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    Chapter 473: How much? Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  With the announcement that the Hope spacecraft had carried out several high-density test flights in a short period of time and achieved 100% success, the world's attention was suddenly attracted.  People who were still hesitant about accepting Sun Zesheng¡¯s harsh conditions before and applied to join the International Space Tourism Association led by Sun Zesheng immediately changed their views and rushed to apply to join.  Those members who have applied to join the International Space Tourism Association led by the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia and other countries and regions have even proposed to withdraw from the association in order to join Sun Zesheng's International Space Tourism Association.  In order to appease these members who applied to withdraw from membership, NASA announced that it would restart the space shuttle program. It will relaunch the entire space shuttle within two to three years and name it Zilu.  Following the United States, the European Space Agency, the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the Indian Space Research Organization, etc. have all publicly stated that they will launch spacecraft with completely independent intellectual property rights.  spacecraft.  With the exception of these organizations, they are all official organizations of countries with the ability to launch spacecraft. Their statements represent the will of the political forces behind them.  In addition to them, some countries or organizations in the world that have hopes for the space industry or want to promote their existence have also announced their own spacecraft plans.  It seems that overnight, the earth has entered the eve of the space era.  Sun Zesheng is doing his own thing step by step without being affected by the outside world at all.  For those units and individuals that apply to become members of the International Space Tourism Association, Sun Zesheng will submit their application reports to Tianjixing 3000 for review.  Tianjixing 3000 has high artificial intelligence, rigorous logic capabilities and powerful computing capabilities. When necessary, it can also sneak into the tightest networks and search for information. There is no one more suitable for this job.  People.  Sun Zesheng granted Tianjixing 3000 authority and asked it to directly send the approval results to the officials of the International Space Tourism Association.  In this way, he saves a lot of time and can do what he wants to do.  In addition, on the official website of the International Space Tourism Association, Sun Zesheng also announced recruitment information, with positions ranging from executive vice president of the association to ordinary clerks, with the number of positions reaching hundreds.  Recruitment is open to people all over the world, and the first thing is to understand Chinese Mandarin.  Sun Zesheng plans that all future reports submitted to him by the International Space Tourism Association must be written in Chinese.  Naturally, many people jumped out to make noises about this regulation. Some people said that English is the only way to be international. Some people said that at least it should be like the United Nations, which stipulates more official languages ????for associations.  Sun Zesheng ignored these voices.  As a Chinese, he wants to go to space and build a space hotel. He is mentally ill, so he will cause trouble for himself and use Lao Shizi's English as the official language.  No matter what the outside world thinks, the International Space Tourism Association's affairs are still moving forward step by step in accordance with Sun Zesheng's settings.  At the same time, the International Space Tourism Association, led by the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia and other countries and regions, has also stepped up its pace of establishment.  Because there were so many international space tourism associations established at the same time, the media renamed them. Among them, the international space tourism association established under the leadership of Sun Zesheng was the Sun Space Association. This is also the only one among all international space tourism associations that is privately owned.  Organized and initiated the International Space Tourism Association, several other international space tourism associations have more or less official backgrounds.  The most prominent problem facing the Sun Space Association is not the number of members, but where it should be located.  Theoretically speaking, it seems logical to settle in Yanjing, but Sun Zesheng does not really want to set up the headquarters of the Sun Space Association in Yanjing. Of course, he has no plans to move to a neutral city like Geneva, Switzerland.  .  It is conceivable that once the Sun Space Association is established, its influence on the local area will be reflected in many aspects.  Politically, economically and culturally it will all be enhanced.  Yanjing City does not lack these, and settling here is just the icing on the cake. The Yanjing Municipal Committee and Municipal Government may not appreciate it, and will take it for granted. Only settling in other places can provide help in times of need.  Of course, the specific location still needs to be carefully considered. Sun Zesheng will not consider places such as small counties or towns.  ???Guo Youwei and Zhou Tianyu from Jinan City, Lin Zechi from Dachengshan City, and Yan Shuwu from Woniu City all called Sun Zesheng more than once, hoping that Sun Zesheng would settle the Sun Space Association in their place.  In this regard, Sun Zesheng only said that he would consider it, but did not agree directly.  These threeThe municipal party committee secretaries and mayors of several cities called him, but it was a bit late.  If it were before the successful test flight of the Hope spaceship, then he might have an 80/90% chance of agreeing, but they made the call after the successful test flight of the Hope spaceship, which meant a bit of competition for fat.  inside.  Sun Zesheng has already invested a lot of money in Jinan City, Dachengshan City and Woniu City, and the people in charge of these cities have achieved a lot of political achievements. There is no need to add icing on the cake to them.  From another perspective, it is also necessary for him to spread his property as much as possible.  Moreover, in terms of popularity, Jinan City, Dachengshan City and Woniu City have almost no connection with the aerospace industry. To locate the Sun Space Association there, everything needs to be started from scratch.  Just when Sun Zesheng was studying the map and a bunch of information, he received a call from Jin Yuanyuan.  When Sun Zesheng saw the caller ID, he thought that Jin Yuanyuan wanted to continue discussing the details of their wedding with him. After the call was answered, he realized that the reason why Jin Yuanyuan called him was because she had something else to discuss with him.  After Jin Yuanyuan learned that he was in the Future Light Park, she asked him to wait in the park and not go there, then hung up the phone.  About an hour later, a minibus drove up from the entrance of the Light of the Future Park.  The brown car glass makes it difficult for people outside to see clearly what's going on inside the car.  Jingwei at the door stopped the car. Before Jingwei could speak, Jin Yuanyuan stuck her head out of the car and said, "Open the door. I have something to ask my husband for." When Jingwei saw that it was the future boss's wife, he hurriedly said to Jin Yuanyuan  He bowed and then respectfully asked Jin Yuanyuan to show her ID.  Jin Yuanyuan has encountered similar situations in the General Intelligence Department before. She knew that arguing with these strictly trained Jingwei would not have any effect, so she cooperated and took out her pass.  This is the certificate that Sun Zesheng applied for for Jin Yuanyuan. It is the highest-level pass. It has a chip embedded inside. It has extremely high technological content and is extremely difficult to copy.  However, this pass is only the highest level, and Sun Zesheng did not open many of the permissions that come with this pass for Jin Yuanyuan. In other words, if Jin Yuanyuan wants to enter Sun Zesheng's properties alone, she still needs Sun Zesheng or Song Jiayi and others.  Escort.  There are only a few such passes in total.  Sun Zesheng has one, Song Jiayi has one, Rong Jingying has one, Xu Yunjin and Zhang Li also have one. In addition, even Nicholas, the security supervisor and chief instructor of Panshi Security?  Nor did Rocuk's pass.  After Jingwei checked Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s pass, he immediately opened the gate and let the minibus drive into the park and stopped in front of Sun Zesheng¡¯s villa.  Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi were standing at the door of the villa. He saw the car door open. The first person to get out was not Jin Yuanyuan, but Lou Yuchen, the director of the General Equipment Department. Following closely behind him were two men in their fifties.  The middle-aged man outside, with official authority, was behind him, the deputy minister of the General Armament Department and Chen Guang, and behind him was Jin Yuanyuan. After that, several people got off the minibus one after another.  Sun Zesheng frowned secretly, but he still stepped forward with a smile on his face and shook hands with Lou Yuchen and others.  Lou Yuchen has the rank of general and is also a member of the Central Military Commission. He is an absolute big shot in the military. If he wants to see Sun Zesheng, just give him a call. In all likelihood, Sun Zesheng will go there in person.  But this time he came in person and brought such a large group of people with him. What is this called?  When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.  To put it bluntly, this is called a night owl entering the house, and nothing will happen.  The weasel paid New Year greetings to the rooster and was uneasy and kind-hearted.  When Sun Zesheng learned the identities of several people, he became more sure of his thoughts.  In addition to Lou Yuchen and Chen Guang, these people also include Dong Suqi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Qiongzhou Province, and Han Jinlan, Governor of Qiongzhou Province, who is also a female governor.  In addition, there are Li Huiwen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Wenqu City, and Chen Dezheng, Mayor of Wenqu City.  Such a combination is really strange.  Sun Zesheng murmured as he invited Lou Yuchen and others into the villa.  He winked at Song Jiayi and asked Song Jiayi to chat with Lou Yuchen and others for him first. Then he took Jin Yuanyuan's hand and asked her in a low voice what was going on.  Jin Yuanyuan made things clear very quickly.  It turned out that Qiongzhou Province wanted to locate the headquarters of the International Space Tourism Association founded by Sun Zesheng in their place. The specific place had already been selected, which was Wenqu City.  This time they came together to convince Sun Zesheng to agree.  Sun Zesheng also knows about Wenqu City. There is a satellite launch site built here, and it is the one closest to the equator among all the satellite launch sites in China.  In the world, this is also one of the places relatively close to the equator.  It¡¯s not like Sun Zesheng hasn¡¯t considered itThe International Space Tourism Association placed it in Wenqu City, but it has been occupied by the military as one of the main launch sites for the Long March series of rockets. It is also the main launch site for China to build a permanent space station.  In a word, there are many launch missions here and it is very busy.  Sun Zesheng put the International Space Tourism Association in Wenqu City, but there was no space company belonging to him nearby. He could only watch the rockets of the National Space Administration going to the sky one after another, which was as boring as possible.  Sun Zesheng explained his considerations, and Jin Yuanyuan started various analyzes to Sun Zesheng without hesitation.  This time so many high-ranking military generals and local frontier officials were dispatched, which meant that both the military and the local government had a sense of determination to win. Sun Zesheng had to give him some face no matter what, but give face to face.  But it should be the benefit that you get, and that should not be missed at all.  Jin Yuanyuan suggested that Sun Zesheng want a controlling stake in the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site, at least a shareholding, and a relatively large proportion of the shares.  This can be a prerequisite for negotiation.  Sun Zesheng nodded, he and Jin Yuanyuan entered the villa together, and then started talking to Lou Yuchen and others.  As expected, Lou Yuchen and the others exchanged a few words with Sun Zesheng, then went straight to the topic and expressed the hope that Sun Zesheng could locate the headquarters of the Sun Space Association in Wenqu City.  Although the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site is owned by the General Equipment Department, it basically does not exist as a military unit, but mostly as a civilian satellite launch site.  Here on the coast, if a war breaks out, the risk of being covered by enemy fire is very high.  When Sun Zesheng proposed to take control of the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site, Lou Yuchen and others showed an expected expression.  Lou Yuchen happily told Sun Zesheng that he had received authorization from the Central Military Commission to allow Sun Zesheng to invest in the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site. The equity distribution could be that Sun Zesheng would hold 50% and the remaining %.  Fifty, held by the General Equipment Department and relevant units of Qiongzhou Province.  In exchange, Sun Zesheng not only needs to locate the headquarters of the Sun Space Association in Wenqu City, but also helps the country build a permanent space station.  Of course, this help is paid, not free.  Sun Zesheng has no reason to object to Lou Yuchen's request. Anyway, without his help, the military will start launching the space station they lead the development in a year or two at most.  With his help, it just moved the time forward.  The agreement was quickly reached.  After signing the agreement, Sun Zesheng told Lou Yuchen that he agreed to cooperate with the military because of Jin Yuanyuan's face.  Lou Yuchen chuckled, understanding the hint in Sun Zesheng's words.  After solving the problem of location selection for the headquarters of the Sun Space Association, Sun Zesheng began to ask Rong Jingying to select personnel and station them at the satellite launch site in Wenqu City, and began to take over the entire satellite launch site to a considerable extent.  At the same time, he asked Africa to send the Hope spacecraft to Wenqu City, and use the Wenqu City Satellite Launch Site as the home port of the Hope spacecraft.  The main body of the space station developed by the military has actually been manufactured. Based on the original Tiangong-1, a complete space station with large size, multiple functions and long life has been re-developed here.  As soon as the Hope spacecraft arrived at the Wenqu Satellite Launch Site, the military expressed the hope of using the Hope spacecraft to transport Tiangong-2 into space.  Rong Jingying agreed to the military¡¯s request after asking Sun Zesheng¡¯s opinion.  So, the crew members of the Hope spacecraft controlled the spacecraft and sent Sky 2 into the sky.  The process was so smooth that the military was stunned.  The military was amazed at this kind of thing. The crew members of the Hope spacecraft were generally very young, in their twenties and thirties. They were like young people who like to race cars. There was nothing stable or stable about them.  Due to their strict discipline and other characteristics, some of them even have literary talents. If they were in the Chinese military, they would never be selected into the astronaut corps.  But with Sun Zesheng, the rules they had always followed for selecting astronauts were all overturned.  Speaking of which, this is also the standard for selecting astronauts brought by Sun Zesheng from later generations.  Nowadays, when selecting astronauts, even the activities of three generations of ancestors must be found out. This is caused by the limitations of practical conditions.  To be more specific, the spacecraft manufactured today are very complex to operate, have high technological content, are very precise, and have high manufacturing costs. And because of the particularity of their flight processes, this requires astronauts to be among the elite.  Elite.  But the Hope spacecraft is different. This is a spacecraft that integrates a large number of advanced technologies from later generations. One of its great features is that it is fool-like operation. The operation process is like playing a game, with great difficulty.  reduce.  Coupled with the 100% launch success rate of the Hope spacecraft, this determines that it canFrequently taking people back and forth between space and the ground will inevitably reduce the psychological pressure on the crew members of the spacecraft.  In every aspect, a little reduction here, a cut there, unknowingly the requirements for crew members are lowered again and again.  As for whether the crew members of the Hope spacecraft are loyal or not, and whether they abide by their professional ethics, these issues are not what Sun Zesheng worries about.  He has an advanced lie detector that can ensure to the greatest extent that the selected crew members will not do anything that goes against the company's interests.  To put it bluntly, even if the crew members choose to do something that is sorry for him, Sun Zesheng still has laser cannons all over the space. If he fires them at will, he can go underground and participate in the son-in-law recruitment meeting held by King Yama.  In this way, Sun Zesheng has nothing to worry about.  The military showed a strong interest in the Hope spacecraft and proposed to visit the Hope spacecraft, and Sun Zesheng also agreed.  After the military boarded the Hope spacecraft, they conducted an extremely detailed study of the spacecraft. The more they looked at it, their eyes widened, and some even drooled.  Afterwards, Lou Yuchen called Sun Zesheng and asked him if he was willing to sell the Hope spacecraft to the military or to the National Space Administration.  Sun Zesheng said simply that as long as the price is right, the Hope spacecraft can be sold.  Lou Yuchen was overjoyed and quickly asked Sun Zesheng how much he planned to sell it for.  Thank you "Evil Shadow Flying Wings" for voting monthly, thank you.  To be continued.  )
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