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Text Chapter 472 It¡¯s not empty talk

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    Chapter 472: It¡¯s not empty talk. Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  Wherever there are interests, there are fights.  Space tourism is an industry with great potential for the future. It will be a very strange thing that no one is fighting for its dominance.  Before Sun Zesheng decided to propose the establishment of the International Space Tourism Association, he had already imagined various possibilities, including the issue of someone jumping out and competing with him for the leadership of the International Space Tourism Association. This included someone getting rid of him and starting another one.  It does not rule out that someone will challenge his authority within the International Association of Space Tourism in the future.  In this regard, Sun Zesheng has prepared various plans, especially for the former, he has prepared a package of countermeasures.  While countries around the world that have specifically established international space tourism associations are still studying whether to adopt countermeasures, the International Space Tourism Association led by Sun Zesheng has taken the lead in being established in Yanjing.  Sun Zesheng has formulated a strict access system for the International Space Tourism Association. His purpose of forming the International Space Tourism Association is different from that of forming the alliance of Umeng Venture Capital.  He established Umeng Venture Capital to find more allies in the business community, and the access system was relatively loose. As for the space tourism industry and even other space industries hidden in the climate, what Sun Zesheng has to do is to control it.  To dominate it, guide it, and use it to gain huge commercial benefits while minimizing the continued development of the International Space Tourism Association may have an adverse impact on him and the company.  One of the access systems designed by Sun Zesheng himself is that any individual or unit that wants to become a member of the International Space Tourism Association must obtain the consent of his president.  In addition, the president has the right to expel members from the association based on actual circumstances.  In addition, no matter who wants to become a member, they need to pay their membership fees on time every year.  Then there are the members of the International Space Tourism Association.  Under the same conditions, priority should be given to using the products and services of other members.  Of course, members need to do more than just pay and abide by the rules. They also enjoy many rights.  For example, they will have priority in using the services of space companies, their complaints and requests will be processed with priority, they will receive the association¡¯s annual report every year, etc.  In addition to this regulation, Sun Zesheng also issued a large number of documents at the same time, covering all aspects of the International Space Tourism Association, especially those involving commercial interests.  Very detailed regulations were made.  These regulations are very stringent. For example, if members within the association want to provide space tourism services, they need to comply with thousands of technical details. Even the temperature and humidity in the travel cabin are detailed.  Regulation.  From an outsider¡¯s perspective, if these regulations can be strictly enforced, then he will enjoy considerate, warm and thoughtful service when traveling in space.  But for companies that want to enter this industry.  But it is nothing more than one insurmountable technical peak after another.  This is a technical barrier deliberately set up by Sun Zesheng for all units or individuals around the world who want to enter this industry.  If you don't overcome these technical barriers, you are not qualified to enter this industry.  The huge profits of space tourism have nothing to do with you, and you can't even think about getting a piece of this big cake.  This is like the Europeans giving Chinese products to enter their market.  The various invisible trade barriers set up can be environmentally friendly, technical, or humanitarian.  It can also be other aspects.  Anyway, it is to ensure that the domestic market is not occupied by Chinese products.  These technical standards proposed by Sun Zesheng also have the same purpose, making it more difficult for others to enter this industry.  Slowing down their entry into the industry and prolonging the time he can earn excess profits in this industry.  Of course, if you do this, it will inevitably catch people's tongue.  All the sanctimonious politicians and cunning shopping mall veterans around the world will do the thing of calling a thief and catching a thief.  Once they believe that the various standards proposed by Sun Zesheng are unfavorable to them, they will not hesitate to use the banner of public opinion and launch a public opinion offensive against Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng was also prepared for this. He first accepted joint interviews with several major domestic and foreign media, and then announced the development blueprint of the International Space Tourism Association. He also mentioned that he was about to build a space hotel and invited reporters from all over the world to interview him.  Its space companies monitor to see if any violations of association standards occur.  The development of the matter was just as Sun Zesheng expected. After the standards he formulated were unveiled one after another, international and regional public opinion in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Russia was very unfavorable to the International Space Tourism Association that he led and established.  They absolutely cannot accept that the Chinese dominate the field of space tourism and set such harsh admission standards.  Regarding these, Sun Zesheng said:I didn't bother to pay attention at all.  He just ordered domestic and foreign space companies to speed up construction and make corrections and fine-tuning according to the standards he proposed. He could not let outsiders find faults.  For several days, no organization or individual applied to the International Space Tourism Association.  The media in various countries are constantly ridiculing. They have repeatedly called for a boycott of Sun Zesheng's International Space Tourism Association and let Sun Zesheng become a mere commander.  At the same time, multiple international space tourism associations have sprung up in countries and regions such as the United States, Europe, Japan, and Russia, like mushrooms after a rain.  They all claimed that they were the orthodox ones and that what Sun Ze gave birth to was a fake.  Not to mention that after they were established, they immediately attracted a large number of members to join. Compared to Sun Zesheng¡¯s deserted place, it was a world of difference.  Jin Yuanyuan was always paying attention to this matter and called him more than once to inquire about it.  She also offered to invite several military units to join the International Space Tourism Association so that Sun Zesheng would not become a mere commander.  Sun Zesheng smiled and rejected Jin Yuanyuan's kindness.  It¡¯s not that he doesn¡¯t want military units to join the International Space Tourism Association, but he hopes that every member of the International Space Tourism Association will join voluntarily, rather than joining because of face, favors or pressure.  If you can join the International Space Tourism Association, it will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages to any person or unit.  As long as they can strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the International Space Tourism Association, they will definitely make money, and maybe make a lot of money.  ??For example, diet.  If the space tourism city is built in the future, if 10,000 people stay here every day, their food and drink will be an extremely considerable amount.  A serving of ramen shipped into space.  It may only cost a few hundred yuan or thousands of yuan per copy. After all the costs are factored out, you can earn 20% to 30%, which is also a huge profit.  Naturally, those who are qualified to do this business can only be members within the International Space Tourism Association, and it is impossible to leave it to outsiders.  Sun Zesheng will not go into detail about these. He needs someone to understand them themselves, realize the business opportunities, and then follow Zhou Yu's example.  One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, actively and voluntarily put forward the application to join.  Sun Zesheng believes that there are too many people in the world with business vision, and it depends on whether they can seize the opportunity.  To take a step back, even if the International Space Tourism Association cannot recruit a single member, being a mere commander is not a big deal for him.  At worst, he can grasp all aspects of space travel that can make money.  No one applied.  Sun Zesheng didn't panic, he continued to do his things in an orderly manner.  Until Xu Yunjin called him and Xu Yunjin asked her if companies like Starlight Media and Powerlong wanted to join the International Space Tourism Association.  Do you automatically become a member, or do you need to apply specifically?  Sun Zesheng told her that no matter who she was, she wanted to join the International Space Tourism Association.  All need to apply.  Xu Yunjin immediately expressed her intention to apply. Not only did she apply to Sun Zesheng on behalf of Starlight Media and Powerlong Company, she also proposed that she would also join the International Space Tourism Association.  Become an individual member of the International Space Tourism Association.  Sun Zesheng naturally has no reason to disagree.  It is unlikely that Powerlong's products will enter the space tourism city in the future, but the possibility of Starlight Media's products entering the space tourism city is still very high.  Starlight special effects can completely monopolize the media market of the space tourism city.  Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Zhang Li and Xu Yunjin seemed to have agreed upon it. Following Xu Yunjin, they all also applied to Sun Zesheng.  In addition, Hufu Machinery Processing Factory also submitted an application.  Almost overnight, the International Space Tourism Association has a lot more members, but those who know the inside story will know that these are all friendly votes and cannot be counted.  Song Jiayi asked Sun Zesheng if he wanted to say hello to George Smith and ask George Smith to become a member.  This American has been clamoring all day long to do business with Sun Zesheng and make money together, but why did he fall out of control at the critical moment?  Sun Zesheng shook his head, his big hands caressed Song Jiayi's smooth back, and rejected Song Jiayi's proposal.  In the blink of an eye, one month has passed, and the International Space Tourism Association established under the leadership of Sun Zesheng has made great noise but little rain. So far, no unit that is not directly related to him has applied to him.  Sun Zesheng was not in a hurry, he started working on another thing.  Jin Yuanyuan will finish her training in a month or two. By then, Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s work unit will be finalized, and his wedding to Jin Yuanyuan will also be held.  This cannot be done carelessly.  Jin Yuanyuan took advantage of the weekend opportunities several times to leave the National Defense University to discuss the details of their wedding with Sun Zesheng.  Although Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s parents don¡¯t intend to make a big deal about it,?, but Sun Zesheng did not want to wrong Jin Yuanyuan.  In order to minimize the political impact of the wedding on Jin's father, Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan decided to hold their wedding in Jinan City.  The wedding ceremony was completely comprehensive. The two went directly to the hotel to worship the heaven and the earth, and held a banquet to entertain the guests.  Regarding the marriage between Jin Yuanyuan and Sun Zesheng, Jin's father never expressed his position. However, Jin's mother took the time to talk to Sun Zesheng and told him a few words to pay attention to some details and make sure that no one took advantage of the loopholes.  Just when the two were about to discuss it, the International Space Tourism Association finally made a move. George Smith formally applied to Sun Zesheng to join the International Space Tourism Association.  After receiving the application, Sun Zesheng talked with George Smith for a long time without a smile. After confirming that George Smith could abide by the regulations of the International Space Tourism Association, he listed George Smith as a probationary member.  George Smith was angry and accused Sun Zesheng of being unkind and ignoring their many years of friendship. He also said that Sun Zesheng might be retaliating against him for not filing the application until now.  George Smith's tone was a bit joking, and he seemed to be joking with Sun Zesheng, but Sun Zesheng still firmly told George Smith that he did not intend to give George Smith membership immediately because he could not yet ensure George Smith's membership.  Smith must be able to abide by the International Space Tourism Association's rules.  There must be a testing period.  As for the qualifications he gave Song Jiayi, Zhang Li and others, it was because he could ensure that they could abide by the rules. He was their boss. If they did not abide by the rules, he could fire them, but George Smith could not.  George Smith had no choice but to accept the reality.  The reason why he applied to Sun Zesheng after such a long time.  That's because he needs someone to fully analyze the pros and cons of the whole thing. There are so many documents published by Sun Zesheng, and it will take a long time to read them all, let alone read them all.  That would take even more time.  In addition, George Smith also needs to make a longitudinal comparison and study the International Space Tourism Association established by the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia and other countries and regions to see what their advantages and disadvantages are.  It was not until it was determined that joining the International Space Tourism Association led by Sun Zesheng was a profitable thing that George Smith made up his mind to apply to Sun Zesheng. He and his Smith International Trading Company joined the International Space Tourism Association.  In this regard, George Smith does not think there is anything inappropriate or wrong.  Business is business, and friendship is friendship. He will not risk his own money just because of the so-called friendship between him and Sun Zesheng.     actually.  If we really talk about friendship, George Smith and Sun Zesheng have not yet reached the level of sympathizing with each other as brothers. The two of them are slightly better than ordinary friends. They are more often business partners.  What connects them is business interests, not personality, temperament, temperament or anything else.  Whether it is Sun Zesheng or George Smith, on this point.  Everyone has a clear understanding.  No one will get carried away and take business as a joke.  George Smith¡¯s application opened the faucet for organizations and individuals from all over the world to apply to join the International Space Tourism Association. However, the flow of water is very slow, with an average of only one every few days.  At this time, someone from Africa called Sun Zesheng and said that after intensive preparations, the first large spacecraft had been manufactured and was ready for use at any time.  After Sun Zesheng asked the African side to inspect the spacecraft, he asked them to choose a suitable time to launch and conduct a test flight.  From the appearance point of view, this spaceship has many similarities with the American space shuttle that has been grounded, but there are differences, and they are big.  When the American space shuttle takes off, it needs to be carried by a launch vehicle at the very beginning.  The spaceship built by Sun Zesheng does not use it. It takes off entirely on the fuel it carries.  It is not easy to get this spaceship out.  After all, Sun Zesheng is just one person. No matter how many companies he opens, it cannot change the fact that he cannot compare with behemoths like the United States, China, Europe, and Russia.  Among other things, if he wanted to build a spaceship, many key components would be unavailable.  But this did not trouble Sun Zesheng. He used Tianjixing 3000 to make many modifications to the design drawings of the spacecraft so that it could meet the highest technical height that Sun Zesheng could achieve.  Almost every component has much lower requirements than the original drawing design.  The finally built spaceship will definitely have no chance of interstellar travel. It may even be difficult to fly to the moon, but the journey can be shortened and only allowed to travel between the earth and space 30,000 to 40,000 kilometers above the ground.  Round trip flight???There is still no problem.  In addition, by manufacturing this spacecraft, the technical teams of the two satellite launch sites in Africa have also accumulated technical experience. They will only build the next spaceship better than this spacecraft.  After receiving Sun Zesheng¡¯s order, the spacecraft, which was named Hope by Sun Zesheng, conducted its first test flight.  The entire test flight went very smoothly. After flying around the Earth several times in space 36,000 kilometers away from the Earth, the Hope successfully landed at the No. 1 Satellite Launch Site in Africa.  As soon as the news came out, it caused a global sensation.  People are beginning to take Sun Zesheng¡¯s space tourism capabilities seriously.  After that, for several days, the Hope spacecraft conducted test flights one after another, and each time it successfully achieved the purpose of the experiment.  Faced with such a result, the international aerospace community was a little dumbfounded. No one could have imagined such a result.  You must know that the space shuttle is in the United States, but its fate is ill-fated. Many space shuttles have been scrapped, and many astronauts have died along with the space shuttle.  Before the Hope spacecraft, no spacecraft could be used in this way.  This is almost as fast as ordinary civil aviation aircraft.  But everyone knows that the technical difficulty gap between civil aviation airliners and spacecraft is not even the slightest.  If the International Space Tourism Association advocated by Sun Zesheng has such technical strength, then the establishment of a space tourism city in space that he advocates is not an empty talk, but is likely to become a reality. ? ?Thanks to my friend 0402 for the evaluation vote.  (To be continued)
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