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Text Chapter 1160 There are no tears in Moscow

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    *** History has proven time and again that whenever a country faces huge pressure from foreign enemies approaching the city, it is particularly prone to internal divisions.   The power of Tsarist Russia is actually in the hands of the big aristocratic group, and Tsar Alexei wants to take this opportunity to take back power. The big aristocrats are not willing to lose their power and let others take advantage of them.  As a result, an unexpected coup took place in this conflict.  If Patriarch Nikon had not intervened at the critical moment, this coup might have been uneventful. Tsar Alexei was quietly put under house arrest. After the great nobles eliminated the internal threat, they would work together to resist with all their strength.  With the Qin army's attack, the situation will not become very bad.  But if only, Patriarch Nikon not only prevented Tsar Alexei from entering the palace in time, but when Alexei was besieged by General Basakov of the Cossack Cavalry Regiment, he quickly ran to the top of the city and shouted loudly to let the city  The top soldier went to rescue him.  Many soldiers at the top of the city were inspired by Tsar Alexei and supported him very much. When they heard that someone was going to harm the Tsar, they immediately rushed down the city with weapons and wanted to follow Patriarch Nikon to save him. ??????????????? Most of the generals were from a group of nobles or were taking orders from the big nobles. They shouted loudly to prevent ordinary soldiers from following Nikon.  Their reasons are sufficient. Strong enemies are waiting outside the city, and you, the Patriarch, do not command the troops. How can you just shout and have the soldiers throw down the city defense?  Many generals began to draw their swords to stop the soldiers, but Nikon kept shouting for the soldiers to rush to rescue him.  The soldiers at the top of the city were helpless and the scene was chaotic.  In this chaos, an arrow suddenly flew down from the city, and hit Patriarch Nikon on the shoulder with a pop, causing Nikon to fall from his horse.  Now, everything in the city was bombed!  The Patriarch is the religious leader of the entire Russia, and his status is extraordinary. Many soldiers rushed to surround Nikon desperately and picked him up.  Nikon couldn¡¯t care less about the pain in his shoulders that hurt his heart and lungs.  Still shouting loudly: "Someone is launching a coup to murder the Tsar. Everyone, go and save him! Go!" Finally, a large number of soldiers ignored the general's stop and rushed to the palace with shouts!  When the soldiers rushed to the Kremlin, Tsar Alexei's bodyguards had suffered all casualties. He was originally taken into the palace under house arrest by Basakov, the general of the Cossack Cavalry Regiment.  In front of the palace gate, although the body of the guard who caused the tsar's offense has been taken away, the pools of blood on the ground were not washed away, and the fishy wind hit his nostrils.  There were also some scattered arrows, and at a glance it was clear that a bloody battle had just taken place, and many people died.  The news of the coup was confirmed, and a large number of soldiers gathered in front of the Kremlin, shouting that they wanted to see the Tsar.  It¡¯s chaos. The whole of Moscow is in chaos because of this coup. At this time.  How many people remember to defend the city?  When the Qin army outside the city saw the chaos at the top of the city, they didn't understand at first and thought the defenders were playing some trick; Li Ding sent a thousand men and horses to attack the city and wanted to test it out.  As a result, after a fierce attack, the remaining defenders at the top of the city were unwilling to fight, and were actually attacked by the Qin army.  The Qin army outside the city, including Li Ding.  Everyone was a little stunned, and then everyone came to their senses and immediately exploded!  "Quick! Quick, quick! Rush forward. Control the city gate!" "The enemies in the city are in chaos. Quick! Quick! Fight into the city!" "Ah!" "Ah!" Li Ding and other generals shouted.  He shouted, his face turned red and his neck thickened, and he felt a little like he was dreaming, but he couldn't care less. This was really a God-given opportunity. If he missed it, it would be weird if he didn't get struck by lightning.  There are still some Russian soldiers at the top of the city who are loyal to their duties and are still making hopeless resistance. However, the morale of the soldiers is already in chaos. The tenacious resistance of a few people can no longer restore the situation. The dark Qin army carries ladders and rushes towards the city wall like ants;  The men and horses who rushed to the top of the city began to chop and kill on both sides, occupying a section of the city wall that was dozens of meters long. Under their cover, the following men and horses continued to climb up, and more and more people climbed up to the top of the city.  , and then stormed the south gate.  Li Ding originally adopted the strategy of besieging three buildings and one. The north gate was not besieged. Now that he saw that the city was about to be broken, he immediately sent thousands of troops to besiege the north gate.  The south gate was quickly captured by the Qin army. The huge city gate opened with a bang, the suspension bridge was quickly lowered, and the Qin army who had been waiting impatiently cheered and swarmed in.  By this time, Li Ding still felt like he was dreaming. He had arranged for Alsleng, Battelle and others to stop the retreating Russian army on the Western Front, and was ready for a bloody battle under the walls of Moscow. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of all the strategies that were worked out after thinking hard, the strong city of Moscow was just opened.  Li Ding, who had never believed in Buddhism, couldn't help but think to himself at this moment:?Amitabha.  The Qin army swarmed in, and the soldiers and civilians in the city woke up, but it was too late. Groups of iron cavalry rolled through the streets like the wind, sabers flying, killing everyone on sight, and the sound of hoofbeats was like thunder, destroying everything.  The Slavs are still very tenacious by nature. At this time, many Russian soldiers fought desperately with the Qin army in street battles. The Qin army was not stingy. Wherever the resistance was fierce, two rockets were fired at them, knocking the enemy to pieces.  Everything fell apart, and then the cavalry roared over and killed them in a bloody manner, leaving corpses in the streets.  Tens of thousands of Slavic people screamed and fled, their cries filled the sky, but four gates were trapped, where could they hide?  The doors of each house were knocked open, and soldiers like wolves and tigers swarmed in, and there were screams immediately.  Especially those Kazakh servants. They were originally cannon fodder. Now after the city was broken, the coach Li Ding had an order to kill and plunder for three days. This was a beautiful thing they dreamed of, so they naturally intensified their efforts. They killed all men, old people, and children.  Only the young woman was left to vent her lust.  This kind of thing is a common thing in war. How many armies did this after capturing the enemy's city?  Money, women, isn't this what soldiers risk their lives to fight for?  The main entrance of the Kremlin was quickly bombarded by rockets and completely collapsed. The Qin army rushed in from the collapsed ruins. However, the troops entering the palace had been ordered in advance not to rob or vandalize; especially that person.  Princess Irina and Tsar Alexei's beautiful queen are not allowed to move around. They are the best gifts for the Emperor of Qin to report victory.  Su Jin presented a Kazakh princess, the visiting European mission presented a Portuguese princess and a large number of French princesses and Guizhou ladies. Even Navy Admiral Wei Ji blackmailed a Persian princess back. He fought all the way without a princess and some beauties.  If you offer it, then this military achievement will be eclipsed.  No matter how strong a fortress is, it cannot withstand destruction from within.  This time, none of Tsar Alexei, Patriarch Nikon, Minister of State Morozov, Duma Secretary Pastor, Imperial Chamberlain Dirkseyev and others escaped, and were all captured by the Qin army.  Li Ding deliberately locked all these people together, allowing the dog-eat-dog two sides to continue to bite each other's noses. Alexey cursed the nobles for not caring about the survival of the country when foreign enemies invaded, and they were worse than pigs and dogs.  The nobles blamed Alexei for wanting to take advantage of the invasion of foreign enemies to deprive the parliament of its power, with ulterior motives.  Finally, a group of nobles took their anger out on the Patriarch Nikon, swarmed up, punched and kicked Nikon, and beat the Patriarch until he looked like a pig's head.  This matter was reported to Li Ding, and Li Ding and other generals couldn't help laughing.  "But Li Ding couldn't care less about these people's jokes. Moscow was taken down, but that didn't mean the matter was over. Tsar Alexei was just a puppet.  Now Russia still has 60,000 troops on the western front and 20,000 troops on the northern front. In other words, the main force of Tsarist Russia is actually still there. Who knows whether they will elect another tsar.  Therefore, we must take advantage of the capture of Moscow and the military turmoil in Tsarist Russia to quickly defeat these troops. It is best to annihilate them all, knock Tsarist Russia to the ground completely, and then step on it a few times, so that Tsarist Russia will never be able to stand up and threaten Great Qin.  The northwest territory was the purpose of the Emperor of Qin in sending troops to the west.  But, after all, these are 80,000 troops. Is it so easy to annihilate them?  If you take it lightly, you may even be defeated by others.  **************************** ps: Bow and thank ppcicada for the divine light of autumn, Tangmen: I am a boy, Illiteracy and Jue Beast,  Refuse to pretend to be b, Yu Jian Zhi Qing Yun, Ah Hui Gu, classics for hardcore book lovers, Little Dumb, anwttt665174, 9760920, l599xl, Yaya Ya, xxbai, Most Afraid of Female Hooligans, Dinosaur Kesai, The Bright Moon Reflects a Thousand Rivers, In the Mist  Sunshine, 22279771, guwang excited nlai to donate their precious moon and rewards, and Huayuan bowed his head to pay homage!  In the past few days, the competition for monthly tickets has been so fierce. Finally, Hyway would like to ask all brothers and sisters, parents and parents to give you some more support. There are only three days left, and it is time for the final sprint. Please give me your support again.  Please vote for me!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. 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