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Text Chapter 221: Nip in the bud (7,000 big chapters, please vote for me)

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    Yu Meixia left and returned to Hong Kong with Ji Taohua.  . Originally saying goodbye to Yu Meixia, Li Rui wanted to talk to Gao Jie, but she found an excuse to avoid it. Li Rui had to take Ji Chunhua back to Qingshanquan Town.  I don¡¯t know why, but Gao Jie¡¯s attitude never changed. After Li Rui returned to Pengcheng several times, even when they met, his reaction was mediocre. Whenever Li Rui wanted to stir up a conversation with her, she could avoid it every time.  He was very irritable. Whenever he had time to sit in the office, he would unknowingly drift away. He felt like he was going to be a fool. At the same time, he was secretly mocking himself, how could he act like a young boy!  Instead of sitting in the office in a daze, he simply went to the village to do research. During the three harvest seasons, rural areas were rushing to plant seeds, harvest, and expose themselves to the sun. Everyone was busy.  It has been nearly two months since the application for the construction of 100 model small market towns in the province was submitted, and finally there is a response from the higher authorities.  It seems that the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to this work. Although the approval document has not yet been issued, according to the Municipal Planning Commission, Qingshanquan Town is already a certainty, and it is estimated that it will be officially announced in more than a month.  .  The Nanqiao County Party Committee acted quickly. The Standing Committee of the County Party Committee conducted research on the topic and formulated several preferential policies. The biggest one is: due to the financial constraints of Nanqiao County, the land income and taxes from the development of Qingshanquan Town will be fully refunded.  After the expropriation and return, the enforcement period is tentatively set for three years, and it will be determined later depending on the situation.  This can solve a big problem. There are many coal mines in Qingshanquan Town. The annual tax revenue is nearly 10 million, and the local part is about 5 million. If the full amount is returned, this is a considerable investment, and there is no land revenue.  Counted.  With more money, Li Rui becomes more and more worried about the Finance Office. Although Zhao Yichang dare not disobey the greetings on the surface, in private, who knows what he and Cui Yongjiu are doing. They have to find a way.  Change people.  Now Li Rui also knows that Zhao Yichang and Yang Liqing are related in a roundabout way. No wonder this dog is so arrogant.  The Finance Office was the most popular vacancy in Qingshanquan Town. During Chen Shiwei's administration, in order to impress him, he was even proposed to be the deputy mayor. As a result, this guy would rather not be the deputy mayor than give up his position as Director of the Finance Office.  Now Li Rui wants to replace him, which is not an easy task.  Originally, Li Rui planned to investigate this idiot, but then he thought that the relationship with Yang Liqing would become more and more tense.  Since the prosperous Changshan Coal Mine resumed production, he and Yang Liqing have been on good terms. After all, he is the county magistrate. If the relationship is too tense, it will be detrimental to his next work.  After much deliberation, Li Rui went to Hou Weidong to find a solution.  After Hou Weidong heard about his idea, he immediately reminded: "Li Rui, do you know Zhao Yichang's background?" Li Rui nodded and said frankly: "Yes, it is because I know that I want to replace him." He and Yang Liqing  The discord was known throughout the county, and Cui Jiongjiu was Yang Liqing's man. It was understandable that Li Rui had this idea. As the top leader, who wouldn't want to keep the financial power firmly in his own hands.  Hou Weidong frowned and thought for a while and said, "Then what are you going to do? Investigate him?" Hou Weidong knew that Li Rui had a good relationship with He Shengyou, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.  Seeing Hou Weidong's concerned look, Li Rui guessed that there must be some kind of deal between the two of them. The support of Hou Weidong, the finance chief, was also one of Zhao Yichang's arrogant assets.  He shook his head and said deliberately: "There is nothing we can do, so I came to you to find a way. This bitch actually didn't take me seriously and ignored me several times. How can I keep him? If you  There is no other way, so I can only investigate him. This is not a solution." Finally, he added murderously: "I don't believe this idiot. The director of finance who has been the director for several years is clean.  " Hou Weidong finally couldn't help it and said quickly: "Let's do this. If he has to be replaced, I will transfer him to the Finance Bureau and you can find a candidate yourself. " Li Rui was overjoyed when he heard that, except for the appointment of the Director of Finance.  In addition to going through the town party committee, the opinion of the finance director is usually also required, otherwise there will be a problem in allocating funds.  "I want to transfer Geng Zhongchen, the former deputy director of the office of the Coal Management Bureau, what do you think?" "Hahaha Li Rui, you have already planned it, what can I say? Don't worry, as long as you control the situation,  The party committee approved it, so I have no problem at all." Hou Weidong laughed and said, since he had agreed to transfer Zhao Yichang, he would not make any suggestions on the successor, and he was happy to just go with the flow and be a good person.  "Then thank you, Director Hou." However, Li Rui has not talked to Geng Zhongchen about this matter. After all, he was transferred from the county to work in the township.  Li Rui specially found a Sunday to invite Geng Zhongchen to Yuzhuxuan for tea.  Now he is also qualified to use Chen Shiwei's exclusive private room on the third floor. After Geng Zhongchen sat down, he looked around and praised:?I didn¡¯t expect there to be such a unique teahouse in the county. It¡¯s just a little out of the way, but it¡¯s nice and quiet!  " "Yes, it's a good place to drink tea and talk.  "Li Rui smiled and handed it over. Geng Zhongchen, as before, quickly took out his lighter and lit it for Li Rui first, and then lit his own cigarette. Although Li Rui usually often talks to his old subordinates from the Coal Management Bureau,  But this was the first time that Geng Zhongchen was invited out alone like today. Geng Zhongchen seemed a little excited and reported the recent situation of the Coal Management Bureau to Li Rui. In fact, Li Rui also knew a lot about it. Lao Xie and the others usually knew about it.  I talked to him a lot. After Jin Hui took office, he was basically aware of the situation. Basically, Cao followed Xiao Gui. Each team member was responsible for the original stall. Jin Hui did not make any major adjustments. It was just that Zhou Jian, the original office director, privately  After some operations, he was finally transferred from the Coal Management Bureau and went to Yangjiagou Township as the deputy township head. Jin Hui promoted an original deputy director of the Party and Government Office of Xujiaji Township to take over the position of office director because it involved.  Regarding the rank issue, he has not been officially listed as a member of the bureau's party committee. Of course, this is understandable. As the leader, Jin Hui naturally has to appoint some people he cares about. It's just that Geng Zhongchen is still stuck in the position of deputy director. Li Rui smiled and waved his hand.  : ¡°Loyal minister, I am no longer the director of the Coal Management Bureau, so you don¡¯t need to report these situations to me.  I came to see you today because I have something I want to discuss with you.  " "Secretary Li, if you have anything to do, you can just give me direct instructions. Why is there any need to discuss it?"  " Geng Zhongchen is still the same Geng Zhongchen. Li Rui nodded secretly with satisfaction and said, "I would like to invite you to work in Qingshanquan Town. Are you willing?  " Geng Zhongchen did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Secretary Li, I still say what I said, as long as you can use me, I will have no problem, I am willing.  " "I want you to be the director of the Finance Department.  "Since Geng Zhongchen's attitude was resolute, Li Rui stopped talking and said straightforwardly. "Director of the Finance Office? Geng Zhongchen's face suddenly showed a look of surprise. To be honest, he didn't want to stay in the Coal Management Bureau for a long time.  And his current level is only deputy level. Although Li Rui had previously made him enjoy full-level treatment, after all, the name was not justified. The director of the Finance Office was not only a real full-level position, but also more important.  The Finance Office is a very lucrative position, especially in a big town like Qingshanquan Town. One year's work can be worth ten years in the Coal Management Bureau, not to mention the old man Li Rui.  The leader was covering his head. "Secretary LiThank you for the promotion, II" Geng Zhongchen was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and his voice was choked with sobs.  They fought to the end, and luckily they met Li Rui. Not only did they secure the position of deputy director of the office, but he also became his confidant. Now they are being transferred to such an important position as the director of the Finance Office. Not only is this  But Li Rui saw his great leap in his official career, and more importantly, his dedication. Even if he was transferred, he did not forget him. Seeing Geng Zhongchen's appearance, Li Rui smiled happily.  Comforting: "Loyal minister, I know that your comrade is capable, and I also believe that you are qualified for your new position.  However, now I am just saying hello to you in advance. In the end, the town party committee will discuss and decide.  " "That's still a matter of a word from your Secretary Li.  " "Loyal minister, you can't talk nonsense like this. What we pay attention to is political centralism, and we don't want to engage in one-note speeches!  "Having said that, Li Rui is still very proud of himself. It's so stupid that I have a monopoly in the Coal Management Bureau, and I still do the same in Qingshanquan Town. I am even more prestigious than Chen Shiwei, who has been secretary for eight years. " Geng Zhongchen, however,  He said seriously: "Secretary Li, I am telling the truth.  When you were in the Coal Management Bureau, everyone admired you. Now that you have been transferred to Qingshanquan Town, I believe you can also control the situation.  Secretary Li, I didn¡¯t say anything. I will follow your baton from now on. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west.  "Hahahaloyalty minister, loyal minister, why have you learned to be so naughty" Although he knows that Geng Zhongchen is flattering, Li Rui still feels very useful. "Transfer  Don't worry about it, I will say hello to you, Director Jin.  " Speaking of Jin Hui, Geng Zhongchen thought for a while and said: "Secretary Li, there is something I want to report to you. Last week, Director Qiao of the Municipal Bureau came down for investigation. It came quite suddenly. Director Jin didn't know about it beforehand. Later, I heard that  It was said that Gou Fugui specially invited Director Qiao to come down.  They also went to Changshan Coal Mine together.  " The situation mentioned by Geng Zhongchen immediately attracted Li Rui's attention. Due to his busy schedule during this period, he has not met with Lao Xie and the others for a while. If Geng Zhongchen didn't tell him, he really wouldn't know about this situation. Although he was transferred  After entering the Coal Management Bureau, it seemed that he had nothing to do with Gou Fugui, but last time Gou Fugui was not beaten to death with a stick, and then due to various pressures, he was allowed to pass.Li Rui has always been worried about this.  But now that he has resumed production, what else does this bitch want to do?  Do you still want to steal it?  Li Rui couldn't think of any clues yet.  He nodded immediately and said, "Well, I understand what you are talking about." He chatted with Geng Zhongchen for a few more words. Geng Zhongchen was very discerning. Seeing Li Rui's absent-minded look, he found an opportunity to stand up and leave.  After Geng Zhongchen left, Li Rui thought about it again, and finally picked up the phone and called Shen Weidong.  "Weidong, what's going on with Gou Fugui recently?" "Hey, I've been busy with the coal washing plant during this period, so I didn't pay much attention to it." Shen Weidong said.  "There is such a situation" Li Rui told Shen Weidong what he had heard from Geng Zhongchen just now, "What do you think this idiot wants to do? Does he still want to illegally mine?" "He mobilized the city bureau.  Director Qiao has been invited, so he probably doesn't want to mine illegally." Shen Weidong was silent for a moment and said, "I think he may want to apply for a new mine? Li Rui, you may not know, his original Chengdong coal mine.  , has been digging for more than ten years. I heard that the excavation is almost 3,000 meters, the production cost is getting higher and higher, and safety is also an issue. Not long ago, I heard that he wanted to transfer the Chengdong Coal Mine to focus on long-term development.  Shan Coal Mine. However, Changshan Coal Mine said that the surrounding reserves are large and the coal seams are thick, but now it is blocked by the Coal Management Bureau and is not allowed to cross the boundary to mine. He is still holding on to it. According to the current coal seams of Changshan Coal Mine, there is indeed no  The value of mining does not count, the coal quality is still poor, and it cannot be sold at a high price. I guess he wants to take the upper-level route. Since cross-border mining is not possible, he will just apply to open a new mine. " "You're stupid, you still want to.  Opening a new mine? That's not a good idea!" Li Rui cursed.  "Haha, the key to opening a new mine is the attitude of the Coal Management Bureau. Even if there are people above him, he can't get around this hurdle. He doesn't dare to think about it when you are here. Now that you are gone, he just doesn't know.  Can Director Jin withstand the pressure?" Shen Weidong said with a smile.  "You don't have to provoke me. Even though I'm gone, I'm still not at the point where people in the Coal Management Bureau can just leave, so it's still useful to say hello. Huh, that new mine is just like Gou Dadan.  "Opened?" Shen Weidong understood what Li Rui meant and took the Changshan Coal Mine away from Gou Fugui. It was Li Rui who took the initiative to propose it to him. Although he was very tempted, he still persuaded him: "Changshan Coal Mine."  We should discuss the matter in the long term and take our time, there is no need to rush." ??"I know this well." After putting down the phone, Li Rui started to make plans. Last time he promised Jin Hui to treat him to dinner, he never found time to make arrangements.  Coupled with Geng Zhongchen's incident, it seems that we have to find a time to invite Jin Hui and the original brothers to get together.  Gou Fugui¡¯s upward activities are nothing more than wanting to open a new mine based on the original Changshan Coal Mine. If he succeeds, it will be difficult to stop him at that time. He can only extinguish his hopes when he has just started his activities.  There is a saying that goes well: all unstable factors must be nipped in the bud.  No matter which level of activity he finds, he can't do it without the County Coal Management Bureau. If the Coal Management Bureau doesn't submit the materials, even if he spends all his money and loses his legs, it will be nothing.  Taking advantage of his free time today, Li Rui immediately called Jin Hui and asked him to go out for dinner in the evening. By the way, he also called Xu Kun, Meng Chunsheng and Ma Xuejun.  Compared to Lao Xie and Xu Chunsheng, Jin Hui is now closer to the three of them in the bureau.  In the evening at Chengnan Restaurant, Jin Hui burst into laughter as soon as he walked in, "Brother, you finally remembered that I'm here. I've been looking forward to this meal day and night!" Seeing his rosy face, I knew this guy was  The days passed quite comfortably.  "When did I dare to forget you?" Li Rui greeted them with a smile. They came together as four people. Li Rui shook hands and greeted each other affectionately.  Jin Hui smashed his lips and sighed deliberately: "Look, what did I say? The cadres of the Coal Management Bureau have always only known you, Director Li, and how can I, Jin Hui!" Everyone knew that Jin Hui was joking.  , Li Rui said back to him: "Are you bored? Why would a grown man be jealous? We haven't seen each other for a while." "Jealous? Would I be jealous? This fully shows that the cadres of our Coal Management Bureau are not jealous.  Forget your roots, as long as I, Jin Hui, will be treated like you from now on," Jin Hui said with a smile.  Meng Chunsheng and Ma Xuejun had nothing to say. Only Xu Kun was the oldest and said with a smile: "Whether it is Director Li or Director Jin, as long as they are our leaders for one day, they will be forever." His words immediately attracted the attention of others.  The two responded in agreement.  Amid a burst of laughter, everyone sat down.  After the opening three glasses of wine, Li Rui first asked for someone, "Jin Bureau, I would like to hire someone from you?"   "Your brother, are you talking about a man or a woman? You probably don't like the women in our bureau either." "Hahaha I want Geng Zhongchen to save him from being an eyesore in front of you." Li Rui smiled.  road.  "What are you talking about? Could it be that I, Jin, will treat him badly? If you don't believe me, ask Director Xu, Lao Meng, and Lao Ma." Jin Hui said anxiously.  "Just kidding, why are you so excited? The director of our town's finance office is going to be transferred. It's not because I don't have a suitable candidate on hand, so I'm asking your brother for help." Li Rui said with a smile.  "What? Your Zhao Yichang is going to be transferred?" Jin Hui said in surprise.  "Speaking of Zhao Yichang's reputation as a bitch, many people know that Chen Shiwei didn't like him in the past, but there was nothing he could do about him.  Jin Hui didn't expect that Li Rui would be taken down just a few months after he took office.  "Haha, I've got a great deal. I've negotiated with Director Hou to transfer him back to the county seat." Although this matter has not yet gone through the town party committee, since Li Rui talked to Hou Weidong last time, he soon heard about it in the town.  Here comes the rumor.  It is estimated that Hou Weidong has already told Zhao Yichang the stakes, so even though the dog has been hanging his head these days, he does not dare to come to his place to make trouble. It seems that he has accepted this reality.  So Li Rui had nothing to hide from Jin Hui.  "Awesome, brother, you are still awesome!" Jin Hui raised his thumb and said sincerely in admiration.  Then he said: "Since you have spoken, brother, if you haven't said anything yet, I will give you my full support, brother." Then he said to Xu Kun: "Old Xu, you can go through the formalities for Geng Zhongchen later and hold a farewell party.  , All cadres at the middle level and above are participating. " "In fact, he has not been able to make good arrangements for Geng Zhongchen, the old man left behind by Li Rui. After all, he is not his confidant, so he is worried about using it, and it is inappropriate not to use it.  Since Li Rui took the initiative to ask for someone, it was the best thing for him, and he was happy to give him a favor.  "I just want to thank you, brother. Come on, let me toast you again." After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Li Rui took the initiative to bring up the Changshan Coal Mine, "Director Jin, I heard that Gou Fugui has been in trouble during this period.  Are you jumping up and down about the Changshan Coal Mine? "Jin Hui was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He probably didn't expect Li Rui to be so direct. After all, there were Xu Kun, Meng Chunsheng and Ma Xuejun at the table.  However, he reacted quickly and said quickly: "Yes! Last time I invited Director Qiao of the Municipal Bureau to come to Nanqiao, he didn't give me a greeting beforehand. He was so stupid that he didn't even understand the basic rules, which made me very passive."  Ma Xuejun interjected with a surprised look on his face: "Hasn't Changshan Coal Mine resumed production? What else does he want to do?" Meng Chunsheng shook his head and said: "Who knows, maybe he wants to dig another golden doll."  I was so fed up with Gou Fugui's anger during the security inspection that I didn't even have a favorable impression of him when I mentioned him.  "Unless he wants to mine across the border again." Ma Xuejun, still holding back his anger because he failed to capture Zhao Dafu last time, sneered, "I'm waiting for him to dig again." Li Rui clearly felt that Jin Hui's words just now had some meaning.  Obviously perfunctory, he shook his head and said: "He can't be that stupid, maybe he will apply to open a new mine." Seeing that he had said everything clearly, Jin Hui could only nod and said: "He does have this idea, but Qiao  The director hasn't expressed his stance yet." Li Rui looked at Jin Hui and said, "It doesn't matter whether Director Qiao expresses his stance or not. The important thing is what your attitude is, Director Jin. As long as you keep this in check, he will be able to live happily ever after.  I can only stare." Xu Kun was the first to notice, and quickly agreed: "Secretary Li is right, as long as we take advantage of the old mine, there is nothing Gou Fugui can do about it.  There is no sense in wanting to apply for a new mine in the same mine." Xu Kun started, and Meng Chunsheng and Ma Xuejun quickly followed suit.  But Jin Hui's attitude was still very ambiguous. Li Rui estimated that Gou Fugui must have made a promise to him in private, so he opened the skylight and said frankly, "Director Jin, what is the relationship between Gou Fugui and me, Li Rui? I'm afraid  All the cadres in the county knew that they had colluded with Du Jinsong to expose me. Later, because of safety issues, everyone in the Coal Management Bureau took notice. This time, everyone was holding back their anger.  If this stupid conspiracy succeeds, all the employees of the Coal Management Bureau will probably be a little dissatisfied with my personal grievances." Jin Hui naturally knew what Li Rui said, not to mention that Xu Kun and others had already done it just now.  expressed his attitude.  Such is their attitude, let alone others.  If he still wants to play tricks on this issue, no matter how high Gou Fugui's price is, I'm afraid the money won't be collected reliably, and he might become the second Du Jinsong.  And what role does Li Rui play in Nanqiao now?  Zhao Yichang is awesome. Even Chen Shiwei can't do anything to him. If Li Rui says to take it, he will take it.The replacement is still Geng Zhongchen, which is enough to show that he is now able to dominate the sky in Qingshanquan Town.  Besides, the Changshan Coal Mine is still under his jurisdiction. Among the several large coal mines in Qingshanquan Town, except for the state-owned coal mines of the Bureau of Mines, as long as Li Rui says that he will not cooperate with Jin Hui's work, who dares not to buy it?  ?  Jin Hui saw that Li Rui meant what he said, and said hurriedly: "No, Gou Fugui can pass Director Qiao's test, but he can't pass I. Don't worry, Li Rui, what about my character and conduct?"  Don¡¯t you know this? Gou Fugui only has money now, and there is no market in Nanqiao County. How could I be such a confused person?¡± Li Rui picked up the wine glass and touched it with him.  Worried that Jin Hui would still hesitate, he deliberately pretended to be mysterious and said: "Director Jin, since you have already thought about it clearly, I won't say anything more. Gou Fugui's matter is not just a coal mine issue, it has a lot to do with it. Here I will  It¡¯s hard to say more, but in short: I can¡¯t make him feel comfortable!¡± Li Rui¡¯s words were also half-truths, but he believed that given his current situation, Jin Hui couldn¡¯t help but believe him.  After all, Jin Hui only had one Xu Hao in the past, and the relationship was not particularly deep. It was thanks to Gao Yingjie that he became the director of the Coal Management Bureau.  Now, there is basically no foundation. As long as you scare him a little, you are not afraid that he will have to act cautiously.  Sure enough, Jin Hui immediately showed a look of enlightenment and said quickly: "I understand, don't worry, the County Coal Management Bureau is an iron threshold for him to live a wealthy life!" As he said that, he turned to Ma Xuejun and said: "Old Ma, you  Work hard, go to the mine once every ten and a half months, hehe" Ma Xuejun had been waiting for Jin Hui to say a word, and said excitedly: "Jin Bureau, don't worry, I will keep an eye on him." Solved.  Li Rui's mood suddenly improved over Gou Fugui's matter. Now that Jin Hui was there to check it, Gou Fugui could never even think about applying for a new mine again. Let him just wait for the loss in the old mine!  I wonder how long he can hold on?  By then, hum After going to work on Monday, Li Rui first called Jiang Liansheng and Lin Ronghai to the office to ventilate beforehand.  Jiang Liansheng had long disliked Zhao Yichang, and since he had been at the construction site during this period, he probably hadn't heard the rumors in the town. He suddenly said excitedly: "That bastard Zhao Yichang has long been disliked by me, now it's better.  Let him go and squat in the bureau. Lin Ronghai still looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Secretary Li, we need to take this matter lightly. Cui Jiongjiu is very shady. Maybe he will be found one day.  It¡¯s a flaw, I¡¯ll use it secretly, be careful.¡± Li Rui was in a good mood, smiled and nodded: ¡°Old Lin, you can keep an eye on me from now on.¡± After getting angry, Li Rui didn¡¯t bother to hold any more secretary office meetings.  Well, let Lu Jingzhong directly notify the party committee to hold in the afternoon. The topic is the appointment and removal of the director of the Finance Office.  It¡¯s also strange that Zhao Yichang is usually too arrogant, but no one spoke for him, and the decision was unanimously approved.  Li Rui paid attention to Cui Jiongji's expression, but the man's expression was as usual, without any surprise. Even when voting, he did not hesitate at all and raised his hands immediately. It seemed that they had been mentally prepared for a long time.  After the party committee meeting, Zhao Yichang came to Li Rui's office to report on the work of the Finance Office and asked for instructions on how to hand over the next step.  Judging from the situation, Li Rui said that he wanted to check him out, which scared the hell out of him.  Since he knew what he was doing, Li Rui didn't make it difficult for him. He affirmed his work in charge of the Finance Office over the years and allowed him to take up his last post with peace of mind.
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