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Side Story Chapter 607 - Negotiation Fog (1)

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    "This short and tragic conflict has caused countless tragedies. Too many poor and innocent people have lost their lives. Several cities have been turned into ruins. Commercial trade in various places has also been severely damaged. We hope to temporarily cease the war and limit the  The scope of future battles. This is just a conflict between our two organizations, and other people should not be dragged into it." Isabella Fairman stood in the corner of the room wearing her armor, watching quietly.  In the middle, Chairman Thomas Jefferson was talking eloquently. Sitting opposite him was a graceful white woman with impeccable clothing, appearance and demeanor. Even the black female assistant next to her looked capable and confident.  .  This is Denver, the capital of the Brotherhood of Steel. After a few days of silence on the battle front, the Armed Sisters and the Zenith Chamber of Commerce decided to sit down and talk, and the ones representing the Armed Sisters were actually two women, Pamela Randy and Chasi.  Harry, this makes it seem like the Armed Sisters are not sincere about negotiating.  Of course, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce is also not sincere. Both parties are just stalling for time.  And Isabella Fairman¡¯s mission this time is to protect Chairman Thomas Jefferson, a guy who was suddenly promoted. He was originally just a salesperson of the Chamber of Commerce, resident in the Brotherhood of Steel.  The whole thing feels weird, or pointless.  Isabella Fairman intuitively felt that Demer Logan must be hiding something key from her.  At this moment, Isabella Fairman felt a little regretful. She had stayed in the Zenith Chamber of Commerce for too long. Naturally, she believed that there could not be any organization in the world that was stronger than the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. This was why she was using outsiders to  After the Starman blaster rescued his daughter, the reason why he still chose to return to the Zenith Chamber of Commerce - so that even if she was punished, Na Mina could have a better life.  But what happened next took a dramatic turn. The Zenith Chamber of Commerce, which had dominated the wasteland for decades, encountered its strongest opponent since its founding. Even the use of extremely powerful alien blast guns could only restrain the opponent's attack.  Develop, not eliminate.  ¡°And what makes her most dissatisfied is that Mina is under house arrest. Now she doesn¡¯t even know where her daughter is?  If the Zenith Chamber of Commerce was still strong, Isabella Fairman wouldn't think there was anything wrong with this. But now that the Zenith Chamber of Commerce is in trouble, this kind of hijacking and backing people up is very annoying.  It would have been a better idea to hide with the alien blaster and wait for the outcome of the war between the two sides.  But it's too late to think about this now.  Isabella Fairman watched boredly as Mr. Thomas Jefferson kept talking about the peace of the wasteland, while Miss Pamela Randy opposite seemed to be listening attentively, only occasionally looking at  she.  The girl named Qiaxi was much more direct. Not only did she look at her, but she also smiled from time to time. The strangest thing was that she kept fiddling with her clothes, with the collar always facing her.  Boring meetings always come to an end. Isabella Fairman stood up and followed Thomas Jefferson back to his accommodation. In order to entertain the two powerful men of the wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel did their best to serve him.  With.  After returning to the room, Mr. Thomas Jefferson unexpectedly left Isabella Fairman behind, "Ms. Fairman, we are in big trouble!" "Huh?" Isabella Fairman was very surprised.  It was an accident.  "I just received an order from the headquarters. They actually asked me to delay the Armed Sisters for at least three months. Oh my God! Is this possible? I can see that, although Ms. Pamela Randy is doing it every day  She was listening carefully, but her eyes looked like she was watching a monkey play. The armed Sisters must be just to delay some time, but they may launch an attack at any time. " "Then declare the negotiation to be broken, and you will get nothing.  The position of chairman is the highest-ranking person in the organization," Isabella Fairman said with a smile.  "No, you don't understand. His Excellency the General Secretary has given an order. If I fail to complete the task, they will kill me." People who are pushed into a hurry may actually do it!  Isabella Fairman sympathized with Mr. Jefferson, but she just shook her head and said, "I can't help you." "No, you can, and only you can help me. This is also helping you.  Himself." Mr. Thomas Jefferson even stepped forward and grabbed Isabella Fairman's armor.  "What do you want to do?" "Maybe we can defect to the Armed Sisters." Mr. Jefferson spoke calmly, obviously thinking about it for a long time.  "Oh, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce has never had a record of a chairman defecting. Is this going to be broken? But I can't help you. My daughter is still within the Chamber of Commerce." "But I know where your daughter is!  As long as you promise to help me, you can also rescue me by the wayMy own daughter, with this weapon in your hand, the Armed Sisters will definitely welcome you!  " When Isabella Fairman heard the news, she immediately grabbed Thomas Jefferson's collar and shouted in a low voice: "You lied to me!  What do you want to do?  " "I, I didn't lie to you, let me go first, I really know where your daughter is!  "Thomas Jefferson's hands and feet were waving, and his face turned red. Isabella Fairman disagreed. She stared at Thomas Jefferson's face with doubts, and finally asked: "Where is my daughter?  where?  " "I saw it near the mountain military base with my own eyes. I can take you to find it.  "Thomas Jefferson began to tell how he accidentally encountered the motorcade escorting Mina Swift and saw Mina herself. "But after Isabella Fairman listened, she  He threw it to the ground and said: "I don't know what you want to do?  But you must be lying to me.  "After that, he left and returned to his room. In Pamela Landy's room, Qiaxi was taking out the memory card from the small camera on her collar, inserting it into the computer, and at the same time, along with the communications hovering in the sky  The drone transmitted the image just taken back to the No. 7 shelter thousands of miles away from Denver. Zhou Qingfeng and several other time-travelers watched the video, "This is the armor that fought us in darkness some time ago.  .  " "Are you sure it's this one?  Maybe the Zenith Chamber of Commerce also has several such armors.  "Mr. Alonso Guedi, who was brought in for analysis, asked. "If there are several, why don't they use them at the same time?  We have been struggling with the Zenith Chamber of Commerce in Reading City for more than a week, and they only show up with this abnormal armor. It takes four or five of us to suppress it.  "Zhou Qingfeng obviously does not agree with Mr. Gaidi's point of view. "It looks no different from the earliest T51-B prototype we imitated, especially the weapons she holds.  "Peter Pan also quickly came to a conclusion. "Yes, the key is the gun. It can change. I got close to her many times and tried to control the gun, but the gun actually deformed. Every time  Every time I was hit, I had nowhere to escape.  "Zhou Qingfeng hated himself to death when he said this. "When this armor first appeared, it seemed to be looking for Mina.  Afterwards, we questioned the staff in the underground bunker city one by one at the time, and roughly figured out the process of how this woman took Mina away.  When the other party raided the underground bunker city, we captured some people.  According to the interrogation, this woman's name is Isabella Fairman, a biochemical researcher at the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, and the super death claw was her idea.  "Mei Xiang gathered some simple information in her hand and gave a general briefing. "As a biochemical researcher, how could Mina's mother operate an armor and appear on the battlefield?  And who is operating this armor now?  "This is Milani's question. Zhou Qingfeng spread his hands and said: "I am also surprised that this armor will appear in the so-called armistice negotiations. I have ordered Pamela and Qiaxi to work hard to collect intelligence. If possible,  Better to get up close and personal.  " "Aren't you going to do something?  "Milannie didn't believe that Zhou Qingfeng was just watching from the sidelines, "The people who operate the armor can't stay in there all day long, they have to go out to eat and sleep.  " "Maybe they'll have a replacement.  "Mei Xiang said. "There is always time to change the shift. Even if it is only a few seconds, it is enough for us to rush in and destroy it. It would be best if we can snatch it.  Milani reached out and pinched Zhou Qingfeng, and asked: "You specially sent Pamela Randy there. Did you have this plan in advance?"  " Zhou Qingfeng laughed and said, "We sent Pamela there because we don't have specialized negotiators. I really didn't do it on purpose.  But when I found out that the other party had entered and sent out that perverted armor, I did make some arrangements.  Antonina Makarova was already on the road with her Einsatzgruppe, and Catherine and Jill followed.  As for me, it depends on the specific needs.  " While Zhou Qingfeng was talking to Milani, Alonso Geddy and Peter Pan had already completed a rough analysis of the video, but did not come to any conclusion. Alonso Geddy waved his robotic arm and said  : "I'm sorry, I can't say anything. This thing looks very ordinary. It's hard for me to believe that it would be so powerful on the battlefield. Even with the technology a hundred years later, I can't solve the problem.  Energy storage issues.  I have seen your battlefield videos, and I am also curious about where the energy for this thing comes from?  " "Thank you, Mr. Geddy, it's better for us to deal with this armor. After all, it's just one piece.  Let me think about it, how is the research on magnetic field cannon going?  " "Oh, it's going well.  Since our requirements are very low, many equipment and technical barriers have been simplified. Now we only need to obtainThe artificial gravity source on the Pioneer will do the trick.  " Zhou Qingfeng nodded in approval. At this moment, Qiaxi suddenly sent an urgent message, "That strange armor is trying to contact us!  "
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