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Text Chapter 477 Buying an official position

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    Chapter 477 Buying an Official Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Since the establishment of the cleaning company, it still has a history of more than 100 years.  As a listed company, the total market value of the clean company has been rising year by year in recent years. At its peak, it once exceeded the US$200 billion mark, and in recent years it has often hovered around US$100 billion.  If Sun Zesheng wants to acquire shares of a clean company, the funds required are not a small amount.  What's more, even if Sun Zesheng wants to buy equity in a clean company, he still needs the approval of the major shareholders of the clean company and the approval of the relevant US departments. After all, the clean company is an American company.  After Sun Zesheng proposed his cooperation idea, the senior management of the cleaning company who contacted him were very polite. They said they would feed back Sun Zesheng's request to the board of directors, and the two sides would continue the talks after the board of directors made a decision.  Neither Song Jiayi nor Wuhan Yang understood Sun Zesheng¡¯s intention to acquire equity in a clean company.  According to the current development momentum of Future Light Company, sooner or later, it will be able to reach or even exceed the level of clean companies and become a world-class company.  There is really no need to get involved in the equity of a cleaning company.  Sun Zesheng explained his thoughts to Song Jiayi, Wu Hanyang and others. The reason why he wanted to acquire the equity of the clean company and gradually control the clean company was only one of his purposes. His more important purpose was to be able to start from the clean company.  If the company learns something, it may mean that it can legitimately pry some people from the cleaning company.  In addition, he also fell in love with the sales channels that Cleansing Company has laid out all over the world over the years, which Future Light Company does not have.  Sun Zesheng waited for the news with peace of mind for a week, but the cleaning company still did not give him a reply.  Sun Zesheng knew that there wouldn't be much drama. Although he felt a little regretful, he didn't take it too seriously.  Sun Zesheng turned his attention back to China, where there are also some excellent daily chemical companies.  Very well done too.  Sun Zesheng tried to get people to contact several of them to discuss the possibility of acquiring them.  After several contacts, two companies showed interest in being acquired.  But without exception, the prices they offered were on the high side, which did not meet Sun Zesheng's psychological expectations.  Sun Zesheng knows that the strength of Future Light Company is still a bit too weak. Although it poses a direct threat to domestic cosmetics companies, it has not yet formed a crushing situation. It is not easy to let them surrender without a fight.  Sun Zesheng simply left these matters to Wuhan Yang to handle whether to acquire these companies.  He designated Wuhan Yang to be solely responsible for how to acquire it, while he focused his energy on Jin Yuanyuan.  In a short time, Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s studies in the advanced training class at the National Defense University will come to an end. According to the usual practice, this is the prelude to the military¡¯s further promotion of officers.  Theoretically, Jin Yuanyuan should be promoted to colonel when she graduates.  Jin Yuanyuan and Sun Zesheng are similar in age, less than a few months apart.  That's what twenty-four-five looks like.  It can be said that it is very rare to be promoted to colonel at such a young age.  But regardless of Jin Yuanyuan's identity, she was promoted to colonel.  It is also due to her credit that she has double doctorates and is a highly intelligent person after joining the army.  He has repeatedly made great achievements, whether it is academic qualifications or meritorious service.  It's hard to figure out what's going wrong.  If there is a flaw, it is that she is too young, and people may find fault with her from this perspective.  However, Jin Yuanyuan has never been someone who is willing to submit to weakness. What's more, for her husband, no matter how many people criticize her, she will not take the initiative to give in. She will never let go of what she deserves.  The military has two universities, and their status in the country is no worse than that of Yenching University.  They are the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology. The former mainly trains mid-to-high-level command and staff officers for the military, while the latter mainly trains scientific and technological personnel.  Sun Zesheng had never really thought about dealing with them before, but Jin Yuanyuan was about to graduate, and their wedding was getting closer and closer. Sun Zesheng could not help but often appear at the gate of the National Defense University to pick up Jin Yuanyuan.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s motorcade is very conspicuous. Every time he goes out, there are several cars following him. This is not because he is showing off, but because he has a practical need.  As time passed, even the sentry at the gate of the National Defense University knew that Sun Zesheng was here again.  After Sun Zesheng left the matter to Wuhan Yang, he went to pick up Jin Yuanyuan at the gate of the National Defense University on Friday afternoon.  At the same time, Sun Zesheng saw Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s sassy figure walking out of the school gate.  Just as he was about to greet him, he saw a senior officer wearing a general's uniform walking out of the guard room and stopping Jin Yuanyuan.  Jin Yuanyuan quickly stood still and saluted.  The general said a few words to Jin Yuanyuan, and Jin Yuanyuan pointed at Sun Ze.Then, the general and Jin Yuanyuan walked in the direction of Sun Zesheng.  When they got closer, Jin Yuanyuan introduced Sun Zesheng. Only then did Sun Zesheng know that this was Lieutenant General Liu Huaming, the vice president of the National Defense University.  Liu Huaming greeted Sun Zesheng very politely, and then said that he wanted to invite Sun Zesheng to the school as a guest.  He also said that this was not his intention, but the intention of General Qin Haotian, the president of the National Defense University.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t know what Qin Haotian and Liu Huaming meant. The other party was a dignified lieutenant general, the vice president of the National Defense University, and the superior of his fianc¨¦e Jin Yuanyuan. He always had to give this face.  Therefore, Sun Zesheng thought for less than a second and readily agreed.  Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan followed Liu Huaming towards Qin Haotian's office.  Entering the office of the president of the National Defense University, Sun Zesheng discovered that in addition to Qin Haotian, there were several generals in the office, including another general.  There are currently only about thirty generals in the Chinese military, which is much less than the number of provincial and ministerial-level officials. Although some of them appear on news programs every now and then, ordinary people want to see them.  It's not much easier than seeing a wild South China tiger.  But this was already the second and third generals Sun Zesheng had met. The first general he met was Lou Yuchen, the director of the General Armament Department, and the two sides even sat together to discuss business.  Sun Zesheng sat down calmly and asked the generals why he was invited to come over.  "Compared with Sun Zesheng's calmness, Jin Yuanyuan seemed a little nervous, as she was the person in the game.  She has a deeper understanding of the strict hierarchy in the military than Sun Zesheng. Even if her father is the number one in the country, there is no guarantee that all the big guys in the military will give her face.  There are many factions and mountains in the army. This is a fact that has existed for a long time and has never been completely reversed.  Liu Huaming introduced to Sun Zesheng the identities of the generals present. That general was General Sui Kangwen, the president of the National University of Defense Technology.  Sui Kangwen was more direct than Sun Zesheng, after Liu Huaming introduced his identity.  Sui Kangwen told him his purpose.  He wanted to hire Sun Zesheng as a visiting professor at the National University of Defense Technology to explain science and technology to students at the National University of Defense Technology, especially space technology.  In addition, Sui Kangwen also hopes that Sun Zesheng can donate a model of the Hope spacecraft to the National University of Defense Technology.  Sun Zesheng frowned, and Sui Kangwen opened his mouth. He said he wanted a model, but if he really sent the model to the National University of Defense Technology, he would definitely not get anything good.  He will probably still need to donate a Hope spacecraft or at least a semi-finished spacecraft to satisfy the appetite of the National University of Defense Technology.  Talk about donating.  It's not impossible, but the problem is that the General Armament Department wanted to buy the Hope spacecraft from him. He offered a price of 10 billion US dollars, and later negotiated.  Compressed to $7 billion.  How much friendship does he have to have with the National University of Defense Technology to donate such an expensive "model" to the National University of Defense Technology?  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t believe that the National Defense University was just a matchmaker between him and the National University of Defense Technology, so he looked at Qin Haotian again.  Want to see what the general principal wants to ask for?  Qin Haotian was indeed not polite. He also wanted Sun Zesheng to make a request.  The National Defense University is a school for training military officers, right now.  The space age is approaching, and the formation of the Space Force is no longer just a matter of paper, but something that may become a reality at any time. The National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology have plans to jointly tackle key problems and try to train commanders of the Space Force.  and mid- to high-level military officers.  At present, the military does not have this ability. The only one who has this ability is Sun Zesheng, or the Hope spacecraft.  The National Defense University hopes that Sun Zesheng can lease the Hope spacecraft to them, but in terms of rent, Sun Zesheng needs to be cheaper.  Sun Zesheng asked how much money the National Defense University is prepared to pay?  Qin Haotian said that their teaching funds are not generous, but they also understand the principle of military-civilian cooperation and not letting the common people suffer, so they hope to leave about 10% of the profit margin for Sun Zesheng.  ??To be specific, if the cost of each launch of the Hope spacecraft is 10 million Chinese coins, the National Defense University can give 11 million Chinese coins.  This price made Sun Zesheng want to vomit blood. He almost said that the other party was dismissing him as a beggar.  For the sake of Jin Yuanyuan, Sun Zesheng swallowed his urge to spit. He asked him again that there was only one Hope spaceship. If there was a conflict between the teaching mission of the National Defense University and the work of the Hope spaceship, which one should he worry about first?  This time, Qin Haotian said without hesitation that their teaching tasks must be met.  Because he?Here, both students and teachers are pressed for time and cannot afford to delay.  Sun Zesheng shook his head secretly. He had no intention of continuing the conversation with Qin Haotian, Sui Kangwen and others.  He is willing to contribute to the construction of the country's military directly, but the premise is that his interests cannot be harmed. Even if it is damaged, it must be voluntary.  But in this meeting, both Qin Haotian and Sui Kangwen had some wishful thinking.  Jin Yuanyuan also felt that the generals were trying to make things difficult for Sun Zesheng. How could she not know the value of the Hope spacecraft?  This is the only one in the world so far. Even if it is put into actual combat, there will be no problems.  What's more, the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology intend to use it as a "teaching aid", which is really like using gold to make a chamber pot. It is really overkill.  Just when Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan stood up to say goodbye and were about to leave, a lieutenant general stood up and said his words nakedly.  It is said that if Sun Zesheng agrees to the request of the two principals, all the credit can be attributed to Jin Yuanyuan. With this credit, Jin Yuanyuan cannot be successfully promoted to the rank of colonel. When the next promotion cycle comes, Jin Yuanyuan will definitely be the first.  He was promoted to senior colonel in time and became the youngest senior colonel in the army.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s steps that had been raised fell again.  If Jin Yuanyuan could become a senior colonel earlier.  For him and Jin Yuanyuan, it is absolutely a good thing.  For example, if Jin Yuanyuan can be promoted to senior colonel when she is thirty years old, then she still has at least twenty-five years to wait to be promoted to major general.  With Jin Yuanyuan's background and his help, Jin Yuanyuan must not wait until she is fifty-five years old to be promoted to major general.  It is very likely that she will be promoted to major general at a relatively young age, and then have more time to attack lieutenant general, general, and finally become an absolute boss in the army.  ¡°Compared to Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s future, what does a mere Hope spaceship count?  Besides, the Hope spacecraft is really expensive.  That is about 100 million US dollars. This is because the technical team's manufacturing technology and process are not proficient enough. There is still room for further reduction in costs.  Such a little money.  For Sun Zesheng, that is just a drop in the bucket.  "However, the Hope spacecraft is cheap to build. Only Sun Zesheng knows this, but the generals here don't know.  Sun Zesheng still hopes to maximize profits.  Sun Zesheng sat down again.  He pretended to be thoughtful, and then said that he could donate a real Hope spaceship to each of the two military universities.  But he hopes that Jin Yuanyuan can be promoted to senior colonel as quickly as possible. It is best that she can be directly promoted to senior colonel when she is awarded the military rank after graduation. At least she must be with the rank of colonel and be in charge of the senior colonel.  affairs.  As for the appointment as a visiting professor at the National University of Defense Technology, Sun Zesheng declined to express his gratitude.  He has no interest in spending time on this. If students from the National University of Defense Technology want to take classes, they can wait for him to spare time and teach them at the Light of the Future Park.  The conditions proposed by Sun Zesheng made Qin Haotian and Sui Kangwen breathe heavily.  It's not that they haven't seen the big world, but there are really very few people like Sun Zesheng who spend a lot of money.  Two Hope spaceships, what is the concept?  At least 156 billion US dollars?  What kind of person can be so generous?  As for Sun Zesheng wanting Jin Yuanyuan to be promoted to military rank quickly, in their view, there is nothing surprising.  Sun Zesheng has no benefit at all, so how can he donate such a large amount of wealth?  Jin Yuanyuan winked at Sun Zesheng repeatedly. She was touched by everything Sun Zesheng did for her, but she did not want to leave the impression that her official position and military rank were bought.  Sun Zesheng ignored Jin Yuanyuan's eyes. He could see that the two generals and Jin Yuanyuan's father were not from the same faction. If they were not appeased, Jin Yuanyuan would have two more big gods blocking his way in the army in the future.  It's not easy to move away.  Using two Hope spaceships to feed them and prevent them from dictating Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s future development is a really good deal.  What's more, it can also give Jin Yuanyuan more time to strive for the highest honor of the army.  This is something you can't buy no matter how much money you spend.  Qin Haotian asked Liu Huaming to take Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan to the next room to take a rest.  Afterwards, Qin Haotian, Sui Kangwen and other military generals began to discuss intensely, hoping to come up with a result in the shortest possible time.  Jin Yuanyuan and Sun Zesheng sat together. After listening to Sun Zesheng's analysis of her, Jin Yuanyuan also accepted her fate.  If you want to buy an official, just buy an official. She asks herself that she is not a person who is greedy for power. With a husband like Sun Zesheng, money has lost its appeal to her.  She can?Do something seriously without any distractions.  If she had been in a high position earlier, she would have faced fewer constraints if she wanted to turn her ideals into reality.  From this perspective, it might not be a bad thing for his fianc¨¦ to buy an official position for him.  Qin Haotian's discussion lasted for more than an hour. By the time they invited Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan over again, they had already come up with the result.  They agreed to Sun Zesheng's proposals and requests.  Of course, it is impossible for Sun Zesheng to take care of the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site and hand over the Hope spacecraft to the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology now.  He expressed the hope that the two military universities would give him a few months. In a few months, he would hand over the first Hope-class spaceship to the National Defense University, and within a year at the latest, the second Hope-class spaceship would be handed over to the National Defense University.  The No. 1 spacecraft will be handed over to the National University of Defense Technology.  In one year, the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology can still wait.  It is impossible for them to send the Hope spacecraft over to the Wenqu Satellite Launching Site now. They also know that the Wenqu Satellite Launching Site is responsible for the construction of Sky-2. If they send the Hope spacecraft to the Wenqu Satellite Launching Site now,  When the spaceship comes, the heads of the General Armament Department and the National Space Administration will slap the table and scold them.  We are all respectable people, and there is no need to put the agreement on paper. We just reached a verbal agreement.  Sun Zesheng is not afraid that Qin Haotian, Sui Kangwen and others will repent. If they repent, he has countless ways to turn the two Hope spaceships he donated to the National Defense University and the National University of Defense Technology into real teaching models so that they cannot fly.  .  Thank you for your monthly ticket, thank you.  (To be continued)
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