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Text Chapter 453 Upgrade

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    Chapter 453 Upgrade Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket.  Thanks.  Ling Feilu stood in front of the huge hot air balloon, just like an ant standing in front of an elephant. If the representatives were not human beings like him, they would probably ignore him.  "Everyone, this is the first-generation space travel spacecraft prepared by our boss for the New Space Company, the Starry Sky-1 helium balloon. The entire balloon's carrier is made of a new type of material, and it is densely covered with sensors to monitor it closely.  , which can ensure the airtightness and safety of Starry Sky One to the greatest extent, and at the same time provide sufficient buoyancy force for the entire spacecraft. You can see the capsule shape with multiple windows hanging below the helium balloon.  Is there a cabin? This is the manned cabin of Starry Sky 1. It can accommodate three to five adults at a time, and it can carry a certain amount of equipment, food, drinking water, etc. for space flight.  Standing above the clouds and looking down at the earth, it can stay in the air for up to an hour. In addition, Starry Sky 1 is also equipped with thrusters that can stay above the atmosphere where the air is relatively thin.  It can also provide movement in multiple dimensions. " Ling Feilu introduced Starry Sky One in detail according to the information Sun Zesheng gave him in advance.  The first time he saw this guy, he was also very shocked. He had never seen a hot air balloon before, and he had also ridden in one, but a helium balloon that was so large had a huge impact on him.  .  In particular, as one of the first experiments on Starry Sky One, he experienced it personally. The feeling of flying into space on Starry Sky One was so exciting, shocking, and exciting.  "Maybe you don't believe that Starry Sky 1 can take us into space. It doesn't matter. We have used Starry Sky 1 to conduct many manned experiments in advance. We took videos each time. Now, I will show the video to  Everyone, watch." A box truck parked next to the crowd opened its back compartment, which contained corresponding projection equipment. It took more than ten minutes to complete the screening of the best parts of the previous manned experiments.  After watching this video, if there were still doubts just now, everyone¡¯s doubts are gone now.  Ling Feilu clapped his hands.  Said: "Dear representatives, the boss said that what I heard from others is always less impressive than experiencing it myself. Therefore, the boss decided to provide each representative with a free opportunity to travel in space. If you want to try it,  Please come to me to sign up. I will arrange for everyone to fly to the sky and feel the atmosphere of space. " Just when the shareholders of the New Space Company and the representatives of the General Armament Department arrived in South Sudan, Sun Zesheng left Yanjing again.  Baolong Company started manufacturing a fully automatic production line according to the drawings he provided. The first one has been manufactured and successfully shipped to Sino-Soviet Province. The entire production line has been assembled and debugged.  Ready to use at any time.  Guan Zhiqin, Secretary of the Sino-Soviet Provincial Party Committee, took this matter very seriously and invited Sun Zesheng to attend the start-up ceremony of the fully automatic production line.  Sun Zesheng agreed without thinking too much.  Sun Zesheng¡¯s emphasis on the commissioning of fully automatic production lines is no less important than Guan Zhiqin¡¯s.  From a technical point of view, this can be said to be a major technological upgrade for labor-intensive industries including Sino-Soviet Province. Whether it succeeds or not is related to how big a piece of cake Sun Zesheng can get in this field in the future.  From an economic point of view, this matter is related to commercial interests.  It is related to Sun Zesheng's ability to lead the major upgrade of labor-intensive industries.  From a political point of view, whether this matter can be successful or not is related to the political achievements of Guan Zhiqin, Deng Zhujun and others. If I can give them a push at the critical moment in their career advancement, then I can help them in times of need.  Efficacy, for strengthening their future relationship.  A great help.  The plane arrived at the airport in Sino-Soviet Province smoothly. To Sun Zesheng's surprise, Guan Zhiqin came to pick him up in person, which was a bit of a super-standard reception.  Sun Zesheng and Guan Zhiqin exchanged a few words.  I expressed my gratitude to Guan Zhiqin for coming to pick him up at the airport.  Guan Zhiqin chuckled and said, "Mr. Sun, you have to look at each other with admiration after three days of separation. It has only been so long since we were separated last time, but you have already made so many moves, including starting a space company in Jinan City.  It¡¯s about building a dream city again. The arms are so big that it¡¯s jaw-dropping. When I met with Secretary Lang, I just heard this big brother bragging in front of me.¡± Sun Zesheng smiled lightly, ¡°It¡¯s just a few small projects.  It's really rude to offend Secretary Guan." Guan Zhiqin shook his head secretly. A project with a total investment of 267 billion yuan was actually used by Sun Zesheng.It's a small project. He really wants to ask what is a big project?  "Mr. Sun, if you think this project is still small, then if there is an opportunity in the future, please place more similar small projects in our Zhongjiang Province. The more such small projects are settled in our Zhongjiang Province, the better.  ." Guan Zhiqin laughed.  Sun Zesheng glanced at Guan Zhiqin, "Secretary Guan, the New Space Company and Dream City are just one-time investments, and their role in promoting the entire industry is relatively small. If our experiment in Sino-Soviet Province can succeed, then the promotion will  It is a major industrial upgrading of the whole province and even the whole country. The significance of the two cannot be compared. You are doing big things. If you really just want to introduce a few similar small projects, I have no intention of investing in Zhongsu Province.  Such a lot of energy." Guan Zhiqin chuckled, "Mr. Sun, when it comes to economic construction, it's not good to focus on the big ones and let go of the small ones. Of course, you have to catch the big ones and not let go of the small ones.  First and foremost, we must grasp the main contradiction. If we can't have both, I will take the bear's paw. " Sun Zesheng said: "I will examine the investment environment in Sino-Soviet Province in detail. If it is suitable for my investment, I will.  We will gradually increase investment in the future, but for now, let¡¯s make my first project in Zhongsu Province a success. I believe that if this project is successful, it will be beneficial to all of us.¡± Guan Zhiqin is the host.  , invited Sun Zesheng to have a meal at the guest house of the Provincial Party Committee, and then sent his secretary to Sun Zesheng, asking the secretary to accompany Sun Zesheng to Linjing County where the fully automatic production line was settled.  Guan Zhiqin really wanted to go there in person, but if he went, the noise would be too great, and it would probably give a wrong signal to the officials below, who were trying to do what they wanted.  He may make a ridiculous and unrealistic move, leaving him unable to make a clear judgment.  ¡° If he just sends his secretary there, on the one hand, it will show that he attaches great importance to Sun Zesheng, and it can ensure that the people below will not neglect Sun Zesheng. On the other hand, it can also prevent the officials below from making wrong judgments.  Linjing County is not far from the capital of Zhongsu Province, and it only takes about an hour to drive there.  When Sun Zesheng decided to launch a pilot project in Linjing County.  I once discussed with Guan Zhiqin that he proposed multiple plans for Guan Zhiqin to choose from, but Guan Zhiqin had no choice. Instead, he let Sun Zesheng figure it out on his own. In official terms, everything was left to the market.  Sun Zesheng is very optimistic about the prospects of fully automatic production lines.  Against all odds, he decided to operate the first production line in Linjing County on a self-operated basis, without sharing the space with others, bringing in partners, or transferring it to others.  Doing so is not without risks.  On the one hand, not everyone can know the direction of historical development as accurately as Sun Zesheng.  It is difficult to say clearly how well the market will accept fully automated production lines.  On the other hand, there is the human factor.  One consequence of the emergence of fully automatic production lines is that people's jobs are taken away by machines. In other words, after the fully automatic production lines are put into use, many people will lose their job opportunities.  If these people take drastic measures and ask for job opportunities.  Things will get very troublesome.  However, none of these can stop Sun Zesheng¡¯s determination to promote fully automatic production lines.  If industry wants to make progress, it must go through many pains. This is the general trend of history. No one can stop it, not even Sun Zesheng.  Arrive at Linjing County.  Five teams in Linjing County are waiting for Guan Zhiqin's secretary and Sun Zesheng and his party.  Guan Zhiqin¡¯s secretary did not stay long. He just told the Linjing County Party Committee Secretary that Sun Zesheng was a guest that the Provincial Party Committee Secretary valued very much, and asked Linjing County to receive him well, then he left Linjing County.  The level of the county party committee secretary, county magistrate and others in Linjing County is too low.  They don't know about Sun Zesheng and Jin Yuanyuan's upcoming marriage, or even if they know, they don't know Jin Yuanyuan's background, but this does not delay their great affection for Sun Zesheng and their urge to get close.  Sun Zesheng is a big financier. This is certain. It is impossible for Linjing County not to investigate Sun Zesheng¡¯s background at all. Companies such as Future Light Park, Wood Harrier Seiko, Qingshui Water, New Space Company, etc. are all from Sun Zesheng  This made Linjing County dare not show any slight to Sun Zesheng.  Although Linjing County is very developed, no one would object to the heavy investment, right?  ??Also, Linjing County, like many counties in Sino-Soviet Province, is deeply troubled by industrial upgrading. Labor-intensive industries that account for an excessive proportion of GDP are already a heavy burden for Linjing County today.  Labor-intensive industries consume a lot of natural resources and occupy a lot of manpower, and many labor-intensive industries are large polluters, which has caused a lot of burden on Linjing County.  The rapid and inefficient consumption of natural resources has caused people toLabor shortages caused by resource shortages, insufficient factory operations caused by increased labor costs, and public dissatisfaction caused by pollution are all factors that make Linjing County leaders uneasy.  The emergence of Sun Zesheng gave them a glimmer of hope to solve these problems. If the fully automatic production line can succeed, this will definitely be an unexpected surprise for them.  Following Sun Zesheng¡¯s instructions, Future Light International Industrial Co., Ltd. has circled a piece of land in the industrial park in Linjing County and built a factory. The fully automatic production line is located in this factory.  This factory sounds very ordinary. It is called Linjing County High-tech Toy Factory. Linjing Toys was built. The factory covers an area of ??more than 20 acres. The number of workers in the whole factory is very small. Including the management personnel, they are only just a few years old.  Just twenty or thirty people.  The secretary of the Linjing County Party Committee and others, along with Sun Zesheng, cut the ribbon for the first production line of Linjing Toys. After hearing the news, many local small owners rushed over to see what this toy factory with a high-tech signboard was about.  Toy manufacturing is a very typical industry type among the labor-intensive industries in Linjing County.  Because of the special nature of toys, they are destined to require a lot of manpower.  Many of the small business owners who came over were in this industry, and they simply did not believe that just these 20 or 30 people could run such a large factory.  After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Sun Zesheng pressed the button of the fully automatic production line.  Then there was a huge roar in the factory.  A large amount of cloth, plush and other raw materials were seen entering the factory on the conveyor belt. About half an hour later, from the exit of the factory, one after another fully packaged plush toys were packed and shipped.  come out.  The small business owners all opened their eyes in disbelief.  They rushed forward, grabbed the toys and looked at them.  These toys are all dolls, and without exception they are all well-known Disney cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh, Pirate Captain Jack, etc.  Dolls have a well-known shortcoming. Because they are made of soft materials such as cloth and need to be sewn, most dolls are compared to cartoon characters in movies and TV series.  There will always be some differences, and the body size ratio is difficult to equate with the cartoon characters that children are familiar with.  But when these small owners picked up these dolls, they were surprised to find that no matter whether the size of the dolls was large or small, the body proportions, facial features and other aspects that left an intuitive impression on people were all the same without exception.  The cartoons on TV are exactly the same.  There are almost no handicaps.     too exaggerated.  How can this be?  Finished dolls and toys are still being delivered continuously from the output port, and porters come forward to take away these boxed toys.  The small owners stood unwillingly at the output port, verifying the doll toys produced by the fully automatic production line again and again.  Sun Zesheng looked at all this with a smile. If he didn't want to attract too much attention, even the porters would want to switch to industrial robots.  "Mr. Sun, this is amazing. It's really amazing." The county party secretary held Sun Zesheng's hand and said excitedly.  As a typical representative of labor-intensive industries, toy manufacturing has great difficulty in industrial upgrading. The county party committee secretary is very clear. He did not expect that Sun Zesheng would transform it so easily, and the transformation would be so successful.  "Mr. Sun, I wonder if dolls can be produced using a fully automatic production line. Is there any price advantage?" the county magistrate asked with concern.  Sun Zesheng said: "If you are worried about the cost, you don't have to. Yes, the price of a fully automatic production line is not cheap, the expensive one is hundreds of millions, and the cheap one is tens of millions. But the cost of the production line can be shared equally, you  I also saw that the quality of the dolls is high, and there is no problem in selling them at a better price. As long as the quantity is larger, there is no problem in recovering the cost. After the cost is recovered, it is time to make a profit in a day.  Production is carried out 24 hours a day. And because it is controlled by computers, the type, style, size, etc. of toys can be adjusted at any time according to the needs of the market. Unlike manual production, which must be trained. ¡± County Party Secretary and County Magistrate.  He nodded frequently, "What Mr. Sun said makes sense, but the cost of a fully automatic production line is still too high and is not suitable for large-scale promotion. Only strong business owners can afford it. Many of us in Linjing County make plush toys.  They are all family-owned factories, some are simply mom-and-pop shops, with just two people, and the most are only seven or eight, or more than a dozen people, earning only a penny of hard-earned money, allowing them to spend tens or even hundreds of millions.  It¡¯s simply impossible to build a fully automatic production line if you don¡¯t have the funds.¡± Sun Zesheng smiled and said, ¡°There is no way to solve this problem. The county magistrate also said just now that many of the existing family workshops earn hard money.  Tired and miserable and no money to make, this is not good.  We just need to upgrade their industries and conduct necessary integration.  Let those who have the strength to build fully automatic production lines, and those who have no strength to quit and turn to other things.  Just like doll manufacturing, not everything can be replaced by industrial robots. For example, if you are designing dolls, this must be done by humans.  There are also maintenance of fully automatic production lines, sales of dolls, etc. These are all things that industrial robots cannot replace.  People who quit can be asked to work in these directions.  In addition, if they are reluctant to leave this industry, they can also raise funds to open a factory and purchase low-end fully automatic production lines, which is also possible.  Of course, from a long-term perspective, the introduction of fully automatic production lines in the field of dolls will inevitably accelerate the integration of this industry. Fully automatic production lines have fast production speeds and strong market adaptability. One county cannot accommodate many similar factories.  " The county party committee secretary and the county magistrate looked at each other. They both thought of a question at the same time. If fully automatic production lines are promoted in Linjing County, wouldn't many small business owners go bankrupt? By then, Linjing County will be in chaos.  , What can they do to prevent these potential dangers from happening? Do they just rely on the ideas Sun Zesheng gave them? "Mr. Sun, do you have time? If so, I hope you can sit in the county party committee courtyard.  We have some questions to ask you.  Please take the time to go there.  "The county party secretary said extremely politely. Sun Zesheng smiled and said, "Okay, I was just going to bother you.  ¡± Thank you ¡°Ouyang Yanchu, Chen Yuhan¡± for voting monthly, thank you. (To be continued.)
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