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    Chapter 471 No Reason Please subscribe, please give me a monthly pass.  Thanks.  If there was still a trace of doubt before coming, when they saw the patches of Cordyceps sinensis that were about to mature in the No. 3 agricultural planting base, the remaining doubt in the minds of the academicians immediately disappeared.  They immediately started testing the Cordyceps sinensis here.  When the academicians came over, they brought all the testing equipment they could. There was no need to collect Cordyceps sinensis and bring it back to their respective laboratories for testing.  While the academicians were directing their assistants to inspect the Cordyceps sinensis here, Jiang Guopeng, accompanied by Sun Zesheng, walked around the No. 3 sub-base several times.  Jiang Guopeng can see that the planting environment here is completely imitating the wild environment of Cordyceps Sinensis. Whether it is atmospheric pressure, temperature, air humidity, or microbiome and other indicators, it is almost impeccable.  But these indicators were not only simulated by Sun Zesheng, but before Sun Zesheng, no one had ever been able to crack the key to the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis.  It is precisely because of this that the terminal retail price of Cordyceps sinensis has been rising year by year. Now it is a veritable luxury product that ordinary people cannot consume for a long time.  Of course, it is precisely because the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis has never been developed that the residents in the origin of Cordyceps sinensis are heavily dependent on the economic benefits brought by Cordyceps sinensis, and they do not hesitate to plunder the wild Cordyceps sinensis at the expense of destroying the environment.  Mining.  Jiang Guopeng wanted to ask Sun Zesheng how he cultivated Cordyceps sinensis artificially, but he thought that this question involved major commercial interests and could be said to be an extremely core business secret. Even if he was familiar with Sun Zesheng, he could not ask casually.  A few days later, academicians¡¯ test results on the artificially cultivated Cordyceps sinensis came out one after another. Perhaps because of the first batch of artificially cultivated Cordyceps sinensis, the quality of this batch of Cordyceps sinensis cannot be compared with the high-quality wild Cordyceps sinensis, but  Compared with the slightly inferior Cordyceps sinensis, it is not inferior.  In terms of nutritional value, medicinal value, etc., there is almost no difference from wild Cordyceps sinensis.  In addition, because Sun Zesheng has carried out extremely strict management of the entire Cordyceps sinensis planting process, no trace of heavy metals, organic arsenic and other harmful substances has been detected in any Cordyceps sinensis.  Even wild Cordyceps sinensis cannot completely guarantee this.  Cordyceps sinensis in the wild grows in the open air and is easily invaded by various pollutants. Even if there are no traces of human activities in the place where it grows, air pollution is unavoidable.  Of course, the content of these harmful substances is generally very small, and basically does not cause harm to the human body.  But if you have it, you have it, and if you don¡¯t have it, you don¡¯t have it.  This is a qualitative difference.  After reading the test results of the academicians, Sun Zesheng was a little dissatisfied.  He has mastered a complete set of mature technologies for the artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis. In his opinion, since he has invested so much, all the Cordyceps sinensis produced should be top-notch. Unexpectedly, the number of top-grade Cordyceps sinensis is very small, and most of them are inferior.  of.  The academicians did not understand Sun Zesheng's dissatisfaction. They rushed to express their congratulations to Sun Zesheng one by one. Some even took care of their face and directly proposed that they hope to start two-way cooperation with Sun Zesheng to conduct in-depth research on the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps Sinensis and strive to bring the entire set of technologies to the forefront.  Perfect to the point of perfection, further improving the quality of cordyceps artificial cultivation.  Sun Zesheng rejected all requests from these academicians.  It¡¯s not that he doesn¡¯t want to popularize the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis, nor does he want to monopolize the huge commercial benefits brought by the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis, but he has his own considerations.  China has no shortage of scientific experts who are dedicated to research, but it also has no shortage of so-called brick-and-mortar experts who reek of copper.  He didn't know much about these academicians yet, so he couldn't tell whether inviting them to join him in joint research would lead to a wolf entering the house.  He needs time to do this.  On the other hand, the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps Sinensis he has mastered is very mature, and whether to conduct joint research is not an urgent matter.  But this is not the crux of the problem. The most critical thing is whether the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis is suitable for promotion now. He has no way to judge.  From a purely commercial point of view, or from an environmental protection point of view, the earlier the Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology is promoted, the better. However, if he promotes it wishfully, he may be doing bad things with good intentions.  There are too many people who live around Cordyceps sinensis. If their problems are not solved, artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis will be promoted rashly.??Technology is likely to cause social turmoil.  No matter what, Sun Zesheng is Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s husband. He has to think about the Jin family, at least not to cause trouble to Jin¡¯s father.  In addition, from the perspective of business security, if those who live around Cordyceps sinensis are not appeased, it may also bring security risks to his company.  Those who have lost their financial resources are likely to do drastic things against their company.  This is something he must prevent in advance.  Jiang Guopeng understood Sun Zesheng¡¯s concerns. He decided to go to the Ministry of Agriculture again with the academicians¡¯ test reports to make a special work report to the Minister of Agriculture.  Sun Zesheng had no intention of staying in Jinan City. He ordered Zou Jiashun to plant the second batch of cordyceps after receiving the first batch of artificially cultivated cordyceps.  This time we must conduct more scientific management and strive to plant most of the cordyceps to special specifications.  After returning to Beijing, Sun Zesheng thoughtfully went to inspect the land transferred to him by the Yanjing Municipal Government outside the Sixth Ring Road.  After conducting a holographic scan of the entire land, Sun Zesheng began to let Tianjixing 3000 plan.  Before Tianjixing 3000 could come up with a plan that satisfied him, Jiang Guopeng called him and asked him to go to the Ministry of Agriculture.  Sun Zesheng took Song Jiayi straight to the Ministry of Agriculture, and met Zhang Yongkang, the Minister of Agriculture, in the minister's office.  Zhang Yongkang asked Jiang Guopeng to invite Sun Zesheng here to discuss with Sun Zesheng how to solve the impact of Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology.  After discussing for a long time, Zhang Yongkang, Jiang Guopeng, Sun Zesheng, and Song Jiayi discussed a draft. Then Zhang Yongkang took this draft and organized a group of experts and scholars to discuss it in depth and form a revised draft.  Later, Sun Zesheng and Song Jiayi were invited over to discuss again.  This was repeated several times, until more than a month later, after the new year was over, a formal draft was finally formed.  In this opinion draft, the Ministry of Agriculture plans to initiate the establishment of a Cordyceps sinensis mutual aid society, and invites Sun Zesheng to be the director of the mutual aid society, and Jiang Guopeng to be the deputy director of the mutual aid society, responsible for comprehensive promotion in areas suitable for the promotion of Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology.  .  At first glance, it seems that this is to ask Sun Zesheng to contribute the Cordyceps artificial cultivation technology for free, but the Ministry of Agriculture also gave Sun Zesheng some benefits in the opinion draft.  First of all, the mutual aid cooperative has the right to decide how to promote the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis, in which areas to promote it, and in what way.  In addition, the patent for the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps Sinensis is still held by Sun Zesheng.  Growers of Cordyceps sinensis that benefit from the promotion also need to sign contracts with mutual aid cooperatives, and the Cordyceps sinensis grown must also be sold to Sun Zesheng under the same conditions.  In addition, in the opinion draft, mutual aid societies also have the responsibility and obligation to provide additional protection to the local ecological environment.  Mutual aid societies must also find ways to repair the environmental damage caused by local residents' frenzied digging of Cordyceps sinensis over the years.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Outside of the mutual aid cooperative, Sun Zesheng has both commercial benefits to gain and some social obligations to fulfill. Not all are benefits, and not all are obligations.  In this regard, although Sun Zesheng lamented that he was "asking for trouble", he did not refuse or refuse.  Even if he couldn't make a penny from the mutual aid society, he would still do it.  This is a good thing to build up virtue for future generations, and it is also a good thing to increase the reputation of him and the company.  No amount of money can buy this.  Knowing that Sun Zesheng had accepted the arrangement from the Ministry of Agriculture, Jin Yuanyuan¡¯s father took the initiative to make a rare call to Sun Zesheng. Jin¡¯s father praised him for doing a good job and being a responsible member of the People¡¯s Party.  Sun Zesheng was somewhat flattered by Jin's father's compliment. He was shocked not because of Jin's father's social status, but because this was the first time his father-in-law had praised him.  After all plans were prepared, CCTV announced the successful invention of Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology. It also announced that the Ministry of Agriculture supported the establishment of a Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation mutual aid society, with Sun Zesheng as director, Huaxia Agricultural University President Jiang Guopeng, and the Ministry of Agriculture.  The Director of the Department of Science and Education and the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences serve as deputy directors.  On the day the news was announced, the Ministry of Agriculture sent a policy propaganda team to several counties in the country where Cordyceps sinensis is produced to conduct policy propaganda and appease the local people.  Sun Zesheng also mobilized elite soldiers from his company and went to the local area together with the policy propaganda team of the Ministry of Agriculture to educate the local people from a business perspective and a technical perspective, striving to guide the negative emotions of the local people in advance to avoid deteriorating into vicious  event.  "One of the issues that local people are most concerned about is that the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis has been developed, and their lives are be affected.  How do they avoid experiencing a decrease in their quality of life?  In this regard, Sun Zesheng has already had countermeasures.  He asked his employees to make a public commitment to build a local planting base for artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis.  Most of the employees employed in these planting bases will be recruited from local areas.  Secondly, these planting bases will adopt a joint-stock system without exception. According to the local situation, regardless of the local situation, farmers, farmers, industry and commerce can invest in shares, and there is no limit to the number of shares.  When the Cordyceps sinensis in the planting base is planted and sold, dividends will be distributed to all shareholders.  In addition, the mutual aid association will also develop local Cordyceps sinensis growers. For those who want to grow their own, the mutual aid association will provide them with training and provide a full set of technologies on the premise of signing a contract.  With the policy propaganda team¡¯s tireless propaganda, the mood of local residents finally did not fluctuate greatly.  When they saw that the engineering team of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. began to station in the local area and began to build factories and post recruitment notices, they all began to think about their future lives.  Of course, not everyone is satisfied with Sun Zesheng's arrangements, and some people make troubles everywhere due to various considerations.  Under the pressure of relevant central government departments, especially under the premise that Sun Zesheng, a major financial backer, has promised to make large-scale investments in the local area, the local government has vigorously suppressed these troublemakers.  With the rapid rise of factories, a large number of local people have invested in the planting base, and the clamor of those who were suppressed quickly disappeared without a trace.  When all the dust settled, Sun Zezhang breathed a sigh of relief.  He lamented again that it is not easy to do something sincerely.  Sun Zesheng has never been to the place from beginning to end, but Song Jiayi, on behalf of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd., has been there more than once.  Sun Zesheng stayed in Yanjing and began to arrange the scientific research center outside the Sixth Ring Road.  He plans to build this place into a comprehensive scientific research institute. In addition to carrying out his auxin research, he also plans to consciously turn some of the advanced technologies in Tianjixing 3000 into real productivity.  According to his requirements, Tianjixing 3000 changed the design draft several times, and finally came up with a design that satisfied Sun Zesheng.  The entire scientific research center will be divided into two parts: underground and above ground. The underground buildings will go hundreds of meters underground, and the above ground part will also have high-rise buildings with dozens of floors.  The world¡¯s most advanced scientific research and security equipment will be used here. Even if someone throws an atomic bomb here, the underground part of the scientific research center must be safe.  With such stringent requirements and such a huge construction plan, the investment in the entire scientific research center will reach an incredible level. This is no longer a question of billions or tens of billions, but at least two to three tens of billions.  Sun Zesheng doesn¡¯t really care about this.  The so-called cunning rabbit's three caves, he wants to build this scientific research center, and also plans to build another cave for himself.  He plans to turn this scientific research center into an underground fortress. If someone really wants to use military means to deal with him, he will hide in the underground buildings of the scientific research center.  ¡°Anyway, he built the building underground, and no one will know what he put there.  By then, he can completely store a large amount of food and water inside, and even build missile silos and form a large number of robot troops, and outsiders will have no way of knowing.  Of course, these are worst-case scenarios.  Sun Zesheng's first priority is to build this place into a scientific research center with the best conditions in the world.  He believes that this place will become a holy place for scientists around the world in the future.  Once completed, he will be able to establish an unrivaled reputation among scientists around the world.  After the design drawings were produced, Sun Zesheng asked someone to take the design drawings to the Yanjing Municipal Construction Bureau for approval. The approval process went smoothly.  The Yanjing Municipal Government has specially given a greeting and will give the green light to Sun Zesheng's investment.  Sun Zesheng did not hand over the task of building this scientific research center to outsiders. Under the name of the New Starry Sky Joint Investment Company he established in Jinan City, in addition to New Space Company, there is also a New Starry Sky Real Estate Development Company. Sun Zesheng directly handed over the task to  gave it.  It is not an easy task to build a scientific research center in accordance with Sun Zesheng's requirements.  Xinxingkong Real Estate Company did not dare to neglect. They wanted to cooperate with other units to carry out this project. After asking Sun Zesheng for instructions, they found several real estate development companies with good reputations in the industry and took over the project together.  However, according to Sun Zesheng's request, the core part of the scientific research center is still done by Xinxingkong Real Estate.  At this time, good news came. The new space company located in the United States, invested by Umeng Ventures, was put into use.  The first helium balloon in space has been put into use and the first space tourists have been welcomed.  Local electricityThe TV station broadcast the entire process live, and when the tourists got off the helium balloons and put their feet on the ground, the scene was filled with cheers.  After learning the news, Sun Zesheng issued a personal statement. In addition to congratulating New Space America on its success, Sun Zesheng formally proposed the establishment of the International Space Tourism Association. He also announced the preparation time for holding the International Space Tourism Association in Yanjing.  and location, and invites all organizations and individuals around the world who are interested in joining the association.  People all over the world, regardless of gender, race, color, nationality, political beliefs, religious beliefs, as long as they like space tourism, can choose to join.  The statement was issued and the world was in an uproar.  Some people think this is a normal thing, others think it's a bit of a grab.  The Chinese are going against heaven and taking the lead in space tourism.  ¡°Not long after Sun Zesheng issued the statement, organizations and individuals in the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia, India and other countries and regions also stood up and issued an initiative. They also want to organize and establish an international association for space tourism.  When Sun Zesheng saw these statements, he just smiled lightly and did not take them seriously.  He doesn't care how many countries, organizations and individuals will compete with him for the dominance of the International Space Tourism Association. He is extremely confident that this dominance will eventually fall into his hands.  He already has four space companies that have been built or are under construction in the world, two are located in Africa, one is located in China, and one is located in the United States. This is the only one in the world. With the advanced technology he masters,  And his plan to build a space hotel in space, he has no reason to lose to anyone.  To be continued.  )
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