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Text Chapter 476 Incredible

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    Chapter 476: Incredible Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  In addition to arranging for Nikolai Rocuk to take a group of people to adapt to space and study how to carry out security work under space conditions, Sun Zesheng also decided to conduct a welfare promotion for the industry under his name.  A long time ago, Sun Zesheng proposed that all employees, from the senior leaders of the subsidiaries to the sweepers, have the consciousness and honor of calling the factory their home.  For this reason, he did not hesitate to hire Schneider to help him build company culture at the cost of 100 million Chinese coins when funds were not sufficient.  Schneider was once the vice president of the Greater China region of a well-known multinational cleaning company. Later, he was affected by the layoffs and was laid off by the cleaning company.  He is well versed in the corporate culture of the clean company. He combined the clean company's culture with the reality of the company under Sun Zesheng's name and created a relatively complete company culture.  There is an internal reward and punishment system for company employees, which includes physical rewards, monetary rewards, holiday rewards, etc.  Such as physical rewards, ranging from grain and oil to large cars.  Vacation rewards include paid leave, subsidized leave and other forms of leave.  The introduction of this reward and punishment system has indeed effectively united the hearts of the company's employees, enabling them to proactively safeguard the company's interests and not do anything detrimental to the company's interests.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s decision is related to this reward and punishment system. He plans to use space tourism as a means of reward to promote it within the company.  This kind of reward will be linked to the employees' attitude towards work and the size of their contribution to the company, and then determine the type of space tourism.  The dream of space can be said to exist in the heart of every person on earth. Sun Zesheng has enough reasons to believe that if this reward and punishment system is introduced, in addition to further enhancing the cohesion of employees and strengthening their loyalty to the company, it can also  Increase the attraction of external talents.  Sun Zesheng spent a few days.  A draft was brewed and handed over to Song Jiayi and Rong Jingying respectively, asking them to publish it on the official websites of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. and New Starry Sky Company respectively, and solicit opinions from all employees.  As soon as the plan came out, the employees of the two companies were all excited. They all scrambled to give their opinions and suggestions, striving to make the plan more complete and perfect, so that one day they could also take advantage of the welfare system and come for free.  A space trip.  After all, self-funded space travel is suitable for many people.  Still too expensive.  At this time, George Smith proposed to Sun Zesheng to form an overseas subsidiary of Future Light Company.  This time, George Smith chose South America as the company's address. He had already opened up the joints. All he needed was Sun Zesheng's nod, and the two parties could cooperate and go to Brazil to build a factory together.  George Smith also tasted the sweetness brought to him by the Thai subsidiary of Future Light Company.  Although most of the profits of Thai companies have been made by Future Light Company, the rest is still there.  It is also a bowl of fragrant and rich broth, with huge profits that make people jealous.  In addition to proposing to cooperate to form a subsidiary, George Smith also proposed whether it could be close to Thai companies, including Brazilian companies.  Open up a piece of land and imitate the agricultural planting base in Jinan City to grow herbs nearby to meet the company's needs.  Of course, Sun Zesheng rejected George Smith¡¯s proposal without hesitation.  Under the current circumstances, Sun Zesheng has not yet shared the formulas of the Meiruge brand youth cream series cosmetics with the world.  Herbs are the key to the Meiruge brand youth cream series of cosmetics, so it is even more impossible for him to share them.  George Smith tested Sun Zesheng several times.  Seeing that Sun Zesheng was determined, he had no choice but to give up.  However, George Smith was not willing to give in, and planned to find another opportunity in the future to persuade Sun Zesheng.  ¡°Compared to George Smith who only talked words, some people¡¯s actions were direct and decisive.  The development of Future Light Company has exceeded many people's expectations. In just a few years, Future Light Company has emerged as a leader in the field of cosmetics. It already ranks first in the market share of similar products in China.  At present, in addition to ensuring that no one can shake the position of the high-end market, Light of the Future has also extended its product line to the mid-range and low-end markets, and has begun to expand overseas.  This has posed a great threat to many multinational companies, including cleaning companies.  It is very unrealistic for them to acquire FutureLight with knowledge.  Therefore, it is time to use some shady means.  In addition to wooing the internal employees of the Corrupt Future Light Company, they are also trying their best to obtain the formulas, types of medicinal herbs and other cosmetics such as the Meiruge Brand Youth Cream Series Cosmetics and the Starlight Series Cosmetics.  At the most rampant time?, there used to be spy satellites passing over Jinan City more than ten times a day, taking pictures of agricultural planting bases, and a large number of people of all kinds, using various excuses, approached the agricultural planting bases with the intention of understanding the agricultural situation.  Details of the planting base.  Sun Zesheng didn't pay much attention to this at first. It's not that he doesn't pay attention to this kind of issue, but he believes very much in the security measures adopted by the company, and the company's reward and punishment system has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he doesn't dare to touch anyone to "leak secrets" easily.  This high voltage line.  But Sun Zesheng never expected that no matter how well prepared he was, some things would still go wrong.  However, the problem was not caused by the employees within the company, nor by those who tried to sneak into the agricultural planting base and the confidential room of the Light of the Future Company in various ways, but by the collaborators of the agricultural planting base.  Jiang Guopeng, the president of Huaxia Agricultural University, called him and told him that the school had just conducted a thesis defense and found that a doctoral candidate's thesis contained multiple plagiarisms.  When the school was criticizing and educating him, he confessed that he had secretly brought a pack of medicinal herb seeds from an agricultural planting base and sold them to a mysterious man for $100,000.  Then, the doctoral candidate took the 100,000 US dollars and planned to use it to bribe several supervisors for his thesis defense, hoping that they would not take it too seriously when he defended his thesis.  It turned out that one of the teachers was dissatisfied with his behavior, and during the thesis defense, he dug out the fact that he had plagiarized other people's papers, which led to the incident.  After Sun Zesheng learned about this.  Very shocked.  Strictly speaking, the several medicinal herbs he planted in the agricultural planting base are very common plants that can be found outside.  However, the herb seeds in the agricultural planting base are different from the seeds outside. They are all processed by him using special methods. They have high yields and good resistance to diseases and pests, and there is no problem that one generation is worse than the next.  If these seeds spread, problems will arise.  Sun Zesheng immediately told Kong Tianshun about the incident and asked Kong Tianshun for help.  Kong Tianshun knew that this matter was closely related.  Among other things, if a competitor imitates similar products, it will inevitably affect the sales of Future Light's products, and in turn affect the annual taxes and fees paid by Future Light to Yanjing City.  What's more, Kong Tianshun felt that he owed Sun Zesheng a lot and was worried that he could not help Sun Zesheng.  However, to be cautious, Kong Tianshun first reported the matter to his father, Kong Changrui, the director of the Yanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau and the party secretary of the bureau.  After Kong Changrui learned about it, he took this matter very seriously.  He immediately transferred elite soldiers from the Criminal Investigation Corps and accompanied Sun Zesheng to Huaxia Agricultural University to meet the doctoral student.  He was cross-examined in great detail.  The doctoral candidate didn¡¯t take this matter seriously at first. He was one of those semi-legally illiterate people who was very knowledgeable and knew a lot of common sense about the law. He had a lot of theories.  As soon as the facts are encountered, the law is thrown aside.  Once he saw so many police officers coming to interrogate him, the doctoral student realized the seriousness of the matter.  He honestly explained to the people in the administrative corps.  After the people from the Criminal Investigation Corps obtained clues.  Work began immediately, and they followed the clues to find out what was going on.  The person who bought the seeds from the doctoral students was a commercial espionage agency from Japan. After they obtained the seeds, they divided the seeds into two parts, kept one part, organized their own personnel to conduct research, and used the other part to conduct research.  It was sold to a cleaning company for a high price of $10 million.  Sun Zesheng, who was just a member of the company's legal department, sued the clean company to the Yanjing No. 1 Intermediate Court in the name of unfair competition, requiring the clean company to return all seeds and destroy all research records.  ¡°Just resorting to legal means is only applicable to clean companies. Like the commercial espionage company in Japan, it is almost impossible to use this method to recover the seeds.  Even the cleaning company is full of unknowns.  Sun Zesheng is really unwilling to waste money on this matter.  He immediately thought of the mercenaries he had funded and supported in Africa.  It's time for these mercenaries to show their fangs.  Sun Zesheng made a video call to Ling Feilu and explained the details to Ling Feilu.  Ling Feilu accepted the task happily.  However, he also put forward conditions to Sun Zesheng, hoping that Sun Zesheng could provide him with technical support.  Sun Zesheng will naturally not refuse this.  Then, after some preparations, Ling Feilu personally took a few loyal men on a plane and entered Japan.  The few subordinates brought by Ling Feilu are authentic Japanese and know the situation in Japan very well.  With the help of this Japanese assistant, Ling Feilu spent severalWithin days, I found out the specific situation of the commercial espionage company.  After waiting for a few more days, the technical support Ling Feilu requested came over.  An unmanned mini-submarine secretly dived into the water from the place where Qingshui Waterworks collects sea water, crossed the sea, and arrived at the meeting point agreed with Ling Feilu.  Ling Feilu opened the uncontrolled submarine and took out a large amount of equipment.  Then Ling Feilu, armed with these advanced equipment, secretly sneaked into the commercial espionage company, set a fire, and burned the entire company to the ground. All seeds, research records, etc. were burned.  .  In addition, Ling Feilu also stole all the archives of the commercial espionage company¡¯s business over the years and published them on the Internet.  This move is very insidious. How can those companies that know that they have been patronized by this commercial espionage company give up? They have put pressure on the Japanese government and asked the Japanese government to severely punish the person in charge of this commercial espionage company.  The Japanese police were overwhelmed by the demands of these multinational companies and could not spare much energy to investigate the truth behind the fire at this commercial espionage company.  Ling Feilu did not stop there. He continued and his men used the advanced equipment provided by Sun Zesheng to "punish" the main person in charge of the commercial espionage company.  Some of them got drunk and fell into the swimming pool and drowned.  Some people died immediately when they were having sex with high school students Everyone died in a different way.  While Ling Feilu and the others lamented the usefulness of the scientific and technological means provided by Sun Zesheng, they were also a little in awe. They secretly reminded themselves not to do anything that would disgrace Sun Zesheng at any time. Otherwise, they might not even know who they are until they die.  How did he die?  The cleaning company probably didn¡¯t want to get too serious with Sun Zesheng. Shortly after Sun Zesheng submitted the complaint to the court, the cleaning company took the initiative to contact Sun Zesheng and expressed its willingness to reconcile with Sun Zesheng.  In addition to being willing to give all the seeds they obtained to Sun Zesheng.  He is also willing to destroy all research records and sign a document with Sun Zesheng to avoid similar things happening in the future.  If Sun Zesheng insists, the cleaning company is willing to compensate Sun Zesheng a sum of money.  The clean company did not surrender for no reason. The development of Future Light Company in recent years has also threatened the clean company.  If possible, Clean Company also wants to steal the secret of Future Light Company's success and apply it to itself.  ¡°But the cleaning company is not stupid, they can¡¯t possibly lose the watermelon.  The silly thing of picking sesame seeds.  The Light of the Future Company is just a company under Sun Zesheng's name, but this one company has caused such great pressure on the Cleansing Company. If Sun Zesheng integrated the power of all the companies under his name, it would be a disaster.  Put pressure on the cleaning company at the same time, but the cleaning company may not be able to withstand it.  What¡¯s more, cleaning companies also need to look forward.  The space age is already beginning to take shape.  If cleaning companies want to be on the first train, they'll need to partner with the people who hold the keys to the space age.  And this person.  It's not necessarily who it is, but Sun Zesheng is definitely a strong competitor.  After much deliberation, the cleaning company decided to cooperate with Sun Zesheng.  rather than confrontation.  Faced with the olive branch extended by the cleaning company, Sun Zesheng did not kill them all.  He sued the cleaning company to the court. The cleaning company was willing to do what he wanted, so there was no need to file another lawsuit.  After signing a settlement agreement with the cleaning company, Sun Zesheng was invited to have a meeting with the senior management of the cleaning company.  The two sides held a friendly meeting.  During this meeting, the Clean Company expressed its desire to join the Sun Space Association.  Sun Zesheng is still very concerned about attracting multinational companies like Clean Company into the Sun Space Association.  He immediately agreed to accept the clean company's application and said that he would arrange for a dedicated person to review the clean company's application as soon as possible.  In addition to joining the Sun Space Association, Clean Company also proposed to cooperate with Future Light Company to develop new cosmetics.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t immediately reply to the cleaning company¡¯s request, but he didn¡¯t immediately reject it either.  After he returned, he discussed with Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li, Wu Hanyang and others.  George Smith was well-informed. He knew about the matter before Sun Zesheng and the others had negotiated a result. He made a special call and asked to join the discussion group.  After George Smith comes over, the discussion will continue.  George Smith's opinion was firmly against it.  It's very simple. If he is the only one cooperating with Sun Zesheng, then when it comes to dividing the money, it will be only him and Sun Zesheng. If the cleaning company is added to the mix, no matter how small the share of the cleaning company is, George Smith's interests will be damaged.Wuhan Yang means the same thing. In Wuhan Yang's view, although Future Light Company has not yet occupied a dominant position in the field of daily chemicals, this day will only be a matter of time, and there is no need to condescend to cooperate with a clean company.  Rong Jingying and Xu Yunjin¡¯s opinions were similar to Wu Hanyang¡¯s, while Song Jiayi and Zhang Li¡¯s opinions were very simple. They would do whatever Sun Zesheng said.  After thinking deeply, Sun Zesheng decided to cooperate with the cleaning company.  On the one hand, he took a fancy to the channels that the cleaning company has accumulated around the world over the years. The customer base it has accumulated is also an extremely large group. Moreover, the reputation of the cleaning company in the world has been very good over the years.  On the other hand, Sun Zesheng needs to bring in more allies, and at the same time, he also needs someone to check and balance George Smith.  After Sun Zesheng announced his decision, George Smith was very hopeful, but no matter how disappointed he was, he could not change Sun Zesheng's decision.  But what George Smith didn¡¯t expect was the way Sun Zesheng finally proposed to cooperate with the cleaning company. Not to mention that he didn¡¯t think of it, not even the cleaning company thought of it.  Sun Zesheng proposed to acquire part of the equity of the clean company to cooperate with the clean company.  The cleaning company is a veritable giant, ranking very high even among the world's top 500 companies.  Although Sun Zesheng is very rich now, it is not easy to acquire part of the equity of a cleaning company.  The cleaning company found the cooperation method proposed by Sun Zesheng very incredible. Over the years, they have been the only ones to acquire others, and they have never encountered anyone wanting to acquire them.  Thank you Chen Yuhan for your support of two monthly tickets, thank you.  (To be continued)
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