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Side Story Chapter 608 - Negotiation Fog (2)

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    Demer Logan stood alone in front of the window of a dilapidated house, looking at the dead trees and grass outside. He was located on the outskirts of Denver. In order to trap and kill the 'Chosen One', he was on the front line.  He held a cigarette in his hand, which seemed to have been trafficked in large quantities by the Armed Sisters from the main time and space. Due to military conflicts, the price of such materials has skyrocketed.  After blowing out a smoke ring, Demer Logan pressed the remaining cigarette butt against the wall. Seeing his correspondent walking towards him, he asked: "How is our Mr. Jefferson doing?" "Thomas  "Mr. Jefferson said that he had informed Isabella Fairman of your instructions, but Ms. Fairman did not seem to trust him at all, but she did not report anything," the correspondent said.  "She is observing. This woman is not stupid. Her lovely and beautiful daughter is in our hands, and she will not move easily. But she must not know that we have secretly injected her with the controlled end, but  No orders have been given yet." Daimo Logan was a little complacent. He just needed to wait quietly and let everything happen naturally.  "But our people discovered some special circumstances." The correspondent continued.  "What's going on?" Daimer Logan doesn't want to see anything unexpected happen now.  "The two women from the Sisters of Arms seem to be buying people, all kinds of people. From the top of the Brotherhood of Steel to the lower-level staff, there are people who have also been bribed by us. They even asked Thomas.  Mr. Jefferson and his negotiating team members sent things, various in-demand goods, practical commodities, or simply handfuls of gold coins." Under Demer Logan's surprised eyes, the correspondent took out a small bag from his pocket.  , "Sir, you see, I just went to Mr. Jefferson's residence, and the people from the Armed Sisters handed me a money bag without any request. They just said that everyone should get to know each other." ** Naked Money  offensive!  Daimer Logan just took a cursory look at it and saw that the purse contained at least twenty gold coins, and then gave it to an errand boy who was completely unaware of his status. He quickly asked: "How much did they spend?" "I don't know.  The Armed Sisters even used a dozen light transport planes to transport things from their hometown in the northwest, and they did so openly and openly. Our people did a brief count. As of yesterday, there were more than 130 trucks.  The goods and coins were unloaded, and the total value is estimated to be tens of millions of gold coins." Daimo Logan couldn't close his mouth. He had thought about how the other party would respond to this peace negotiation, and he was prepared to use force or words.  , but I never expected that the other party would make such a move, and it would be so generous.  Ten million gold coins!  The Brotherhood of Steel only earns so much in a year, and this is just the beginning. The Armed Sisters are going to use money to knock people down!     what to do?  Demer Logan never thought for a moment what the specific purpose of the Armed Sisters was for doing this?  But when they did this, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce became very passive. He glared at his correspondent and asked sternly: "How much money did they give you? It's not just that." The correspondent who was like a follower was frightened.  , said in a panic: "There's half, there's half." "Did the other people who came with us also receive money?" "As long as they showed their faces in the negotiation meeting, they gave it away." "Thomas.  "Where's Jefferson?" "Yes, it was Miss Pamela Randy who went there in person, but I don't know what it was." Demer Logan wanted to order his men to hand over all the money they took.  , but in the end he could only close his eyes in pain and say: "You go down." My subordinates are all engaged in trade work outside all year round, and they are quick-minded. Their loyalty is maintained by money and power, so I insist that they hand it over.  , it is estimated that my plan will be ruined soon.     damn it!  Daimer Logan punched the wall in anger, but thinking about the generosity of 10 million gold coins, if it were him, would he defect?  He couldn't help but feel a trace of hesitation in his heart.  This method of throwing money at people is really hard to guard against!  In another residence in Denver, Antonina Makarova's people were busy nervously. In addition to the members of the special operations team she personally trained, even Meng Hui threw out the newly formed secret police.  The quartet girls Mei Lan Zhu Ju are responsible for radio reconnaissance and monitoring work.  Except for the members of the Supervision Headquarters in Mei Xiang¡¯s hands, these are almost all the intelligence personnel that the Armed Sisters can send.  "Ms. Makarova, the other party's residence is completely under our surveillance."?.  "An indigenous surveillance officer walked into the temporary office and reported. Makarova put down a stack of long-distance surveillance photos, got up and walked to a room next door, where different images were displayed on more than a dozen monitors.  Thanks to large-scale bribery, the service personnel responsible for taking care of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce's diplomatic mission were blinded by yellow-orange gold coins. The rooms of Mr. Thomas Jefferson and his men were all installed with bugs and cameras.  Even several secret policemen were turned into servants and ran under their noses. ¡°Is there any radio communication?  "Antonina Makarova asked. "No, they don't seem to be equipped with radio stations at all, and all information transmission relies on manual labor.  "    "snort!  Antonina Makarova chuckled, "This is definitely not a real negotiator, there is someone behind the scenes."  Send people to keep a lookout, and if necessary, let the special operations team arrest people directly. We are not subject to any restrictions now, just to defeat our opponents.  " "Miss Pamela Randy just sent a message, saying that someone left a note for her and asked her to make radio contact in half an hour.  " "Radio contact?  " "Yes, there is a frequency point written on the note.  The note was wrapped in a stone and thrown into Miss Pamela Randy's room. She said she didn't know who threw it.  " "Monitor this frequency.  At the same time, keep in touch with Pamela Randy.  "    "yes.  " Half an hour later, Pamela Randy and Antonina Makarova, who were waiting in front of the radio station, heard a slight cough, and a woman's voice came from the radio station. "Hello!  Is anyone listening?  "Isabella Fairman turned on the radio station in her armor and tried to contact the Armed Sisters. The response was much faster than she expected. As soon as she finished speaking, she heard another female voice coming over  , "I am Pamela Randy, the negotiator of the Armed Sisters. I don't know who you are?"  ¡± ¡°I am Isabella Fairman, the mother of Mina Swift.  "    "Hello!  Ms. Fairman, are you in Denver?  " "Yes, you can see me during the negotiation meeting.  " "That special armor?  "    "Yes.  " "Oh, it is said that you have caused us a lot of trouble.  There was even a hint of resentment in Pamela Randy's tone. All her wealth is in the Armed Sisters. "This is not a trouble, but my normal reaction."  Okay, I'm taking the risk to contact you, not to argue with you. I want to contact a man named Victor Hugo. He is the owner of my daughter. That damn guy actually used a slave injection on my daughter.  gun.  I really want to curse him to hell!  " Pamela Randy and Chasi Harry in front of the radio station both rolled their eyes. They did not expect that this mother would hate Mr. Hugo so much. Pamela Randy said: "Mr. Hugo would not  Just contact anyone, can you explain what you have?  " "Now the Zenith Chamber of Commerce's front line is basically supported by me, and my daughter has become a hostage and is controlled by the Zenith Chamber of Commerce.  As long as you can help me rescue my daughter and give her to me, I can withdraw from this damn military conflict and let you two decide the winner before joining the winner.  " Pamela Randy couldn't help but cover the microphone and said to Qiaxi next to her: "This woman has really good ideas!  " Qiaxi shrugged his shoulders and signaled Randy to reply quickly. "Is this all you have to ask for?  "Pamela Randy said. "Yes, I just want to be with my daughter. You can fight however you want. I don't want to participate in this war.  " "Well, I can relay your request. I believe Mr. Hugo will reply to you soon.  "After Pamela Randy said this, she heard the other party hang up the phone. She picked up another topic next to her and said, "Ms. Makarova, did you hear the conversation just now?  " "I heard it, keep in touch with this woman, I will report the situation here to Mr. Hugo immediately.  " A few minutes later, the news reached Zhou Qingfeng urgently. Although the news was surprising, it also saved a lot of trouble. "She actually took the initiative to contact us and wanted to tell me directly.  It seems like her life there is not easy!  "Zhou Qingfeng passed the message copied in his hand to others around him. After reading it, Milani asked: "Since she now knows that Mina is under your control, why doesn't she join us?  " "She doesn't understand me, she probably thinks that I coerced Mina, otherwise she wouldn't hate me so much in her words.  Moreover, the slave injection gun is also manufactured by the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. Maybe they have the technology to crack it.?'s.  To be honest, this makes me very worried. If the Zenith Chamber of Commerce has a way to deprive me of my control over you, it will be a big trouble.  " "So you're going to Denver?  But this could also be a trap.  "Mei Xiang, who was attending the meeting together, said. "The trap is also going to go. What I'm interested in is not actually whether Isabella Fairman lied to me. I want to confirm whether that perverted armor is in Denver?  It would also be a good thing if Ms. Isabella Fairman could really withdraw.  Also, transport planes should be mobilized immediately to replenish the wandering Xue Su with personnel and supplies, and let her lead the army troops to attack the underground bunker city again. This way we can also find out where the armor is? As for the underground bunker city, we don¡¯t want that place.  Now, use poison gas to destroy it.  "
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