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Text Chapter 505 I support you (finale)

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    Chapter 505 I Support You (Finale) Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  Since being elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, Guan Zhiqin has been cautious. Among the several members of the Standing Committee, he is a relatively low-key one and basically does not take the lead in anything.  Although he was selected as the successor, and under the guidance of Chief No. 1, he has begun to contact and handle some matters that should be handled as the head of state, but after all, he is only the successor and the "Crown Prince". This position does not exist  variable.  It is not impossible to be captured at the last moment.  Therefore, he has to keep his tail between his legs and wait until he takes office before it is too late to display his political ambitions.  But this time, Guan Zhiqin really couldn't hold it in any longer.  Sun Zesheng was his ally, and he felt the same when Sun Zesheng was wronged. What's more, Sun Zesheng was never allowed to return to the country. By the time he became the head of state, the day lily was already cold.  By then, all the good things will have fallen into the hands of countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, and Japan, and all that will be left to China will be leftovers. If China wants to catch up again, how much hard work will it have to do?  In addition, Guan Zhiqin feels that this is a good opportunity to establish his political authority. If he does not speak at this time, when will he speak?  Several other members of the Standing Committee knew that Guan Zhiqin had always supported Sun Zesheng, and were not surprised when he spoke like this.  Like the previous meetings, Chief No. 1 remained silent in order to avoid suspicion. Chief No. 2 looked at the three colleagues who had been opposing Sun Zesheng and asked for their opinions.  The tone of these three bosses is still a bit stiff, but if you listen carefully, they are obviously much more relaxed.  ¡°Subsequently, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau passed a resolution again this time to continue sending people to Saudi Arabia to strongly invite Sun Zesheng to return to the country.  The standard of this delegation is significantly higher than the last one. It is led by Sun Zesheng¡¯s old friend and Vice Premier of the State Council Deng Zhujun.  Also accompanying him were Ren Xuehai, Secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee, Lu Huiwen, Director of the Space Development Administration, Wang Liansheng, Secretary of the Jizhou Provincial Party Committee, and Zhou Tianyu, Secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee.  After Deng Zhujun and others arrived in Saudi Arabia, Sun Zesheng was very flattered. However, as soon as Deng Zhujun opened his mouth and invited Sun Zesheng to return to the country, Sun Zesheng politely declined. The reason he gave made Deng Zhujun and others dumbfounded. Jin Yuanyuan was pregnant.  It is not easy to travel long distances. He wants to accompany his beloved wife to ensure the pregnancy in Saudi Arabia.  Deng Zhujun and the others talked a lot and persuaded a lot, but Sun Zesheng just refused to let go.  Although Sun Zesheng really wanted to continue to be friends with Deng Zhujun, his plan still had to be implemented, and if the goal could be achieved, it would still be achieved.  Deng Zhujun and the others came this time just to ask him to return to the country.  Without even a single promise, why would he go back?  Do you want to continue to be angry?  Deng Zhujun and the others are busy people. After staying in Saudi Arabia for more than a day, they had to return home.  But it¡¯s not like they didn¡¯t bring back any good news.  At least Sun Zesheng verbally promised that China would have a share of the helium 3 he brought back from the moon.  But how can this share of helium 3 be given to China?  What kind of method should be used to give it, whether it is money or not, how much it will cost, and other details.  Sun Zesheng remained silent and never elaborated.  Half a month after Deng Zhujun and others returned to China, Gong Jiuqing led his scientific research team to manufacture helium-3 fuel rods.  They inserted helium 3 into the combustion chamber of the engine of the five-hundred-ton space cargo spacecraft. Amidst a roar, the cargo spacecraft started running smoothly.  After simple debugging, the spacecraft named Tengyue-class went straight to the moon.  This grand occasion was once again captured by spy satellites and radar monitoring stations from various countries, measuring the size of this cargo spacecraft. Almost every intelligence analyst was shocked by this size.  Even if the Moon-class spacecraft uses helium 3 as fuel and many unnecessary designs have been abandoned, its load capacity is definitely unmatched by the Moon-class spacecraft. ? What is the concept of having twenty or thirty Moon-class spaceships on top of one Soaring Moon-class spaceship?  This not only means that Sun Zesheng can bring back more lunar soil from the moon, but also means that Sun Zesheng must have mastered the technology of purifying helium 3 and miniaturizing helium 3 engines.  Suddenly, the whole world was shocked.  The United States has once again put the possibility of armed invasion of Sun Zesheng's area on the agenda. The value that Sun Zesheng represents is already worth the various risks that the United States will take to snatch Sun Zesheng to the United States. Even if it cannot be snatched,  Also want to kill Sun Zesheng.  If Sun Zesheng is allowed to develop, who knows whether it will be a disaster or a blessing for the United States and the world?  While the Pentagon was conducting urgent research, China's Central Political Bureau convened the Standing Committee again. This time, even the three Standing Committee members who had always opposed Sun Zesheng urgently requested that Sun Zesheng be invited back to the country. Sun Zesheng once wanted to  conditions, ?They are also willing to approve it.  Their desire for the technology mastered by Sun Zesheng finally overcame their rejection and dislike of Sun Zesheng.  Seeing that the Standing Committee had reached an agreement, the No. 1 leader, who had always avoided suspicion, rarely spoke. This time he personally selected the candidates to be sent to Saudi Arabia and invited Sun Zesheng back to China.  Chief No. 1 did not choose anyone else, but asked one person to go, and this person was his wife.  As soon as the wife arrived in Saudi Arabia, she visited her daughter, who was finally pregnant, and went about her daily life with her biological mother, Feng Yueyingla, Sun Zesheng¡¯s mother.  Although Jin Yuanyuan supports her husband, she cannot always live as if she and her parents are thousands of miles apart.  When she saw Madam, she couldn't help but cry.  When Sun Zesheng saw his mother-in-law take action, his daughter-in-law cried again. His mother also helped his mother-in-law speak up, especially when his mother-in-law brought back the Politburo's resolution. Sun Zesheng had achieved his goal and was embarrassed to continue.  To be honest, he now feels more and more insecure staying in Saudi Arabia.  He has also heard about the developments at the Pentagon. If the Americans really go all out and risk offending their ally Saudi Arabia to get rid of him, he still has nothing to do unless he gets on a spaceship.  Traveling around in space, otherwise, staying in Saudi Arabia is definitely not the best choice.  Sun Zesheng followed the current and agreed to return to China on the same day.  Taking the spaceship, we returned to the Light of the Future Park in Yanjing.  The next day, the Premier and No. 2 Head of the State Council officially signed the Prime Minister's Order, granting some companies under Sun Zesheng's name exemption from inspections. These companies do not need to accept inspections from the quality supervision department, health department, industrial and commercial department, taxation department, etc.  In addition, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation will extend the tax preferential period for some enterprises under Sun Zesheng's name.  In addition, other enterprises under Sun Zesheng's name will be treated as high-tech enterprises, with a reduced ratio of 15%.  Collect corporate income tax.  When Sun Zesheng returned to China, the assassination or kidnapping plan planned by the United States against Sun Zesheng had to be abandoned.  The United States has long lost its determination to launch an all-out war with China.  After Sun Zesheng returned to China, he immediately announced a series of measures. The most important one was to provide China with biological agents, special drugs, and Hope-class spacecraft at prices far lower than the market price. As for the Tengyue-class spacecraft, Sun Zesheng has not yet delivered.  It means for China to use.  In addition, Wood Harrier Seiko has provided a batch of helium 3 engines to the Chinese military.  As for helium 3, you need to purchase it separately from Sun Zesheng.  Of course, in terms of price, it will definitely be cheaper than Sun Zesheng selling it to others.  In order to prevent these high-quality and low-priced products provided by Sun Zesheng from being secretly resold.  Chief No. 1 specifically ordered to establish a strict regulatory system for these products to prevent them from flowing out and becoming something for profit by some people.  ??Tengyue-class spaceship and Benyue-class cargo spacecraft.  They flew back to Earth one after another, but the two cargo spacecraft landed in different places. The former landed directly at the satellite launch site in Jinan City.  The Benyue-class cargo spacecraft landed in South Sudan.  The helium 3 purified from the lunar soil brought back by the Tengyue-class spacecraft is enough to meet the energy needs of China for several years.  As for the helium-3 brought back by the Ben-to-the-Moon-class cargo spacecraft, Sun Zesheng purified it and made it into helium-3 fuel rods, which were then brought to the international market. After setting a reserve price, they were publicly auctioned.  The one with the highest price gets it.  After the Tengyue-class spacecraft performed a round-trip journey between the earth and the moon, it temporarily stopped performing the same mission. Under the order of Sun Zesheng, New Starry Sky Company began to build a space city and a space port with all its strength.  These space cities and space ports are powered by helium 3 and have been built between the earth and the moon, forming a complete chain between the earth and the moon.  " However, Sun Zesheng's main energy was not focused on this aspect. He spent more time on researching auxin. This research lasted twenty years.  Twenty years later, Sun Zesheng carefully observed the test samples. He was very satisfied with the experimental results. The aging rate of the mice injected with the drug had significantly slowed down. For several consecutive years, there had been no signs of aging and no complications.  occurrence of the disease.  Next, Sun Zesheng is preparing to conduct human trials. If the human trials are successful, then the drug he researched based on growth hormone can effectively extend the lifespan of him and his confidants.  Just when Sun Zesheng was drawing up the human trial plan, someone came to report that Li Kaikai hoped to meet Sun Zesheng.  Li Kaikai, as Sun Zesheng¡¯s political teacher, has now grown into a high official and is the governor of a province in the south.  This is something that Li Kaikai would never have dared to imagine before. Now Li Kaikai is getting more and more excited. He also hopes that one day he can enjoy the privileges of a national leader.treatment.  This time, Li Kaikai is preparing to follow the example of the retired former No. 1 leader Guan Zhiqin and form an alliance with Sun Zesheng.  Li Kaikai knew that his ability to survive for a few days was inseparable from Sun Zesheng's strong support. However, there were too many politicians who were close friends with Sun Zesheng, and Li Kaikai needed further confirmation.  At present, many domestic politicians have reached a consensus that if they cannot obtain the support of Sun Zesheng, they will not have a place in the Central Political Bureau.  Director No. 1, Guan Zhiqin and the current Director No. 1 are all inextricably linked to Sun Zesheng.  This gave Sun Zesheng enough time to establish his influence in the political arena. Moreover, Sun Zesheng's wealth and technology were enough to make it impossible for anyone to ignore him.  Sun Zesheng did not give Li Kaikai any hope. After learning about Li Kaikai's intention, he readily agreed.  Li Kaikai left with satisfaction. When he left, Sun Zesheng asked his eldest son Sun Sijin, his and Jin Yuanyuan's child, to see off Li Kaikai on his behalf.  After Sun Sijin sent Li Kaikai away, he returned to Sun Zesheng's office and stood respectfully behind his father.  Sun Zesheng glanced at his eldest son and said: "Your mother is now the director of the General Armament Department, a dignified general. She is very busy all day long and has no time to care about you. She asked me to ask you, you are about to graduate from college.  , what are you going to do after graduation? This is not only a question that your mother is concerned about, your grandma, grandpa, and grandparents are also concerned about this issue, and so am I. " Sun Sijin asked instead, "Dad.  "What do you mean?" "I don't mean anything. I respect your choice. Just like your sister Xu Jiaxun, she chose to be your Aunt Xu's assistant and prepare to take over your brother's business in the future.  Song Mingyi doesn't want to take over your Aunt Song's business and wants to join the army. He is currently studying at the National University of Defense Technology and will become an officer upon graduation. Your other brothers and sisters are still young, so I can't say what their future plans are. "  Sun Zesheng said calmly.  "Even if you do nothing in your life and just want to be a rich second generation, I won't interfere with you, as long as you can endure the emptiness of being a rich second generation. Of course, you still need to get your mother's consent.  Sun Sijin was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at his father, whom he had always respected, "Dad, I don't want to join the army, do business, let alone politics. I just want to go to the moon. The development of the moon is very chaotic, and all countries are competing for it."  We are rushing to exploit the resources on it. Maybe one day, the moon's environment will be destroyed to a great extent. I want to go to the moon to integrate all forces and let the moon's resources be developed in an orderly manner. After the moon is integrated, I will do it.  I want to build a star road to Mars, maybe I will be one of the first people to immigrate to Mars." Sun Zesheng stared at Sun Sijin expressionlessly, until Sun Sijin felt scared, and he laughed.  , "A good boy, with great ambition, he is indeed my son, Sun Zesheng. I support you." (Complete book) (To be continued)
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