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Text Chapter 525: Falling into the trap

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    (Wait a moment, not checking,) Without asking any questions, Liu Shaoqing said, "First, Ao Xun rained down poison to blind their eyes. Then we surrounded them from all sides and killed them one by one. The time was set at noon. At this time  The higher the temperature, the more effective the poison will be. ""This plan is feasible." Ye Xiaoyao nodded in agreement, and when Mo Wen looked up at him, he added, "You have a better way."  Wen hesitated for a moment and said, "Capture the thief first and capture the king first. As long as Chi You and his generals are killed, other ferocious beasts will not be afraid. Once I do it, I will go to the center of the altar and guard the exit of the altar to prevent Chi You and his generals from going out."  Command the ferocious beasts. You take the opportunity to kill them from the outside. ""As you said, we will start tomorrow and deal with them early. I have to rush back to clean up the mess in Guzhou." Liu Shaoqing nodded.  "You can kill as many as you can tomorrow. Protect your own safety first. If you can't annihilate them all, seek heavy damage. This battle is nothing more than the difference between a big victory and a small victory. It's not a fight with your life. It's not worth taking your life." Mo Wen emphasized his tone.  The principles and limits for action were set.  "What Mo Wen said makes sense. Once the spiritual energy is exhausted, retreat immediately. Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood." Yu Linglong nodded in agreement.  Everyone nodded after hearing this, and the pressure in their hearts suddenly eased.  "Tomorrow I will guard the exit of the stone tower altar. Liu Shaoqing will kill the inner ring. Zhenren Li, Qiong Yao and Princess Xun will kill the middle ring. Ye Xiaoyao will chase and escape in the outer ring. Lao Wu will be in the sky above and be responsible for supporting Zhenren Li and others. If the situation is critical, immediately  Take them to the sky." Mo asked about the assignment.  Everyone nodded again after hearing the words, and had no objections. Mo Wen's arrangement was the most reasonable. He had the highest level of cultivation and was responsible for dealing with Chi You and his monster generals. Liu Shaoqing could become invisible, so it was most suitable for him to charge inside the densely packed fierce beasts. The three of them  The woman is located on the periphery of the center, so there is less pressure. Ye Xiaoyao has more than a dozen flying birds of prey, which can be divided up to hunt down the escaped beasts and maximize the results of the battle. Lao Wu has no cultivation and is responsible for taking care of the three women.  It is said that she is supporting Yu Linglong and Qiong Yao. Although Ao Xun is a woman, she is a strong warrior among the seven. Her cultivation level ranks second, and she also has the ability to lift into the air, so she does not need the support of Lao Wu at all.  .  Next, everyone prepared separately. Liu Shaoqing, Ye Xiaoyao, Yu Linglong, and Qiong Yao each swallowed two qi-boosting pills. These were the last few qi-boosting pills left by everyone. These were brought by Ao Xun from the South China Sea.  It was made from the spiritual objects for alchemy. At this time, it is difficult to find the spiritual objects for alchemy in mainland China. A batch of the spiritual objects growing on the islands in the South China Sea were previously collected by Ao Bang, and later some were taken away by Ao Xun. At this time,  It is no longer easy to find alchemy items.  Ye Xiaoyao took the birds to look for food, while the rest of the group recuperated from Fuyun Mountain and became familiar with the swords that Ye Xiaoyao brought from Dai Kingdom.  After resting quietly for a day, at noon the next day, everyone swallowed the detoxifying monster. Mo Wen personally drew a spell to hide the smell of everyone and the birds. Ao Xun took the poison Teng Yun prepared by Yu Linglong and went ahead.  Rain falls on the altar area.  "If the spiritual energy is exhausted, retreat here immediately. We will meet here. We must not stop fighting." Mo Wenchang said to the crowd.  When everyone heard the words, they nodded in agreement, took the birds and started to go west.  The reason why Mo Wen changed his mind temporarily was because he knew nothing about the situation at the altar. Failure to know oneself and the enemy violated a military taboo, and he had to leave a way out for his own side.  When he was three hundred miles away from the stone tower altar, Mo Wen left the back of the bat and became invisible. He had to rush to the entrance of the altar before the poisonous rain fell. Otherwise, the ferocious beasts that were dormant after the poisonous rain fell would scare Chi You and Chi You out of the altar.  Those monster generals.  After a few days, the situation in the crater has changed a lot. Most of the ferocious beasts have woken up, but they are not walking around randomly, but lying on the spot with their eyes open.  Mo Wen sneaked under the stone tower invisibly. As soon as he arrived, Ao Xun started to rain. The downpour of rain fell on the leaves, making a dense sound. These raindrops were poisonous. The leaves were eroded by the poisonous rain and instantly changed.  It is withered and yellow.  Because there are leaves above, there are not many raindrops falling on the ground. Although the rainwater is toxic, it has no corrosive effect. The ferocious beasts on the ground lie in place and are not disturbed.  The heavy rain is getting heavier and heavier, and more and more rainwater falls on the ground. These ferocious beasts that have just woken up from the winter either lick the rainwater or enjoy the coolness of the rain. In order to compete for the rainwater, the beasts begin to collide and roar in a non-violent way.  Closer to Mo Wen was a giant tusked elephant covered in long yellow hair. There was a depression below the stone platform. The giant elephant sucked the rainwater with its long trunk. After a while, it began to shake its huge head, and then rubbed its head and face from the stone tower.  This action indicated that the poison was taking effect and its vision was beginning to be affected.  After a while, the giant elephant felt his eyes stinging and raised his head to the sky and let out a cry.A painful roar, this thing was very big, and its roar was extremely harsh. Following its lead, other ferocious beasts began to roar one after another.  At this time, Mo Wen heard the sound of footsteps coming from inside the altar. None of these monsters had any alien aura, so it was impossible to determine what kind of monster came out of the altar, nor what its behavior was.  Mo Wen hid on the left side of the cave entrance, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand. When the opponent walked out of the cave, he unsheathed the sword and cut it in two. The monster screamed in pain and revealed its original shape, which was a huge three-headed centipede.  Although the centipede was seriously injured, it did not die immediately. After revealing its original shape, it let out a series of piercing and sharp screams. Mo Wen rushed over, drew out his sword again, and chopped off all three of its horn-shaped heads.  At the same time, there was a violent commotion among the beasts. A large spotted tiger and a snake badger the size of a green bull were beheaded. It was obvious that Liu Shaoqing was already in position to take action.  Seeing Liu Shaoqing take action, Mo Wen quickly drew a spell and set up a Qi-calming formation around the stone tower altar. This formation was very small, so that it could delay the opponent's attack when he rushed out.  After setting up a calming formation, Mo Wen swung his long sword frequently and began to kill the larger beasts around him. Every time he killed one, his body would be moved to the entrance of the cave. The body was more than ten feet long and had four legs.  Giant pythons, five-tailed giant scorpions with human hands, these ferocious objects are huge, and two or three of them can completely block the small hole.  At this time, Qiong Yao and others had also begun to take action. The poisonous rain that had fallen earlier had blinded a large number of ferocious beasts. They were unable to fight back in the face of everyone's slashing. Some ferocious beasts that had not yet lost their sight began to flee in all directions. Many were accidentally injured while escaping.  Trampling, seeing this situation, everyone unanimously changed their fighting methods, deliberately leaving behind those huge and blind beasts, allowing them to collide randomly among the beasts.  Since he didn¡¯t know the situation inside the stone tower altar, Mo Wen was guarding the entrance of the cave while also observing other parts to prevent Chi You and others from breaking out from other parts of the stone tower.  It is right for everyone to use long weapons. Most of these ferocious beasts are huge. Even if they use long swords and knives, sometimes they cannot be completely defeated. Some ferocious beasts spurt blood from their necks and their heads are half hung.  There were random collisions, causing bright red blood to be everywhere.  Everyone was fighting separately at this time, and the battle was almost one-sided. A large number of ferocious beasts were killed quickly, and few ferocious beasts made effective and purposeful counterattacks.  At this moment, Mo Wen started to get suspicious. According to common sense, Chi You should have noticed the massacre outside. Why didn't he go out to meet the enemy? There was only one monster general coming out of the altar, so why didn't the other generals go out.  Seeing that the number of ferocious beasts in the crater was decreasing rapidly, Mo Wen became more and more suspicious. The other party did not put up any effective resistance at all. Is this intentional by the other party or was it a surprise attack that caught the other party by surprise?  To confirm this, you still need to wait for a while. Although the situation is different, you cannot retreat easily, because once you retreat, you will lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill the enemy. Of course, everything in this world must be gained and lost. If you take the opportunity to eliminate this group of enemies,  If you are a ferocious beast, you need to bear the risk of being plotted by Chi You.  After weighing, considering, and judging, Mo Wen felt that the other party should not be trying to lure the enemy. The price paid by the other party was too high. These ferocious beasts were all ferocious and rare. If they all died, they would not be able to gather them again.  Secondly, if the other party uses these ferocious beasts as bait, they will do something clumsy. At least they must provide effective resistance to eliminate the enemy's suspicion. It is unreasonable to sit back and wait for death.  Mo Wen waited nervously for half a stick of incense, feeling less and less confident. At this time, the beast herd was out of control, and less than half of the beasts were alive, but Chi You and his demon beast generals did not appear.  "The situation is not right." Ye Xiaoyao's voice came from the east, "They are not fleeing, they are just wandering in this valley." "Exit the valley." Mo Wen shouted loudly, failure in life is often due to greed, the situation  There are differences, we can no longer stay here just to expand our victory.  Mo Wen shouted, everyone began to retreat to the east. Mo Wen hesitated for a moment and dodged eastward, without entering the stone tower altar to see what was going on.  When plundering eastward, Mo Wen poured spiritual energy into his long sword and cut down a tree in the valley as he hurried forward. After leaving the valley, he looked back at the stone tower altar from the top of the east slope and saw that the entrance to the cave was still blocked by the corpses of ferocious beasts.  Stay there, and no one can escape from it.  After leaving the valley, everyone gathered around Mo Wen, with doubts on their faces. Even a three-year-old child knew that this was unreasonable, and unreasonable things always make people feel uneasy.  "How could this happen?" Liu Shaoqing looked at the long sword that had been curled. He had fought against the beasts many times from Hei County and knew some of the beasts. It was different from the orderly one before, although it was still those beasts.  , but today¡¯s performance is nothingBylaws.  "Could Chi You have gone elsewhere?" Ye Xiaoyao tilted his head and looked at the many ferocious beasts that were charging randomly in the valley.  Mo Wen frowned and shook his head when he heard this. There were only two possibilities for what happened today, either the best or the worst. The best possibility was that Chi You was unable to control the beasts for some reason, and the worst possibility was that everyone fell into a trap. However,  Now that everyone has left the valley, they should not be plotted.  Just when Mo Wen was puzzled, he suddenly noticed that the atmosphere around him was stagnant.  "Master, my ears are ringing, we are trapped." Lao Wu shouted in panic.  "Don't panic." Mo Wen raised his hand and said. There is no doubt that the opponent had indeed used a trick to lure the enemy. Everyone was already trapped in the formation. The range of this formation was not limited to the twenty-mile area.  At this moment, the altar in the valley suddenly shook violently
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