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    *** Morozov was originally the teacher of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. He was also a minister who cared about the fate of the previous generation of Tsar. He once held great power.  ¡Ë But in the past two years, Tsar Alexei relied more and more on the Patriarch, and often invited Nikon to the Kremlin to discuss issues. At first it was just religious issues, but later the two gradually discussed state affairs.  After gaining the trust of the Tsar, Nikon began to implement church reforms this year.  The main direction of the reform is to reform the various regulations and systems of the Moscow Holy See Orthodox Church in accordance with Byzantine methods and unify the religious activities of churches in various places.  Nikon also proposed that the Russian Tsar should become the ruler of the entire Orthodox Christian world, and the capital of Russia should be set in Constantinople. The Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia should accordingly become the spiritual leader of the entire Orthodox Christian world.  Nikon¡¯s reform activities caused panic among the great nobility and the church.  Because people previously believed that Moscow was the third Rome, the successor to the Byzantine Empire, but higher than Byzantium; now the religious rituals of the Moscow Holy See must be reformed in accordance with Byzantine methods. In fact, Xiang Zhuang danced with the sword, aiming at Pei Gong.  Its fundamental purpose is to give the tsar and the patriarch absolute power over secular and religious rule in the form of religion.  If this is the case, then the great nobles can only obey and let themselves be slaughtered. This is unacceptable.  The conflict between the two sides was already intensifying. This time the Tsar executed seven or eight nobles without going through parliament or trial. This was actually challenging the bottom line of the great nobles.  Minister Morozov hurriedly summoned Duma secretary Paster, imperial courtier Dirkseyev, Cossack cavalry general Basakov and more than a dozen nobles to discuss countermeasures.  Duma Secretary Pastor looked at everyone and first said: "Although Kaloski and the others deserved their death, their crimes should be tried by the court, and they should not be executed like this. "If we don't say anything this time, then we will  It is equivalent to recognizing the absolute authority of the tsar and giving him the power of life and death. After this war is over, the tsar will also have the power, and our disaster will be imminent." Six or seven other nobles immediately echoed,  Everyone's concerns are the same.  The imperial courtier Dirkseyev said with a sad face: "But now the Qin soldiers outside the city are watching eagerly. If we overthrow the Tsar at this time, the soldiers guarding the city will have no intention of fighting. Moscow will not be able to be saved by then, and we will not end well.  Ah." "What should we do? If we continue like this, we will be in trouble!" "How about we send people out to negotiate with the Qin people?" "Yes, it won't hurt us to try to contact the Qin people.  "Prime Minister, what do you think?" Everyone was chattering and feeling very nervous. This is an issue related to everyone's wealth and life.  Suddenly someone asked Morozov, who had been silent all this time, and everyone couldn't help but stop talking and look at him.  Morozov said hesitantly: "Since everyone said so, let's send someone out to contact the Qin people. It would be good if we can delay it for a while." "But the further we delay, the more disadvantageous it will be to us. Tsarevich  Now he is working on the city to boost morale day and night. In fact, he is trying to win over the soldiers. If this continues, it will not take a few days for the soldiers to listen to him. "Yes, Alexei is justified after all.  As the Tsar, when danger comes, he is now on the front line sharing the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.  It won't be long before ordinary soldiers will surely embrace him.  Once he successfully holds the gun barrel in his hand, the great nobles in the city will become lambs to be slaughtered.  Past, the Duma secretary, clenched his fists fiercely and said: "If we don't take action immediately, we will all die in the end. I absolutely can't. I suggest that we act decisively and depose Alexei immediately. For the sake of stability,  To keep the military in mind, Princess Irina can be quickly changed to Tsar. What do you think? "The previous generation of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov gave birth to three sons and seven daughters, but only the eldest son Alexei was born.  The sixth daughter, Irina Mikhailovna, survived, but the others all died in infancy.  Princess Irina is 15 years old this year. Her appearance and personality are very similar to her mother. She is beautiful, gentle and elegant. It is much easier to control her as the tsar than the ambitious Alexei.  With this in mind, the proposal of Duma Clerk Past was approved by the majority of the nobles.  Minister Morozov is a little hesitant. He is Alexei's teacher, and Alexei still respects him, at least for now.  It¡¯s just that everyone agreed to depose Alexei and establish a new one.If Princess Linna becomes the Tsar, if he opposes it so forcefully, these people will definitely be dissatisfied.  Morozov, who was riding a tiger, finally proposed a compromise: "To depose Alexei immediately now will definitely cause a great shock, and may even lead to a mutiny. How about this, let's put the Tsar under house arrest first, and wait until we are defeated  People of the Qin State, please make further plans." "To put him under house arrest first will eliminate the possibility of Alexei controlling the army. Without a gun, Alexei will not be able to threaten everyone for the time being.  Moreover, doing so was much lower-key than deposing him directly, and it was less likely to trigger a mutiny, so everyone agreed.  After discussing a conspiracy, everyone immediately took action. First, the imperial courtier Dirkseyev went to invite Tsar Alexei to return to the palace, and then Basakov, the general of the Cossack Cavalry Regiment, led the troops to put the Tsar under house arrest.  It's simple, isn't it?  However, when the courtier Dixeyev went to the city to invite Alexey to return to the palace, Alexei refused flatly, and said with great righteousness that at this moment of national survival, he would always stand with the soldiers until  Defeat the enemy or bleed the last drop of blood.  The young tsar said these awe-inspiring words on the top of the city in front of the soldiers, which immediately won the cheers of the soldiers. Many soldiers saw the aging tsar with warm and even admiring eyes.  Seeing the soldiers supporting Alexei so much, Dekseyev's heart felt cold, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger. However, Alexei insisted on staying at the top of the city, and he couldn't say much.  After Dekseyev left the city, he quickly asked the attendants from the Queen Mother's Palace to rush to the city and told Alexei that the Queen Mother was ill. Alexei did not dare to neglect, and quickly took dozens of people with him.  The guards rushed back to the palace.  Just when Alexei was about to enter the Kremlin gate, Patriarch Nikon rode over in panic and shouted loudly from a distance: "Your Majesty, don't enter the palace! Don't enter the palace! Someone wants to put your Majesty under house arrest.  "Your Majesty, go back to the city and command your soldiers. Go!" Alexei was shocked and confused. At this time, Basakov, who was ambushing the underground palace gate, saw that the incident was exposed and knew that he would die badly if he didn't catch the tsar.  Unfortunately, for the sake of his family and life, he immediately led his troops and rushed out. As he rushed out, he shouted: "Someone wants to put your majesty under house arrest. Protect your majesty quickly! Protect your majesty quickly!" Alexei didn't know what was going on, and said that he was really  He came to protect himself, but he did not move for a moment. Patriarch Nikon rushed towards him, his beard and hair were all frightened, and he kept shouting: "How dare you! Your Majesty, leave! They are going to put your Majesty under house arrest. Your Majesty, leave quickly! Leave quickly!" Alexey  He woke up and immediately turned his horse's head to escape. Basakov could no longer care about anything and led his troops to fight with dozens of Alexei's guards. At the same time, he shot down Alexei's mount with an arrow.  Dozens of Alexei's guards were surrounding him, resisting desperately. However, there were so few people that they couldn't get out even though they were rushing left and right. People kept getting cut off. "Your Majesty, hold on a little longer," Patriarch Nikon shouted.  , turned the horse's head and ran towards the city wall.  Knowing that he was going to move reinforcements, Basakov felt anxious. He took the lead and launched an even fiercer offensive, while Alexei's guards fought to the death.  "I originally thought it was a quiet coup that could easily put Tsar Alexei under house arrest, but I didn't expect that the success fell short. Now things have become big and out of control!  ******************************* ps: Bow and thank darkin2014, Hua Xiaoyun, Plum Blossoms Everywhere, Misu Sanda, Yan Yi Jie  The Book Is Hard to Break, The Fallen Demon King, The Golden Dish, The Temptation of the Shadowless Lamp, Sui Feng Piao, Blue Snake, Fallen Leaves 89, Privateli1999, Ocean Deep Blue, s Xiaoyus, Shangxuan Tianxia, ??mulake, mgg77, Totem of God,  Dragon Clan ©ëô’âd, Cold Rain Washes the Spring and Autumn Period, jane1123, Fannie is not a Druid, Feng Zhimeng2123, The Name of Yu Sin, Pirate Chief, I am very angry and the consequences will be serious, iamshipeng, Rocking Roll 718, Zhishu, louie0222  , like tiger bone wine, Navy Bell, Bei Kong, Bahuang Turkey, Stinky Dog ZJ, Crossed to Death, Foolish Man 1, Qingxiang, xunni8888, Shopping with Wife in Hand, Sparrow Diving into the Abyss, 330302, Purple Sword  Fengxuan, knifea003, Lu Cheng, Mai Mengyu, Ounai Nong, Tianleizhu, **f**f, Fengfengfengfengfeng, Rare Air, Babajie, Speedy Drift, Fanhua Scatter, I am the Lord God  , ¤ÄСÓê¤Ä, neither left nor right choose to take the middle road, tgcc, the party command gun, Tian Zai Zhi, Xiaoyao Yuyuan, the traceless god, stimulating nhao333, charliexp, stinky bald donkey dare to cast a valuable monthly vote or reward  , bow and thank everyone.  It¡¯s the 27th, and the battle for monthly votes is getting more and more intense. 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