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Text Chapter 223 Friends from the previous life

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    During the day, Li Rui listened to what Jiang Liansheng said about his special powers and how to spray water. Hearing this made Li Rui feel itchy in his heart. His noble detachment made him hold back for a long time. In the evening, when he came out from Jiang Liansheng's house to drink, he became even more excited after drinking.  Gao, accidentally walked downstairs where Su Xiaohong lived, and saw a light in the room. He lingered downstairs for a long time, and finally his passion defeated his reason and went upstairs.  He was greatly satisfied with Su Xiaohong's tenderness, but he did not dare to stay overnight and sneaked back to the office in the middle of the night while taking advantage of the darkness.  The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have finally announced the list of 100 small market town construction pilot projects in the province. Due to the differences in economic development between the north and south of Suhuai Province, most of the pilot projects are concentrated in the southern region. Pengcheng City, the northernmost city, only has two places.  In addition to Qingshanquan Town, there is also Tianma Town in Fengzhou County.  It is precisely because of the rarity of quotas that the Nanqiao County Party Committee and County Government attaches great importance to the construction of Qingshanquan Town Small Market Town. For this purpose, a Qingshanquan Town Construction Branch was specially established. Ding Chunming, the deputy director of the Construction Committee in charge of planning, also served as the director and dispatched eight workers  Personnel are permanently stationed in Qingshanquan Town.  Due to the division of labor by the party committee in the early stage, each was in charge of its own affairs. Cui Jiongji was responsible for the overall work of the government, Jiang Liansheng was responsible for industry, industrial parks and party affairs, Lin Ronghai was responsible for urban planning and construction, and Yang Hongwang was responsible for agriculture and the construction of Qingyi Highway The rest  Every job has its own role.  Small things will not come to him. When big things happen, although Cui Jiongji is nominally responsible for all the government's work, everyone knows who to report to.  Therefore, apart from asking for instructions, Li Rui usually doesn't have anything important to do.  Sometimes I would also make time to discuss the construction planning issues of Qingshanquan Town with Lin Ronghai and the Construction Branch.  Although Li Rui is not expert in this kind of planning, he has never eaten pork and has never seen pigs running. The experience accumulated in his previous life will make people's eyes shine every time he puts forward a point of view. In the end, the staff of the Construction Branch took the initiative  Run to him to ask for advice and report.  That day, when Li Rui was studying town planning issues with Lin Ronghai in the office, he received a call from his uncle, saying that his aunt and Jingjing were on vacation.  Let him come over for dinner in the evening.  This has become an old rule. As long as my aunt is at home during the winter and summer vacations, she will often call him to come over for dinner.  Time flew by so fast, and it was summer vacation again in a blink of an eye. Li Rui hung up the phone and noticed the date, June 25, 1994.  He suddenly realized that it had been a full year since he came to this era. From the initial discomfort, he had already integrated into this era.  He felt a little dazed. The longer he came to this era, the memories of his previous life became more and more blurred.  "Secretary Li, Secretary Li!" Lin Ronghai, who was wearing reading glasses, shouted twice when he saw Li Rui holding the phone without responding for a long time.  Li Rui finally came to his senses, "Oh, Lao Lin, let's continue. Where did we just talk about" Because it was the weekend.  Li Rui got off work an hour early in the afternoon because he had to go to his uncle's house for dinner. He didn't let Ding Junfeng follow him and let him go home. This guy actually looked happy. Li Rui knew that he still went to the health hall frequently during these days.  But whenever I see Ma Haisheng, he always has a tangled expression.  Anyway, I had already told him all the good things, and since this guy was still enjoying it, Li Rui didn't bother to say anything more.  "I moved a box of Wuliangye and six cartons of Chinese cigarettes. Working as a secretary in Qingshanquan Town was no worse than working in the coal management bureau.  Zhang Defa, a construction boss who was building roads in the industrial park, gave him 50,000 yuan as a gift the first time he came to visit him. Because he was new to the company, Li Rui confiscated the money for insurance reasons.  Seeing that the money could not come in, this guy actually sent a box of Zhonghua and six boxes of Wuliangye directly the second time.  Just use some of it to honor my uncle.  "Why do you take so many things every time you come here? You're not an outsider. You collect these things, right? You just went to Qingshanquan Town not long ago. This will have a bad impact" As soon as he entered the door, Li Wenjun saw Li  Rui was carrying another box and holding a large horse bag wrapped in newspaper in his hand, and couldn't help but frown and chatter.  Xu Zhen came out of the kitchen after hearing the sound, took the bag from Li Rui's hand with a smile, and helped him unload the wine on his shoulders, saying: "Yes, Xiao Rui, you can keep these things for yourself.  This is your uncle's house, there's no need to be so polite. " "I still have some here. These are for my uncle." Li Rui smiled and patted the dust on his shoulder, took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to him.  Xu Zhen glanced at Li Wenjun who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, and deliberately lowered her voice and said: "Little aunt, this is the winery's dividend for the first half of the year."  Dividends?" But she still declined embarrassedly: "Xiao Rui, look at you, I was just a name, and you paid for the investment. We were already very embarrassed this time.  You can keep the dividends, we don¡¯t need them.¡± Li Rui forced the card into Xu Zhen¡¯s hand."Little aunt, please keep it. This is just a part of the dividend. I'm keeping the bulk for myself to buy a dowry for Jingjing in the future." Xu Zhen glanced at Li Wenjun secretly and saw that although he frowned, he didn't say anything.  What, he immediately accepted it with joy, of course, he still looked reluctant on the surface.  "Xiao Rui, sit down. I have a few more dishes that will be ready soon. I asked Jingjing to come out and make tea for you. Jingjing, Jingjing you damn girl, your brother is here!" "Mom, stop it.  Yelled, I heard it." Li Jing ran out of the room strangely and shouted when she saw Li Rui: "Brother, did you forget to bring me a gift this time? This is my final exam?  "Is that so? Our Jingjing is a talented girl! Oops, I was in such a hurry this time that I forgot to bring you a gift. How about next time?" Li Rui looked regretful.  road.  "Brother, why are you here again! You promised to bring me a gift last time, but you forgot this time, huh!" Li Jing said with a dissatisfied look on her face.  "Jingjing, why are you talking? You are so old and you don't know how to be ashamed, why don't you hurry up and make tea for your brother." Li Wenjun lectured with a straight face.  "Oh!" Li Jing weakly agreed, with a look of disappointment on her face.  "Hmm Jingjing, what do you think this is?" Li Rui suddenly took out a box from his bag and shook it in front of Li Jing's eyes.  "Ah! An! It's still from Aihua, brother, is this really for me?" Li Jing saw the packaging on the box clearly and screamed immediately.  "Of course it's for you." Before Li Rui handed the box to her, she had already snatched it away and couldn't wait to open the box to look at it.  "Is there another one?" Li Rui took out a large stack of CDs from his bag.  They are all albums by the four most popular kings nowadays.  Li Jing's eyes were bright, and she excitedly rushed up to grab the CD, and kissed Li Rui hard on the face, "Brother, it's so good!" After saying that, she happily ran back to the room holding her things, eager to get them.  Feel it.  "Yeah! There's no one making tea now." Li Rui spread his hands.  I had to go over and make tea by myself.  Li Wenjun shook his head, "She is a girl. She has no reserve at all. Xiao Rui, why did you buy her such an expensive thing? She is still a child in junior high school. It is better to buy it cheaper and use it."  A walkman with a cassette, so you can learn English." Li Rui walked over with a tea cup and said with a smile, "Uncle, you don't understand this. This girl needs to be rich, so let her be so squeamish.  A daughter. Isn't it good to let her grow up happily?" Li Wenjun sighed and shook his head with a smile, "I can't tell you anyway, be careful of spoiling her." "Of course you have to spoil your sister.  "Okay, don't worry, Jingjing is a sensible child. She can't be spoiled." Li Rui smiled and sat down on the single sofa opposite Li Wenjun, took a sip of tea and said with a frown, "Brother-in-law, you are too good at tea."  That's too bad. I'll bring you some special Longjing later." "Forget it, you can keep it for yourself." Li Wenjun waved his hand and couldn't help nagging: "Xiao Rui, your identity is different now.  When you are in charge of a big town, you must always put the people first. When you serve as an official, you must benefit one party. You must pay attention to your own image and don't engage in that kind of unhealthy trend. " "I understand, uncle, I am.  Just collect some things and confiscate the money. Besides, the current trend is like this. If you really deny your relatives and don't accept anything, who will dare to get close to you? This work will not be easy to carry out." Li Rui said without shame.  .  What Li Rui said was true, and Li Wenjun could only sigh, not knowing what to say.  Li Rui said, "Brother-in-law, you haven't turned forty yet today, have you? Why are you moaning and groaning all day long? Isn't it because you didn't become the general manager? You have to blame yourself for it!" Former general manager of Pengong Group  Sun Songlin was transferred. Although Ji Yunzhong, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the group, recommended Li Wenjun to the province, the final appointment was made by former executive vice president Chang Bin as general manager and Li Wenjun as executive vice president.  It is said that the reason why Chang Bin was able to take over as general manager was because Executive Vice Governor Qi Yingwei came out and spoke out. This resulted in Li Wenjun, who was originally very vocal, having to settle for the position of Executive Vice President.  What worries Li Wenjun is that he didn't become the general manager. On the other hand, there was a gap between him and Chang Bin when he was competing for the position of general manager, so that he is now very unhappy at work.  So when faced with his nephew's teasing, Li Wenjun could only sigh and remain silent.  "Uncle, actually you don't need to take it to heart. Chang Bin needs a diploma or not, and he needs ability but not ability. I don't think he can be a general manager for long. In the end, the higher-ups will have to ask you to come out and support the overall situation." Li Rui comforted him with a smile.  road.  This was not without purpose. In his memory of his previous life, it seemed that Chang Bin had only been the general manager for more than a year before he was dismissed due to financial problems.Of course, this is also an excuse. The most important thing is that his ability is not enough, so that the efficiency of Pengong Group has declined extremely in a short period of time, making both the top and the bottom dissatisfied.  "Forget it, let's not talk about this. By the way, we have a guest coming later." Li Wenjun said.  "Who is it?" Li Rui asked.  "Speaking of which, you should know him. He is my college classmate Ma Wenjie. This guy has been doing business in Russia in the past few years and has made a fortune!" Li Wenjun said with a smile.  Ma Wenjie used to be his best classmate and friend, but they have seen each other less in the past few years. He also just received a call from Ma Wenjie yesterday, saying that he was coming to Pengcheng today. Li Wenjun specially held a banquet at home and called Li Rui over.  .  "It turns out that Brother Wenjie is coming! Uncle, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Li Rui suddenly said in surprise.  I remember that after Li Wenjun was killed, it was Ma Wenjie who rushed back to Russia after hearing the news, and ran with Li Rui for more than half a year to clear Li Wenjun's injustice.  Although there was no good result later, Li Rui established a deep relationship with him.  At that time, Ma Wenjie was a very successful businessman in Russia. He accumulated hundreds of millions of wealth in the 1990s.  Later, Li Rui left the Ascendas Group to work alone, and Ma Wenjie also gave him a lot of help. The relationship between the two has always been very good, and they are usually like brothers.  "No matter how old or young you are, is that what you call Brother Wenjie? Don't forget that he and I are classmates. In terms of seniority, you have to call him uncle. Have you forgotten that when you were a child, you would always call him 'uncle, uncle' after you?"  ." Li Wenjun laughed and cursed.  "This" Li Rui scratched his scalp in embarrassment. He hadn't thought of this yet. Li Wenjun and Ma Wenjie were classmates at Pengcheng Institute of Technology. Li Rui had just returned from the capital at that time, and usually followed his uncle and Ma Wenjie all day long.  .  "He and I are about the same age, so calling him uncle is just too old! Uncle, we still have our own lives. I believe brother Wenjie is also very happy that I can call him 'big brother'." Li Rui  Said with a playful smile.  "Then you are not afraid of calling me old?" Li Wenjun said with a smile.  "You are different. You are my biological uncle. In the past, there were so many nephews and uncles. When the nephew saw his uncle, he would have to kowtow obediently to say hello." As the nephew and uncle were talking, the doorbell rang.  Li Rui jumped up quickly and said, "I'll open the door." He couldn't wait for Ma Wenjie, his true friend in his previous life.  When he opened the door, there was a middle-aged man with a shaved head standing at the door. He was about the same age as Li Wenjun. When he saw Li Rui, his smiling expression suddenly froze, and he muttered to himself: "Should I  Did you go to the wrong door? " Li Rui burst out laughing. Although the Ma Wenjie in front of him was much younger than he remembered, he was still so humorous, "Brother Wenjie, you didn't go to the wrong door. Why, you can't recognize me.  Who is it? " "You are" Ma Wenjie looked at Li Rui carefully. The young man in front of him looked very similar to Li Wenjun. A figure immediately popped into his mind, but the difference was too big for him to dare.  affim.  "I'm Li Rui! Brother Wenjie, have you forgotten me?" Ma Wenjie suddenly said in surprise: "You are Li Rui! You brat has grown so big, hey, what did you call me just now?  ? Big brother? Big brother, that¡¯s what you call me too, be careful of your uncle beating you up¡± PS: Sorry, I went out to drink too much for my friend¡¯s birthday yesterday, so I didn¡¯t finish yesterday¡¯s chapter. I¡¯ll try my best to be there.  I paid off the debt in these two days.  I hope everyone will support me. Again, recommendations, rewards, and monthly votes are Lao Wan¡¯s biggest motivations.
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