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Volume 2: Invisible Guild Chapter 171: Death?

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    After Luo Xiaorou and Lingling were taken away by Jingche, Long Huatian's headset suddenly sounded.  "Captain Long, according to relevant sources, Ling Xiangtian may have arrived at the Seaside City Pier and wants to sneak away." After hearing the information provided by the command headquarters, Long Huatian waved to his men: "Chase, go to the Seaside City Pier.  "Fuyuan City and Haibian City are hundreds of kilometers apart, but now, the speed of cars on the highway has increased to 300 kilometers per hour, and walking between cities is extremely simple. It only takes ten minutes to walk on the highway.  It is not impossible for Ling Xiangtian to appear there.  Ling Xiangtian followed his father-in-law¡¯s instructions and left China first, and then make careful plans after going abroad.  At this time, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. Ling Xiangtian appeared in a small hut on the beach. Under the dim light, Ling Xiangtian sat on the bamboo bed and waited quietly, thinking about the future in his mind.  the way to go.  Ling Xiangtian never thought that he would become a terrorist, but he did issue a high reward. Now that the matter has been exposed, he can only escape first and then think of a solution.  Suddenly, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a weathered face walked into the hut: "Hello, Mr. Ling, please come with me." "Sorry to trouble you." Ling Xiangtian responded.  The middle-aged man nodded, and then handed a black bag to Ling Xiangtian: "This is what the boss gave you. You will use these in the future. There are hundreds of thousands of cash in it, as well as an anonymous personal micro-brain.  Microbrain has an anti-tracking effect. You can use Microbrain with confidence. It also contains a miniature pistol and a new ID card. After you reach a safe place, call the boss. "The boss as middle-aged people call it, naturally.  It's Luochon.  "Follow me." The middle-aged man said and walked out.  Ling Xiangtian silently followed the middle-aged man.  In the dark night, the two of them didn't talk much. They just kept walking. After walking for about 10 minutes, they arrived at the beach.  "Huhhuh" Waves of sea breeze came, and Ling Xiangtian couldn't help but shudder.  There was a touch of sadness in my heart, "Perhaps, I shouldn't continue to look for Luo Xu for revenge. I can make enough money and give sister Xiaorou a warm home. Alas now I have caused them trouble  ¡­I don¡¯t know if Niu Da Da will be implicated by me.¡± Niu Da serves as Ling Xiangtian¡¯s personal bodyguard.  Naturally, he couldn't escape and was detained by Jingfang.  "Get on the boat." The middle-aged man said.  In the dim night, I jumped on a small airship with no visible color.  Ling Xiangtian got on the airship and asked doubtfully: "This place is thousands of kilometers away from the United States. This small boat shouldn't be able to go there." "There are police everywhere now. Helicopters cannot appear here, otherwise it will cause trouble."  Jingfang noticed that a helicopter is currently 30 nautical miles overseas to meet us," the middle-aged man said with a little explanation.  "Yes." Ling Xiangtian nodded.  Suddenly, the middle-aged man¡¯s brain trembled slightly, which was the prompt of a short message.  Open it and take a look.  Suddenly, it was discovered that it was a wanted notice issued by the government.  "Ling Xiangtian, male, 23 years old, a citizen of Fuyuan City. It has been confirmed that he has a criminal record of smuggling arms and is even the organizer of the terrorist attack in Fuyuan City For the sake of the safety of the general public, if any of the pictures are found  Please report immediately and provide effective information. All will receive high bonuses, note: the bonus is not less than 200,000. "There is a lot of content, in addition to the content about smuggling arms, there are also content and pictures about the destruction of the Luo family.  , Ling Xiangtian¡¯s photos are naturally indispensable.  When everyone saw this content, they couldn't help but feel indignant. They felt sympathy for the Luo family and at the same time were angry at Ling Xiangtian's behavior.  Saw this text message.  The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. He only knew that the young man in front of him had committed a crime and wanted to run away.  But I didn't expect it to be so serious. The entire China Micro Brain Information issued a wanted notice. From this look, the crime was extremely serious. The government had sent similar wanted information before, but the wanted person that time was a serious murderer. Then  The murderer killed hundreds of people in one go and was a severely schizophrenic mental patient.  Seeing this, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "Mr. Ling, you've done me a terrible job." For such a major case, Jingfang's investigation efforts must be extremely high, and it will not be difficult to find him by then. Anyone in this field will  There is a little record of the case, and now that Jingfang has issued such a high reward, as long as his colleagues reveal that he has a business today, he will definitely be invited to tea by Jingfang.  Although the middle-aged man was afraid, he had to continue to get Ling Xiangtian away. If he dared to betray and provide information to Jingfang, Ling Xiangtian would be caught and he would die.  He knew very well how cold-blooded the boss was towards betrayers.  Ling Xiangtian looked at the middle-aged man in confusion.  "You open the micro-brain and enter the newsJust look at the web page.  " Ling Xiangtian opened the microcomputer in confusion, and then entered the news webpage. At this time, the news webpage was full of information about him, and the reward announcement issued by the government was among them. Among them, there was a news describing Ling Xiangtian like this, '3066  The number one terrorist of the year. Seeing this, Ling Xiangtian's face changed, he smiled bitterly, and said to himself: "Wanted in the world?  It seems that I am quite capable.  "Now he is regarded as a terrorist, and it is inevitable that he will be wanted all over the world. "After you send me away, you also leave, and I will ask your boss to give you enough money for a lifetime.  "Ling Xiangtian also understood the other party's worries. Being related to the number one terrorist is not a small crime. "Thank you.  "The middle-aged man nodded. He did have this plan. After sending Queen Ling Xiang away, he would also fly away. Seeing the worried expression on the middle-aged man's face, Ling Xiangtian said with a smile: "You don't have to worry. In fact, I  It's not as scary as the news said. It's true that I smuggled arms, but bombing the Luo family villa was not my original intention. Moreover, the people of the Luo family really deserve to die. Haven't you discovered why there are two people in high positions in the Luo family?  , one is the political commissar, and the other is the provincial governor. If there is nothing fishy in this, would you believe it?  "The middle-aged man nodded. The airship drove on the sea for more than twenty minutes. Finally, he saw a helicopter hovering on the sea. Ling Xiangtian climbed directly onto the helicopter through the rope ladder. "Pengpeng~~~" The helicopter disappeared in  Flying westward in the night sky, Long Huatian rushed to Seaside City in a helicopter. At this time, instructions from the command center came through his headset again: "Twenty minutes ago, someone provided information that Ling Xiangtian had.  It may have gone to sea, and you went to search on the sea.  The headquarters will also arrange for the Jingwei from Seaside City to assist you.  " Hearing this, Long Huatian pondered for a moment and asked: "Can the radar scan the sea for airplanes or large airships?  " If you want to escape from the sea here, the fuel of a small airship cannot be satisfied at all. You can only use an airplane or a large airship. "No.  There is no display on Leidabut there isit just appeared.  An unlicensed helicopter appeared 40 kilometers west of Seaside City. It is suspected that the helicopter was flying at low altitude and was unable to accurately lock the moving position of the target.  "Hearing this, Long Huatian said to the man flying the plane: "Go to the Military Headquarters of Seaside City.  "Five minutes later. Long Huatian personally piloted a Nighthawk fighter jet. The fighter's flying speed was not a fraction faster than that of the helicopter. At this time, Ling Xiangtian was on the helicopter and asked the pilot: "Master,  How long does it take to reach the destination.  " "It takes about 3 hours.  In 3 hours we will arrive at an island on the high seas. There will be a large boat to pick us up. We will replenish fuel and we will probably be able to reach the place you mentioned in another hour of flight.  "The pilot responded loudly. Not long after, Long Huatian flew the Nighthawk fighter jet and found the helicopter where Ling Xiangtian was located according to the instructions given by the command center. "Helicopter ahead, please stop immediately and get checked. I am Fuyuan.  The captain of the city's first special team, Long Huatian.  ¡± ¡°Please stop immediately and get checked.  Otherwise I will not rule out the use of weapons.  " Long Huatian shouted several times in a row. " Every slightly more advanced flying machine will have a public channel. Two aircraft in close proximity can communicate with each other. Long Huatian believes that the other party can hear his shouting. " Hearing the public channel  Ling Xiangtian's face changed drastically as he shouted, and the helicopter pilot also turned ugly. He looked at Ling Xiangtian and asked Ling Xiangtian to give instructions with a bitter smile and nodded.  A sense of powerlessness still arises in my heart: "No matter how strong a person is, he still looks small in the face of a behemoth like the country Am I going to spend my whole life in prison like this?"  " At this time, Ling Xiangtian's mind flashed back to Xiaorou waiting for him at home. He thought of Ling Ling, who had a bad temper, and couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He was ashamed of his family. Unconsciously, tears flowed out of the corners of Ling Xiangtian's eyes.  With his superb hacking skills, the country would definitely not sentence him to death, but he would not be able to escape life-long secret imprisonment. Seeing the helicopter stop, Long Huatian smiled coldly, and then brought the Nighthawk fighter close to the helicopter.  , stopped and watched a few dozen meters in front of the helicopter. In the 31st century, fighter jets were already advanced enough to stay in the air at will, and the Nighthawk fighter jet was even more flexible. Long Huatian looked through the camera in front of the fighter jet and saw that Ling Xiangtian was indeed on the helicopter.  His face showed a ferocious expression, "Ling Xiangtian, how dare you resist.  "LonghuaTian shouted, and then pressed the cannon launch button.  "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" The cannonballs hanging on both wings were sprayed out one after another.  Ling Xiangtian was stunned for a moment when he heard Long Huatian's shouting. He had already accepted his fate, so how could he resist?  However, after the pilot heard Long Huatian's shouting and saw the missiles sprayed by the fighter jet, his expression changed again and he hurriedly kicked Ling Xiangtian out of the helicopter.  "Boom! Boom!" Two missiles exploded one after another, and the helicopter was blown to pieces. As soon as Ling Xiangtian fell out of the helicopter, his weak figure was drowned by the huge explosion sparks, and the black night sky was filled with red.  After blowing up the helicopter, Long Huatian smiled ferociously, and then replied to the command center: "This is Nighthawk 3, I am Long Huatian, the terrorist Ling Xiangtian was arrested and tried to fight back, but I have eliminated him."  "This is Nighthawk 3. I am Long Huatian. The terrorist Ling Xiangtian tried to fight back and was eliminated by me."
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