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Text Chapter 454 Promise not to happen again

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    Chapter 454 Promise not to happen again Please subscribe and vote monthly.  Thanks.  The county party committee compound in Linjing County is very splendid, but this is one of the top 100 counties in the country, and there is still some money in the county. For local leaders who are used to losing face in heavy rainy days, building a luxurious office building is nothing.  A rare thing.  Sun Zesheng followed the county party committee secretary, county magistrate and others to the conference room of the office building. After sitting down, the county party committee secretary couldn't wait to express his concerns.  "Mr. Sun, the fully automatic production line is good, but it cannot provide jobs, or it provides too few jobs. It not only threatens the majority of manual workers, but also many small business owners.  Serious impact. If the fully automatic production line is fully rolled out in Linjing County, the impact on the county's labor market will be disruptive and catastrophic. " "Yes, Mr. Sun, we can't put stability above all else.  In order to pursue industrial upgrading, regardless of the life and death of the people, there are some things that need to be carefully considered," the county magistrate continued.  A few years ago, GDP-only theory was prevalent in the officialdom. As long as it could promote local economic development, someone would do it even if it meant stripping away ancestral graves.  But it doesn't work anymore. The quality of the local economy is no longer the only indicator for official promotion. More importantly, the self-awareness of the people is constantly awakening. More and more mass incidents are happening constantly. These have also become officials'  An important reason for its rapid collapse.  Being able to serve as county party committee secretaries and county magistrates, as well as the first and second leaders in the top 100 counties in the country, they naturally cherish their official positions. They do not want to cause mass rallies and demonstrations because of industrial upgrading, and bring down the whole country.  The stable situation in the county has been destroyed. When the time comes, you will lose your official title and power, and you will have nothing to do.  Sun Zesheng smiled faintly. It was the first time he proposed using fully automatic production lines to replace many workers in labor-intensive industries. At that time, Deng Zhujun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Southern Guangdong Province, seemed a little hesitant. At that time, Sun Zesheng might not have considered it.  For deeper reasons, it has been so long now that he has thought about this issue more than once, and even used Tianjixing 3000 to build countless mathematical models to deduce the limit of society's tolerance.  Sun Zesheng is very clear about the adverse consequences of fully automatic production lines, and he has already thought of some countermeasures.  "Both of you, when we were at Linjing Toys just now, I already said that we should actively support small business owners to start their own businesses again. They can join forces to buy fully automatic production lines, and those who have the strength can buy them individually.  And if you have that talent, you can also turn to the product design industry. Of course, these measures cannot place too many employed people. If you want Linjing County¡¯s wealthy labor force to have something to do, you need to create more jobs that need people.  In this regard, it is a good choice to vigorously develop the tertiary industry, such as opening restaurants, snack streets, tourism, etc. In addition, Linjing County can also develop some other industries, such as environmental management and sanitation.  Cleaning, etc., if these are done well, it can prevent too many laborers from losing their livelihood jobs due to the promotion of fully automatic production lines. "Sun Zesheng's talk did not leave the county party committee secretary and county magistrate hanging.  Feeling relieved, the two of them frowned at the same time, wondering to what extent the negative impact that Sun Zesheng said on the fully automated production line could be eliminated.  Sun Zesheng saw that the county party committee secretary and county magistrate could not make the final decision, so he decided to take drastic measures. He said: "Actually, if you are really worried about labor surplus, there is no solution. It is definitely necessary to prevent wind and sand fixation and control the desert in the northwest.  With a large number of manpower, if the desert can be managed well, there will be a lot of land to accommodate these wealthy laborers, and there will be no problem." The county party secretary smiled bitterly, "Mr. Sun, are you kidding me?  With good governance, our country will not invest so much manpower and material resources to do this every year, but it has never been able to achieve particularly good results." Sun Zesheng knew that talking about desert governance now felt somewhat empty talk, so he continued to go out.  Throwing strong medicine, "In addition to desert control, there is another place where a large amount of surplus labor can be solved." "What method?" the county magistrate asked quickly.  Sun Zesheng smiled, pointed to the sky, "Send it to the moon." The county magistrate smiled bitterly along with the county party secretary, "Mr. Sun, you are really getting better and better at joking." Sun Zesheng was too lazy to explain, so he waved it off.  Waving his hands, "There must be a road before the road, and no living person will die of urination. Linjing County's industrial upgrading is imperative. This is an irreversible historical trend. You two, why don't you worry about full automation here?"  The promotion of production lines on the front line may bring about the problem of labor affluence. It is better to worry that if the effect of the experiment is not good, what should be done?How should I explain it to the provincial party committee secretary?  " The county party secretary and the county magistrate looked at each other, neither of them knew what to say. Linjing County was selected as an experimental county. This is the responsibility of the provincial party secretary Guan Zhiqin. If they don't do well, Guan Zhiqin will definitely not treat them both.  If they leave a good impression, it will all be over. But if they really ask them to promote fully automatic production lines throughout the county, they still have many concerns. What will happen to the wealthy labor force?  Without talking to the county magistrate, he knew that his words could not persuade them, nor could they move the great god Guan Zhiqin out, nor could they let him lead them. For these two, Sun Zesheng felt somewhat confident.  Respect in my heart, these days, it is very rare to meet people who stick to principles. I didn¡¯t expect to meet two at once today. This is probably what people often say, birds of a feather flock together. Sun Zesheng knows.  If he uses all his official power, he will most likely be able to force the county party secretary and county magistrate to order the promotion of fully automatic production lines throughout the county. However, doing so is not in line with Sun Zesheng's long-term goals.  What Sun Zesheng wants to do is not just to promote fully automatic production lines in Linjing County. His goal is to have the largest market share nationwide. If he limits his goal to Linjing County, then he can.  Just for his own pleasure. If he wants to promote his fully automatic production line nationwide, then he must design an answer that satisfies all parties, including the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, the ministers of various ministries, and the provincial party committee secretaries.  , provincial governor, down to the local municipal party committee secretaries, mayors, county party committee secretaries, county magistrates, etc. The most important point of this plan is not to upgrade labor-intensive industries, but to once these.  When industries are upgraded, how should the excess labor be placed? For Sun Zesheng, this is not a problem, but for politicians, it is an issue that affects the whole body. If the people have no food to eat, they will scold their mothers.  It may even breed dissatisfaction and become a factor of social instability, and rebellion may even be possible. Sun Zesheng cleared his throat and said, "Well, let me give you an idea. In addition to the measures I just mentioned,  Linjing County can also launch some engineering projects that require a large number of manpower, and then recruit a large number of people to do the work.  After three to five years, when people have adapted to the changes brought about by fully automated production lines, and when the measures I just mentioned have been effective, people will naturally accept it.  " "What project can accommodate so many people?  Mr. Sun, these are not hundreds or thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.  Where can we carry out so many projects to accommodate them?  "The county party secretary's name was Qu Dao. Sun Zesheng smiled faintly and said, "There are many ways.  On the premise of not using large machinery, building roads, reservoirs, ditches, etc. can always accommodate a large number of people. For the rest, you can go to places where the surplus labor force is concentrated to cooperate with the local government.  In the name of the government, the local surplus labor force is invited back to build roads and other things in the local area. In this way, doesn't it solve the problem of too much surplus labor force?  In fact, living people will not suffocate their urine to death. Currently, there is a labor shortage across the country, and Linjing County is conducting a nationwide pilot project. Even the somewhat wealthy labor force will be diverted to other places, and they will easily be  digested by the market.  Before the pilot is extended to the whole province, or even the country, you can take advantage of this time difference to implement all the countermeasures I just mentioned. In this case, when the fully automatic production line is extended to other places and the labor force is abundant in large areas, go  Linjing County in front can accommodate more working people.  Linjing County has taken advantage of everything here, both inside and outside.  " The county party committee secretary was the first to react, "Yes, what Mr. Sun said makes sense. Why didn't I think of it?  " Sun Zesheng shook his head secretly. The county party secretary obviously did not hear what he just said. If it weren't for the principle of "disaster moving eastward" that he finally explained, maybe the county party secretary would still be worried. The county magistrate also  After reacting, he took advantage of the time gap and diverted the wealthy labor force to other places. This is a good way to solve the problem without spending a lot of money. "Mr. Sun, you are really quick in thinking and can do this in such a short time.  Explaining the truth so clearly really opened up a knot that was bothering us.  "The county magistrate said with emotion. The county party committee secretary and the county magistrate no longer had any worries, and their attitude towards Sun Zesheng immediately made a 180-degree turn, and began to fully support Sun Zesheng in promoting fully automatic production lines in Linjing County. " Fully automatic production line  There are many categories of production line design, such asFor toys, in addition to plush toys, metal toys, wooden toys, bamboo toys, plastic toys, etc. all require dedicated fully automatic production lines. It is not that there is no universal fully automatic toy production line, but  To build it, the cost is too high, and Sun Zesheng is not willing to spend money needlessly.  While waiting for more fully automatic production lines to arrive, Sun Zesheng began to travel around Linjing County, communicating face to face with famous and unknown local business owners to promote fully automatic production lines to them.  After seeing the magic of fully automatic production lines, it is difficult for local toy factory owners to refuse fully automatic production lines.  It¡¯s just that a fully automatic production line is too expensive, and not everyone can afford it because the one-time investment is too much.  Sun Zesheng has a way, and he has launched a variety of different solutions.  These plans were actually introduced after slightly changing what he said to Deng Zhujun, Guan Zhiqin and others.  Among these plans, the fully automatic production line is the core. Sun Zesheng agreed to use different methods to hand over the fully automatic production line to the owners of toys.  The owners of the toy factory can either rent or pay in installments, or cooperate with Sun Zesheng to operate the business. Of course, they can also purchase it with full capital.  As long as the owners choose a method and sign a contract with Sun Zesheng, they can use the fully automatic production line.  The conditions given by Sun Zesheng were still very generous. Many toy factory owners could not refuse the high productivity, high qualification rate, high accuracy and other indicators of the fully automatic production line. They began to place orders with Baolong Company through Sun Zesheng to purchase different grades of toys.  Fully automatic toy production line.  Labor-intensive industries not only refer to toy manufacturing, but also many other industries. Sun Zesheng has also launched different styles of fully automatic production lines based on the characteristics of these industries.  Considering that Baolong Company is too far away from Central Jiangsu Province and Southern Guangdong Province, transporting the production line here will in vain increase a lot of costs.  Therefore, after discussing with Song Jiayi, Rong Jingying, Xu Yunjin, Zhang Li and others, Sun Zesheng decided to let Baolong Company establish a branch factory in Central Jiangsu Province and Southern Guangdong Province.  Although the largest shareholder of Baolong Company has been replaced by Xu Yunjin, everyone in Baolong Company knows that this is a situation. Sun Zesheng is still the big boss, and his words should still be listened to.  Therefore, not long after Sun Zesheng¡¯s instructions were issued, Lin Weiguo, the general manager of Baolong Company, began to organize elite soldiers and generals to conduct actual inspections in Central Jiangsu Province, Southern Guangdong Province and other places.  After Sun Zesheng laid a good foundation in Linjing County of Zhongjiang Province, he did not stay in Zhongjiang Province for a long time. He first went to the provincial capital to meet Guan Zhiqin, and after talking with Guan Zhiqin, he took a plane and rushed to Southern Guangdong Province.  .  Sun Zesheng also has pilot projects in Southern Guangdong Province, but the pilots here are not focused on the upgrading of labor-intensive industries, but on another matter, which is the two issues of environmental pollution control and drinking water in coastal cities in Southern Guangdong Province.  Southern Guangdong Province is a coastal province and a well-known maritime province in the country. Moreover, the freshwater resources here are extremely rich. Water shortage seems to have nothing to do with Southern Guangdong Province.  But few people know that, like many inland cities in China, water shortage is also an eternal theme in some cities in southern Guangdong Province.  A typical example is the circle drawn by the chief architect thirty years ago in southern Guangdong Province to establish a special economic zone city. The permanent population there is as many as 14 to 5 million, and more than 70% of urban water needs to be sourced from outside the city.  Introduction.  The Special Economic Zone City is also deeply troubled by seawater erosion, because the groundwater is emptied, seawater pours back, penetrates into the groundwater layer, and pollutes the groundwater, which further causes the lack of fresh water resources in the Special Economic Zone City.  A few years ago, there was a scandal that shocked the whole country. Developers there used untreated sea sand instead of river sand to build houses.  The deeper reason is also due to the lack of fresh water resources, and the cost of processing sea sand is relatively expensive.  Sun Zesheng owns Qingshui Water Affairs. It is a very simple matter for him to desalinate seawater and convert it into drinking water. However, since the completion of Qingshui Water Affairs, he has not done a lot of business. There are only a few large orders, including two  from Israel, and the remaining one is from Donglu Province, where Qingshui Water is located.  Other than that, there are just some trivial orders.  None of the water-scarce coastal cities in southern Guangdong Province came to Qingshui Water to discuss business.  Sun Zesheng originally told Deng Zhujun that he wanted to link the control of environmental pollution in southern Guangdong Province with municipal water supply. There was a need to pave the way for clean water.  Deng Zhujun, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Southern Guangdong Province, could not have known Sun Zesheng's thoughts, but he could not accuse Sun Zesheng of anything.  In the competition with Guan Zhiqin, he was already one step behind and could no longer lag behind.  Therefore, Deng Zhujun readily invited Sun Zesheng to the Special Economic Zone City this time. ?Let alone in southern Guangdong Province, the Special Economic Zone City has a very special status even in the whole country.  Even if Deng Zhujun is the secretary of the provincial party committee, he cannot interfere too much in the specific work of the special zone city.  Therefore, after Deng Zhujun introduced Sun Zesheng to everyone in the special zone, he adopted a stand-by attitude. He planned to see if Sun Zesheng could open up the situation in the special zone city. If he could not, he would invite Sun Zesheng to other places to avoid making a fool of himself.  .  Sun Zesheng understood Deng Zhujun's thoughts, and he did not argue with Deng Zhujun. Instead, he took out a few photos. These were all photos he collected from the Internet. These photos all reflected the same thing, that is, the Special Economic Zone City  major environmental pollution incidents exposed in recent years.  Sun Zesheng handed these photos to Wang Liansheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Special Economic Zone City.  "Secretary Wang, look at these photos, do you have any opinions?" Wang Liansheng's face is very ugly. He doesn't want to slap people in the face. There are so many good sides in the Special Economic Zone City, but Sun Zesheng doesn't look at it, but only focuses on the bad sides in the Special Economic Zone City.  , this is too embarrassing.  If he hadn't been concerned about Sun Zesheng's identity, Wang Liansheng would have turned against him long ago.  "Mr. Sun, where can there be no small problems? We still have to look forward, despite our shortcomings." Wang Liansheng laughed.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Secretary Wang, don't get me wrong. I actually have no other intentions. I am not here to expose the scars of the Special Administrative Region City. I am actually here to help the Special Administrative Region City. If the Special Administrative Region City can hand over the municipal water supply of the Special Administrative Region City,  Give it to me and leave the environmental pollution control work to me. I guarantee that what happened in the photo will not happen again in the special zone city."
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