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Text Chapter 222 Jiang Liansheng was reported

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    Ma Haisheng, director of the Transportation Bureau, kept his promise. "Qingyi Highway" (Qingshanquan Town to Yide Village) was listed as a key rural road construction project in Nanqiao County, with a total length of 60 kilometers and a total investment of 12 million yuan. The provincial finance department  Nine million has been allocated based on the standard of 150,000 per kilometer.  .The county finance provided 2 million, and the rest was solved by the villagers of the six villages on the mountain.  The funds were originally tight, and Li Rui was originally worried that if the provincial finance allocated the money, would the city be over-plucked?  This kind of thing happens often, but fortunately, a lot of money later went to the county finance account.  It is said that Li Yifeng, the executive deputy mayor, specifically emphasized at the municipal executive meeting that the small market town pilot work is a task that the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attaches great importance to, and it is a highlight project. The comrades below are actively fighting for it, and the relevant functional departments in the city are  Give strong support and never hold back.  This allowed the money to be allocated in small amounts, otherwise the Municipal Finance and Transportation Bureau might have deducted a hundred or two hundred.  After the project was approved, Ma Haisheng was very active and personally led the technicians to survey the route again and determine the construction plan.  Li Rui and Cui Jianyong accompanied them throughout the whole process, and they had a high-standard banquet at Li Ji Health Hall in the evening.  Lin Fangfei is now very familiar with Ma Haisheng. When Li Rui saw this, he asked her to sit down and accompany him. Director Ma was naturally elated. With Lin Fangfei at the table, the atmosphere was naturally lively and it was a pleasure to drink and change glasses.  No one here could not understand what Ma Haisheng meant. After several months of adapting, Lin Fangfei was already able to cope with this kind of situation. She controlled the heat between the two in a very measured way and asked Ma Haisheng to see.  I can't touch it, but I feel itchy in my heart, but I still can't take a step deeper.  As a result, Director Ma came to Qingshanquan Town more frequently and had more time to eat. Finally, he rented several rooms in the Tianbao Hotel for a long time. As the "Qingyi Highway Construction Headquarters" of the County Transportation Bureau, his brother  He personally takes command and goes to the store every day to spend time with Lin Fangfei. He is very determined to never give up if he doesn't get his hand.  It made Ding Junfeng depressed during this period. Li Rui looked at it and smiled in his heart, this silly boy is really the first brother in this regard.  But no matter what, Li Rui always felt that he and Lin Fangfei were not suitable for each other.  Ma Haisheng can¡¯t deal with Lin Fangfei, but someone is secretly trying to deal with Jiang Liansheng.  He Shengyou, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, personally called Li Rui and asked him to come to the Discipline Inspection Commission.  It's definitely not good for the Discipline Inspection Commission to accuse him. Li Rui thought that Gou Dadan was reporting him for something, so he hurried to the Discipline Inspection Commission, entered the door and exchanged a few words with Secretary He, then took out a letter from the drawer and handed it over.  He gave it to him and said with a serious expression: "This is what the Discipline Inspection Office received yesterday. Take a look." Seeing He Shengyou's serious expression, Li Rui felt very uneasy. When he opened the envelope, he saw that he was not being reported.  Yes, but he was the one who reported Jiang Liansheng.  There was only one report: Jiang Liansheng, deputy secretary of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee and director of the Coal Chemical Industrial Park Management Committee, lived a corrupt life and had a corrupt work style. He had an affair with Xie Wanting, the female director of Xiaoquan Village, which had a very bad impact on the villagers  ¡­ Li Rui hurriedly finished browsing and was extremely surprised. He had not heard anything about it, so he quickly said: "Secretary He, this is the first time I know about this situation. Comrade Jiang Liansheng's usual work performance is relatively good, basically all day long  They are all fighting on the front line of industrial park construction. This" "I know Comrade Jiang Liansheng relatively well. He has strong working ability and excellent political quality. We are just understanding this matter. The report is just an anonymous letter. His  Neither the family members nor the family members of the other party responded, so our Discipline Inspection Commission is out of love for the cadres and is not planning to open a case for investigation. As the leader of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee, you need to understand this situation, talk to me, and do some ideological work.  If you don't change it, then encourage it." Hearing what He Shengyou said, Li Rui breathed a sigh of relief and nodded involuntarily.  "It's just that this matter involves Xiaoquan Village and the cadres of the village. It must be handled properly. It has only been more than three months since the '3.18 incident', and the tight string in the mind cannot be loosened. The masses look at our cadres,  It often depends on our work style and life style. I believe your party committee is capable of solving this matter," He Shengyou said sincerely.  "Don't worry, Secretary He. I'll understand the situation clearly first and I'll definitely give you an answer." Li Rui said sincerely.  He was very grateful to He Shengyou. This kind of anonymous letter to the Discipline Inspection Commission usually could be investigated or not, but when it came to Xiaoquan Village, the problem became more serious. Finally, He Shengyou gave him face and handed the letter to him.  Otherwise, Jiang Liansheng might have fallen into this matter if he really opened a case for investigation.  Back in town, Li Rui immediately called Jiang Liansheng to come over.  He was very angry when he first saw the letter, but he gradually calmed down on the way back, man!  The lower body animal cannot even control himself, let alone others.  And Jiang Liansheng isLi Rui didn't know how much effort he would save as he was keeping an eye on his direct lineage at the park's construction site. It seemed that he had to pay attention to the way he talked, not only to wake him up but not let him get emotional. If people's hearts dispersed, this team  It¡¯s not easy to carry.  Jiang Liansheng arrived very quickly and arrived in less than ten minutes. Seeing him panting and sweating on his forehead, Li Rui was quite relieved. It was really difficult for him to have to keep an eye on the construction site on this hot day.  .  "Liansheng, how is the progress of the work in the park recently?" "It's going very well. The road from the park to the town has almost been completed. The roads in the park are currently being leveled. Lao Wu and the others have used large machinery. It is estimated that during the National Day  "It will be completed before the holiday, so there should be no problem," Jiang Liansheng replied.  "Well, that's good. We must hurry up and complete it on schedule. In particular, we must ensure quality and send more people to supervise. If there are not enough people, just raise it at the party committee and we will study and solve it." Li Rui nodded.  "It's not necessary yet. I asked Zheng Shanhe to send someone to follow up 24 hours a day. Any problems will be solved immediately. A one-day handling system will be implemented. Everyone is very active." Jiang Liansheng said.  In fact, Li Rui is also very clear about the current work of the park construction. He just asked about the work to set the stage for the subsequent conversation, so that it would not appear abrupt and embarrassing.  "How are you doing at home recently?" Li Rui asked again without saying anything. In this case, in addition to personal problems, family factors are also very important. Many men cheat because of family conflicts or incompetence in that regard.  coordination.  From asking about work to doing things at home, Jiang Liansheng keenly felt something strange. Looking at Li Rui, his eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, but he immediately replied: "It's good. My family was still talking about you two days ago."  "Why haven't you come to have dinner at home for a long time? " Jiang Liansheng's family lives in the town. When Li Rui first came here, he often went to his house to drink. But during this time, he was busy, and Jiang Liansheng was also busy, so he didn't get together alone for a long time.  Got together.  "Haha, what are you saying? If you don't invite me, why should I take the initiative to come to your door?" Li Rui said with a smile.  Jiang Liansheng scratched his scalp and said sheepishly, "There are a lot of things going on during this period. How about we go to my house together after get off work if you are free today?" "Okay!" Li Rui really felt the need for a home visit.  Li Rui was just thinking about how to speak when Jiang Liansheng asked tentatively: "Secretary Li, what do you want from me today?" Li Rui looked at his puzzled expression and said slowly: "Secretary He of the Discipline Inspection Commission called me this morning.  I gave him a letter of accusation about a certain cadre in Qingshanquan Town. "Jiang Liansheng was very sensitive and immediately became nervous. "What is the content of the accusation?" "It's not a big deal, it's just a matter of life style," Li Rui said.  "Oh!" His nervousness suddenly relaxed and he smiled subconsciously: "I thought it was an economic problem." Li Rui looked at his playful face and asked with a smile: "You don't want to know who has been reported.  "Who is it?" Jiang Liansheng said with a relaxed look, "I don't care about this kind of crotch matter. Anyway, the current principle of the Discipline Inspection Commission is: if the people don't sue the officials, they won't.  It's not a big matter of principle. " "Hehe, is it? This letter is about a deputy secretary who appointed a female director of a village. There was a big incident in this village three months ago, right?  You can weigh the matter of principle yourself." Li Rui looked at him calmly.  The smile on Jiang Liansheng's face suddenly froze, and gradually became embarrassed, and then angry, and said: "Is this a little report about some idiot who is hitting me behind my back?" "Don't worry about who it is, tell me how you feel about it.  Is that okay? My sister-in-law is nice. She is beautiful and virtuous. She is devoted to you. Why can¡¯t she hold your heart? I¡¯ve seen that Xie Wanting too. I just don¡¯t understand. Why do you fall in love with this person?  What kind of thing is she? Apart from her somewhat poetic name, what about her appearance can tell you about Wanting? She has a figure but no face, and don¡¯t you find the freckles on her face disgusting? "Li Rui frowned.  road.  Jiang Liansheng got through the initial awkward period. Seeing that Li Rui had no intention of holding him accountable, he relaxed and said with a smile: "We are the only two brothers here. Let me be honest, men want to try something new, right?" "  You have to find a decent one, there are so many young and beautiful people in the county, it¡¯s not a piece of cake for you to find one! Why do you have to find such a woman in a place like Xiaoquan Village?  She must be quite old now that she has a ten-year-old child, right? " "This year is thirty-four." He seemed to suddenly be interested, leaned forward and said excitedly: "You don't know, it's here.  At our age, women"Age comes second" "What's important?"  "Li Rui asked with a snort. "Tickle!  This woman only tastes good if she is scratched.  "He smiled very obscenely. "Damn it! Is Xie Wanting still scratching her face like that? Her face is full of stars. It wouldn't matter if she had a better figure. It would be the same when the lights are turned off. At least she feels good in the hand, but she has a big body and a round waist.  Li Ruizhen suspected that when a man saw her, it would be a problem for him whether he could stand up or not. Why did this guy look so proud when he said it? Li Rui frowned and said sarcastically: "Liansheng, Liansheng, I really am.  I didn¡¯t expect that your taste would be so strong!  " "Hey, you don't believe it, do you?  For the first time, I felt the same as you, but women are a strange animal. What looks good may not necessarily taste good, but what doesn¡¯t look good tastes great.  This Xie Wanting is definitely an anomaly. She has special powers. She has an ugly face and a bad figure. But when she takes off her clothes, she is the best. The two lumps on top and the one on the bottom" "Stop it, stop it!  "This guy actually got more and more energetic as he talked. Li Rui quickly stopped him, "I'm not interested in hearing your detailed description.  Jiang Liansheng looked like he was still unfinished, licked his lips and continued: "No, just listen to what I have to say."  This Xie Wanting has a special function. When her skin touches a man, her whole body feels as if her whole body is tender. Even her bones are soft, and every inch of her body feels comfortable. It feels like tsk tsk tsk" This guy was slapping his lips.  , seemed to be still recalling the feeling at that time, "That's not all, especially in the process of doing it, tight!"  There is no gap left, and it doesn't look like a child has been born.  What's even more amazing is that there will be a stream of warm water spraying out from it" This nonsense makes the little brother under Li Rui a little bit ready to move, a woman with a dry mouth and soft bones.  He has never encountered it, but he has seen someone who can squirt water. It is indeed the best. No wonder this guy talked about it so much that he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "A paralyzed person like Xie Wanting?  Will you spray water?  Is it so magical?  Are you making this up?  " Jiang Liansheng hurriedly swore: "Really!  If I lied to you, I wouldn¡¯t be human!  You also know that I, Jiang Liansheng, have always behaved myself before, not even touching the lady. This time I really can't resist.  " Li Rui admitted in his heart that what he said was true. This kind of top-notch woman can only be encountered but cannot be sought, just like Du Jinsong was obsessed with Fang Lanlan before. If Xie Wanting hadn't been so ugly, maybe he would have thought too.  But he still said seriously on the surface: "Lian Sheng, I don't care whether you can resist or not. First, you are the deputy secretary of the party committee of Qingshanquan Town and the management committee of the industrial park.  Director, Xie Wanting is the women's director of Xiaoquan Village. It will have political influence if you two get together. Secondly, you must also be responsible for your family and sister-in-law. Stop it immediately and live your little life in peace.  Otherwise, if you make any more noise, I won't be able to protect you.  " "You wouldn't be so heartless, would you?  Jiang Liansheng said with luck. Li Rui glanced at him and sighed: "I can't help it. People have reported it to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection."  Secretary He asked me to talk to you, and I have to report to Secretary He. If you are really stubborn, then there is nothing I can do. You can make up your own mind.  " This guy's eyes were rolling, as if he was unwilling to give up. When he saw Li Rui's serious look and lowered his head to consider for a while, Li Rui became impatient with the waiting, and then he asked in a low voice:  ¡°If it continues, how do you think the organization will deal with it?  " Paralyzed, this bitch is really evil-minded and daring. Li Rui deliberately frightened him and said: "At the very least, it is a serious warning within the party, and given your situation, it is easy for people to think of you.  There are also financial issues. I can help you intercede with Secretary He, but you will definitely not be able to keep your position as director of the Industrial Park Management Committee. You should think about it yourself.  " Now that the industrial park is still in the construction stage, it is conceivable that the profit and loss will be huge. At least ten or two hundred thousand a year, and with the entry of enterprises in the future, the profit and profit will only get bigger and bigger. Jiang Liansheng burst into tears when he heard this  He said: "At worst, I will do this more secretly from now on and never do it in the village. Do you think that's okay?"  " "Do you think it's okay?  You didn't do it secretly. Even I didn't know about it, but people still reported it.  When Secretary He showed me this report letter, I was really shocked.  What do you want me to say about you?  If people don't know about it, they can't do anything except themselves, especially this kind of bad thing, it spreads very quickly.  What if someone instigates Xie Wanting's husband or sister-in-law to cause trouble?  If this kind of thing really gets serious, especially if it happens in Xiaoquan Village, how do you think the county will deal with it?  Besides, I don¡¯t think that Xie Wanting is a good-looking person. You will only sink deeper and deeper, and you won¡¯t be able to get out when the time comes Hum, don¡¯t forget Du Jinsong¡¯s lesson!  "Li Rui said with a sneer. Jiang Liansheng completely slumped down now.His chest was full, and he said cowardly: "What else can I do? It's over, but you have to allow me to take my time. There is a buffer period for quitting opium." Li Rui is both funny and funny.  So angry, it seems that this guy is already in trouble, "Then how much time do you think it will take? A week?" "A week is too short, how about a month?" "You damn thought it was a vegetable market, with me  Bargaining! This is about the hat on your head! I won't talk nonsense to you for just one week, or you can take care of it yourself." Li Rui slammed the table.  , said angrily.  "Then just a week." Jiang Liansheng saw Li Rui getting angry and said dejectedly.  Seeing his appearance, Li Rui couldn't bear it. He sighed and reminded him: "I said Liansheng, Liansheng, I think you were stunned by Xie Wanting. Don't think about it, could it be?  I have to force you to stop? Who will report you? Isn't there something worth thinking about?" Jiang Liansheng suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "You mean someone is doing something behind your back?"  He shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed that the person was in a daze and his mind was not particularly clear.  "It's not like you haven't seen Lao Chen being reported before. Why should I report you? Are you, Jiang Liansheng, the only one in Qingshanquan Town and even Nanqiao who has style problems among cadres? The official is more powerful than you, and the power is greater than you  The big one is, why did someone sue you, Jiang Liansheng? Besides, he is neither Xie Wanting¡¯s man nor your wife. Who is trying to make trouble with you? Think about it for yourself.¡± Jiang Liansheng woke up from a dream and used his hands hard.  After a beat, he shouted: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it? Your analysis is right, there must be something behind this." He thought about it and said fiercely: "If I know which dog is the one who has trouble with me, hehe  " A sinister light burst out from his eyes, and his palms clenched into a fist.  "Don't act recklessly. Calm down first and understand the situation first. The top priority now is to break up with Xie Wanting as soon as possible, so as not to have others grab your pigtails again." Li Rui reminded.  This guy finally woke up and nodded: "I know, after so many years of political struggle, I can still grasp this point of propriety."
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