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Side Story Chapter 606 - Counterattack (3)

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    "We should continue to attack, force the opponent to retreat, suppress their living space, and finally kill them in a decisive battle." Isabella Fairman punched the table, and the attendants who were responsible for serving tea and water were frightened.  Jump, the fighting in the past few days has made this usually gentle woman become fierce.  "Our logistics can't keep up." Compared to the students who turned into hawks, Dr. Kurt Connors, the teacher, leaned back in his chair, as if he had aged more than ten years, with several wrinkles added to his forehead.  "Use the space-time gate, minus the transportation time, and you can also achieve the effect of a surprise attack. At the same time, contact the Enclave. They will definitely be willing to kill the Armed Sisters." The old doctor chuckled softly, his tired facial muscles showing.  The old man relaxed, "We must think of other ways. Now our opponents have successfully dragged us into a war of attrition. Our organization cannot fight against the two worlds owned by the enemy. Time and space gates are not omnipotent, especially us  What are we going to do for the raid now?!" Isabella Fairman was shocked, "Is there anything going wrong at the headquarters?" "The headquarters and our satellite cities are in good condition, and the wartime restructuring is going well.  It's going well, but all kinds of production take time. Even if we open the space-time gate, we don't have enough materials for combat now. It will take us at least three months to restore our strength to the pre-war level, and six months later to reach the pre-war level.  Twice. But what will the enemy look like in six months?" The old doctor looked far ahead. He had foreseen some signs of future development and was worried about it. "I have already issued a report to the council. The enemy has been attacked by us.  The possibility of elimination in a short period of time is very low, especially now that the opponent is using poison gas on a large scale. The central area has become a wall for both sides. Only by avoiding this wall can we attack the other party. " "Then what do you mean?"  "Use nuclear weapons." The old doctor said this calmly.  "What?" Isabella Fairman exclaimed. The horror of nuclear weapons has penetrated into the bones of the wasteland people. Compared with chemical weapons and biological weapons, nuclear weapons can truly destroy the world of the wasteland.  .  "We have a lot of nuclear bombs left before the nuclear war, and they are basically well preserved now. The enemy does not have many bases, and they are all concentrated in the northwest. If we send out death squads and drop nuclear bombs at close range, we will definitely achieve the goal. This is better than using it slowly.  Conventional tactics are much faster. " "Teacher, we want to save the world, not destroy it again. What if the Armed Sisters also have nuclear weapons? "Isabella Fair this time?  Man hesitated in his heart.  "It's useless for you to say this now. I have already proposed the use of nuclear weapons in the report. We are just waiting for the results of the council's discussion." The old doctor looked indifferent and even said with a smile: "Don't be too nervous, just rely on it."  The hundreds of nuclear bombs we have in our hands cannot destroy the world." Isabella Fairman is still in the mood to joke. She knows that if the Chamber of Commerce is really cornered, it will definitely use nuclear weapons.  It's not something that can be prevented by noble sentiments, nor will it happen if the old doctor's advice is stopped.  At the moment of life and death, who would care so much?  She lowered her head and thought for a while, then turned to ask other questions, "Teacher, is there any relevant solution to the problem of slave injection guns?" The old doctor shook his head, "As you know, that set of related equipment has been seized.  Len Berg was taken away. After he left, he became a neutral person. He might be able to use those things, but it would be difficult to find him. He might have left the American continent and gone to other places. "  The two were sitting in the command post of the underground bunker city, but there was a huge quarrel at the New York headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Kurt Connors' report was detailed and true. It appropriately reflected the strength of the Armed Sisters, and the final use of nuclear weapons.  The proposal is exciting.  Now it is no longer a question of whether to use nuclear weapons, but how to use them effectively?  The news that the Armed Sisters had the support of two worlds behind them had been disclosed internally by His Excellency the General Secretary. It really made the members of the Council despair at first, and any confidence disappeared at that moment.  Maybe their alien masters will finally be able to defeat their opponents, but before that, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce will definitely be overwhelmed by massive manpower and material resources.  For a time, the use of nuclear weapons seemed to be the only effective method. What we need to discuss now is how to use it without giving the opponent a chance to counterattack, and to achieve a one-time success without leaving any future troubles.  After all, if it fails, the opponent may also use nuclear weapons on the battlefield. Imagine that your enemy has a spaceship with technology a hundred years from now. It is not difficult to attack the headquarters in New York.  Daimer Logan from the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Information also participated in the discussion. He watched indifferently for a long time, and finally stood up and said loudly: "We should take action first, and as soon as possible."Hands.  " His Excellency the General Secretary opened his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has now disappeared from the battlefield.  We don¡¯t have suitable vehicles either. Those ballistic missiles in stock have long been out of use, and all the long-range bombers are dead. Are we going to use the space-time gate again?  " "The space-time gate is more troublesome.  "Daimer Logan told the truth. We have frequently dispatched personnel to find loopholes in the opponent's defense line recently. It is basically certain that the Armed Sisters will not hesitate to consume a huge amount of materials. They have used human monitoring and radio contact methods to establish a hundred  "The warning circle within a kilometer range is very stupid, but there is really no good way to break it." "Then what do you mean?" "The enemy uses stupid methods to stop us on the ground, so we can go through it from the sky.  There are many aircraft, and if they break through at low altitude, they can always achieve their goals." His Excellency the General Secretary shook his head, "You are too naive. The opponent's core base is also underground, and the nuclear bomb must explode within 500 meters of it.  Ensure destruction. But this is useless. If the 'Chosen One' cannot be killed at the first moment, he may use the time and space gate to escape, and we cannot determine his whereabouts. It is useless to destroy the enemy's base.  "So the problem is back to the original point. The 'chosen ones' may not be able to kill our leader in the end, but it is easy to kill us." The people in the Zenith Chamber of Commerce fell silent again. These people didn't know at all.  The so-called 'Chosen One' is fighting on the front line with Isabella Fairman.  In fact, even Isabella Fairman herself only heard from her daughter that she had met Zhou Qingfeng in armor.  When five energy armors appeared on the battlefield later, she was a little skeptical, but she didn't think that one of them would be the opponent's core leader. Although one of the armors carried out stealth attacks from time to time on the battlefield,  She couldn't tell the difference either.  More importantly, according to her understanding, people like Victor Hugo should stay safely in a secret base that is closely guarded.  Now the discussion topic of the council members immediately changed, thinking about how to accurately deliver a nuclear bomb to the enemy leader?  Without accurate intelligence, this is nearly impossible.  But the people from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had no time to delay. They had recently seized a large amount of materials abandoned by the Armed Sisters. But the more they seized, the more frightened they became. The enemy did not become weak because of the loss of these materials, but instead fought harder and harder.  powerful.  "Perhaps we can use Isabella Fairman's daughter. If she escapes, will she meet the 'Chosen One' himself?" Daimer Logan came up with another idea.  At this moment, everyone in the council was shocked. Mr. Wayne Rooney also became interested and shouted quickly: "Keep talking." "We have some small nuclear bombs, about the size of a suitcase. If we can instigate that person to rebel,  The girl named Mina Swift" "Impossible, she will never betray if she is controlled by a slave injection gun." Mr. Wayne Rooney immediately rejected this method.  "So what about deception?" "How do we deceive her? We have contacted that girl, and she is quite smart. And the leader said that the 'chosen one' should have the ability to detect the soul similar to it, and rashly put Mi  "It won't do anything if Na Swift is released." "What if her mother comes forward? We don't tell Isabella Fairman the specific details, especially the part about the nuclear bomb."  He will still be on guard, and the possibility of success is low. Think again" Daimer Logan suddenly fell into deep thought. A good plan must be simple and easy to implement, and it must leave no loopholes to ensure success.  Difficulty.  "We need to make things happen very urgently, not allowing the other side to think too much, and we need to throw out a big enough bait to attract the other side to send out core personnel to fight for it, and also force the 'chosen one' to show up in person. Finally, we need to  Bring a nuclear bomb to ensure that the target is completely killed before he reacts." Demer Logan said to himself, while Wayne Rooney nodded slightly in approval.  "Do you think, if the bait is that alien impact gun, will the other party fight to grab it?" Wayne Rooney's face froze, but he nodded after a moment and said: "You are right, but we are basically  The above is to rely on Isabella Fairman to withstand the opponent on the front line, and Isabella Fairman's loyalty is maintained by Mina Swift in our hands, so there cannot be three.  There is no difference at all, otherwise we will be finished faster than imagined. "Can it not be beyond imagination?  If it weren't for the alien blaster in Isabella Fairman's hand that desperately suppressed Zhou Qingfeng and others, the armedThe Women's Guild can launch an expedition to New York at all costs.  "We also seem to have slave injection guns in our storage. If Isabella Fairman is given a shot" With a 'bang', Lord Wayne Rooney slammed the table in excitement, but in the end he  He still shook his head and said: "I had similar thoughts before, but I was worried that Isabella Fairman would resist, and I didn't want to see her resist and affect the critical front line. These things must be done if she is willing.  "We can control her secretly. After all, it's difficult for the person under control to find out if she doesn't give instructions." "Details, details." Demer has only one chance of success.  After receiving the permission, Logan stood up and bowed slightly to the Prime Minister, "I will personally direct this operation. I will come up with the specific plan as soon as possible and give it to you for confirmation." Wayne Rooney will feel this now  Demer Logan's plan was extremely feasible, and his irritable mood in recent times was greatly relieved. He leaned back in his chair and laughed, "The intelligence said that the 'chosen one' was extremely greedy and had many people around him.  Beauty, we are sending the mother and daughter to hell with him."
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