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Text Chapter 475 Want to scream

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    Chapter 475 I want to ask for a subscription and a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Cheng Fangzheng¡¯s arrest and the uprooting of the network of relationships he had worked so hard to build wiped away the deepest resentment in Sun Zesheng¡¯s heart.  Sun Zesheng only felt refreshed and infinitely comfortable.  Good things always seem to come together. Rong Jingying called him and told him that after more than half a year of hard work, the new space company in Jinan City was about to hold a groundbreaking ceremony, and she wanted Sun Zesheng to attend.  After Sun Zesheng learned the news, he immediately rushed to Jinan City.  He first went to the Dream New City located on the south bank of the Zhizhang River and found that it already had some prototypes.  Through the efforts of the Jinan Municipal Government, more than half of the planned 21 administrative villages have been demolished in a planned manner. If it were not for the concern that the construction progress of transitional housing could not keep up, all of these villages would have been bulldozed.  In the areas that have been cleared, a large number of buildings have risen from the ground. Towering cranes can be seen everywhere, and hundreds of engineering vehicles are coming in and out, racing against time to build the dream city.  The space company project in Jinan City was established relatively early, but until now, neither the Dream City nor the space company has been completed.  As far away as the United States, a space company invested by Umeng Venture Capital has been built and put into use. So far, it has received many batches of space tourists.  This has greatly stimulated the shareholders of the space company in Jinan City. The market for space tourism can be said to be large or small. People who have sufficient economic strength and are willing to carry out space tourism can¡¯t do it at the current stage.  Speaking of which, the overall number is still limited.  Whoever can establish a position at the beginning is likely to occupy the largest market share in the future.  In that case, the ambitious shareholders' idea of ??profiting from Jinan City's space company is likely to become empty talk.  For this reason, everyone from Rong Jingying to ordinary shareholders have stepped up their supervision.  Jinan City is also well aware of the importance of opportunities. Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu strongly supported the introduction of space companies to Jinan City. A very important purpose was to enhance Jinan City¡¯s global visibility and enhance its taste.  .  If we cannot occupy the first share of the space tourism market, to say the least, this is a missed opportunity and a slight flaw in the white jade.  Sun Zesheng has an indifferent attitude towards these.  Whether the space company in the United States can occupy the first share of the space tourism market is not because it beats Jinan City and sends tourists to space first, but depends on which aspect it supports in the future.  Greater intensity.  From an economic point of view, he holds more shares in the space company in the United States. Strictly speaking, his shareholding in the space company in Jinan City only accounts for a quarter of the total equity.  In the United States, it is more than 30%. It is clear which one is better and which is worse.  But when it comes to doing something, you can't just calculate economic accounts. Let's not talk about political factors. Just talk about personal feelings. Sun Zesheng also prefers Jinan City.  First of all, Jinan City is his hometown, the place where he was born and raised. Although his soul is from later generations, his body was raised by this land.  Secondly, Sun Zesheng has handed over all business related to the space industry to Rong Jingying. For this charming woman who has given her body and mind to him, Sun Zesheng will naturally give the strongest support without reservation.  Now, the space company in Jinan City has not been built yet, so everything is empty.  After the space company and the dream new city are completed, Sun Zesheng will make this place a focus of his work.  Of course, in addition to the reasons just mentioned, he also wants to build this place into the ideal city he envisioned. This place will showcase a large number of new products launched by his company to the outside world from time to time. This place will become a veritable city worthy of its name.  capital of science and technology.  If the space company in Jinan City cannot be allowed to occupy the largest market share in the world, wouldn't his plan be in vain?  After Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu learned that Sun Zesheng was coming, they both rushed to Dream New City and watched with Sun Zesheng.  After Sun Zesheng's inspection, Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu proposed to treat Sun Zesheng to a meal, and it was private and not official.  At the dinner table, Guo Youwei expressed his gratitude to Sun Zesheng with emotion.  His transfer order has just been issued and it has been confirmed that he will soon be the deputy governor of Western Jin Province. This is a real promotion.  In the past, Guo Youwei did not dare to think about the day when his original backer had retired. The officialdom was like this. If there was no support from the top, it would be difficult to rise.  The reason is very simple. The higher the position, the fewer vacancies. However, there are many people below looking at you. In many cases, the gap between each other is not particularly obvious. At this time, the meaning of someone to give you a hand and help you is reflected.  .  Logically speaking, Guo Youwei has no hope of promotion.But Guo Youwei was lucky. Sun Zesheng came out of Jinan City, so he also benefited from it.  In recent years, Jinan City has continuously received investments that rank among the top in the province, and these investments have all been implemented, creating more jobs, profits and taxes have also begun to bear fruit, and they are all non-polluting industries, so that Hebei  The political achievements here in Nanshi are too dazzling.  When the deputy governor of a neighboring province became vacant, several of Guo Youwei's opponents were somewhat lacking in political performance, so in the end they were all dismissed and Guo Youwei was promoted.  As soon as Guo Youwei left, the position of Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Jinan City became vacant. News has spread in the province that Zhou Tianyu is intended to serve as both Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor.  In other words, even Zhou Tianyu will be promoted accordingly. According to the current development momentum of Jinan City, Zhou Tianyu will be promoted again in the future, which is just around the corner.  It is precisely because of this that Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu held a special banquet to express their gratitude to Sun Zesheng in a private name.  Of course, if Sun Zesheng was just an ordinary businessman, no matter how much he invested in Jinan City and no matter how much profits he made to Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu, they would not express their gratitude to Sun Zesheng solemnly.  It's because Sun Zesheng also has an invisible political identity.  Sun Zesheng knew this very well. He and Guo Youwei had a small conflict at the beginning, but it has long since disappeared.  In recent years, Guo Youwei has given a lot of support to the company under his name in Jinan City.  Not to mention Zhou Tianyu, who was a strong supporter from the beginning.  After three drinks, Guo Youwei hesitantly raised some "small" expectations. He did not say them directly, but asked Sun Zesheng tactfully if he had any plans to invest in Western Jin Province recently.  Guo Youwei is going to be the deputy governor of Western Jin Province. How can he establish his authority without anyone to support him?  Sun Zesheng smiled and didn't answer Guo Youwei's little thought.  He doesn't particularly want to expand the scope of investment now. If it's not particularly necessary, he doesn't really want to invest in Western Jin Province.  Guo Youwei didn¡¯t get the answer he wanted, and was somewhat disappointed.  But he didn't dare to say anything harsh in front of Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng's climate has become such that he is no longer someone he can show off to.  When the drinking was almost over, Guo Youwei received a call and stood up to say goodbye to Sun Zesheng and Zhou Tianyu.  After Guo Youwei left, Zhou Tianyu expressed his request to Sun Zesheng that he hoped that Sun Zesheng would continue to increase investment in his hometown, and Sun Zesheng nodded.  His industry in Jinan City is quite necessary and he has invested again.  Like Panshi Security, it is necessary to expand the number of trained security guards to provide a sufficient quantity and quality of security force for the company that is constantly expanding under his name.  At the end of the banquet, Zhou Tianyu mentioned Meixiang Electric Appliances again, seemingly without a doubt.  He said that the development of Mexiang Electric Appliances has been somewhat unsatisfactory recently. The two major shareholders have been fiercely competing for power, and production has almost come to a standstill. In addition, the recent outbreak of food and drug safety issues that are not very influential in the country has also caused  Sales of household hazardous substance detectors have been greatly affected.  As one of the major profit and tax owners in Jinan City, Zhou Tianyu is very concerned about the situation of Meixiang Electrical Appliances.  Zhou Tianyu also used this method to hope that Sun Zesheng could interfere with Meixiang Electrical Appliances.  Sun Zesheng seemed to have not heard this.  He has sold all his shares in Meixiang Electric Appliances, leaving not a single share of stock. It is unjust and unjust for him to interfere in the internal affairs of Meixiang Electric Appliances at this time.  Besides, the largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder of Meixiang Electric Co., Ltd. have the shadow of giant companies behind them. They should have a sense of proportion and not treat Meixiang Electric Co., Ltd. like an old hen that can lay golden eggs.  The company was destroyed. After the control of the company comes to an end, Meixiang Electric Appliances should be able to get back on track.  If he intervenes now, he will be displeased inside and out.  Zhou Tianyu just had the attitude of giving it a try. Seeing that Sun Zesheng didn't respond, he stopped talking.  After separating from Zhou Tianyu, Sun Zesheng went to see Rong Jingying.  Rong Jingying bought a house in Jinan City, and after the two met, they naturally had a good time.  The next day, Sun Zesheng and Rong Jingying went to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the new space company. Provincial Party Committee Secretary Lang Qijun came specially from the provincial capital to attend the groundbreaking ceremony together with the incoming incoming Guo Youwei, Zhou Tianyu and others, and laid the cornerstone of the new space company.  Shovel the soil.  Looking at the bustling construction site, Lang Qijun was filled with emotion.  He has basically reached the point. According to the relevant regulations of the Central Committee, in a few months, he will retire from his position as secretary of the provincial party committee and officially enter retirement life.  In the last years of his career, he was able to see the rise of a large-scale enterprise group led by Sun Zesheng in Jizhou Province.?, Lang Qijun was also proud of you.  The cooperation between the company under the name of Lang Qijun's daughter-in-law Liu Xiaoran and the agricultural planting base has been going smoothly. Liu Xiaoran has also made a lot of money through such cooperation.  What Lang Qijun, Liu Xiaoran and others did not expect was that their cooperation with Sun Zesheng would bring other benefits.  Sun Zesheng and Liu Xiaoran initially reached a cooperation agreement. One of the important items was that the agricultural company controlled by Liu Xiaoran would provide raw materials to Xingshen Company.  In order to ensure the quality of its products, the company has extremely strict requirements on the quality of raw materials, so much so that Liu Xiaoran had to upgrade the technology of the agricultural company under her name several times.  After upgrading, Liu Xiaoran found that the quality of various agricultural and sideline products produced by the company had significantly improved, and other merchants were also willing to buy them, and they all paid high prices for them.  Liu Xiaoran tasted the benefits and made a lot of money.  Lang Qijun is about to retire. What he is most concerned about now is whether the cooperation between Sun Zesheng and Liu Xiaoran can continue after he retires.  When Sun Zesheng signed the contract with Liu Xiaoran, it was probably because of his face and to give benefits to Lang Qijun.  After Lang Qi¡¯s army retreats, his influence in Jizhou Province will decline rapidly, while Sun Zesheng¡¯s influence will continue to rise.  At that time, it is not Sun Zesheng who needs to please him, but he who needs to please Sun Zesheng.  Liu Xiaoran made a lot of money by doing business with Sun Zesheng. If Xingshen Company stops purchasing raw materials from Liu Xiaoran and the agricultural planting base stops purchasing pesticides and fertilizers, Liu Xiaoran¡¯s annual loss of profits will not be as simple as millions, but one or two thousand.  Ten thousand.  How could Lang Qijun's family not be anxious?  Sun Zesheng was well aware of Lang Qijun's worries. Before Lang Qijun could give any hint, he gave Lang Qijun a reassurance and proactively told him that the cooperation between him and Liu Xiaoran would continue as long as Liu Xiaoran could guarantee the quality of the cooperation.  Go on and won't stop easily.  Sun Zesheng somewhat meant to appease Lang Qijun, so as to avoid giving people the impression that he was leaving the tea.  In addition, from an economic point of view, Liu Xiaoran and the agricultural planting base have been cooperating for nearly a year and have established trust with each other. Liu Xiaoran has also carried out technological transformation and upgrades in accordance with his side's requirements. If  If you change another company, you have to start over again, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.  ??Besides, Sun Zesheng doesn't need to look at anyone's face now. It is estimated that there is no blind official who will expressly or implicitly designate who Sun Zesheng will cooperate with.  There was no need for Sun Zesheng to clear out Liu Xiaoran and switch to a company he was unfamiliar with.  Of course, this does not mean condoning Liu Xiaoran. The future cooperation between the two parties will strictly follow the laws of the market, and there will be no favors left.  In other words, if the products provided by Liu Xiaoran do not meet Sun Zesheng's requirements, then Liu Xiaoran will face the risk of compensation, return or exchange, or even the termination of the cooperation between the two parties.  Lang Qijun can still accept this result.  As a feudal official, he witnessed too many people taking advantage of the situation.  Sun Zesheng's ability to do this has given him a lot of face. If he is still not satisfied, then he is very ignorant.  ???????????????????????????In addition to Lang Qijun, a big political figure, there are of course shareholders present at the foundation laying ceremony of the new space company. Sun Zesheng inevitably ate and chatted with them.  Several central enterprises that originally invested in New Space Company took this opportunity to request Sun Zesheng for in-depth cooperation.  Some of them even hope that Sun Zesheng can show his favor and shorten the inspection period for them to join the Sun Space Association, so that the units they represent can obtain official membership qualifications as soon as possible.  Regarding these requirements, Sun Zesheng only said that he would send people to guide them, but did not explicitly promise to shorten their inspection period.  There are many reasons why Sun Zesheng established the Sun Space Association. One of the most important reasons is to use the International Space Tourism Association to influence the association¡¯s members and force them to act in accordance with the set of rules he established.  By doing this, he seemed to be erecting a standard system under his leadership. Only those who meet this standard can enter the space tourism city. Those who do not meet the standards can only stand aside.  It¡¯s not that those companies that applied to join the Sun Space Association don¡¯t know this, but facing the only way to enter the space tourism city, if they want to enter, they have to bow their heads and follow Sun Zesheng¡¯s rules, otherwise, they won¡¯t make any money.  This money.  Nowadays, the space age has begun to take shape. The Hope spacecraft has sent Sky 2 into space. The construction of a space tourism city has been upgraded. It is possible at any time to have an additional space hotel or even a space hotel in space overnight.  This is a space tourism city. Who can be the first to settle in the space hotel?, space tourism city, whoever seizes the market opportunity.  Not to mention anything else, just on the ground, when advertising, it also has a complete gimmick.  Sun Zesheng stayed in Jinan City for a few more days and looked at his properties in Jinan City one by one.  Sun Zesheng is especially with Nicholas?  Rocque had a good talk.  Sun Zesheng is still looking forward to this Jew who serves as his personal security director and is also the chief instructor of Panshi Security.  He wants Nikolai?  Rocuk can change his thinking and try to train security personnel who can meet the conditions of space.  Regarding this request made by Sun Zesheng, Nicholas?  Rocque is completely like a rat climbing the chimney, with both ends black and no clue at all.  He had served as a soldier and a mercenary, and was familiar with various emergencies, but he seriously lacked an intuitive understanding of space.  Although Israel also has astronauts, they are trained with the help of Americans and they do not have the qualifications. ? ? Nicola?  Luo Cook expressed his shortcomings to Sun Zesheng frankly, and Sun Zesheng smiled and told him that it didn't matter.  Sun Zesheng let Nicholas?  Luokuk immediately packed up his luggage, took a few capable men with him, and headed to the satellite launch site in Wenqu City. He followed the Hope spacecraft to the space station, and then designated corresponding security measures after he became familiar with the situation in space. ? ? Nicola?  Luo Kuqi was very excited and immediately accepted Sun Zesheng's arrangement. When he thought that the security personnel he trained would lead the security of the first city in space, he just wanted to scream twice.  Thanks to Mengtian Haowu for voting for the review.  To be continued.  )
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