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Text Chapter 504 Passive Big Guys

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    Chapter 504: Passive Big Guys Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  What did you bring back?  Of course, it brought back ten tons of lunar soil rich in helium 3.  This Lunar-class cargo spacecraft launched from the South Sudan Satellite Launch Site brought nearly ten tons of various equipment with it when it took off. Some of them were used to check soil radiation and some to check the content of various elements in the soil.  , As for the scientific research equipment, the cargo spacecraft did not bring any. Sun Zesheng went to make money, not to engage in scientific research.  After Sun Zesheng learned that the cargo spacecraft had returned, he immediately ordered that the lunar soil brought back be purified, and that helium 3 should be extracted as soon as possible and made into fuel rods.  When the Moon-class cargo spacecraft was still in the development stage, various related equipment was already being secretly manufactured.  Centrifuges for purifying helium 3 are secretly manufactured at Wood Harrier Seiko.  These equipment have been secretly transported to the satellite launch site in South Sudan through the channels established by Sun Zesheng through the spacecraft.  After unloading the lunar soil and performing simple maintenance, the Ben-to-the-Moon-class cargo spacecraft was loaded with equipment again, launched, and headed to the moon for the second time, preparing to transport back ten tons of lunar soil.  According to scientists¡¯ estimates, helium 3 is abundant on the moon, and the moon¡¯s crust alone contains about one million tons of helium 3.  However, the content of helium 3 in the lunar soil is not pure, and the proportion is not very high.  Even if the Lunar-class cargo spacecraft pulls back lunar soil rich in helium 3, it is considered very good to be able to purify about one kilogram of helium 3.  Of course, the remaining 9,990 kilograms of lunar soil are not waste, and can also be used for hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and other products.  At the same time, at the satellite launch site in South Sudan, the second cargo spacecraft is being manufactured in full swing.  This cargo spaceship is different from the first one. Its load capacity is a huge leap compared to the first one.  Up to five hundred tons.  The energy used is not liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, or traditional rocket fuel such as dimethylhydrazine, but helium 3 is to be used.  About one kilogram of helium 3 is enough to support this large-capacity cargo spacecraft for several trips between the earth and the moon.  Using the energy generated by the nuclear reaction of helium 3 as the thrust of the cargo spacecraft can significantly reduce the weight of the cargo spacecraft and get rid of fuel-filled propellers, bulky batteries and other things.  These measures can reduce the cargo spacecraft's dependence on thrust, which is actually a virtuous circle.  What happened at the South Sudan Satellite Launch Site was basically known to several major countries in the world immediately.  Although Sun Zesheng has mercenaries and security groups stationed in South Sudan.  All three directions, including sea, land and air, are heavily guarded and no one is allowed to approach.  But no matter how prepared he is, he cannot return to the surveillance of top equipment such as spy satellites and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, unless he can make up his mind to take down all these spy satellites belonging to countries around the world.  If he really does this, he will basically be the enemy of the whole world.  This is not in Sun Zesheng's interests.  Sun Zesheng did not even dig underground bases in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and all work was done on the ground.  The most that can be done is to get into the factory.  This makes it easy for intelligence analysts in certain countries to analyze the intelligence they want.  The United States was the fastest to respond. Their first reaction was to send people over to grab it.  However, after conducting military exercises, they still gave up the idea, regardless of whether it was a satellite launch site in South Sudan.  Or the satellite launch site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it is a very hard nut to crack.  Although there is no strategic depth there, there are a large number of sophisticated weapons that even the US military is coveted, and there are also armed spaceships floating in space.  If they really use force, even if they dispatch aircraft carriers, they may not be able to get good results.     certainly.  To destroy the satellite launch site owned by Sun Zesheng, the Americans have no choice but to throw in a few missiles and they can level the satellite launch site to the ground. However, by doing so, the Americans will get nothing in the end, and they will also be punished by Sun Zesheng afterwards.  Revenge is not worth the gain.  Since they could not snatch it, the Americans immediately sent people to Saudi Arabia to meet with Sun Zesheng and negotiate with him.  The Americans have made it very clear that they hope Sun Zesheng can hand over the lunar soil to them, and they are willing to pay a high price to buy it.  Sun Zesheng did not refuse, but the conditions offered were so high that the Americans¡¯ back molars were itching with hatred.  Sun Zesheng said that he would not sell the first ship of lunar soil brought back by the cargo spacecraft, as it was still useful to him, but he could sell the second ship, but he would not sell the lunar soil, but the helium-3 fuel purified from the lunar soil.  Great.  As for the price, it will be based on how much electricity a helium 3 can generate and how much the electricity will cost locally.  Then based on this money, sell it at a 40 to 50% discount.  At this price, come and visit us??It doesn¡¯t mean that Americans cannot accept it.  But what made them hate was the second condition that Sun Zesheng put forward immediately, which was that he would sell helium-3 fuel rods to Americans, not in US dollars, but in Euros or Chinese currency.  In addition, Sun Zesheng also informed representatives of the U.S. government that if the United States wants to do business with him in the future, he will not accept U.S. dollars.  The last time he signed an agreement with the Americans to sell biological agents and special drugs to the United States, Sun Zesheng received U.S. dollars.  After Mendelssohn found out about this, he specifically admonished Sun Zesheng. Mendelssohn urged Sun Zesheng not to accept U.S. dollars.  On the one hand, the current general trend of the US dollar is to depreciate, and the euro is not very reliable. It is best to accept the Chinese currency.  On the other hand, the current international monetary system is led by the US dollar. If Americans feel that they don't have enough money, they only need to turn on the money printing machine and print a large amount of money.  Although the possibility of Americans doing this is not very high, they are not afraid of 10,000, just in case.  The credibility of politicians is the most unreliable.  Sun Zesheng felt that what Mendelssohn said was reasonable, so he mentioned it specifically during this meeting.  Although the US dollar is still the world's number one currency, its strong position is constantly being challenged by other currencies. In the past, there were the Japanese yen, the German mark, etc., and now there are the euro and the Chinese currency.  Once the U.S. dollar is no longer strong, the U.S.'s global influence will inevitably decline sharply, which is unacceptable to Americans.  ¡°For example, since the euro was listed on the market, there have been many ups and downs, and every time there is an American shadow behind it.  Americans are absolutely unwilling to see their own currency replaced by other currencies.  Sun Zesheng made it clear this time that he did not want US dollars, but Euros or Chinese coins, which was difficult for Americans to accept.  But Sun Zesheng was very tight-lipped and refused to let go in this regard.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s discussions with the Americans were not kept strictly confidential and were quickly leaked.  The Europeans followed closely behind, running over.  The United Kingdom, waving pounds, and Germany and France, waving euros, all came to Sun Zesheng and asked to buy lunar soil.  Soon, even the Japanese and Russians came to join in the fun.  ¡°Saudi Arabia is so lively here, it¡¯s impossible for China to not know about it.  The seven big bosses of the Central Political Bureau once again convened the Standing Committee to discuss major plans because of Sun Zesheng.  Lunar soil, helium 3, and a cargo spacecraft that can travel between the earth and the moon. These three, no matter what day, are enough to make these moody bosses jump three feet high.  Unfortunately, all these things are concentrated in the hands of Sun Zesheng, and without exception, they are all currently abroad. No matter how long China's arms are, they are still out of reach.  China is a country that is short of energy and is also plagued by pollution problems caused by energy. As a clean, pollution-free and perfect energy source, helium 3 has always been coveted by the Chinese government.  It was originally thought that China could be the first country in the world to use helium 3 in batches to solve energy problems, but now it seems that there is a possibility that the hope will fail again.  You must know that Sun Zesheng did not take the initiative to contact China this time, that is, he did not intend to provide helium 3 to China for use.  Furthermore, New Starry Sky Company does not sell cargo spacecraft that can travel between the earth and the moon. If you want to sell them, you can, but you must first sell ten Hope-class spacecrafts.  This would have to be an entry fee of 100 billion U.S. dollars. Such a large amount of money is not something that the Chinese government can afford to pay if it wants to.  The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn, and every big boss had a solemn expression. If some of them were still angry with Sun Zesheng the last time the Standing Committee was held, then this time, maybe there are still some.  On the surface, he was angry with Sun Zesheng, but deep down, there was a rare panic.  Energy issues are the foundation and driving force for the development of industry and agriculture. If countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan and the earth are to take the lead in this unprecedented battle for helium 3 resources, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau cannot believe what the consequences will be.  .  The United States, Europe, and Japan, which are as troubled by energy as China, are afraid that they will have an opportunity to soar into the sky, making China's pace of catching up with them slower and longer. In this case, they will be the sinners of the Chinese nation.  To be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, not only the Chinese people will scold them to death, but even the interest groups they represent will probably draw a clear line with them.  If Helium 3 can be brought to China, profound changes will occur in all walks of life. A major reshuffle of the industry is inevitable. It can be believed that how many interest groups will benefit and how many interest groups will fall.  This is both an opportunity and a challenge for them.  "It's a pity that Helium 3 is not in China, but in South Sudan, where Sun Zesheng sent heavy troops to strictly guard it.  No matter how much they think about it, they can only make cakes to satisfy their hunger and look at the plum blossoms to quench their thirst.  At this Politburo Standing Committee meeting, Guan Zhiqin spoke first. As soon as he opened his mouth, he mentioned the conditions required by Sun Zesheng when he negotiated with the Space Development Administration.If we could agree to these conditions then, China would not be so passive now.  Thank you to Mengtian Haowu for the 100 yuan reward, and to "Xieying Feiyi, Mengtian Haowu, Yuntianyike, very comfortable" for voting monthly, thank you.  (To be continued)
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