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Text Chapter 474 Rooting out

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    Chapter 474: Root Removal Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Welcome to reading thank you.  Sun Zesheng asked for 10 billion dollars, in US dollars.  Although Lou Yuchen was mentally prepared, he was still frightened by Sun Zesheng's offer.  In recent years, China's military expenditure has increased relatively sharply, but even this year, it is probably less than 200 billion US dollars.  Sun Zesheng asked for 10 billion, which is equivalent to spending one-twentieth from military expenditures. The proportion is really too large.  Moreover, with two hundred billion US dollars a year, it is planned in advance to spend whatever money. It is simply unrealistic to misappropriate ten billion US dollars at once, unless you apply for special approval, but for such a big year  How can money be approved so easily?  Lou Yuchen bargained with Sun Zesheng, hoping that Sun Zesheng could lower the price.  Not only did Sun Zesheng not lower the price, but he settled a financial account with Lou Yuchen.  The average cost of the American man-made space shuttle is as high as 12 billion US dollars. Five of them have been built. Two of them had accidents during use, resulting in crashes and fatalities.  In addition, the cost of one use of the American space shuttle is about 450 million US dollars.  The Hope spacecraft is not only $2 billion cheaper than the American space shuttle, but the cost of a single launch is as low as tens of millions of Chinese coins.  In comparison, the Hope spacecraft can be said to be extremely affordable and high-quality.  He sold it for 10 billion, all at a friendly price.  If the Americans or others want $15 billion, then there is no need to talk.  Lou Yuchennai moved Jin Yuanyuan out again.  He had long discovered that the best way to get Sun Zesheng to lower his price was to ask people who were close to Sun Zesheng to negotiate with Sun Zesheng. This was only because Sun Zesheng had always treated his lover differently.  After Jin Yuanyuan received the task, she actually came to negotiate with Sun Zesheng.  In order to let Jin Yuanyuan accumulate more military merits so that she could be promoted as soon as possible, Sun Zesheng took the initiative to lower the price, changing it from 10 billion US dollars to 9 billion US dollars, and then lowered it again and again, until it dropped to 7.5 billion US dollars, and then he refused to go any further.  gave in.  Lou Yuchen learned that Jin Yuanyuan was involved and Sun Zesheng had actually reduced the transfer price by a quarter. On the one hand, he secretly lamented that the rumors were true and Sun Zesheng really loved his lover. On the other hand, he secretly cursed Sun Zesheng as a profiteer.  If he hadn't thought of letting Jin Yuanyuan take action, squeezing out 2.5 billion US dollars, who knows how much money Sun Zesheng would have made through this Hope spacecraft?  Lou Yuchen felt that the reduction was not enough and that there should be room. He instructed Jin Yuanyuan to continue to negotiate with Sun Zesheng on behalf of the General Armament Department and strive to lower the price to about US$5 billion.  On the other hand, Lou Yuchen began to write a report, hoping that the central government could approve a fund to allow the General Armament Department to buy the Hope spacecraft.  What Lou Yuchen didn¡¯t know was that Sun Zesheng had people build the Hope spaceship. The total cost was just over 100 million US dollars. Even if it was sold for 5 billion, he would make a huge profit.  The reason why he originally quoted 10 billion was because he didn't want people to find out the details of the Hope spaceship. After all, there is a big difference between a reusable spaceship costing 100 million and a cost of several billion.  .  After Jin Yuanyuan received another instruction from Lou Yuchen, although she put on a posture of resolutely continuing negotiations with Sun Zesheng, she was no longer too concerned about it.  This is enough for her. She is Sun Zesheng's wife. Asking Sun Zesheng to lower the price is actually using her own money to let the military take advantage.  It's okay to take advantage of this kind of thing, but you can't let your family make no money at all.  Of course, this also has something to do with Jin Yuanyuan not knowing the true cost of the Hope spacecraft.  To everyone's surprise, after Lou Yuchen's report was typed, the Central Committee typed his report back. There was an approval letter from the No. 1 director, which roughly meant that the Hope spaceship would be leased and would not be used.  Suitable for direct purchase.  The No. 1 leader directly objected, and Lou Yuchen had no choice but to call Jin Yuanyuan back and let her continue to return to the National Defense University to complete her further studies.  Then, another person was sent to preside over the negotiations with Sun Zesheng.  When the two groups of negotiators were handing over, Sun Zesheng made a special appearance at the handover in order to show that he attached great importance to the negotiations, or to give his fianc¨¦e a gift.  When Jin Yuanyuan introduced her replacement negotiator to Sun Zesheng, Sun Zesheng couldn't help but be stunned.  The feeling of the person in front of him was so familiar that it could be said to be unforgettable and unforgettable.  In his previous life, Sun Zesheng¡¯s family was ruined by a prince surnamed Cheng.  When he was entangled with the man surnamed Cheng, Sun Zesheng once investigated him and also studied his family tree. He roughly calculated that the Cheng family became prosperous in 145 years.ten years ago.  Because in the previous life, Sun Zesheng's predecessor had died together with the man named Cheng. His soul traveled to this life, and some of his great revenge was avenged, and the hatred in his heart was not that much, so he did not take this matter too seriously.  Take it to heart.  What's more, he is not completely sure that the world he traveled through and the world in the future are on the same timeline.  But seeing the lieutenant colonel in front of him, Sun Zesheng began to doubt whether his original judgment was correct.  Because the officer in front of him looked so similar to the party leader whose surname was Prince Cheng, who had ruined his family, they looked like twins, with almost no difference.  Sun Zesheng had vaguely heard that a man named Cheng looked very similar to one of his ancestors.  Sun Zesheng's eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't say that he didn't like everyone with the surname Cheng, but he would never have a good impression of the prince's party. If possible, he wouldn't mind.  Humanely destroy this Cheng surname to avoid the emergence of another worm in the future who has no contribution to the country and will only harm the people and harm himself and others.  In the blink of an eye, Sun Zesheng made up his mind. He seemed calm on the surface and started chatting with the lieutenant colonel.  In a short time, Sun Zesheng knew some information about the other party. Sure enough, the other party's surname was Cheng, his name was Cheng Fangzheng, his wife was named Yan Rumei, and he had a son named Cheng Sixi.  As soon as the names of the three people, Cheng Fangzheng, Yan Rumei, and Cheng Sixi came out, they were completely consistent with Sun Zesheng¡¯s impression of the family tree with the surname Cheng.  He smiled, already thinking about it.  Under Sun Zesheng's hint, Cheng Fangzheng, on behalf of the General Armament Department, negotiated smoothly with Sun Zesheng. Finally, the military and Sun Zesheng reached an agreement, paying 80 million Chinese coins for each use.  signed a lease contract for the Hope spacecraft.  When the two parties celebrated the agreement, Sun Zesheng extended an olive branch to Cheng Fangzheng. He said that he admired Cheng Fangzheng and hoped that Cheng Fangzheng could take off his military uniform and join Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. He would definitely reuse Cheng Fangzheng.  Sun Zesheng didn¡¯t want to kill anyone, nor did he want to use other bloody methods. He just wanted to get Cheng Fangzheng out of the army, cut off their path to the political arena, and take control of the military.  In this way, even if people with the Cheng surname of Cheng Fangzheng can achieve success in the future, it will not be in the political arena.  This was the gentlest solution that Sun Zesheng could think of. After all, it was not Cheng Fangzheng who had a grudge against him, but Cheng Fangzheng's descendants.  However, what surprised Sun Zesheng was that Cheng Fangzheng politely declined the olive branch extended to him, saying that he was committed to joining the army and had no intention of returning home.  Cheng Fangzheng's refusal was equivalent to blocking the way for Sun Zesheng to solve all problems peacefully. Sun Zesheng really wanted to let the space laser cannon wandering in space randomly fire a shot and destroy Cheng Fangzheng.  But think about it, this method is too flattering to Cheng Fangzheng, and the space laser cannon is too noisy to hide it from anyone, so Cheng Fangzheng cannot be eliminated silently.  It doesn¡¯t matter, Sun Zesheng has plenty of solutions.  He spared no expense and built several miniature surveillance robots.  These robots are all modeled after insects. From the outside, they look no different from ordinary flies and mosquitoes, but their internal organs are all replaced by high-precision components such as nanobatteries.  After several days of monitoring, Sun Zesheng suddenly discovered that the old Cheng family had a tradition of selling top-secret information.  This Cheng Fangzheng's hands and feet are not very clean.  He took advantage of his position to selectively take some confidential information he had access to out of the office and then sold it to domestic and foreign intelligence agencies.  He then used the funds from the sale of classified information to purchase expensive gifts, which he gave to his superiors and other senior military officers who could decide whether he would be promoted.  In addition, Cheng Fangzheng did not forget to build his connections at the local level. Part of the funds he earned from selling information was also used to manage local connections.  Even though Fang Zheng himself can be considered a capable person, his foundation in the military is just too shallow and he can only use the Jinyuan offensive to pave the way for his promotion.  Moreover, he is cautious and a genius as a spy. He has been in the army for such a long time and no one has discovered that he is actually a bastard.  After learning about Cheng Fangzheng¡¯s situation, Sun Zesheng understood why Cheng Fangzheng rejected his olive branch.  Cheng Fangzheng spent countless time, energy and money to build a close relationship between the army and the local area. How could he abandon this relationship and go to a field that he was not familiar with?  .  In addition, Cheng Fangzheng is willing to spend so much effort to do such a high-risk thing, which also shows that he is an ambitious person. He wants to make a big career in the officialdom and the military. Being Sun Zesheng's subordinate is obviously not his.  choose.  If it turns out that Sun Zesheng is rightIf Cheng Fangzheng still had some psychological burden, when he learned that he had repeatedly been promoted using this method, Sun Zesheng's discomfort in the pastry immediately disappeared.  But how to deal with Cheng Fangzheng is really a problem.  It was impossible for Sun Zesheng to go to Lou Yuchen and tell him that Cheng Fangzheng was reselling military intelligence, nor could he tell Jin Yuanyuan about it. After all, he had no way to explain to Lou Yuchen and Jin Yuanyuan how he learned about this situation.  Unless he is willing to tell Lou Yuchen about the existence of the bionic monitor.  This also has to ensure that Lou Yuchen will not have any bad thoughts after knowing about it.  The emergence of this kind of surveillance weapon is not a good thing for any powerful person. Just like Lou Yuchen, he dare not say that his butt is completely clean.  He was also afraid that Sun Zesheng would one day use this method on him.  It is necessary to choose a method that does not expose oneself but also allows Cheng Fangzheng's crimes to be announced to the world.  He also rejected the method of posting on the Internet.  He wanted to use a way to make people discover Cheng Fangzheng's crimes instead of thinking about him. Although he could bring down Cheng Fangzheng, it would easily make people think that someone wanted to destroy Cheng Fangzheng.  It's not good, what's more, this method may not be able to discredit Cheng Fangzheng's family, and it is impossible to destroy all Cheng Fangzheng's relationships.  After thinking hard for several days, Sun Zesheng came up with an idea. He decided to start with Cheng Fangzheng¡¯s method of making money.  After monitoring Cheng Fangzheng for many days, Sun Zesheng had discovered that the buyer hoped that Cheng Fangzheng could obtain detailed technical information on the Hope spacecraft and other matters.  Especially after Cheng Fangzheng passed some semi-public information about the Hope spacecraft, the buyer became anxious and offered a very attractive price of 100 million U.S. dollars.  When Cheng Fangzheng saw this reward, his breathing became a little heavy. The wealth was very impressive, let alone such a huge amount of wealth.  He also knew that the price offered by the other party was just a drop in the bucket compared to the true value of the Hope spacecraft.  But no matter how small it is, it has nothing to do with him. Even if he gets the technical information of the Hope spacecraft, he has no way to build it. Only by selling it can he get the money he needs most.  Cheng Fangzheng refused, but hesitantly. He knew that Sun Zesheng kept the secrets of his companies strictly confidential. On the other hand, he also knew that orders worth 100 million US dollars were not common.  Cheng Fangzheng wanted to sleep, so Sun Zesheng gave him a pillow.  When the military once proposed that both parties jointly carry out technical cooperation to upgrade the satellite launch site in Wenqu City, Qiongzhou Province, Sun Zesheng agreed.  When the two sides came up with a list of personnel, Sun Zesheng expressed the hope that the military could send over a few people he was familiar with who would be easy to talk to.  Sun Zesheng did not take the initiative to ask Cheng Fangzheng, so as not to arouse Cheng Fangzheng's suspicion.  But it doesn't make any difference if he doesn't say it or if he does. In fact, he doesn't know many people in the military.  He knew the Minister of the General Armament Department Lou Yuchen, the Deputy Minister and Chen Guang, but they were both big bosses in the military who had many things to do. A general and a lieutenant general, it was impossible for them to participate in the technical upgrade of the satellite launch site.  Come in specific things.  Let¡¯s not talk about Jin Yuanyuan. She is Sun Zesheng¡¯s fianc¨¦e and there is no way she can go to the Wenqu City Satellite Launch Site.  After counting and counting, the military finally added two people to the list. Both of them were acquaintances of Sun Zesheng. One was Lei Mingjun, the leader of the technical support group of the General Staff Intelligence Department, with the rank of major. He had worked with Sun Zesheng before, hadn't he?  Once or twice.  The other person is Cheng Fangzheng.  Sun Zesheng was very satisfied with the military sending two people to him at once, so that Cheng Fangzheng would not be suspicious.  Cheng Fangzheng himself had no doubts, especially when he learned that Sun Zesheng and Lei Mingjun were familiar with each other a few years ago, the remaining doubts disappeared.  The technological upgrade of the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site is to better adapt to the Hope spacecraft.  After all, this place was previously built to launch the Long March series of rockets and the Hope spacecraft, which is a bit cramped.  This upgrade inevitably involves the Hope spacecraft.  Sun Zesheng asked people to share some technical information of the Hope spacecraft with the military.  Then came the meat show.  Cheng Fangzheng did not reach out to the technical information at first, but he still maintained regular contact with the buyers of the information.  The buyer has repeatedly raised the price of purchasing the technical data of the Hope spacecraft. In just one month, it has increased by US$30 million from the original price.  Cheng Fangzheng could no longer hold back. He had not been idle during this period. He had been looking for loopholes in security, hoping to steal technical information.  Cheng Fangzheng once again used his genius as a spy and went through all the troubles to photograph the information, secretly take it out, and then trade it with the buyer of the information.   Sun Zesheng tolerated it for a while and was not in a hurry to expose Cheng Fangzheng. The technical information leaked by the latter was relatively superficial. Even if someone got it and wanted to copy the Hope spacecraft, there would still be a long way to go.  Gotta go.  However, Sun Zesheng did not wait long. He waited for almost half a month. Just when the technological upgrade of the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site was in full swing, Sun Zesheng launched the second-generation polygraph and actively recommended it to the military.  kind of instrument.  Lou Yuchen was very interested in the polygraph, but he wanted to see the actual effect of the polygraph. Sun Zesheng suggested randomly selecting personnel from some units for testing. He also said that it would be best to conduct the test in those departments that are most likely to cause technical leaks.  , for example, a place where military and civilian use is mixed.  Lou Yuchen followed Sun Zesheng¡¯s guidance and thought of the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site, so he chose the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site.  The results of the subsequent test were predictable: Cheng Fangzheng was caught by the polygraph.  After noticing something strange about Cheng Fangzheng, the military sent professional personnel to secretly interrogate and investigate him. Finally, they completely dug up Cheng Fangzheng's past, and then followed the clues to find out what Cheng Fangzheng had tried so hard to do.  The relationship that was created was completely uprooted and not a single blade of grass was left behind.  It is worth mentioning that Cheng Fangzheng¡¯s wife and children are not clean.  His son accidentally killed someone when he was a teenager. Cheng Fangzheng used his connections and spent a lot of money to save his son. His wife also protected her child at that time. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Thanks to Xieying Feiyi for the review vote.
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