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Text Chapter 526 Ancient Monster

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    Everyone noticed the shaking on the ground and looked around to find the source of the shaking. After a while, everyone focused their attention on the stone tower altar at the bottom of the valley. Just when everyone found the source of the shaking, the shaking suddenly stopped.  "There is something underground." Liu Shaoqing tilted his head and looked at Mo Wen.  "Living creature." Mo Wen nodded slowly. He had set up a Qi-fixing formation at the entrance of the stone tower altar. He was able to determine the source of the vibration immediately because the formation was destroyed by the momentum from below the altar.  If it falls off, this will never happen if it is an ordinary vibration, unless the vibration is caused by a living creature hiding underground.  As soon as Mo Wen finished speaking, violent vibrations appeared again. Along with the violent vibrations, the stone tower altar at the bottom of the valley slowly left the ground. After being an inch away from the ground, it slowly fell back to its original position. The vibrations stopped, and a large number of ferocious beasts remained at the bottom of the valley.  They left the bottom of the valley in panic and fled in all directions.  "Princess Xun, determine the scope of the formation." Mo Wen said to Ao Xun. Although the strange beasts were slaughtered before, they did not leave the valley bottom. This time they began to escape from the valley bottom, indicating that the other party had completed the arrangement of the formation. In addition, there were also  This illustrates a problem, that is, Chi You and his generals have been controlling these ferocious beasts from beginning to end.  Ao Xun heard the words and soared into the sky. When he reached a hundred feet above the ground, he was blocked by an invisible formation. He then moved to the east and was blocked again after a moment. After being blocked, he went westward. Not long after, he was blocked again. Mo  Wen determined the approximate scope of the formation based on the location where Ao Xun was blocked, with the stone tower altar as the center and a radius of about fifty miles.  "Master, look." Lao Wuzhi Dongdong, who was watching nervously, shouted loudly.  Mo Wen turned his head when he heard the sound and looked up following what Lao Wu was pointing. He saw a dozen burly men riding various ferocious beasts standing on a hill dozens of miles away in the southeast.  They are much taller than ordinary people, and their clothes have obvious barbarian characteristics. They wear many strange ornaments on their bodies, and they hold strange weapons in their hands. The person standing at the front is wearing Han costumes, holding a strange mountain-cutting sword, and riding  A huge golden tiger with eye-catching eyes. When he saw the appearance of this person clearly, Mo Wen was both sad and angry. What was sad was that this person was Baili Kuangfeng who had been dead for many years. What was angry was that Chi You actually occupied Baili Kuangfeng.  's body.  Just when Mo Wen was looking far away, the vibrations in the ground were heard again, and the stone tower altar at the bottom of the valley once again protruded from the ground. This stone tower was different from ordinary stone towers. Although the tower body was made of thousands of bluestones, it was integrated and raised.  At that time, the entire tower lifted off the ground at the same time. This time the stone tower was half a foot off the ground, and then fell back to the ground again. Since everyone was standing on the top of the slope and the stone tower was not high from the ground, they could not see what kind of monster was underneath the stone tower.  After the stone tower fell back to the ground, Mo Wen turned around and looked to the southeast. He saw a tattooed general wrapped in animal skins next to Chi You blowing a rhinoceros horn. Hearing the sound of the horn, the fleeing beasts rushed towards him.  Run southeast.  "It turns out that it is a demon-suppressing tower. There is probably an ancient monster suppressed below. This monster has been awakened by Chi You at this time. We should try to escape as soon as possible." Liu Shaoqing said anxiously. The stone tower had risen and fallen three times before.  The ground is getting higher every time. If the beast keeps trying, sooner or later it will escape from its trap and be unearthed.  Ao Xun came from the side and said, "The invisible aura at the edge of the formation is hidden with ferocity, and it seems to be related to the ferocious beasts underground." "Those fleeing ferocious beasts can leave the formation." Ye Xiaoyao saw it clearly from his condescension.  "Cling to the giant beast and follow it out of the formation." Liu Shaoqing said this and stepped forward first.  Seeing that Mo Wen had no objection, everyone gathered their strength and followed Liu Shaoqing to chase the fleeing beasts. Many of these beasts were blind. Under the command of the horn, they knocked down all the trees in the mountain and opened a path to the road.  Flat passage to the southeast.  Although Mo Wen did not stop everyone from breaking out to the southeast, he did not think that everyone could escape. The other party spent so much money to catch them all in one fell swoop, and would never leave such an obvious loophole for everyone to escape.  Thinking of this, Mo Wen's mind flashed to a height of 100 feet. He raised his hands with one hand and sent out spiritual energy to test the invisible formation. Ao Xun's words were true. This invisible formation hid a different kind of evil energy. The three-point formation was like a formation.  , the seven-pointed image is a spiritual barrier emitted by the monster.  "Master, how are you?" Lao Wu flapped his wings and flew from below.  "The aura is mixed with yin and yang. There may be more than one monster underground. If we escape, they will definitely attack us." Mo Wen frowned and said. This kind of situation that is both like a formation and a barrier is not uncommon. Many senior masters have surrendered to a certain person.  Each kind of monster will use its own breath to imprison it in a special place for a long time. This kind of imprisonment usually has an artifact to suppress the monster, which may be a charm, a portable magic weapon, or a certain element belonging to the Five Elements.  This artifact is a confining array talisman. As long as the array talisman is there, the monster cannot escape. As a place to suppress monsters, there should also be an array talisman, but at this time, this array talisman is undoubtedlyIt has been taken away and replaced by another formation talisman. This formation talisman is none other than the seven people in the formation. If the monster wants to leave this place, the only way is to  All seven people in the formation were killed.  "What is it?" Lao Wu lowered his head and looked down. It had been quite a while since the last shock.  "Monsters that can restrain us." Mo Wen said with a frown. Since the other party set up an ambush here, they must know everyone's situation well. They know that he is here, and they also know that Ao Xun is here. Knowing that the two of them are here, they dare to continue setting up an ambush.  , which means that the monster hidden here can fight the two of them head-on, and it is undoubtedly easy for the monster that can compete with the two to restrain Liu Shaoqing and others.  "Master, think of a way to prevent it from coming out." Lao Wu said anxiously.  Mo Wen frowned when he heard this and turned to look east. When he was testing the obstacles in the sky, everyone had already reached the southeast edge of the formation. They each clung to a fleeing beast and tried to be dragged by it to break through, but the beast arrived with it.  When they reached the edge of the formation, they were blocked one after another. The ferocious beast rushed out, and everyone was thrown away.  In desperation, Liu Shaoqing opened the chest and abdomen of a giant elephant with his long sword, and stuffed Qiong Yao into the elephant's belly. Although the giant elephant was injured, it did not die immediately, and quickly rushed to the edge of the formation with Qiong Yao.  Unfortunately, this method was useless. The giant elephant was stuck on the edge of the formation, howling in pain. Upon seeing this, Liu Shaoqing was afraid that the beast that would come after him would hurt Qiong Yao, so he took the risk and dragged Qiong Yao out, who was covered in blood.  The man in embarrassment took advantage of the ferocious beast's back and flew into the air to avoid the stampede of the beasts.  Liu Shaoqing was so angry that his spiritual energy rushed out, and he used both palms to attack the invisible formation. This move was of no use. Not only did Liu Shaoqing fail to escape, but he was knocked backwards by the spiritual energy contained in the formation.  Seeing Liu Shaoqing being knocked away, Ao Xun and Qiong Yao stepped forward to take over at the same time. Ao Xun was faster and caught Liu Shaoqing first. Qiong Yao looked resentful and muttered something, which made Liu Shaoqing furious.  Is this the time to talk about this? " After Liu Shaoqing sent out spiritual energy towards the invisible formation, there was another vibration on the ground. Everyone felt it and hurriedly returned to the top of the mountain where they had met previously to check the situation of the stone tower altar.  ¡°Master, it¡¯s started again, think of a solution quickly.¡± Lao Wu urged.  Mo Wen was thinking about what the seven people had in common. Among the seven people, there were dragons, bats, and immortals with no turbidity. Their cultivation levels were also different, but all seven were blocked without exception.  In the formation, as long as you find what the seven people have in common, you can determine what prevents everyone from leaving the formation. In other words, as long as you find this common ground and change it, you can leave the formation.  However, to find this common ground, we need to consider the ferocious beasts that can successfully leave the formation. Lao Wu's urging interrupted his thoughts. He saw that the ground was shaking more and more violently, and the stone tower was getting higher and higher from the ground.  , Mo Wen had to change his mind and consider how to prevent the monster under the stone tower from coming to the ground.  After a brief and quick thought, Mo Wen sheathed his sword, raised his energy and struck hard with his palm. Since this invisible formation is connected to the aura of the monster below the stone tower, attacking the invisible formation can cause the aura of the monster below the stone tower to appear.  fluctuation.  After one blow, an extremely domineering force of recoil came from the invisible formation. Mo Wen stopped his retreat in the air and raised his energy again to use his palms. Several times in succession, the shaking on the ground finally stopped, and the stone tower a few feet above the ground exploded.  Land.  Mo Wen returned to the ground with flashing thoughts and spoke to reassure everyone, "There is no need to panic. This monster will not be able to topple the stone tower for a while." "Wait until the other party appears before trying to defeat it. Don't mess up your position." Yu Linglong said, although she repaired  Because he is not the tallest, but he is knowledgeable, if everyone is suddenly trapped, he will overestimate the potential danger, which will lead to panic. This is the same as a person who cannot see at night walking in the dark and unable to see the danger.  will overestimate the risk.  ¡°There are at least three monsters underground, and I saw six eyes.¡± Qiong Yao, who was covered in blood, said from the side.  "What kind of monster is it?" Liu Shaoqing asked.  "There are horns on the head, which looks a bit like a dragon, but it's not." Qiong Yao shook her head and said.  "Three." Mo Wen asked sideways. Based on the rebound force of the invisible formation, he had previously estimated that the monsters underground were a mixture of yin and yang. There should be two, one female and one male, rather than three.  "The distance is too far, so I haven't seen clearly how many there are, but there are definitely six eyes." Qiong Yao replied.  Mo Wen heard the words and did not ask any more questions. He turned to look to the southeast. At this time, the escaped ferocious beasts had gathered on the mountain peak where Chi You and the generals were. Many generals led a certain type of ferocious beasts around the south of the mountain, and then disappeared.  , so many ferocious beasts cannot be completely covered by the mountain peaks even if they circle the south of the mountain. The disappearance of the ferocious beasts indicates that there is an underground passage in the south of the mountain.  The group of ferocious beasts moved very fast??With great speed, they all entered the southern passage of the mountain in a short time. At last, only Chi You was left on the top of the mountain. Mo Wen stared at Chi You's familiar yet unfamiliar eyes, trying to guess what he was thinking from his eyes, but Chi You did not  Without waiting any longer on the top of the mountain, he looked at Mo Wen expressionlessly, then turned and left on the giant yellow-haired tiger.  "The Black County is gone." Liu Shaoqing shook his head and sighed.  "If we don't get out of trouble as soon as possible, the world will come to an end." Mo Wen slowly shook his head. This is where thousands of ferocious beasts spend the winter. They came from Hei County before, but today they may not necessarily go back to Hei County. They are led by Chi You.  It's possible to go anywhere.  As soon as Mo Wen finished speaking, the ground began to shake again. Mo Wen had not thought of a way to escape at this time, so he had to reach into the air and rush towards the invisible formation with his palms repeatedly, disrupting the aura of the underground monsters when they gathered their strength and rushed out.  When the shaking stopped, Mo Wen returned to the ground. Before his feet were firmly planted, the huge stone tower at the bottom of the valley was suddenly overturned without any warning. Everyone turned to look to the west, only to see a hundred-step hole exposed where the stone tower had previously been.  A square deep black hole, with several huge heads slowly protruding from the hole
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