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Volume 2: Invisible Guild Chapter 172: Tea is cool when people leave

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    Two days later, the news that the number one terrorist Ling Xiangtian was eliminated by the military spread to all corners of the world.  The people were very happy to hear that the terrorists had been eliminated.  "No wonder, no wonder the members of the Ghost Guild are so disciplined. It turns out to be the result of training by terrorist affiliates." "Gee, this terrorist is really rich. The welfare benefits of the Ghost Guild are really not that good. If I could have something like  If he is so rich, I can definitely create a guild that is as awesome as him. " "You might be richer than him if you smuggle arms." "Hey, if I have the ability to smuggle arms, I will definitely make a fortune.  , I will not engage in any terrorist activities." "It's too easy for Ling Xiangtian to die like this. According to me, he should be tortured to death," said an angry young man.  "He deserves to die if he kills innocent people." Another person nodded in response.  The old man passing by heard the young man's indignation, shook his head and said: "You just think about Ling Xiangtian bombing the Luo family villa, do you know why? A young man with a net worth of hundreds of millions, if he doesn't enjoy life, how can he  Will you bomb the Luo family villa? If there is no hidden secret, you young people will probably believe it." The old man said, and then left, leaving the young people with puzzled faces.  ¡­ At this time, Long Huatian was being commended for his military exploits. He became a model for a new generation of soldiers, bravely fighting against terrorists without fear of risking his life.  Leaders one after another kept boasting about Long Huatian.  "Okay, okay, good, young and promising." "You are capable enough, it's time to add more responsibilities." "Quick thinking, he is a model for our soldiers."  Faced with the leader's praise, Long Huatian accepted it with peace of mind.  He kept the matter of deliberately killing Ling Xiangtian a strict secret, and he was the only one who knew about it.  If Ling Xiangtian doesn¡¯t die, he will be arrested and brought back for interrogation.  Ling Xiangtian will definitely get all kinds of negative information about the Luo family from Ling Xiangtian's mouth. Although he doesn't know why Ling Xiangtian wants to bomb the Luo family, he knows some dirty details about the Luo family.  Even him.  He was also promoted by political commissar Luo Minluo.  If political commissar Luo is still found to have various unclean things after his death, he may also be found out by then. Therefore, killing Ling Xiangtian is the best solution.  This is why he works so hard.  In the Ling family villa, everyone's faces were covered with a layer of gray.  Ling Xiangtian was found guilty of arms smuggling and terrorist attacks, and all of Ling Xiangtian's property was confiscated. After a house search, the government found out that Ling Xiangtian's domestic banks owned billions of properties.  This further strengthened the fact that Ling Xiangtian was guilty of smuggling arms.  As for the inheritance in Ling Xiangtian's game, Luo Xiaorou also accepted it and handed it over to the country. As for the characters in the game, they were deleted by the mastermind by default as Luo Xiaorou handled the inheritance handover.  The property belonging to Ling Xiangtian in the villa was also confiscated, and Luo Xiaorou and Ling Ling moved to the Luo family villa.  At this time, Luo Xiong also had a vicissitudes of life on his face and kept blaming himself.  "It's because my arrangements were not in place, otherwise this situation would not have happened." Looking at his daughter who had not spoken much for two days, Luo Xiong said comfortingly: "Xiaorou, don't be sad, maybe Xiangtian is not dead."  when saying this.  Even Luo Xiong himself didn't believe it. The helicopter was blown to pieces in the sea eighty kilometers away, even if Ling Xiangtian could jump into the sea in advance.  The waves generated by the explosion can kill people alive, even if they survive.  Eighty kilometers overseas, you will be eaten alive by wild beasts in the sea.  "Dad, you must know why Xiangtian bombed the Luo family villa. What is the reason? Can't you tell me?" Luo Xiaorou stared at her father and asked.  "This Dad doesn't know either, but I believe that with Xiangtian's shrewd mind, he will definitely not do this unless it is absolutely necessary. There must be a reason for him to do this." His son-in-law is dead, and Luo Xiong will never do it again.  Revealing any information about Ling Xiangtian is entirely for the sake of Xiaorou and Ling Ling.  For two days, Ling Ling could not believe the fact that her brother was a terrorist. For two days, she was in a trance and suddenly became haggard.   As Ling Xiangtian's personal bodyguard, Niu Da has been arrested and charged with cover-up. The circumstances are serious and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Niu Da alone bore all the charges. Other comrades were only sentenced to half a year in prison because of Niu Da's responsibility.  disaster.  At this time, Niu Da's former leaders and colleagues appeared in front of Niu Da's cell. They shook their heads at Niu Da with great disappointment and said: "Xiao Liu, you have let us down so much. You have degenerated to this level and gone to be a terrorist."  molecularBodyguard, I don¡¯t even know what to say to you.  " When he was in the army, Niu Da's original name was Liu Feng. Later he changed his name to Niu Da. The previous leaders naturally called Niu Da Xiao Liu. Niu Da sneered: "Degenerate?  terrorist?  " "When I was bullied by Mo Cong in the army, who of you dared to stand up and speak out?  When I resigned from the military rank, who of you tried to persuade me to stay?  After I left the army, when Mo Cong made things difficult for me everywhere, who among you would uphold justice for me?  " "Alsoif you can donate hundreds of millions of dollars to the orphanage like Ling Xiangtian, and treat your subordinates like brothers, as long as you can do it, there is nothing wrong with me being your personal bodyguard.  Niu Da paused for a moment and then said: "Hmph, don't look so sympathetic. I feel sick when I see it. If the Luo family is clean, will Ling Xiangtian be cruel for no reason?"  Get out, all of you, get out of here.  " At this time, Niu Da was in a very bad mood. Although he did not admit it, he had already regarded Ling Xiangtian as a friend in his heart. When he heard the news of Ling Xiangtian's death, he felt a sense of sadness. "It seems that Xiao  Comrade Liu has been too deeply poisoned by Ling Xiangtian, and it is time for him to reflect in prison.  " "Well, a once outstanding soldier was poisoned like this. What a shame for a soldier.  " "Xiao Liu, you should reflect on yourself in prison. If you behave well when the time comes, we will intercede for you based on your past merits. Maybe you can save a few years in prison.  ¡± ¡­ Former leaders and colleagues, with your words and my words, they almost regarded Niu Da as their life-long event. However, Niu Da despised them in his heart. The faces of these people, Niu Da  What we have seen is not once or twice. On the surface, there is another thing. Adding insult to injury is their favorite thing. ***** However, the Ghost Guild and the Bloodthirsty Guild have been updated.  But everyone had no intention of checking the game's updates, and most of them called out to quit the association. Luo Xiaorou had accepted Ling Xiangtian's inheritance and officially became the president of the three guilds.  Eternal Guild. Luo Xiaorou was surprised. It wasn't until Liu Hairu explained that she understood that Eternal Guild was the third guild secretly established by Ling Xiangtian. However, what could she do? Now, all the properties of the three guilds have been stolen.  The state confiscated the guild, and the guild's warehouse was empty. The guild was no longer worthy of its name, and people above the ninth level issued applications to withdraw from the guild. As a result, the three guilds became the targets of everyone's calls for disbandment.  It was inevitable. As soon as it was revealed that Ling Xiangtian owned three guilds, there was a huge uproar in the game. "Gee, I didn't expect that Ling Xiangtian was such a powerful figure, and he actually established three such great guilds.  " "Yes, if Ling Xiangtian is not killed, based on his development speed.  Maybe he can be on par with the Red Army.  " "Ling Xiangtian has established three guilds. I don't know how many guilds in the game were established by the same person. Hey it's really disappointing that a game is so complicated.  "Hmph, Ling Xiangtian can have so much money to establish a guild."  It is estimated that he not only smuggled arms, but also sold drugs. Otherwise, where would he have gotten so much money?  " "Do you know how much property was confiscated from Ling Xiangtian's three guilds?  "One of the soldiers broke the news and said. Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears. "Three hundred and eighty-seven billion.  "Breathe" Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. "Three hundred and eighty-seven billion!"  Oh my God.  " "My dear, he is such a young arms dealer.  How come you have so much money? Damn, with so much money, you can almost be one of the top ten richest people in China.  " "Hey, this is only the materials, equipment, and gold coins in the game warehouse. It does not include intangible assets. For example, the nearly 10,000 production players in the Bloodthirsty Shura Guild are estimated to be worth more than one billion. These production players  But they are all made with money. Now that the game has been updated, high-level production players will definitely be able to enjoy the success.  "The soldier continued to break the news. Suddenly, a mage said very rationally: "Don't you mean that Ling Xiangtian contributed 38.7 billion to the country?  In this way, no matter how many people he killed, the money would be enough to make up for his sins. Alas Ling Xiangtian's death was so pitiful.  " "Tsk, tsk, with Ling Xiangtian's so much property, it is even more impossible for the Red Army's dominance to be shaken.  ¡± The property confiscated by the state naturally belongs to the state, and all game resources belong to the Red Army. This is natural. ?¡­ &nbsp"In Xuanshan Town of Xuanzhong City, people from Ghost Guild, Bloodthirsty Shura, and Eternal Guild all gathered here.  Luo Xiaorou, Liu Hairu (the president of the Eternal Guild), Shenmu, Hongtongtong, Xiaoniao, and the managers of Bloodthirsty Shura all appeared, and everyone stood on a high platform.  Looking at the dark crowd, Luo Xiaorou no longer concealed her identity, stood up, and said on the guild channel: "I believe everyone knows what happened to my husband, but I can guarantee that my husband will never be like this for no reason.  Do it." As soon as Luo Xiaorou said this, he immediately received a message with the ID of 'Xuanshan Town No. 1 Police Officer': "The matter is a foregone conclusion. If you continue to shake people's hearts, I will arrest you according to law and file a complaint.  You are spreading rumors." Seeing this information, Luo Xiaorou also knew that the country had officially established a game reporting center.  In front of such a giant as the country, Luo Xiaorou had to lower her head, suppressing her anger and changed her words: "Okay, I won't say much. I believe everyone can feel my husband's kindness to everyone. Now my husband has  After his death, I will continue to carry out his legacy and concentrate on doing a good job in the Ghost Guild. If you can trust me, you will continue to stay. The Eternal Guild and the Bloodthirsty Shura Guild will be merged into the Ghost Guild. Of course, if you don't want to stay, I won't.  I will stop you, and I will approve all your withdrawal applications one by one." As soon as Luo Xiaorou finished speaking, countless withdrawal applications came in one after another.  There are endless reasons for quitting membership.  "Sorry, I want to withdraw from the membership." "Sorry, the reputation of terrorists is too loud. I don't want the level I just practiced to be killed by others in vain." "I am also very sad that the president is no longer here. Resigning from the membership is also a helpless move. I hope  "You understand." "Is the guild treatment still the same as before? If it is the same, please reject my application for withdrawal. If the treatment is not as high as before, then please agree to my application for withdrawal."  Luo Xiaorou looked at a lot of people.  After receiving the withdrawal message, her face turned gloomy, and she murmured: "Is this what people call tea after leaving Xiangtian, no matter what, I will make the Ghost Guild bigger and stronger." Then, Luo Xiaorou turned to everyone  The management said: "Anyone who applies to withdraw from the membership will be approved by you." Shenmu looked at Luo Xiaorou and said comfortingly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we will all stay and continue to make the Ghost Guild bigger and stronger, so that Xiangtian can  Look in the sky, the guild he established has not disappeared. " Shenmu is a few years older than Ling Xiangtian, but the most capable person comes first and calling himself the younger brother is natural for him.  "Thank you." Luo Xiaorou responded.  At this time, Hong Tongtong also stood up: "Sister-in-law, I believe that the president will never do such a thing for no reason. The president treats me so well, even if I don't get any treatment, I, Hong Tongtong, will still make the Ghost Guild great."  "The most difficult choice is for Liu Hairu. When he signed a contract with Ling Xiangtian, after working for so long, Eternal Guild has entered the top 100 of the guild. According to the contract, his shares should be 30%, but now,  All his property was confiscated by the state, and he didn't get any money. He still had a family to support, so he couldn't make any promises at all.  In the end, Liu Hairu could only say helplessly: "I still have a family to support. All I can say is that if my help is needed in the future, I will never postpone it." Liu Hairu is very grateful to Ling Xiangtian. If it were not for Ling Xiangtian,  He still didn't know that there were more business opportunities in the game than in reality. He decided that he would invest all his savings in the game and resell various materials to make profits.  Luo Xiaorou also understood Liu Hairu's difficulties and nodded.  Just when Luo Xiaorou and others clicked to confirm and approve the member's withdrawal, the management of hundreds of large guilds such as the Blood Guild, Baiyi Pavilion, Skeleton Guild, Yefeng Alliance, Red Fantasy, Xintiandi Guild, etc. were also teleported to Xuanshan  Towns and cities have begun to win over those who have withdrawn from the membership.  In the battle between the Ghost Guild and the Bloodthirsty Guild against the Scarlet Guild, everyone saw that the guild under the management of Ling Xiangtian was extremely outstanding. It would be a waste not to recruit such high-quality players to one's own guild.  Seeing this happening, Liu Hairu stopped everyone from continuing to cancel the membership contract and said to Luo Xiaorou: "President, wait a moment, we can't give other guilds such free advantage." Ling Xiangtian finally cultivated so many battles  Players and production players are now being wasted like this. It cannot be said that it is not heartbreaking, but no matter what, Liu Hairu wants to earn back some assets for the dead Ling Xiangtian.  (qidian.))
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