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Text Chapter 470 The birth of Cordyceps sinensis

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    Chapter 470: The Birth of Cordyceps. Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  The cultural training center under Zhang Li¡¯s name is also developing very smoothly. Under the guidance of Sun Zesheng, the cultural training center is currently mainly focused on vocational training, and its training targets are mainly for the employment of companies under Sun Zesheng¡¯s name.  In addition, according to Sun Zesheng's wishes, Zhang Li is looking for various talents to assist her in building the cultural training center into a comprehensive training and education institution.  The year has arrived in the blink of an eye. This is Sun Zesheng's fourth year since his rebirth. In just four years, he has established a business empire that is even larger than his previous life. Even Sun Zesheng finds it a bit incredible.  With more and more companies under his name, Sun Zesheng's heart began to become a little bit more eager to move.  Everything he is currently doing is not of interest to him. What he is really interested in is the growth hormone he researched in his previous life. Moreover, when his family was ruined by the Tai|zi|Party, his research has reached a very critical point.  At that time, if a breakthrough could be achieved, the second generation auxin could be developed.  Deep down in his heart, Sun Zesheng is still a person who likes to learn, and business is not what he is best at.  If he had to rank his two hobbies, he would put learning first and business second.  Sun Zesheng has thought about restarting auxin research more than once, but the conditions were not very mature before. There were various shortcomings in the business environment, political environment, scientific research environment, etc.  Now.  The three environments he is in have greatly improved, but have they reached the level of absolute safety he demands?  It's still a matter of debate.  Let¡¯s talk about the political environment first.  At first glance, he seems to be safe at home, but when looking at the world, it is hard to say.  The technology he is currently using publicly does not have a particularly deep impact on the world. Even the energy solutions he has developed in the energy field, such as fuel and No. 3 fuel, are not completely restricted or banned for sale to the outside world.  Therefore, countries and regions such as Europe and the United States can still tolerate him taking the initiative in this energy revolution.     Plus.  Fossil energy is already in the final stage of its life cycle, and countries around the world are actively conducting research on energy sources other than fossil energy. This, to a certain extent, has also weakened the influence of fuel and No. 3 fuel.  But auxin is different. It mainly targets plants and fungi. It can promote the rapid growth of species while maintaining the same quality.  If it is used in the food field.  Then the impact on the whole world will be too great.  Like in the energy field, the United States is also the dominant player in the global grain market. Even China imports a large amount of grain, meat and other foods from the United States every year.  There are still many countries suffering from famine around the world that are still waiting for Americans to lend a helping hand.  Food is not like energy, and substitutes can be found.  The world's arable land is limited, but the number of people is growing every year.  How to use limited arable land to produce more food is a problem facing everyone around the world.  As the world¡¯s largest food supplier.  The United States cannot sit back and watch them lose this status.  Even if the food production of famine-stricken countries increases by 10% or 20%, the United States' ability to use food as a weapon to influence them will be correspondingly reduced by 10% or 20%, which is something Americans will never accept.  This is true in the United States and the same is true in Europe.  Europe's arable land is not large, but they have always been committed to occupying a moral high ground in the field of food safety such as grain.  If there was no famine in the world.  They also lost the basis for making decisions.  ¡­ In short, auxin may be involved in something far more profound than fuel and No. 3 fuel.  It affects the interests of all parties.  Even in China, there will be countless people and units affected by auxin.  Issues in the business field are closely related to issues in the political environment.  In contrast, the problems faced by the scientific research environment are much more realistic. Many scientific research instruments are produced according to the current productivity level. If Sun Zesheng wants to research auxin under the current conditions, it will be more difficult than it was in his previous life.  much more often.  After thinking about it for several days, Sun Zesheng felt that no matter how many difficulties there were, auxin still had to be developed. His research in this area could be carried out secretly, and when the time was right, it could be introduced to the world.  The reason why he made this decision was not mainly because of the commercial benefits that growth hormone might bring to him, nor because he wanted to use this invention to solve the problem of feeding the world's population.  In his previous life, when he and his research team were studying the second-generation auxin, they had imagined whether auxin could be used in animals, and then finally used in humans.  This idea is a bit crazy, but thenAt that time, Sun Zesheng and his team agreed that this research was possible.  In addition, at that time, Sun Zesheng formulated a series of research directions. He believed that as long as he chose the direction, he might even use the research on auxin to decipher the secrets of human aging, and then develop a way to effectively extend human lifespan.  Sun Zesheng doesn¡¯t want to live forever, but he still misses living for more than a hundred or two hundred years.  He hopes that he can have enough time to turn all the technologies in Tianjixing 3000 into reality. He hopes that he can have a long life to accompany the people who love him.  He also hopes to have a long time to solve the scientific research problems that he did not solve in his previous life.  Having made the decision, Sun Zesheng began to allocate funds to prepare for the establishment of an auxin research center.  At the same time, he asked Song Jiayi to recruit outstanding scientific research talents from all over the world to join the company of Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd.  At the same time, Sun Zesheng asked people to contact the Yanjing Municipal Government to negotiate the purchase of a piece of land to build a scientific research center.  Yanjing City was very interested in Sun Zesheng's request, but Yanjing City insisted on knowing what Sun Zesheng wanted to study.  Sun Zesheng was tired of being asked, so he came up with the idea of ??building a scientific research center in other cities.  Fortunately, at this time, Yanjing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Ren Xuehai provided timely support.  Propose what is needed as long as Sun Zesheng does not do any criminal research.  Yanjing City must support something.  Of course, the premise is that things need to be done in accordance with market rules.  Therefore, Yanjing City increased the review and approval of Sun Zesheng's application, and finally found a large piece of land with an area of ??more than 1,000 acres for Sun Zesheng outside the Sixth Ring Road, and sold it to Sun Zesheng to build a scientific research center.  Because Sun Zesheng is not engaged in commercial development, the land transfer fee is not particularly expensive, but it still exceeds 10 billion.  Just when Sun Zesheng went to inspect the land in person and was about to ask Tianjixing 3000 to help him draw up a landscape map of the institute.  News came from Jinan City.  Zou Jiashun, the person in charge of the Jinan Agricultural Planting Base, used encryption software to send several pictures to Sun Zesheng. The pictures above are the internal landscape of the No. 3 Sub-base of the Agricultural Planting Base.  As soon as he saw these pictures, Sun Zesheng decided not to go to the Sixth Ring Road to look at places, but to go to Jinan City first.  But before going, Sun Zesheng first went to Jiang Guopeng, the president of Huaxia Agricultural University.  When Jiang Guopeng saw Sun Zesheng, he asked him for sponsorship because the state allocated little scientific research funding.  Huaxia Agricultural University undertakes heavy scientific research and teaching tasks, and the scientific research funds are not used.  Jiang Guopeng didn¡¯t know who he got the news from, saying that Sun Zesheng had given Zhang Li billions to build a cultural training center.  He acted so boldly against Zhang Li, but he ignored his alma mater.  Sun Zesheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He waited patiently for Jiang Guopeng to finish.  Just started to speak.  He said he would consider donating another sum of money to his alma mater, but Huaxia Agricultural University was not run by Sun Zesheng. If the Ministry of Education allowed him to acquire Huaxia Agricultural University, then he would be willing to increase his investment in Huaxia Agricultural University.  As soon as he heard Sun Zesheng's proposal, Jiang Guopeng immediately talked about him.  As the leader of national agricultural colleges.  It is almost impossible for the Ministry of Education to turn Huaxia Agricultural University into a private university.  Not to mention that the Ministry of Education will not agree, the faculty and staff of Huaxia Agricultural University and so on.  It is estimated that not many will agree.  Just like Jiang Guopeng, his administrative level is deputy ministerial level, but if Sun Zesheng buys Huaxia Agricultural University, his administrative level will be gone immediately.  In China, which has a strong official-oriented mentality, he is still playing nonsense.  With one sentence, Jiang Guopeng's complaints were silenced, and Sun Zesheng began to feed Jiang Guopeng sweet dates.  He suggested that Jiang Guopeng should make statistics of the scientific research tasks undertaken by Huaxia Agricultural University and the scientific research intentions of all faculty and staff who are willing to conduct scientific research, and then leave it to him to handle.  He will select some scientific research projects and provide corresponding financial support.  Of course, Sun Zesheng is not a living Lei Feng. If scientific research yields results, he will own shares in the scientific research results.  Agriculture and its related fields are also a large field that is prone to scientific research results. Referring to the large number of patents in Tianjixing 3000, Sun Zesheng can easily identify those scientific research directions that have commercial prospects.  In doing so, he not only helped some faculty and staff of Huaxia Agricultural University solve the problem of scientific research funding, but also captured old hens that lay golden eggs one after another for Centennial Investment, Umeng Venture Capital, etc.  It can be said that everyone gets what he needs.  This model proposed by Sun Zesheng is not new. Many universities across the country do this. They conduct joint scientific research with enterprises, and the scientific research results obtained are shared together in the end.  It's just that there is no one like Sun Zesheng who spreads the word.  At most, they only have limited cooperation with universities in a certain direction.  Jiang Guopeng knew that his student was not a stingy person.After thinking about it for a while, he agreed to Sun Zesheng's suggestion and prepared to post notices throughout the school immediately.  Sun Zesheng quickly stopped Jiang Guopeng. He came today not to discuss this matter with Jiang Guopeng.  He took out his phone, pulled up a photo, and showed it to Jiang Guopeng.  Jiang Guopeng At first glance, there is nothing surprising about this photo.  The photo shows a Cordyceps sinensis sticking its head out from the ground, looking like a small lotus with its sharp corners exposed.  But Jiang Guopeng is not an ordinary person after all. As one of the top agricultural experts in the country, he immediately discovered the difference in this photo.  This is not a photo taken in a wild environment, but a photo taken in an indoor environment. The exposed black soil on the ground of the photo and the looming ravine in the background of the photo all reveal this.  The photos are extraordinary.  Jiang Guopeng looked at Sun Zesheng, and before he could ask a question, Sun Zesheng made a gesture to let him flip through the photos on the screen of his mobile phone.  Jiang Guopeng quickly flicked the screen of his phone with his fingers.  The second photo suddenly appeared before his eyes.  After just one glance, Jiang Guopeng stood up in shock.  The sentence "How is it possible" blurted out.  The second photo shows a neat farmland with rows of Cordyceps sinensis growing well.  Jiang Guopeng is well aware that the artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis is a big problem that has not been solved all over the world. Those units or individuals who claim to have cultivated Cordyceps sinensis have actually only mastered the technology of artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium. They are far from mastering the artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis.  The technology is still thousands of miles away.  But a few photos on his phone completely overturned his inherent impression.  An impossible thing has become a living reality.  Jiang Guopeng pointed to the phone and asked Sun Zesheng what was going on.  Sun Zesheng did not hide anything from Jiang Guopeng.  When he came to Jiang Guopeng this time, he actually came to Jiang Guopeng for help.  He had three purposes. One was to conduct an authoritative appraisal of artificially cultivated Cordyceps sinensis. In this regard, Jiang Guopeng had more connections than he did.  The second purpose is that Sun Zesheng hopes to find Cordyceps sinensis processing enterprises through Jiang Guopeng.  Jiang Guopeng also has more connections than him.  The last purpose is to promote the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis in the future. In this regard, Sun Zesheng plans to work with Huaxia Agricultural University.  In this regard, people in Tibetan areas may believe that Huaxia Agricultural University is better than trusting him, after all.  He is a businessman, and it is easy for him to give people the impression of pursuing profit, but Huaxia Agricultural University is different. This is a teaching institution, and the people trust the teachers.  It's better than trusting businessmen.  After learning Sun Zesheng¡¯s intention, Jiang Guopeng said nothing.  Start calling now.  As soon as he made the call, almost all the academicians in the agricultural field of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were alerted.  However, Jiang Guopeng did not tell these academicians what was going on on the phone. He still had a sense of confidentiality.  Without Sun Zesheng deliberately, Jiang Guopeng also knows that the artificial cultivation technology of Cordyceps sinensis is now announced, not the gospel, but it is likely to evolve into an unprecedented disaster.  In the origin of Cordyceps sinensis, there are too many people living on Cordyceps sinensis.  The emergence of Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology is simply a disaster for them. If it is not done properly, it will destroy the lives of the people there and even cause serious social unrest.  These all need to be prepared in advance.  In fact, Sun Zesheng came to Jiang Guopeng and insisted on telling Jiang Guopeng about the success of Cordyceps sinensis artificial cultivation technology. This was the main reason.  Sun Zesheng waited in Jiang Guopeng¡¯s office for a long time before several academicians came late, and several others did not come because they had something to do.  Jiang Guopeng first reiterated the importance of confidentiality to the academicians with a solemn expression, and then introduced the identity of Sun Zesheng.  These academicians have become dismissive of Sun Zesheng's status as the son-in-law of the Jin family. It seems that this way can make them appear noble and unafraid of the powerful. However, they regard Sun Zesheng as the Light of the Future International Industrial Co., Ltd.  As the founder and big boss of the company, their eyes have become somewhat different.  Doing scientific research also requires money. Nowadays, China pays attention to looking forward in everything. Some academicians have lost the mentality of true scientific research masters and have become kitsch and worship money.  Sun Zesheng is suspected to be a huge financial backer who is hard to meet. Isn¡¯t it trivial to establish a good relationship with him and get some scientific research funds?  For this reason, these academicians agreed to keep it secret.  Of course, there are also people who agree to keep things confidential out of professional ethics, scientist quality and other factors.  The specific reasons will not be analyzed one by one.  Jiang Guopeng doesn't care about thisWhy did the academician agree to keep it secret? He knew that these academicians were all people who wanted to save face. Since they agreed, there was absolutely no reason to break their promise.  Only then did he show the photo that Sun Zesheng gave him.  When the academicians saw it, they exclaimed again and again. When they learned that these cordyceps were cultivated at the No. 3 agricultural planting base in Jinan City, they looked at Sun Zesheng with a little more awe.  As academicians, in fact, what they admire most are those who are better than them in scientific research results. Sun Zesheng doubted that he also met this condition, but they could just ignore it, or turn a blind eye. After all, in the past, Sun Zesheng presented to the world the scientific research successes  , very few have anything to do with agriculture.  Jiang Guopeng made the request on behalf of Sun Zesheng.  When they learned that Sun Zesheng invited them to do on-site appraisal in Jinan City, the academicians all agreed.  Immediately, they agreed on a time to set off.  After seeing off the academician, Jiang Guopeng asked Sun Zesheng to follow him to the State Council.  Jiang Guopeng first took Sun Zesheng to the Ministry of Agriculture and met with the Minister of Agriculture. The Minister felt that the matter was too big to make the decision, so he took them to see the Vice Prime Minister in charge of agriculture.  The Vice Prime Minister is one of the Standing Committee members of the Political Bureau and knows Sun Zesheng.  Upon learning that Sun Zesheng had made such a big noise again, the Vice Prime Minister immediately instructed the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct an assessment of the matter in all aspects and to prepare an emergency plan.  Be prepared to deal with acute cases that may occur at any time.  A few days later, an appraisal team composed of academicians, together with Sun Zesheng, Jiang Guopeng, the Minister of Agriculture and others, set off for Jinan City to conduct on-site appraisal of the Cordyceps sinensis produced by Sun Zesheng.  To be continued.  If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (.Vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. 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