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Text Chapter 524 Everyone is here

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    "Ninety percent," Lao Wu tilted his head and curled his lips. He understood Mo Wen. Mo Wen was neither radical nor conservative. He would not do anything that he was not sure of, nor would he wait until he was 100 percent sure to do it. If Mo Wen had  I am 90% sure that I would never go out and ask for help before.  "With Zhenren Li here, we are at least 90% sure." Mo Wen said with a smile. He had led troops for many years and knew that it was wrong to rely on soldiers to win. Momentum was very important. The stronger the momentum, the greater the chance of victory.  "Knowing words make you look good." Yu Linglong glanced at Mo Wen.  After Mo Wen smiled, he ordered Lao Wu to bring the food he bought on the road to Yu Linglong. He walked to the side and sat down. His previous statement that he was 90% sure was not just to boost morale, but that was what he thought in his heart.  , his main purpose of looking for helpers was to share his pressure. If he did not invite powerful helpers, the consequence would be that he would consume a lot of spiritual energy in this battle. The reason why he was not 100% sure was because he did not know what was going on inside the stone tower altar.  Circumstances, Uncle Ji's monkey has undoubtedly entered the stone tower altar. An ordinary old monkey, after entering the stone tower, turned into a monster monkey that even black and white can't do anything about. This shows that there is some kind of magical power in the stone tower altar.  The stone tower altar was built in ancient times. The magical thing that can improve cultivation is undoubtedly an ancient relic.  "When are you going to take action?" Yu Linglong waved her hand and declined the food and wine offered by Lao Wu.  ¡°We don¡¯t have any specific plans yet. We¡¯ll wait until everyone is here to figure it out.¡± Mo Wen shook his head and said.  "Then how are you going to do it?" Yu Linglong asked again.  "The ferocious beasts there are not waiting for a while. They cannot form a formation to surround the urn to catch the turtles. How to proceed requires long-term planning." Mo Wen shook his head again.  Yu Linglong nodded when she heard the words. The safest way is to set up a formation around that area to surround the thousands of ferocious beasts there and annihilate them in one fell swoop. However, those ferocious beasts are not only numerous in number, but also have deep spiritual skills. If they realize that they are trapped, they will inevitably  Collisioning in all directions, no formation can stop so many monsters.  "The real person wants to blind his eyes." Mo Wen asked. From the time he came here until now, Yu Linglong has been busy mixing and grinding the herbs. Since the herbs have been chopped, he can only see that one of them is Qiu Ju.  , Qiuju is both a blind medicinal material and can be used as a medicinal herb. If used as a medicinal material, Qiuju can dispel wind, dissipate heat, clear away heat and detoxify. If used as a medicinal herb, Qiuju can guide the power of the medicine to act on both eyes. And this  Shi Yu Linglong will never detoxify and dissipate heat for those ferocious beasts.  Yu Linglong heard Mo Wen's words and glanced at him approvingly, "They no longer have any alien aura. If they escape, it will be difficult to find them. Since we can't surround and kill them, we can only try to blind them. I have made an agreement with Ao Xun.  Let her rain down the poison, and we will take advantage of it. "This is a great plan, but I don't know if they can withstand the poison," Mo Wen said with a nod.  "There are so many ferocious beasts and there are so many types. It's impossible to blind them all with poison. It's not easy to blind six or seven of them." Yu Linglong shook her head and said.  Mo Wen nodded when he heard this, then closed his eyes and sat quietly without speaking. Although Yu Linglong was his mentor, she was Ye Xiaoyao's wife at this time. It was inappropriate to talk too much to a friend's wife.  At the second watch, Ye Xiaoyao returned, bringing with him a dozen huge birds. Most of these birds were ferocious eagles, vultures, falcons, and eagles. They were huge in size and landed around the cave.  Ye Xiaoyao landed on the stone platform outside the cave from the back of the golden eagle. Mo Wen rushed out to greet him and said, "The matter is done." Mo Wen nodded and said, "It's a pity that I didn't find a helper." "If you can't find it, look for it.  If you can't, it's better to ask for help than to ask for help yourself." Ye Xiaoyao turned around and pointed at the large raptors around the cave. "How about it?" Mo Wen looked around at those raptors. These raptors were huge in size, with bright feathers and arrogant expressions.  The evil aura was strong. At this time, they had noticed something strange in Lao Wu's aura, and were flapping their wings and chirping at Lao Wu in protest.  "Third Master, what's going on with their claws?" Lao Wu tilted his head and looked at a goshawk that was closer to him. The goshawk's claws were a few inches longer than ordinary eagle claws, and glowed with a dark metallic luster.  .  "Dark iron finger cots, these are all dark iron, not mixed with any trace of ordinary iron or bronze." Ye Xiaoyao pointed at the raptors with a smile on his face.  "Master, what is black iron?" Lao Wu was not a good judge of goods, so Ye Xiaoyao's showing off became a joke.  "I told you once before, this black iron is also called meteorite. It is an extraterrestrial thing. Most of the magical weapons are made of black iron." Mo Wen said from the side.  "They are my coffin copies, and they have never been shown to anyone." Ye Xiaoyao turned to look at a blue falcon, and the latter gave him the same look in his eyes. This move showed that these birds of prey had a spiritual connection with him.  "Nonsense." Yu Linglong's voice came from the cave.  Ye Xiaoyao was a little henpecked. Hearing Yu Linglong¡¯s words, she shut up and walked into the cave to talk to Yu Linglong.?.  "Third Master, are they afraid of my howling?" Lao Wu followed the cave unaware of the current situation.  "Try shouting twice." Ye Xiaoyao smiled.  "Forget it, Third Master, I'll take them to find something to eat." Lao Wu said.  "Sure, go ahead, but we can agree that I will personally lead them after the war begins," Ye Xiaoyao said.  When Lao Wu heard this, he curled his lips and stopped mentioning the matter of foraging. He walked to the corner and lay down to sleep.  Yu Linglong rested from the east side of the cave at this time, and waited for Mo Wen to return to the cave. She came over to drink and talk with him, "You two, our husband and wife, Liu Shaoqing Qiong Yao and a dragon girl from Nanhai, seven of us,  That should be enough." "Have you ever been to that stone tower altar?" Mo Wen raised his hand and pointed to the west.  "To prevent them from noticing, we didn't go up for a closer look. We only looked down at the terrain there from a high altitude. Unfortunately, that area was covered by tree canopies and we couldn't see anything." Ye Xiaoyao said.  "There are tens of thousands of strange beasts of all kinds lurking there, so don't underestimate the enemy." Mo Wen waved his hand and did not take the pottery bowl that Ye Xiaoyao handed over.  "Let's wait until Liu Shaoqing comes." Ye Xiaoyao took a bowl and drank.  After Mo Wen pondered for a while, he told what happened to Shangqingguan. This was because he was in urgent need of medical treatment. He hoped that Ye Xiaoyao and Yu Linglong could think of a solution that he had not thought of. Unfortunately, Ye Xiaoyao and Yu Linglong were not good either.  According to common sense, it is nothing for the Taoist to leave a few mortals who have expired. However, the difficulty of this matter is that he had just subdued the souls of more than a dozen immortals who had expired, offending a large number of people.  Ye Xiaoyao and Yu Linglong are not fools. They also know that the root cause of this matter is that Mo Wen owed a favor to Mo Wen in order to keep the souls of Ye Xiaoyao and Liu Shaoqing. Therefore, the two of them did not limit themselves to providing useless comfort to Mo Wen.  , but tried her best to find a feasible way to save Qin and the other three people. Finally, Yu Linglong thought of a way to turn the three people into zombies. Zombies can exist for a long time and are not under the jurisdiction of the underworld. However, Yu Linglong just  When he expressed his thoughts, Mo Wen and Lao Wu shook their heads in denial. This was not a bad idea.  After thinking hard to no avail, everyone had no choice but to give up and live separately in the cave to rest.  The next day, the sun was shining brightly. Mo Wen and Ye Xiaoyao helped Yu Linglong grind the herbs and waited until the sun set to the west but Liu Shaoqing did not return.  "Do you know what happened in Guzhou?" Mo Wenchong asked Ye Xiaoyao. He didn't know much about the war situation in the north.  "Guzhou had already surrendered to the Qin State, but he changed his mind and rebelled a few days ago. The situation in Guzhou is somewhat similar to the Jinzhou you dealt with back then. Liu Shaoqing did not deprive the military governor of Zhijie of his military power, which laid the foundation for Guzhou's disaster.  The state's iron production is extremely important to Qin, otherwise Liu Shaoqing would not have left." Ye Xiaoyao said.  Mo Wen nodded and asked again, "How many states in the north have not surrendered?" "There are still more than a dozen places. Those who surrendered are only afraid of a few of us. If we are not in charge, they will rebel at any time. Pu Jian is too old.  He doesn't have enough prestige and is of foreign origin, so he can't suppress those princes at all," Ye Xiaoyao shook his head.  "Master, if you are worried, let's go to Guzhou and have a look." Lao Wu interjected.  Mo Wen pondered and shook his head, "Wait for one more day." Ye Xiaoyao brought back several sharp swords this time. These were collected by the royal family of Dai State. Dai State was a nomadic people, good at martial arts, and liked to collect all kinds of magic.  Weapons, in fact, most of the magical weapons in ancient times will eventually fall into the hands of the royal family after they are born, and very few of them remain among the people.  Ye Xiaoyao's weapon is a short sword. After learning from the battle in the East China Sea, he decided to sacrifice the short sword and use the long sword this time. He and Yu Linglong each picked a long sword to get familiar with. The method requires spiritual energy and can be used to cut at close range.  It is better to kill without doing anything.  Lao Wu also tried to use a sword, but after trying it, he decided to use a stick. Swords have edges, and they need to be used accurately when fighting the enemy. It is far less troublesome than using a stick.  At noon the next day, Liu Shaoqing finally returned. Accompanying him were Qiong Yao and Ao Xun. When Ao Xun landed, the dozen or so ferocious birds of prey shrank and silenced in fear.  After greeting each other, Ao Xun handed a small wooden box to Yu Linglong. Yu Linglong took out a few small blue herbs from it, mixed it with several other herbs, and started to make a medicinal soup.  "What is this?" Mo Wen pointed at the blue herb and looked at Ao Xun.  "South Sea Toad Grass, which grows on the back of the Blue Star Toad, is highly poisonous." Ao Xun replied.  "What's the use?" Mo Wen asked.  Ao Xun shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands. She was born with a baby face. If she didn't know her true identity, she would be more like a carefree rich girl.  Yu Linglong¡¯s interface explained, ¡°This is also a medicine guide, which can catalyze the Qi-tonifying inner elixir.At the beginning of the war, even if we swallow the Qi-Building Neidan, we cannot replenish the lost spiritual energy in time. Swallowing this substance can quickly catalyze the Qi-Building Neidan in the body. However, this substance is poisonous, and detoxification afterwards is very difficult.  " Mo Wen nodded when he heard this. In order to advance to the Purple Qi as quickly as possible, he had no choice but to take poison to catalyze the Qi-tonifying inner elixir. Yu Linglong's method was exactly the same as the method he used, but it was more effective.  ¡°The matter in Guzhou has been properly handled.  "Mo Wen turned to look at Liu Shaoqing, who was selecting long weapons. Liu Shaoqing nodded, "It's so annoying to keep going.  "Ye Xiaoyao doesn't like to monopolize credit as much as Liu Shaoqing does, so he said to Ao Xun, "There are too few of us, Princess Xun, can you" "I ran away secretly.  "Ao Xun interrupted Ye Xiaoyao with a smile. "There's no need to ask for help, we can make it happen with just a few of us.  "Mo Wen said, the Dragon Clan is a water tribe, and doing things on land is beyond the bounds and oversteps its authority. It is impossible for the entire clan to help in the South China Sea. It is already a big deal to turn a blind eye and let Ao Xun come to help. "Mo Wen said.  Real man, when will we do it?  "Ao Xun looked at Mo Wen. Mo Wen said, "If you want to accomplish something, plan before taking action. If you have any ideas, you can share your thoughts with us"
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