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Text Chapter 169 Railway Transport

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    Due to a slight shortage of troops, Yang Zhen carefully considered and applied to the central government for approval to incorporate the North Korean division that was undergoing training into the Western Group for combat.  Although this Korean division always participated in the battle on the Eastern Front during the first phase of the battle, it did not assume major combat tasks.

    And relying on the large number of Korean settlements on the eastern front, a large number of soldiers were replenished in a short period of time.  It was also the first unit among all the participating units to complete the replenishment after the first phase of the battle.  Moreover, on the basis of new recruits, and with the approval of Yang Zhen, the army was also expanded.

    The current establishment of the division has been expanded from the original three regiments to two brigades and five regiments.  The actual strength has reached the standard of two divisions.  Although it is not equipped with automatic rifles and general-purpose machine guns, the entire division is equipped with Japanese-made light and heavy weapons.  The division has a field artillery battalion and a heavy mortar battalion, the brigade has a mountain artillery battalion and a heavy mortar battery, and the regiment has an infantry artillery battery and a rapid-fire artillery battery.

    Each battalion has six Type 92 heavy machine guns, four Type 97 90mm mortars, and two rocket launchers in the company.  Each infantry squad has a Type 99 light machine gun, two submachine guns and a grenade launcher. The entire army is equipped with Type 99 rifles.  Although the equipment is not as good as that of the main division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, it is not far behind.

    When the entire army underwent a major equipment change, this division was not equipped with the standard equipment of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but with a full set of Japanese-style light division equipment.  This is because under many circumstances, this division has to dispatch troops into the Japanese-occupied areas of v¡â Korea to carry out harassment operations, or to enter North Korea for guerrilla operations, so the weapons, equipment and ammunition are as close as possible to the Japanese army.  Common to troops.

    And after the completion of the first phase of the battle this year, the Anti-Japanese Alliance used a large number of captured new Japanese weapons to replace the division's light weapons.  The entire division were all Japanese-style Type 99 light machine guns and Type 99 rifles captured in the first phase of the battle.

    Compared with the original, the firepower has not been greatly enhanced.  However, the performance of the weapons and equipment is much better than the Type 38 rifles and crooked handles originally equipped by the division.  However, Yang Zhen's division has always been built to the standard of a light division, so the division's artillery firepower has not increased.

    "However, the number of mortars suitable for mountain operations has increased. The division-affiliated artillery has added a division-affiliated heavy mortar equipped with eighteen Japanese 150mm mortars.  In addition, an anti-tank battalion with twelve two-pound guns was also added to the artillery directly under the division.

    This division is currently the only light-armored division in the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the only all-Japanese armored division.  The combat effectiveness is not weak, and it is enough to be classified as the second-class main division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Especially because it has been fighting in the eastern mountains since its formation, the division is particularly good at mountain warfare.  The division currently has no cadres from other ethnic groups. From top to bottom, they are all Koreans, and the centripetal force within the unit is also extremely strong.

    Considering that Rehe is mostly mountainous, the focus of this battle is in the west, coupled with some political considerations.  Therefore, Yang Zhen transferred the division with the largest number and organization among all the anti-alliance forces to the Rehe battlefield to enhance the strength of the Rehe battlefield.

    But no one knows what Yang Zhen, the number one in the army, thinks. This division has actually reached the organization and strength of an army.  However, in the Anti-Japanese Alliance organization list, it always appears as a division.  It was not changed to the real Korean Army due to the expansion of the army, and its designation was also changed to the Korean Division.

    In this battle, except for the four divisions left by the headquarters to be deployed around Harbin as the general reserve force, almost all the anti-alliance and advance forces were dispatched.  In addition to the new units that are still being formed due to lack of equipment, the aviation, armored, artillery and other technical arms of the Anti-League are also all involved in the front line.

    ¡°In the words of Yang Zhen at the pre-war senior cadre meeting, this was a battle that was about selling iron.  If the battle is won, the Anti-Japanese Alliance can obtain sufficient manpower and material support from within the customs, and truly get rid of the current situation of fighting alone.  If defeated, I'm afraid there won't even be any way out.  Therefore, this operation can only succeed but not fail.

    The order of time when the battle was launched was from the northeastern front to the southern front, and the western front was launched last.  The Northeastern battlefield and the southern front started first, attracting the main attention of the Japanese army from Chadong.  Twenty-four hours after the battle on the northeastern and southern fronts, the Chadong front line launched a full-frontal attack.

    The operational goal of the central line and western Manchuria area is to use a pincer offensive to completely eliminate the Japanese protrusion in Xinjing and compress the Japanese army to the front line of Siping Street.  And captured the entire Rehe Province, creating a stable rear for the entire western battlefield of this battle, and threatening the Beining Railway, the main artery of the Japanese army.

    In capturing Xinjing this time, Yang Zhen was very determined to shoulder the burden of Xinjing's hundreds of thousands of people.  The overall defense posture of this protruding part against the central front of the Allied Forces was too great, and it was also too close to Harbin, the important town in northern Manchuria.  This protruding part greatly restricts the situation of the center line.

    Relative toOn the middle line and on the east line, Yang Zhen did not plan to go too deep.  The offensive cut-off line of the east line is from Xi'an, Dongfeng, Jinchuan, and Linjiang, and the offensive cut-off line of the middle line is from Lishu to Xi'an.  The overall goal of the offensive in the Northeast is to further compress the area controlled by the Kwantung Army, expand the space of the base area, and seize as many grain-producing areas as possible in the Songliao Plain.

    At the same time, it contained and attracted the main force of the Kwantung Army, making it impossible to reinforce the Japanese North China Front to the west.  At least for now, Yang Zhen has no plans to go deep into southern Manchuria.  Because this will face a two-sided attack from the Kwantung Army and the North Korean Army, the pressure on the Eastern Alliance's defense will be too great.

    Therefore, Yang Zhen decided to set the stop line of the attack at Fengtian and Jilin.  There is a reason why the stop line is set here.  From here, we can threaten the steel, chemical and other industrial towns in southern Manchuria at any time, such as Anshan, Benxihu, Miyahara, and Fushun.

    The operations on the southern front in the Chanan direction were mainly to restrain the Japanese troops from Zhangjiakou to Pingjin from moving westward to reinforce the Japanese and Mongolian garrison troops.  And seize the line from Da Ma Qunshan to Yanshan, and use the terrain to form an overall defense line with the troops launching an offensive in Jehol to the east to ensure the smooth progress of the westward campaign.

    Except for the combat troops who stayed at the base area to perform air defense tasks, all the aviation forces participated in the war.  In addition to supporting ground operations, the focus was to conduct air raids on the Japanese deep zones, mainly Jinpu, Tongpu, Beining, the southern line of the Zhongchang Railway, and the Pingbao Railway.

    According to Yang Zhen¡¯s request, all units should start marching towards the attack launch area on March 13th.  Except for the troops on the western and southern fronts, who had to arrive at the combat area before the early morning of the 19th due to distance reasons, the rest of the troops must all arrive at the combat area before the dusk of the 18th, and the operation must be completed before sunset on the 19th.  Final preparation.  In the early morning of the 20th, all offensive forces must complete their deployment.

    In order to ensure the concealment of the troops' advance, the routes of each troop must strictly follow the route selected by the headquarters.  In particular, various troops on the Western Front adopted regiment-based organization to advance one by one, and formulated methods for gathering in combat areas.  The scheduled assembly point for the roundabout troops was set up at the junction of West Ujimqin Banner and Abaga Banner, which is a certain distance from the front.

    Because the troops scheduled to make deep and roundabout insertions, except for the cavalry, are all motorized and mechanized troops, they have extremely strong mobility.  According to the plan, the attack time of this roundabout force was within 24 hours after the full frontal attack on the Western Front.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  But the most difficult thing currently facing is how to transport such a large-scale mobilization of troops and equipment by railway to the designated assembly point in Western Manchuria under strict confidentiality.

    Especially the roundabout force, although it is a mechanized cavalry group, it is impossible to rely entirely on mechanized marches for such a long distance from northern Manchuria to western Manchuria.  This will cause considerable mechanical wear and tear on the tank, and the troops will also be extremely tired.  It is best to take railway transportation within the base area and get off at the area closest to the front line.  .

    Supplies and ammunition are easy to hide, but with hundreds of tanks, a large number of cars, and heavy artillery, it is difficult to completely conceal them.  If the troops choose to march from Tongliao to the designated assembly area, they need to arrive at Taonan via the Tao-Ang Railway, then enter the Sitao Line, and enter Tongliao westward at Shuangliao.

    But the Fourth Tao Line starts from the Dongliao River east of Shuangliao, and is the confrontation area between the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Kwantung Army after the end of the previous stage of the battle.  The Japanese military used telescopes to clearly see the railway transportation in Shuangliao on the west bank of the Dongliao River.  Once the Japanese army detects the movement of these tanks westward, the suddenness of the roundabout operations will be quite disadvantageous.

    In order to ensure that a large number of tanks and vehicles of the 1st and 5th Armored Divisions arrived at the West Ujimqin Banner assembly area as secretly as possible.  Yang Zhen personally took the map and measured it bit by bit.  It was finally decided that all the troops participating in the war on the Western Front would not use the Fourth Tao Line for heavy equipment transportation, but would use the Tao-A Railway for transportation.  Get off at Xizhagar Banner Station.  Using mechanized and motorized methods, they arrived at the assembly area of ??West Ujim Banner.

    Although the transportation capacity of the Tao-A Railway is still relatively poor compared with the Sitao Railway.  During last year's battle, this railway was also seriously damaged.  Among all the railway lines in the Anti-Japanese Alliance base area, it was the most severely damaged after the seizure. Almost all bridges and tunnels were blown up.

    Although a large number of emergency repairs have been carried out, many routes are only temporarily repaired, and most of the repaired bridges are still temporarily built with wood.  The tunnel has only been cleaned and the battle-damaged rails have been replaced.  Due to insufficient technical capabilities, it is not possible to reinforce battle-damaged tunnels.

    At the time, the Ministry of Military Transportation did not consider using this railway to transport troops except for relying on this railway to transport food and some supplies.  It's because of this?The condition of the railway line is not ideal so far.  On this railway line, trains not only have a limited capacity, but also can only travel at a constant speed.

    Transporting such a large number of troops and heavy equipment, plus a large amount of ammunition and supplies, is a heavy burden on this railway.  But the advantage of this route is its concealment, which is much better than taking the Sitao Railway.  After careful consideration, Yang Zhen decided to use this railway to transport his troops back.

    The first armored brigade and three tank battalions, which attacked from the front, adopted the method of rapid passage at night and took the Four Tao Lines for transportation.  This method was adopted to attract the Japanese army's attention to the 1st Armored Brigade.  In order to create the greatest surprise for the intersecting actions of the outflanking troops.

    The troops transferred through the Sitao Railway in this way can attract the attention of some Japanese troops and partially ensure the suddenness of the flanking troop movements.  Given the close distance between the Taonan to Shuangliao section of the Sitao Railway and the Japanese frontline positions, it would be difficult for such a large-scale railway transportation to remain unnoticed by the Japanese even if it was carried out confidentially at night.

    Use the vehicles of the 1st Armored Brigade to attract the attention of the Japanese army and attract all the attention of the Japanese army to the Sitao Railway Line.  Ensuring the roundabout transportation of troops of the 1st Armored Division and the 5th Armored Division via the Tao-A railway can be regarded as another kind of strategic cover operation
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