. However, the most important task is to reclaim wasteland. But don¡¯t worry, everyone, according to official documents, we will be able to farm soon.  One hundred oxen and twenty horses will be obtained, and all kinds of fine iron farm tools will be delivered immediately. We can cultivate a lot of land together this year, and we will receive work points according to the harvest at the end of the year.  In terms of rations and income, after three years, each man will be allocated 200 acres of land, and each man's wife will be allocated 100 acres. Good times are waiting for us, so let's work hard.  " The enthusiasm of the immigrants was aroused. When the family was having dinner in the evening, Old Man Zhao announced an order to his nine unmarried nephews.  "The official came to inform you today that tomorrow is the first blind date meeting in our county. All nine of your brothers will go to get their hair cut, their beards trimmed, a good bath, their nails done, and their faces shaved.  Take out your best clothes and put them on, and go to the city for a blind date tomorrow morning. I tell you, don't be picky. The most important thing when looking for a wife is not appearance. If you look good, you can't eat or drink.  You have to look for the kind of person who instantly recognizes you?Honestly, if there is one more thing, you must have a strong body, preferably with big breasts and a round butt. Only with big breasts can you have milk, and with a big butt can you have children.  This time, it¡¯s all thanks to His Majesty the Holy Emperor, His Majesty¡¯s Saint Ming and Benevolence. The imperial court has already made arrangements for us. You can marry so many girls without any financial gifts from your family. What a great thing this is.  But you have to seize the opportunity. If you pick it up here and there, if someone picks it up, it may be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.  "When Old Man Zhao said this, he sighed with a look on his face and was extremely grateful to His Majesty the Emperor. Without this immigration order, their family would have been able to work as tenants on the land, not to mention their fourteen nephews who were of marriageable age.  Only five of them are married, and nine are still single. Now, the officials are helping them find wives, which is a good thing that is hard to find even if they are looking for a lantern. "They are all barbarians, I guess.  I can¡¯t even understand Chinese.  "The speaker was Zhao Xuan's cousin, the dog girl Zhao Wei, grunting, saying that he was very unhappy about going on a blind date to marry Hu Nu. In fact, he was not the only one who was unhappy. The nine members of the Zhao family were not yet married.  The older one is almost thirty, and the younger one is in her twenties. Although I have been thinking about my wife for many years, when this day comes, I am not very happy about it. There is no other reason, just because I want to marry a Hu.  Female. When I think about these Goguryeo women who can¡¯t even understand or speak Chinese, and have all different living habits, how will they live together in the future?  "Old man Zhao slapped his chopsticks hard on the table, stood up and gave the dog girl a slap in the face. The old man has experienced hardship. It can be said that he has been suffering hardship for most of his life. The hard life makes  He has already understood many principles of life. It doesn't matter what kind of Hu Nu it is, what kind of living habits it is. What matters is that he can marry a young girl as a wife, have children, multiply his family, and make his family prosperous.  , it¡¯s better than being a bachelor. Besides, the government has already announced that the land will be officially equalized in three years. At that time, each man will receive 200 acres of land, and each married woman will receive 100 acres of land.  It's such a good thing to give a daughter-in-law and add 100 acres of land. It's really stupid that the dog girl is not happy. Not to mention a Hu girl, even a mute girl has to marry immediately. What's more, she hasn't yet.  Granting land means hoarding the land together, but it's not like eating from a big pot. It also requires work points. If you marry a wife, you have one more worker. Although a woman doesn't work in the fields, she can still weave and make clothes, so she can still get work points.  The more people there are, the more money they will earn, and they will be able to earn more family property earlier. When the land is equal to each household, we will have to buy cows and horses. How can we do it without money? Zhao Xuan is not allowed to send children to school in the first place?  He was willing to go on a blind date, let alone marry a Hu girl. Reading and reading with Liu Shuli along the way broadened his horizons a lot. At the age of 21, he felt that the world was so vast for the first time, especially after listening to Liu Shuli.  The clerk told him about the past when he fought for the emperor in Huaihuang, which made him yearn for it even more. Now in the village, because he knew a lot of words, he was the deputy captain of the militia, but he wanted to join the army.  To see the wider world. Liu Shuli also encouraged him. Now that Liu Shuli has arrived here, he has not returned to Huainan, but has stayed here. He just worked as a recorder in the county, which can be regarded as a record.  He has improved a lot and has become a high-ranking official. If he can make some merits in the next step, he might have a chance to be promoted from a clerk to an official. After all, he is a retired soldier with honors, and now that the Holy Emperor is in power, the official  He was no longer insurmountable, but he didn't dare to mention his thoughts to his father, especially his uncle. He knew his uncle's temper, and what he opposed most was to join the army.  A good man cannot be a soldier, especially since he has not even married a wife, so it is impossible for him to join the army. He originally wanted to mention this matter today, but when he saw that his cousin was being scolded.  It was so miserable that he didn't dare to mention it any more. That night, Zhao Xuan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep all night. He was very resistant to this blind date, but he finally remembered what his father said to him last night.  He understood that the most important thing for a man is responsibility. His father told him that he knew that he wanted to go out and that he wanted to be a soldier. He could see all this. His father also said that he could not help him because he was so smart.  It's a pity that he never sent him to school for a day. But his father also said that people should not only think about themselves, especially men. Men should bear more responsibilities. His father asked him to go on a blind date tomorrow morning and bring back a girl.  , when they become biological children, if he still wants to go out at that time, he will support him at that time.  He has six sons. It is not impossible for one son to go out and have a career, but he must first marry a wife and have children.  (To be continued)
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