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Text Chapter 455 Don¡¯t waste

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    Chapter 455: Don¡¯t waste Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Deng Zhujun was worried that Wang Liansheng would cause a stalemate in the relationship between him and Sun Zesheng, so he quickly smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Sun, please don't be too close to me. The Special Economic Zone is the forefront of our country's reform and opening up. Whatever you do, you have to cross the river by feeling the stones."  , it is inevitable that various problems will arise, but it is undeniable that the Special Administrative Region City has made a huge contribution to our country's reform and opening up, and this contribution is continuing. I personally support Comrade Lian Sheng's work.  Of course, Comrade Lian Sheng, I also hope that you can calm down and have a good talk with Mr. Sun. Our goals are the same, and we are all aiming to make the special zone city better. " Wang Liansheng actually doesn't want him.  The relationship with Sun Zesheng was tense. The top leader of the Special Economic Zone City has always been at the forefront of the national reform and opening up. To be able to take up such a position, Wang Liansheng usually made some preparations.  He had conducted private investigations on Sun Zesheng more than once, a young entrepreneur who already enjoyed a certain degree of popularity around the world.  During the investigation, Wang Liansheng found that Sun Zesheng basically had no political ambitions and was far more interested in money than in power.  Such a person has no direct conflict of interest with him.  If possible, he still hopes to have a good relationship with Sun Zesheng, of course, provided that Sun Zesheng cannot do anything that threatens his vital interests.  For example, now, if Sun Zesheng plans to use the environmental pollution problems that have occurred in the special zone city in recent days to blackmail him, even if he does not fall out with Sun Zesheng, he will put Sun Zesheng on the unpopular list.  Even though Sun Zesheng "climbed" to the top of Jin's father, even if Jin's father wanted to replace him, it would not be an easy task. Moreover, Sun Zesheng was just a young man with basically no foundation in the political arena.  "Mr. Sun, if you are here to help our special zone city find and solve problems, the 15 million citizens of our special zone city will welcome you very much. If you just find problems, our citizens will also be grateful.  You." Wang Liansheng said half of his words. We are all smart people. Even if he didn't finish his words, I believe Sun Zesheng knew exactly what he meant.  Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Secretary Wang, I have made it very clear just now. I hope that the SAR City can package the municipal water supply system and pollution control work and hand them over to me for market-oriented operations. To be clear, the SAR City  I don't need a penny of subsidies from Nanyue Province and the Special Administrative Region City for the city's pollution control work. I will use the profits accumulated from the municipal water supply to pay for environmental pollution control. The pollution is caused by the Special Administrative Region City.  It is caused by the work and life of five million citizens. Everyone is obliged to contribute money to control environmental pollution, and no one can escape from the problem of collecting pollution control fees in this way. " Wang Liansheng.  Frowning, "You plan to get municipal water supply, but I don't know which one you want?" Sun Zesheng said: "Of course it's all. In other words, I hope to fully acquire the water company of the special zone city. From now on, all aspects of the special zone city will be covered.  All water, whether it is residential water, industrial water, commercial water, agricultural water, etc., is provided by us. " "Mr. Sun, do you know that the municipal committee and municipal government of the special zone have a big appetite.  How much has it cost and how much work has been done to ensure that residents have access to water in all aspects? Do you know how much the SAR municipal government has to subsidize the water company every year? Do you know how much fresh water resources we need to mobilize from other places every year?  If you want to receive the city's municipal water supply, do you also need to receive these?" Wang Liansheng asked.  Sun Zesheng smiled faintly, "Secretary Wang, if you are worried about this, I can make you a promise. If you are willing to hand over the municipal water supply to me, I promise that within three years, the price of water from the water company will not increase.  After the year, if the price needs to be increased, a citizen hearing can be held. If the citizen hearing thinks it is necessary, then increase it. If it is not necessary, then it will not be increased. In addition, we can also increase the subsidies provided by the special zone city to the water company.  No money is needed. Our only request is that the water supply company can continue to be treated as a public welfare unit. What policies the water supply company enjoys can be maintained. Of course, there will be no need for subsidies. " "No subsidies, no.  If you raise prices and deal with the city's environmental pollution problem, will you still make money?" Wang Liansheng was confused, what is Sun Zesheng doing?  Could it be that he went to the special zone city to act as a thunder feng?  Or do you think Wang Liansheng has a bright political future and have come here specifically to invest in him?  "If Secretary Wang doesn't believe it, we can sign a contract. I am willing to put up 100 million yuan as collateral. If I violate the contract, the deposit can be confiscated. If I do, the SAR City will return the money to me in three years and give me  I will make appropriate compensation."Zesheng said proactively.  ¡°Now, let alone Wang Liansheng, even Deng Zhujun found it a bit incredible.  Although one hundred million is definitely nothing to Sun Zesheng, one hundred million is definitely not a small number. Even in a special economic zone city where the city's GDP exceeds one trillion every year, it is not something that can be ignored casually.  billion.  Does Sun Zesheng really have confidence?  "Mr. Sun, let's see, I can't give you an answer right away. I need to convene the city's standing committee members and the heads of relevant departments to hold a special seminar, and also invite experts and scholars to conduct relevant academic arguments. If you propose  If the plan is feasible, we will contact you again. In addition, if it is convenient for Mr. Sun, you can introduce some projects at our seminars, which may help answer your questions," Wang Liansheng said.  Sun Zesheng thought for a while and said: "I guess it will be difficult for me to find time to make a special report to the Standing Committee meeting of the Special Economic Zone City. Instead, I will let Zheng Kunming, the chairman of my subsidiary Qingshui Water, give a special introduction to you."  "Okay." Wang Liansheng agreed readily this time.  Sun Zesheng stayed in the Special Economic Zone City for another two days. Wang Liansheng arranged for someone to accompany Sun Zesheng, and at Sun Zesheng's request, arranged for Sun Zesheng to visit some places. This gave Sun Zesheng a clearer understanding of the current situation in the Special Economic Zone City.  know.  Just when Sun Zesheng was about to fly back to Yanjing, American George?  After Smith called him and learned that he was in D.C., George?  Smith was very happy and said that he was also in the SAR city and wanted to come over to see Sun Zesheng.  Sun Zesheng told George where he lived?  Smith, in about an hour, George?  Smith came to the door.  "Dear Sun, can we take action now?" George?  When Smith saw Sun Zesheng, his eyes lit up.  "Do it? Why do you do it?" Sun Zesheng asked confused.  George?  Smith showed a flattering smile, "Dear Sun, aren't you so forgetful? Didn't you promise me that when the conditions are ripe, you will cooperate with me to open an overseas subsidiary of Future Light Company outside China?  Is that true? I have visited the agricultural planting base in Jinan City more than once. I heard Mr. Zou Jiashun say that the agricultural planting base will definitely have a good harvest this year, with an output of more than 2,000 kilograms per mu. There will definitely be no problems with so many raw materials in the future.  Zhiguang Company will definitely not be able to use it up. The excess can be made into ointments, which can then be exported abroad, repackaged locally, and then sold locally. " Sun Zesheng shook his head, "Mr. Smith, are you too anxious?  Didn¡¯t you say you want to help me get FDA certification from the US Food and Drug Administration? How can I enter the US market and the European market without FDA certification? " George?  Smith smiled sarcastically, "It's not that the US Food and Drug Administration's stubborn bunch are unwilling to bend at all and will not issue FDA certification until after the prescribed deadline. But it doesn't matter if there is no FDA certification. Your country's  Didn¡¯t the Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Health issue production licenses and national drug approvals for Future Light¡¯s products? With these, we can definitely enter some overseas markets with less stringent requirements. I can even think of some.  The method is to smuggle some of the products into the United States and sell them secretly. Maybe they can be sold at a high price. " Sun Zesheng stared at George with his eyes widened.  Smith, "Don't you always claim that you are a good, law-abiding citizen?" George?  Smith chuckled and said, "Profit, this is all caused by profit. Dear Sun, can you tell me whether my proposal is suitable? You must consider my proposal carefully. You spent so much money to come up with it."  We have arrived at the agricultural planting base. Every medicinal plant grown there is more valuable than gold, so don¡¯t waste it.¡± Sun Zesheng frowned, ¡°Your proposal is a bit too hasty. I can¡¯t give you a direct answer.  , Well, I'm going back to Yanjing. You can go with me. Then, you can talk to Wuhan Yang first. If Wuhan Yang thinks your suggestion is feasible, I will sort out the entire project.  No problem, let¡¯s do it.¡± George?  Smith clapped his hands and said, "Okay, with your words, I feel relieved. Dear Sun, we are really worthy of the friendship of eating dumplings made by the same mother." Sun Zesheng rolled his eyes, "You are in our house  I just had a meal of dumplings made by my mother. Don¡¯t bring this up all the time. Are you annoyed?¡± After saying hello to Deng Zhujun and Wang Liansheng, Sun Zesheng and George?  Smith took the same plane back to Yanjing.  George?  Smith went to Wuhan Yang to discuss in detail the establishment of Future Light overseas subsidiaries overseas.The possibility of a company.  Sun Zesheng returned directly to the Light of the Future Park and his villa. Sun Zesheng turned on the video conferencing system and contacted Ling Feilu in Africa.  Ling Feilu reported to Sun Zesheng with a smile on the performance of the New Space Company shareholders and representatives of the General Equipment Department at the No. 2 Satellite Launch Site in South Sudan.  The shareholders of the New Space Company all went for a spin in the space, and they were all extremely excited. Some were so scared that their hands and feet went limp, while others screamed and screamed with joy.  But regardless of their reaction, none of them objects to the introduction of helium balloons into space tourism.  They also have certain expectations for the profit prospects of New Starry Sky Company, but they are not without doubts.  Strictly speaking, space tourism is not a new thing.  The Russian Space Agency was the first to make a fuss about space tourism, and has sent several billionaires into space, and even sent billionaires to the International Space Station.  In addition, there are some specially designed aircraft that are also engaged in space tourism projects. Such aircraft can send people to the upper atmosphere, or make some special flight trajectories, allowing people to briefly experience the state of weightlessness.  In addition, the idea of ??using helium balloons to send tourists into space is not Sun Zesheng¡¯s initiative. Americans are also in the lead.  Whether this project can make money, whether there are competitors around the world, and whether profits can be guaranteed, these issues are put aside. There is one issue that cannot be ignored. New Space Company spent such a huge price of 267 billion Chinese coins.  They are engaged in space tourism and dream city.  Can such a project support a huge dream city?  After listening to what Ling Feilu relayed from the shareholders, Sun Zesheng did not give an answer. Instead, he asked Ling Feilu to continue talking about the reaction of the representatives of the General Armament Department at the No. 2 Satellite Launch Site.  Ling Feilu put on a smile and said, "Boss, have we really made a fortune this time? The General Armament Department has decided to purchase dozens of types of equipment, including unmanned armed helicopters, with a total purchase amount of at least 2 billion.  Huaxia currency. Sure enough, the arms business is the most profitable. If you don't ask the boss to take out some overly sensitive equipment, otherwise, if you show them, their purchase amount can be doubled.  "egret, remember, we don't expect these things to make money, do you understand? Your first priority in Africa is to protect the safety of the No. 1 and No. 2 satellite launch sites. Don't let anyone steal the satellite launches."  The confidentiality of the field must not put the safety of our people¡¯s lives and property at risk,¡± Sun Zesheng said.  Ling Feilu quickly suppressed the smile on his face, "I understand, boss." Sun Zesheng said: "You say hello to Cullen for me and let him act according to the original plan. Also, escort the shareholders of New Space Company,  When the representatives of the General Armament Department go to the No. 1 Satellite Launch Site, you personally lead the team and escort them to ensure that there are no accidents on the way. Recently, it seems that there is no peace over there in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "Sun Zesheng just held a meeting with Ling Feilu.  After the video conference, before he had time to rest, his phone rang. As soon as he looked at the phone number, Sun Zesheng stood up quickly, cleared his throat, and then pressed the answer button.  "Hello, madam, I'm Sun Zesheng." The soft voice of Jin Yuanyuan's mother came from the other end of the phone, "Xiao Sun, don't call me madam in the future. You and Yuanyuan have received your marriage certificate, and you two are already legally married.  , I will follow Yuanyuan and call me mom." "Well, I'll overstep my bounds and call you mom from now on." Sun Zesheng followed suit.  Jin's mother said: "I heard from Yuanyuan that you have always wanted to meet with me to talk about Yuanyuan's work arrangements after her further studies. I really want to meet with you, but I am very busy with work and it is difficult to find time to meet.  You. I happen to have time now, let¡¯s talk on the phone, okay?¡± Can Sun Zesheng say ¡°no¡±?  He smiled and said: "Mom, actually I think so. Yuanyuan is excellent in all aspects. Excellent talents should be placed in the most suitable place for her to shine, instead of artificially placing them in one place."  It's not suitable for her. It's like a nut. If the screw doesn't match, it won't work if it is tightened. On the contrary, it may cause safety hazards. "Jin Mu asked: "Is it Yuanyuan?  "What did I tell you?" "That's right, Yuanyuan said that the chief wants her to be a military representative in a certain military agency. Mom, doesn't this put Yuanyuan in an inappropriate place? I personally think there is no need for the chief to do so.  To avoid suspicion, he deliberately wronged Yuanyuan. As the ancients said, the leader should not avoid relatives when he is promoted. I admire him for his integrity, but it is not necessary for people to use this method to guide the social atmosphere or express their innocence.  It is self-interested. If the chief does this, he may be able to?? can inspire some people, but the power of this kind of inspiration is time-limited. Once the time limit passes, people's private desires will resurface. At that time, Yuanyuan will only be her military representative, and others will still have to do it.  His own children seek personal gain.  Could it be that the chief has a second child and should he be set as a benchmark?  "Sun Zesheng said. "You child, Yuanyuan's father and I only have one child, Yuanyuan, where is there a second child?  "Mother Jin laughed dumbly and said. "Mom, since you only have one child, you should love Yuanyuan even more.  If Yuanyuan can't be cultivated, forget it.  Since Yuanyuan is capable, there is no need to submit to her.  I think the chief also hopes that someone can inherit his career, right?  If Yuanyuan is just a military representative, how can she inherit the leader's career?  " Sun Zesheng continued to understand with reason and emotion. Jin's mother said: "Don't you still have me?  " Sun Zesheng said hurriedly: "My interest is in doing business, and I have no idea about official career.  Yuanyuan is more suitable than me to inherit the chief's career.  Mom, let me put it bluntly, it is of no use for a leader to be upright and upright alone. Look at the old leaders of the founding generation, how many of their descendants are active in politics and the military.  All the old politicians do this, why should the chief wrong Yuanyuan?  " Jin's mother smiled and said, "You kid, you really dare to say anything.  Well, I will convey your idea to Yuanyuan's father.  Xiao Sun, since you dare to speak up for Yuanyuan, you must be mentally prepared to state your reasons to Yuanyuan's father and wait for my call.  "
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