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Text Chapter 1162 Night outside Moscow

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    The night was vast, the stars and moon were dim, and the nightingales were singing on the outskirts of Moscow, making the night seem even more secluded.  At the second watch, the south gate of Moscow opened quietly, and the suspension bridge was lowered. First, a group of cavalry came out of the city, followed closely by large carts, with 400 carts in front and behind, all filled with gold and silver treasures.  As many as 50,000 young women were escorted along.  It took the entire team one update to leave the city.  Nearly 40,000 Qin army cavalry were divided into front, rear, left and right, closely guarding the convoy and women in the middle, and hurriedly withdrew southward.  In the small town of Vero, thirty miles north of Moscow, General Navijek, the commander-in-chief of the Swedish army, suddenly received the news in the middle of the night that the Qin army had abandoned Moscow and retreated south.  After further confirming the authenticity of the news, General Navidjek had no time to hesitate and immediately ordered the army to rush towards Moscow as quickly as possible.  West of Moscow, there are still 60,000 Polish troops watching. Now the Qin army withdrew at night, leaving an empty city.  Once the Poles capture the city of Moscow first, the situation will become very passive for Navijek.  Not long after General Navjek set off with his army, he received a report from the reconnaissance cavalry. The Polish army also began to move and was heading towards Moscow.  Navijek felt that time was running out and shouted to his soldiers: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Occupy Moscow first, victory will definitely be ours, hurry up!" Under his constant urging, 20,000 Swedish troops arrived  Galloping in the night, the sound of hooves was rumbling and deafening, and they were rushing towards the city of Moscow in a race against time. Due to poor visibility, many soldiers stumbled, were injured or died, and they couldn't care less.  Non-stop all the way.  When General Navijet led a large army to the city of Moscow, the clouds in the sky split, and a pale moonlight shone down slantingly.  The open city gate was like the bloody mouth of a giant beast. There were no lights in the city, and it was as silent as a dead city.  "Report!" "General, the Polish army is still fifteen miles away from the city!" "Quickly, enter the city! Seize every city gate and enter the city quickly!" There is no time for Navijack to hesitate. He only has 20,000 troops.  There were as many as 60,000 Poles, so they suffered a huge loss in terms of strength.  If the Poles seize Moscow because of indecision, he may become the laughing stock of the entire Europe.  "Horek! You bring five thousand men and horses to hold back the Polish army. Hurry!" "Yes, General!" Navijek immediately ordered the army to rush into the city of Moscow. The dead Moscow city was shaken by the sound of Swedish horse hooves and  The cheers broke.  Countless soldiers were galloping through the streets holding torches; After Vivek entered the city, he felt something was vaguely wrong. As he walked back and forth, he found more and more large amounts of furniture and firewood being pushed at the street corners.  After breaking open the house on the street, I found that there were also a large number of dry firewood pushed inside.  Before he could figure out the situation, suddenly, the earth shook violently.  The earth-shaking explosions made people's eardrums ache, and some roof beams were even shaken so hard that they collapsed.  "What's going on? What's going on?" Navijack yelled.  I rushed to a relatively spacious street entrance and found that the most intense explosion came from the Kremlin. The 81-meter-high Ivan the Great bell tower with a white gold dome and the spectacular Polygonal Palace all collapsed with a loud explosion, and the fire  Soaring into the sky, it was swallowing up the entire Kremlin.  In addition, there were hundreds of explosion points and fire points throughout the city of Moscow. Many Swedish soldiers were blown up into the air and turned into pieces. There were nearly a hundred fire points all over the city, and the flames spread at an alarming speed.  , General Navijack was sure that it must have been poured with kerosene or other flammable materials to make the fire burn so quickly.  "This is a trap. The whole city of Moscow is a huge trap. Escape quickly! Escape quickly!" General Navijek shouted hysterically, mobilized his war horses and rushed towards the north gate. Countless Swedish soldiers were forced by the fire.  , panicked, people crowded people, horses crowded horses, roaring, screaming, and jumped towards the north gate.  The wind helped the fire, and the fire helped the wind. The fire soared into the sky, lighting up the night sky. Hundreds of fire points spread, and the rolling flames ignited the houses; and the piles of wood and firewood in the houses made the fire more intense.  It was astonishing. The flames more than ten meters high were rolling in the wind, and the heat wave was rolling. The Swedish soldiers rushed into the city at night. In the panic, many of them couldn't even tell the direction and were trapped inside. The fire spread from all sides.  There is no escape.  General Navijet's beard and hair were curled up by the fire. He hurriedly escaped from the north gate and looked back at the burning Moscow city. He really wanted to cry without tears. There were still many soldiers under him who had not escaped and were trapped in the fire.  In the sea, war horses roared and people screamed, like ghosts trapped in purgatory.??People are frightened.  At this moment of panic, the rumble of horse hooves came again from the southern suburbs of Moscow, and dozens of torches flew past in a sea of ??fire. When General Navidek saw the fire, he felt inexplicable palpitations.  "Report!" "General, the people coming from the south are the Qin people, the Qin army!" "Quickly retreat!" This is the order of General Navijack. In the current situation, this may also be his only choice.  Encountered an ambush, many soldiers were caught in a sea of ??fire. Those who managed to escape were in shock. How could they immediately join the battle at this time?  Tens of thousands of Swedish soldiers fled northward in a chaotic manner. Thousands of Qin troops followed closely behind, chasing and fighting fiercely.  The Swedes were only ten miles away when suddenly there was an ambush in front of them. The Polish people's shouts were like a wave and the torches were in pieces.  Navigjie couldn't help but secretly screamed that it was over, it was really over. The Swedes, who had been chased by the Qin army in a panic, were frightened and fled in all directions when they saw an ambush on the road ahead, running like wolves in the night.  Poland and Sweden are old enemies. Sweden has invaded Poland many times and was aggressive. Now, the opportunity for revenge has come. The Poles used all their strength to chase and beat the Swedes.  Seeing that the Poles were working so hard, Alslen immediately took his 5,000 Qin troops back to the southern suburbs of Moscow. We will not interfere with them.  After a night of pursuit, the 20,000-strong Swedish army was either wiped out or disintegrated. Governor Alexander Goszewski was so excited that he sent another 20,000 Swedish troops to quickly go north to seize the Baltic coastal areas and further expand the results of the war.  The only good thing is that the fire in Moscow is still burning, black smoke blocks the sun, the Kremlin is destroyed, and the entire city of Moscow is destroyed. When the fire is extinguished, it will be good to have the surrounding city walls left.  Even so, Alexander Gauches could not hide his joy, because most of the entire European territory of Tsarist Russia became Polish.  And by the way, it also severely damaged Sweden, a powerful enemy.  Sweden has a sparse population. After this battle, its vitality will be greatly weakened, and the threat to Poland will be greatly reduced.  This is definitely a great achievement for Alexander Gauches.  However, what worried him was that Li Ding only asked half of the troops to escort the gold and silver treasures and tens of thousands of young women to Tsaritsyn Fortress, while the remaining 20,000 troops stayed.  Stationed just south of Moscow.  Alexander Gauches thought about the pie-in-the-sky thing again. The previous agreement was just the words of a staff officer of the Qin Army. As the saying goes, it is empty talk. Li Ding can completely deny it.  Think about it, the entire Don River Plain and Moscow were captured by the Qin army, and they were given to Poland for nothing. Who would believe it?  Alexander, who was worried, quickly sent his most reliable secretary, Asnaron, to Li Ding's camp to finalize the matter.  Facing Asnaron, who was worried about gains and losses, Li Ding said calmly: "Our army captured the Don River Plain and Moscow, and also helped your country to severely damage its old enemy Sweden. Now, let us give up this large area in vain  Land, of course not." Athelon was startled and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty General, didn't your envoy already make an agreement when he arrived at our military camp?" "I'm very sorry, he didn't convey my general's words clearly.  It is impossible to give away such a large piece of land for free, but it can be discussed if it is given to Poland as a betrothal gift.  Beautiful and elegant, I, Da Qin, would like to use the entire Don River Plain as a betrothal gift to appoint Princess Isabena of your country as the imperial concubine of Da Qin.¡± ********************  *** ps: Bow and thank the students who always forget their passwords, mk who played World of Warcraft, Yunfeng Wuhen, Night Walker, Yufan, Demon Star God, guwangjinlai, Shuangrufeng, Jun14, Zhongyou1104181817 for their valuable votes  Thank you for your monthly votes or rewards.  I got fucked again, please give me your monthly ticket!  .(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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