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Volume 2 The Invisible Guild Chapter 173 Re-emergence

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    Luo Xiaorou looked at Liu Hairu in confusion.  Liu Hairu quickly wrote a contract.  The contract is very simple. The content is: All members of the Bloodthirsty Shura, Ghost, and Eternal Guild who have terminated the contract are not allowed to join the Bloody Guild.  (This article is naturally for revenge against the Scarlet Guild) No matter which guild wants to recruit the above personnel after the contract is terminated, it must pay 50 silver coins to the Ghost Guild as compensation for the Ghost Guild's losses. This contract is valid for one year.  (In other words, if other guilds want to accept the people lost from the Ghost Guild, they must pay 50 silver coins. Of course, you can also wait a year before recruiting people. The people accepted at that time are free, but after one year  So long, who can guarantee that no other guild will be willing to spend huge sums of money to purchase members within this year) Seeing the contract written by Liu Hairu, Shenmu, Luo Xiaorou and others' eyes lit up. The three guilds combined  There are nearly 100,000 people, and there are many talents among them. Even if one tenth of them is accepted by other guilds, it is still a huge wealth.  Now, unlike in the past, if Ling Xiangtian was here, they wouldn't have to worry about gold coins at all.  Seeing this, Luo Xiaorou nodded and said to Liu Hairu: "Thank you." Liu Hairu smiled awkwardly: "As long as you don't blame me for not staying." "I can understand your difficulties.  " Luo Xiaorou nodded in response.  Then, Luo Xiaorou turned to everyone and said in the guild channel: "I have a contract now. Take a look at it. You can choose not to sign this contract, but you will be listed as an unwelcome member by the Ghost Guild in the future.  , When my husband was still alive, he was not stingy with anyone. Now that we are in trouble, I will not ask you to compensate us for any money or equipment, as long as you sign this contract. " Everyone downloaded the contract from the guild channel and watched it.  After that, everyone nodded, 50 silver coins is not too much.  And the money is not paid by them themselves. If they want to invite them to join the guild, they must help pay 50 silver coins to the Ghost Guild.  "I have no objection. I have already signed the contract." "I have no objection either." "I have an objection." Suddenly, a hunter player shouted.  Everyone heard this shout.  They all glared at the hunters.  The hunter smiled awkwardly.  He explained: "The value of our production players is higher than that of combat players. The value of the transaction should not be so low. If any guild wants to recruit us, I feel that they must pay at least 2 gold coins or more in compensation." Hearing the hunter's explanation.  Everyone thinks it makes sense. Players with higher production levels are not made with money.  "Okay, thank you." Luo Xiaorou nodded and responded, "I will change it a little. Just set it to 1 gold coin, but I still have to explain here that the Ghost Guild has not been disbanded. Those who are optimistic about the Ghost Guild,  Everyone can stay, and I will approve your request to withdraw from the membership. That¡¯s because I don¡¯t want to force you.¡± However, it¡¯s useless for Luo Xiaorou to say more, after all, she is a female streamer.  Everyone didn't think highly of her at all, and the Ghost Guild was definitely unpopular with a terrorist guild. They could understand that the previous president was a good person.  But other outsiders don't understand. The Ghost Guild will still be isolated by all players.  In the end, 99.9% of the nearly 100,000 players left.  There are only a few thousand people left, and only 60% of the people agreed to sign the compensation contract.  The remaining 40% of the members risked offending the Ghost Guild and refused to sign the contract.  The thinking of everyone who did not sign the compensation contract is: "If other guilds recruit me, I can pocket the so-called compensation money that should be given to the Ghost Guild. Anyway, the Ghost Guild will perish sooner or later." Once this contract is issued, waiting for recruitment  The leaders of the top 100 guilds in the world nodded. They could still afford this amount of money. After all, they got a bargain. The players that Ling Xiangtian had worked hard to train for several months became their members in the blink of an eye.  In total, they made a lot of money.  After seeing the contents of the contract, the leader of the Scarlet Guild angrily walked away.  Twenty minutes later, all players who applied to terminate their membership agreement were terminated. ?¡­ ¡°Red Fantasy is recruiting people, and the remuneration is good. Our guild is currently ranked 8th, among the top ten guilds in China, and the future is bright.¡± The leader of Red Fantasy shouted.  "Baiyi Pavilion is recruiting, with priority given to women. Male players must have a certain level or special skills." Although Baiyi Pavilion came forward to recruit people, Piaoxue was embarrassed to show up. After all, she had some friendship with Ling Xiangtian, and now she was in front of Ling Xiang.  It's not honorable to recruit people in front of Tian's wife, but if she doesn't send people to recruit people, other guilds will recruit them.  "Yefeng Alliance is recruiting" Hundreds of powerful guilds are recruiting at the same timeIt is nearly a hundred times more popular than the largest job fair in the real world.  "I want to join Red Fantasy. I am a level 28 warrior." A warrior went to the Red Fantasy recruitment office to sign up. Level 28 warriors are rare and the level is quite high. He has the confidence to enter Red Fantasy.  The 'interviewer' of Red Fantasy asked the warrior: "Did you sign the compensation contract that your guild just signed?" "Don't worry, I didn't sign it. If I join your guild, you don't have to pay 50 silver coins in compensation."  "As he spoke, the warrior rubbed his hands and continued: "Of course, you only need to give me 40 silver coins, and I will agree to join the club, saving Red Fantasy 10 silver coins." The mage looked at the warrior with disdain and shook his head.  Said: "I'm sorry, our guild does not recruit such people. Even if your level reaches level 50, our guild will not want you. You'd better go to another guild and you'll be lucky."  The guild is in trouble. It¡¯s okay if you don¡¯t stay in the guild to help. Now you don¡¯t even sign a simple contract of 50 silver coins. This has to be said to be disappointing. Besides, it¡¯s not him who paid the money himself, but his own money.  Out of the guild.  "Huh, I'm a level 28 warrior. If your guild doesn't want me to pull me down, I don't believe that other guilds will want me too." The warrior said angrily.  However, as soon as the warrior walked to the Xintiandi Guild, he heard someone from the Xintiandi Guild shouting: "Players who have not signed the compensation contract should not come here to sign up. This guild will not recruit them." Hearing this, the warrior  His face darkened, and he turned around and left unconvinced. He was doing this to save money for the guild he was about to join, so there was no reason why he should not be welcomed.  However, what greeted him was the voice of all the guilds refusing to recruit him.  Players who, like him, had not signed the contract, and learned that those who had not signed the compensation contract were turned away, and their faces became ugly.  Of course, there are some guilds that recruit such players, but those guilds are just extremely small guilds.  Players who have signed a contract to pay compensation have become the favorites of all guilds. Such players show that they are loyal and worthy of being attracted by the guild.  "You are now at level 29. What are the requirements for joining our Xintiandi?" asked the 'interviewer' of the Xintiandi Guild.  "Thisthiswhat are the benefits of joining the club? Also, am I a new member, do I have any special benefits?" the mage asked weakly.  "Of course, based on your conditions, you can definitely raise it. Let me tell you this, if you join the guild as a new member, we will reward you with two additional pieces of bronze equipment and a skill book, but your treatment can only be the same as other level 29 mages.  Any questions?" the 'interviewer' asked.  "No problem, no problem." The mage smiled happily. When he joined the Xintiandi Guild, the guild had to pay 50 silver coins to the Ghost Guild. This money was already quite a lot, and now he got two bronze outfits and a skill book.  , completely beyond his expectation.  Players who had not signed such a compensation contract looked depressed. Many people quietly turned around and approached Luo Xiaorou, wanting to re-sign the compensation contract.  Seeing everyone turning around again, Luo Xiaorou shook her head and said coldly: "You have been listed as unpopular players in the Ghost Guild. I cannot agree to your conditions." "President, as long as we sign the  With the contract, your ghost guild has made money. These are gold coins you got for free. " "Go away, my husband looked away and let you get a free advantage. Now that he has left the guild, he still says this shamelessly.  Come on." Luo Xiaorou said angrily.  Luo Xiaorou was in a very bad mood. Only more than 50,000 people signed the compensation contract out of nearly 100,000 people, which had to make her feel chilled.  "Sister-in-law, there is no need to argue with them." Shenmu said comfortingly, "Also Xiangtian is my brother, and Ghost is the guild he established. I will help you manage it well and definitely develop Ghost into a better place than before.  "Powerful." "Thank you." Luo Xiaorou responded.  "Well, give me the position of vice president." Shenmu said calmly.  Luo Xiaorou responded and set Shenmu as the vice president.  After getting the position of vice president, Shenmu showed his ID and position, and shouted to the dense crowd: "The ghost guild is recruiting people again." Hearing the shout of the ghost vice president, everyone looked in surprise  There was a lot of discussion about the sacred tree.  "The Ghost Guild has ceased to exist in name only. No matter how hard we recruit, we probably won't be able to recruit anyone." "Hey The Ghost Guild is in a desperate struggle." "If the president is still here, I might go back, but it's a pityHey"   Shenmu ignored everyone¡¯s comments,He continued to shout: "This guild will reinvest 2 billion, and the existing guild members' treatment will remain unchanged. In addition, high-level players will be recruited, and the treatment will be the same as before." "Wow" Everyone was in an uproar, 2 billion was injected, and the treatment was the same as before.  Likewise, in this way, it is probably not difficult for ghosts to enter the top 100 guilds, and those who leave the ghost guild can't help but regret it.  The adults who had not left the ghost looked at the sacred tree with joy.  However, Shenmu¡¯s next words made those who left the guild regret even more.  "In addition, this Ghost Guild recruits hidden professions, and if a hidden profession enters the Ghost Guild, I guarantee that no matter how many times he dies, there will be no experience loss, because I am the hidden profession - Holy Priest, and my resurrection spell can cause death.  Players who lose will not lose any experience.¡± ps: The third update is completed, please vote for recommendations.  (qidian.))
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