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Text Chapter 503: Invite Sun Zesheng

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    Chapter 503: Sun Zesheng Please subscribe and give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  The two companies of biologics and specialty drugs started selling preparations and drugs to the outside world when Sun Zesheng left China and lived in Saudi Arabia. The launch location was not in China, but in Saudi Arabia. The news was hosted by Sun Zesheng himself.  press conference.  At the press conference, Sun Zesheng announced a large amount of evidence from clinical trials to prove to the world the effectiveness of these biological agents and drugs.  The large amount of written and audio-visual materials made the reporters, dignitaries and wealthy people from various countries who attended the meeting exclaimed and marveled.  If these preparations and drugs are used properly, people who can afford them can definitely live for several years or even more than ten years.  Immediately, after the press conference, the Saudi Arabian royal family announced that it would place a super-large order of at least 10 billion US dollars to Sun Zesheng.  The rich sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates have also announced plans to make large purchases.  The most eye-catching thing is not the Saudi Arabian royal family, but the order from the U.S. Department of Defense.  The United States has frequently launched wars with foreign countries in recent years. In each war, many people died and countless people were injured, many of whom were left with lifelong disabilities.  The pensions for these war dead and the rehabilitation costs for the disabled are not a small sum.  The introduction of various biological agents and drugs such as Preparation No. 1 has allowed the US government to see the possibility of significantly reducing casualties.  The Pentagon not only sent people to attend the press conference hosted by Sun Zesheng, but also had a face-to-face conversation with Sun Zesheng after the meeting.  Afterwards, an army brigadier general sent by the Pentagon held a press conference with Sun Zesheng.  At the press conference, the Pentagon announced that the total value of purchases from Sun Zesheng was as high as 50 billion US dollars.  Of course, this purchase amount is not for one year, but for the next five years, averaged out.  That¡¯s 10 billion US dollars a year.  ¡°Following the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Brazil, India and other countries have announced that they will make corresponding purchases for strategic reserves.  What surprises the world is that the Chinese government is absent from this.  It¡¯s not that China doesn¡¯t want to purchase, but it is still holding urgent discussions on Sun Zesheng¡¯s external sales of biological agents and drugs.  At the beginning, Sun Zesheng was conducting experiments in China on a large scale. Many people knew that he was conducting experiments in this area. Sun Zesheng also established a branch company for biological preparations and special drugs in China.  Business licenses and everything else have been obtained.  No matter who it is, they all thought that Sun Zesheng would launch it domestically just like he did with new fuel and No. 3 fuel. After ensuring domestic use, he would then obtain approval from relevant parties before choosing an opportunity to export it abroad.  No one thought that Sun Zesheng would directly skip the domestic market and sell directly to the outside world.  China just received an invitation letter to attend a press conference in Saudi Arabia.  What will be given priority to be supplied to China, what will allow China to enjoy price concessions, what will be approved by relevant Chinese government departments, etc.  Not at all.  It is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of biological agents like Preparation No. 1 can definitely change the strategic balance of both sides in the war, and even become the key to reversing the outcome of the war.  People say Americans cherish their lives.  Afraid of death, regardless of whether it is a rumor or a fact, the emergence of Preparation No. 1 and so on.  It will inevitably make this shortcoming of Americans no longer a shortcoming.  How could this be sold to Americans?  Not counting selling to Americans, but also selling to Indians?  What kind of behavior is this?  Is it shortsightedness or ignorance?     actually.  When Sun Zesheng was conducting experiments on biological agents and special drugs in China, his subordinates once revealed that the cost of these biological agents and special drugs was not very expensive. The highest-grade one cost 100,000 Chinese coins.  The total cost of raw materials, labor and other preparations is only a few dozen dollars.  China is still waiting for Sun Zesheng to supply the Chinese military at a super cheap price.  No one thought this would be the case.  Sheng Qinghua, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, was ordered to call Sun Zesheng and ask him why he did this?  Sun Zesheng told Sheng Qinghua calmly that he was a good businessman who abided by the law and would not do anything illegal.  The biological agents and special drugs he sells are scientifically researched in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the raw materials are produced in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the factories are also located in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the workers are also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  and South Sudan, production licenses and so on are also issued by the governments of the two countries.  He did not do anything that violated domestic laws, nor did he do anything that violated the laws of the governments of Southern Guangdong Province and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  As for the initial clinical trial in China, he obtained approval from the relevant departments. When conducting the clinical trial, he also paid the patient fees and there were no operational violations.? something happened.  In response to Sheng Qinghua¡¯s questioning, Sun Zesheng said he could not accept it.  Sheng Qinghua was surprised. When Sun Zesheng tried to reason with him, he found that he had no reason to reason with Sun Zesheng.  Should he be allowed to speak out against the interests of the country?  Doesn¡¯t Sun Zesheng understand the justice of the country?  If you don¡¯t understand, the new fuel and No. 3 fuel will not all be produced domestically.  Sheng Qinghua changed his tone and expressed his hope that Sun Zesheng could return to China as soon as possible.  Sun Zesheng said that it was good for him to stay in Saudi Arabia. There were no messy things bothering him. He would only consider returning to the country when he has had enough rest.  Sheng Qinghua had no choice but to hang up the phone and truthfully reported the entire conversation between him and Sun Zesheng to several members of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau.  The bosses were silent. They were all talented people with rich political experience. They could hear the resentment in Sun Zesheng's words.  The No. 2 leader pondered for a while and then spoke first to express his opinion.  He hopes that Sun Zesheng can return to China as soon as possible and cannot allow Sun Zesheng to stay abroad any longer.  At home, Sun Zesheng still had some scruples, but at home, without restraint, he directly changed from a patriotic businessman to a purely profit-seeking businessman, and his sense of mission dropped significantly.  This is not a good sign.  ¡°If Sun Zesheng continues to stay abroad, he may not do anything earth-shattering again.  When the time comes, who will clean up the mess?  After the No. 2 leader finished speaking, he immediately had another opinion. He rudely criticized Sun Zesheng's behavior as being extremely irresponsible. He was sorry for the party, the people, and the country. He suggested that tough measures be taken against Sun Zesheng, even if it meant kidnapping.  Want to kidnap Sun Zesheng back to China.  After that, they were under strict supervision.  Before he finished speaking, the No. 2 leader immediately vetoed it. He said that strong methods should never be used against people like Sun Zesheng.  This will not only increase Sun Zesheng's rebellious mentality, but also create public opinion that is unfavorable to China internationally. Domestically, it will also make people worry about the country's credibility and doubt the legitimacy of the party's governance.  Another chief stood up. He agreed with the opinion of Chief No. 2. He felt that someone should be sent to Saudi Arabia to invite Sun Zesheng back.  The No. 1 leader has not expressed his position, but even so, six of the seven Political Standing Committee members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee raised their hands in favor of inviting Sun Zesheng back from Saudi Arabia.  Next, who to send is a question.  After some deliberation, it was finally decided to let Sheng Qinghua, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, lead the team, and then call on Zhou Tianyu, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Jinan City, Kong Tianshun, director of the Logistics Department of Yanjing Public Security Bureau, and Sun Zesheng¡¯s mentor.  Jiang Guopeng, the president of Huaxia Agricultural University, and a group of four people went to Saudi Arabia in a private capacity to invite Sun Zesheng to return home.  Sheng Qinghua, Jiang Guopeng and others received the task and did not dare to neglect it. After receiving some face-to-face instructions from the No. 2 leader, they took a plane and rushed to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.  They met Sun Zesheng smoothly.  Sun Zesheng met with Sheng Qinghua and Jiang Guopeng enthusiastically, which made Sheng Qinghua and his party feel like they were taking a breath of spring breeze.  Sun Zesheng even took out a set of biological agents and special drugs and gave one to Sheng Qinghua and Jiang Guopeng.  In terms of market value, each of these sets exceeds 500,000 Chinese coins, which is extremely expensive.  Sheng Qinghua, Zhou Tianyu and Kong Tianshun were in public office and did not dare to accept such an expensive gift blatantly. Only Jiang Guopeng accepted this expensive gift indifferently.  If your students are filial, there is nothing to be afraid of.  However, Sun Zesheng was enthusiastic. When Sheng Qinghua and the others asked him to return to China, the smile on his face did not disappear, but he refused to agree.  Sheng Qinghua and the others had good things to say, and even brought up their friendship with Sun Zesheng, but Sun Zesheng still refused to let go.  The reason why Sun Zesheng stayed in Saudi Arabia and did not return was because he had a clear purpose. It was impossible for him to go back just because Sheng Qinghua and the others came to talk to him. Then how could he realize his purpose?  Sheng Qinghua and the others stayed in Saudi Arabia for three consecutive days. Seeing that they could not successfully lobby, they had no choice but to say goodbye to Sun Zesheng and return to China.  After the Central Political Bureau listened to Sheng Qinghua¡¯s report, several members of the Standing Committee fell silent again.  Director No. 2 suggested sending someone to invite Sun Zesheng back to China again. This time, there were not as many people who matched his requirements as last time. There were only two, and there were three others who clearly expressed their opposition. Director No. 1 did not express his position.  Not long after Sheng Qinghua and the others returned to China, spy satellites and ground radar stations from various countries monitored a spacecraft leaving the moon and entering the earth's atmosphere., and finally landed at the satellite launch site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Intelligence agencies from various countries immediately took action and tried every means to find out what this cargo spacecraft, the first cargo spacecraft to land on the moon in human history, brought back from the moon.  (To be continued)
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