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Text Chapter 1161: Beat whomever you pull

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    *** After occupying Moscow, Li Ding was still worried about the 80,000 Russian troops on the western front and the north. As a result, as soon as the news that Moscow had been captured by the Qin army spread, tens of thousands of Russian troops were in panic.  ¡ó¡ý How could Sweden, the powerful enemy in the north, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the feuding enemy in the west, let go of such an opportunity to kill you while you are sick?  The two countries coincided with each other and launched a fierce attack.  The Russian army, which had no intention of fighting, was quickly defeated. The armies of Poland and Sweden drove straight in, pursued and fought fiercely, and occupied a large amount of land.  Because of the fall of the capital, Tsarist Russia's 80,000-strong army seemed to disappear. In less than ten days, they were either captured or fled, and disappeared into thin air. The reason why this kind of disintegration occurred is probably because of Tsarist Russia.  The lack of a strong centralization of monarchy in 2006 has something to do with it. The political power of Tsarist Russia is actually in the hands of various big nobles. Their infiltration has made the military factions complicated; now most of these nobles have been captured, and the relationship between the military cannot be smoothed out.  Once clear, it turned into a piece of loose sand. The result of such a rapid collapse was so fast that it made people sigh.  Li Ding¡¯s nearly 40,000 troops retreated into the city after plundering the surrounding areas of Moscow. Almost all the young men in the city had been killed, and there was no need to worry about anyone rioting.  The looted gold and silver treasures are piled up in the Kremlin.  Every soldier's private pocket is also bulging.  Especially those Kazakh servants, they are no longer discouraged by being servants, and they are as excited as chicken blood.  Fighting with the Qin army is a great experience, with gold and silver treasures being snatched away happily, and beautiful women everywhere.  ?As the saying goes, wealth moves people's hearts, but beauty enchants people's soul.  The Qin army grabbed mountains of gold and silver, and others would definitely be jealous.  Li Ding is now worried about how to transport so much treasure.  20,000 Swedish troops, 40,000 Polish cavalry and 20,000 Lithuanian troops.  They have advanced to the vicinity of Moscow. These places have been looted by the Qin army, and everything they looted is clean. The two armies came over and did nothing. Naturally, they set their sights on Moscow together.  Of course, in addition to gold and silver treasures, the two countries are more concerned about the city of Moscow and this land, where the Qin army passed from afar.  The cities are all in ruins. It can be seen from this that the Qin army does not want to occupy this area, and even if the Qin army does not want to occupy it for a long time, it can still rob it.  The area around Moscow is rich in products, who wouldn¡¯t salivate?  Li Ding is planning to destroy Kosco. In this way, the armies of the two countries will get nothing. Will they watch you transport a large amount of gold and silver treasures away easily?  In the Kremlin.  Li Ding said to the generals: "Now, two hungry wolves have come to grab meat. Let's talk about what to do?" General Li Wei said: "Both beasts want to eat a piece of meat. Let them fight first.  "Whoever wins gets to eat?" The generals laughed after hearing this, but the Swedes and Poles were not beasts after all, and they wanted the two armies to fight first.  This is really not easy. Who doesn¡¯t know how the fisherman benefits when the snipe and the clam fight?  Staff officer Wu Ying introduced: "Poland and Lithuania are collectively known as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They adopt a constitutional monarchy system of governance. In name, the King of Poland is the emperor of the entire country, but the Grand Duke of Lithuania has the right of autonomy to form his own country, and Poland  There are actually two countries under the same framework. This federation was once strong, but now it has declined. The Kingdom of Sweden was governed by the previous generation of King Gustavus II and Prime Minister Axel Ossindana.  , rose rapidly, participated in the Thirty Years War in Europe, and became the leader of the Protestant country. The current king is the daughter of Gustavus II, named Christina. This country is located in a bitter cold, with poor supplies and sparse population.  , but the soldiers are brave and good at fighting. Therefore, although they only come with 20,000 troops this time, they cannot be underestimated. If they really fight with the 60,000 troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, it is still unclear who will win. "It is natural to be enemies of Poland and Sweden at the same time.  It is in the interest of the Qin army. The remaining question now is who to pull and fight.  Li Ding thought for a while and said: Sweden is an emerging country, just like a young man, there is still a lot of room for improvement. If Sweden is allowed to occupy the Moscow Plain, or even occupy the entire territory of Tsarist Russia, this country will inevitably become stronger, and soon  It will form a new threat to our northwest border of Daqin.  Since the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has been declining day by day, like a sluggish old man, such a country, even if they are allowed to occupy the Moscow Plain, will pose a much smaller threat to our Great Qin.  " "What the general said is absolutely true. I also agree with uniting the Poles to fight the Swedes.  "Li Wei inexplicably thought about the situation in the late Ming Dynasty. He felt that the King of Poland was like the languid Ming Dynasty, while Sweden was like the Jurchens with strong soldiers and horses. So no matter from the practical point of view,In terms of interests and psychological orientation, they all prefer to unite with the Poles to defeat the Swedes.  In this way, the planner Wu Ying came to the Polish military camp west of Moscow with an interpreter. Leading a 60,000 Polish and Lithuanian army was the Governor of Smolensk Province Alexander Goszewski.  Alexander Gorszewski is a man of nearly fifty years old, with a thick black beard and very sharp eyes. He was very surprised by Wu Ying's arrival.  Wu Ying¡¯s face was kind and elegant, which was very inconsistent with the legendary image of the fierce Qin army. Alexander Goszewski couldn¡¯t help but take a closer look at him.  "Dear Governor, as a soldier, I am accustomed to speaking out. Our army attacked Tsarist Russia because Tsarist Russia stretched its hand too far." Wu Ying said as he spread out a map he brought, "Your Excellency, Governor  Look here, they have invaded the Heilongjiang area of ??our Daqin, and they want to continue to invade the south. Those who invade our Daqin will be punished no matter how far away they are! That¡¯s why our army marched westward to defeat Moscow. " Alexander Ge  Sheskey had never heard of Heilongjiang, but from what Wu Ying pointed out, it was an extremely remote place. Just because of the invasion of a small group of Russians, the Qin State sent a large army to the west and directly laid waste to Moscow. How terrible is this  The strength!  "To be honest with you, Your Excellency the Governor, if there are no new enemies against us, our Western Expedition will stop at Moscow. Of course, if someone wants to be an enemy of Da Qin, we don't mind continuing the Western Expedition." Waiting for the translator to say  After Wu Ying's words were translated, Alexander immediately said forcefully: "Comrade Wu is here to threaten me?" Wu Ying smiled and said: "On the contrary, I am here to discuss cooperation with the Governor. I, Da Qin, have no relationship with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.  Conflict, can become friendly neighbors. As far as I know, the Swedes have invaded Poland many times and are Poland's old enemies. Now Russia has been destroyed by our army, but the army does not intend to occupy this area for a long time. If this area falls  In the hands of the Swedes, the Swedes will become stronger and stronger. This will undoubtedly be a nightmare for the Polish-Lithuanian Federation. I, the Qin Dynasty, do not want to be neighbors with an aggressive country, so I came to talk to the governor.  Cooperate, let's defeat the Swedes together, and then from here, Tsaritsyn Fortress to the west, to Taganrog on the Black Sea, to the east, bounded by the Volga River, all the way to Kazan, and then draw a straight line from Kazan  To the Ural Mountains, the southeast is our Daqin territory, and the northwest is handed over to Poland. The two countries have signed a border agreement, mutual non-aggression, and friendly exchanges. Of course, we must defeat the Swedes first. I don¡¯t know if the Governor is willing to join us.  "Cooperation" Wu Ying said, and the translator translated his words. Alexander Goszewski's eyes were already bright when he heard it; "The Qin Army gave Poland the rich Don River Plain and the Moscow Plain for nothing. This is heaven."  Anyone who doesn't want to lose the pie would be a fool.  The question is, is there really such a thing as pie falling in the world?  Alexander suppressed his huge surprise and asked calmly: "Consultant Wu, should I believe what you say?" "If the Governor doesn't believe it, then we have to find the Swedes to cooperate. Maybe they will believe it.  " "Consultant Wu, wait!" ******************************* ps: Bow and thank the Confucian scholar, Yihuankong, and the dead tree.  Sprout, Ah Mao, Book Friends 141227115532341, Xuanyuan Wu, xo A, Dark Night 2000, Book Friends 100716112709567, Little Tiger in the Demon World, Rare Stars in the Sky, Afeng  Trail, ! Siegfried!, enter the bamboo pole diagonally, choose the middle path neither left nor right, Aobing, qianbenhui, Ba Bajie, §ðpromise, small insect., step under the dead man, wake up from the dream  Thank you for your valuable monthly votes or rewards from Xinrushui and Holy Blood Qilin.  It¡¯s the end of the month and I still need to ask for a monthly pass!  Urgently looking for monthly tickets!  Urgently looking for monthly tickets!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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