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Text Chapter 168 Deployment

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    But the only thing that Brigadier General Ross can do is to analyze how much loot the Japanese army may transport to China. It can basically be said to be a pile of waste paper. As the guy said, the British divisions are different from the general country.  The division structure of each division is different, and their establishment is not fixed.  There is a brigade under the division, but the organization of this brigade is not fixed.

    Not only the infantry is not fixed, but the technical arms are also not fixed.  Just like they are on the battlefield, there are often five-sixths brigades and quarter battalions.  In fact, this organization is the remnants of two armies from other countries on the battlefield, or a temporary army formed by drawing forces from several armies.

    This kind of mixed troops is a common practice in wartime.  However, in other countries it is just a temporary detachment with basically no formal designation.  Only the British came up with such a designation that made it difficult for opponents and allies to judge.  At first glance, this army seems to be a complete force, but in fact it is not the case at all.

    As for their regiments, they are only equivalent to battalions in other countries. Regiments generally only have one battalion.  The entire organization is in a mess. When I first came into contact, I thought their division organization was quite large, just like the armies of other countries.  After detailed contact, you will find that it is not the same thing at all.

    Their infantry division, which has three infantry brigades under its jurisdiction, is basically no different from the three-regiment divisions of other countries.  The division has four artillery regiments, and at first glance the firepower is quite strong.  In fact, not counting the attached artillery, there are only three artillery battalions and one anti-tank artillery battalion.

    And the establishment is not fixed, and is constantly adjusted as the war progresses.  Last month there might have been two artillery regiments, but this month there might be three.  By next month, there may be one or none at all.  After half a year, one infantry division may have five or six so-called battalion-level artillery regiments.

    Fortunately, waste paper is waste paper, but this situation played a role in Yang Zhen's calculation of the number of trophies shipped to Tianjin by the Japanese army.  Although it is only calculated based on the standard standing establishment of several standing Australian and Indian infantry divisions of the British army in Southeast Asia, plus a complete British infantry division that was later mobilized.

    It does not include the reinforced artillery of the British army and the artillery on Singapore Island.  But after some calculations, this overall figure also surprised Yang Zhen.  Even if one-third of them were captured by the Japanese army and transported to the Chinese battlefield, the threat to the Anti-Alliance would be considerable.

    The most important thing is whether the British troops in Southeast Asia are equipped with special No. 9 armor-piercing projectiles for these twenty-five-pound guns.  If it is equipped with such an armor-piercing projectile, it is currently unknown how powerful it is.  Even though he never believed in such things as pointing to God for good luck on the battlefield, Yang Zhen still prayed to some extent that the British army would be stingy.

    In fact, the Japanese swept through Southeast Asia. In the battles of Malaya and Singapore alone, the number of British artillery captured reached more than 900, more than 2,000 machine guns, and more than 12,000 cars.  Coupled with the Dutch East Indies army equipment captured in the Dutch East Indies, the number of artillery pieces reached thousands.  In Singapore alone, hundreds of anti-aircraft guns were seized.

    A group of sheep with a group of sheep fighting against a group of hungry wolves will only end up with all the sheep being eaten by the wolves.  In addition to the tenacious fighting of the US military in the Philippines, the defeat was due to the cutoff of foreign aid caused by the general environment.  In Malaya, the Philippines, and the Dutch East Indies, the Japanese army basically swept away the fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

    British, American, and Dutch-made rifles and machine guns alone can arm more than a dozen divisions.  This does not include a large amount of ammunition, as well as various vehicles and aircraft.  Only part of it was transported to the Chinese battlefield, and the remaining part was retained by the Japanese to form a puppet army in Southeast Asia.  Otherwise, if all the heavy equipment in this batch of equipment were transported to the Chinese battlefield, it would only cause Yang Zhen even more headaches.

    However, despite the enemy's situation, especially the huge changes in the Japanese army's equipment, many senior officials of the Anti-Japanese Alliance were a little worried.  However, when the combat plan was finalized, after repeated discussions with Guo Bingxun, Chen Hanzhang, and the commanders and political commissars of the advancing army, Yang Zhen chose Chadong as the main assault direction.

    When Chen Hanzhang chose the candidate to succeed him in breaking through the 26th Division's defense line head-on after he led his troops to implement a large-scale detour, Yang Zhen was quite surprised by the candidate he proposed.  Among all the first-level cadres of the Anti-Japanese Alliance's columns, he actually chose Liu Changshun, who was better at defense and said he was immovable under a volley of artillery, rather than Liu Changshun, who was good at offense.

    The reason why he chose Liu Changshun was very simple. Facing the Japanese army's deep and multi-layered defense posture, the frontal offensive should be more robust, and the entire army should be as coordinated as possible.  Once the enemy is underestimated and advances from any direction, other directions cannot follow up, and the assault troops are in danger of being surrounded.  By choosing Liu Changshun to succeed him, he can cooperate more closely with the southern front.some.

    And compared to other first-level commanders of the column such as Wang Guangyu, Du Kaishan, Wang Xiaoming, Tao Jingfei, etc., Liu Changshun is the one who has the most exposure to armored tactics among all the first-level commanders of the column, except Chen Hanzhang.  When the armored force was first established, it was trained and reorganized within its jurisdiction.

    But considering that Liu Changshun is not very sensitive to grasping fighter opportunities, he is often hesitant and has some innate weaknesses in his character.  Chen Hanzhang suggested transferring Ma Chunsheng to serve as chief of staff to cooperate with Liu Changshun to make up for his shortcomings.  This will ensure that you don't make rash advances, but you won't lose your chance of being too stable.

    As the key formation force of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the armored force received considerable attention at the beginning.  In order to ensure the smooth formation, Liu Changshun, as the commander of the Production and Construction Corps at the time, was responsible for the logistics support work during the formation of the entire armored force.  He often goes to the training base and studies tactics with Chen Hanzhang whenever he has time.  Therefore, Chen Hanzhang believed that Liu Changshun was no stranger to him in his research on armored tactics.

    For the candidate proposed by Chen Hanzhang, Yang Zhen finally agreed after hesitation.  But Yang Zhen did not agree with the choice of chief of staff.  Ma Chunsheng is a wild horse and cannot be controlled by Liu Changshun.  He has a strong grasp of fighter aircraft, but his overall ability is too poor.

    In the previous stage of the battle, this was very obvious.  He is still competent as a division commander, but it is not enough for him to assist Liu Changshun in grasping the overall situation.  Once this guy breaks free, there is nothing Liu Changshun can do about him.  It would be too risky to ask Ma Chunsheng to match up with Liu Changshun.

    Finally, at Guo Bingxun¡¯s suggestion, Ouyang Jishan was transferred to serve as political commissar for the westward march, Wang Minggui served as chief of staff, and Yang Jicai served as director of operations.  Let these three people team up with Liu Changshun to carry out frontal assault missions.  As for the southern cluster, there is no need for Yang Zhen to worry about it. The commander of the advancing army, his old leader, is enough to shoulder this heavy responsibility.

    As for the battle in the Northeast, Du Kaishan, who was transferred to the commander of the Western Manchuria Military Region at the end of December, served as the commander of the Western Manchuria Cluster, and Tao Jingfei served as the deputy commander, responsible for commanding operations in the direction of Tongliao.  Wang Guangyu was transferred to the center line and was responsible for the combat command of the entire Xinjing front.  Responsible for frontal and flank operations.  The entire Eastern Front operation was under the unified command of Wang Xiaoming.

    The reason why Du Kaishan is placed on the front line of Tongliao is because this direction plays a connecting role in the entire war situation and is a very critical position.  What is needed is not only stability, but also the ability to grasp the battle situation.  Du Kaishan is bold but not rash, steady but not conservative.  When it's time to open up and close up, you will never follow the steps.  When it's time to restrain, you will never act rashly.

    Although his overall view is slightly worse, his judgment of the entire battlefield situation is quite keen.  In terms of tactical command, he has definitely reached the point of being able to move freely.  Especially in the use of artillery firepower, it can be said that it has reached the point of perfection.

    At this point, even Wang Guangyu, whom Yang Zhen values ????most, cannot compare.  Among the military chiefs at the first level of the entire Anti-Union Column, only Chen Hanzhang can compare with him.  Du Kaishan, who has a new family, has become much more mature and his character has become much more stable.  If Du Kaishan in the past was a sword that was too sharp and too strong to be easy to bend, then the current Du Kaishan can be said to be soft yet strong.

    Yang Zhen placed him here. His responsibility was not only to attack the Zhongchang Railway from the west and outflank the retreat of the Xinjing Kwantung Army defenders.  Another point is that if Liu Changshun's command performance in Chadong is disappointing and he is unable to complete the combat tasks assigned by the headquarters, Du Kaishan can immediately take over his command.  Putting the powerful general Du Kaishan here is to prepare him for use at the most critical moment.

    In the ensuing war, it turned out that Yang Zhen's move was the finishing touch in the entire battle.  After the roundabout troops set off, Liu Changshun was still unable to make progress in the breakthrough that Chen Hanzhang had opened on the front, further expanding the battle situation, and the entire Chadong battlefield became a stalemate.

    It was Yang Zhen¡¯s quick transfer of Du Kaishan to replace Liu Changshun that ensured that the campaign achieved its goal.  Otherwise, they have crossed Yinshan Mountain, but due to the delay in completing the breakthrough and opening the gap due to the frontal battlefield.  Chen Hanzhang, who cannot get the coordination and support of the frontal assault troops, is likely to be surrounded in Suidong.

    Yang Zhen took great pains in deploying cadres, but the deployment of troops basically followed the plan reported to the central government.  The Westward Group consists of the 1st Armored Division, the 1st Armored Brigade and three tank battalions, the 1st and 2nd Cavalry Brigades, three infantry divisions, three heavy artillery regiments directly under the headquarters, and the only Japanese 150 Cannon Regiment directly under the headquarters.  and two rocket artillery regiments.

    The Western Front is the top priority, so although it is equipped with only three infantry divisions, it has concentrated two of the three cavalry brigades of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  In addition to the configuration of technical arms such as armored troops, it is the largest among several directions.  Long-range firepower is also the strongest?One direction.  Among all the artillery of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the Japanese cannon with the longest range was concentrated.

    The Southern Front Combat Group consists of four infantry divisions and the main force of the advancing army. It is equipped with two heavy artillery regiments and one rocket launcher regiment. It is divided into unified commands under the unified command of the commander and political commissar of the advancing army. Its main attack direction is the front line of the mountains in Malaysia, and beyond the Great Wall.  From Zhangjiakou in the south to Chengde.

    The Western Manchuria Strategic Group consists of three infantry divisions, an armored brigade, a mountain division, a Korean division, a column of the advancing army, a rocket launcher regiment directly under the headquarters, an artillery regiment directly under the headquarters, and two tank battalions. It runs from Tongliao to the Zhongchang Railway  A front line attack advances.  The main task is to outflank the rear of Xingjing and launch an attack on the entire territory of Jehol.

    The group is divided into two parts. The Rehe battlefield is commanded by the deputy commander of the Advance Army. Its strength is a mountain division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, a Korean division, a column of the Advance Army, plus a direct artillery regiment.  The main task is to seize the entire territory of Rehe west of Qilaotu Mountain and protect the flank and rear direction of the southern front troops.

    The center line group consists of an armored group consisting of nine infantry divisions, one armored division, and two tank regiments, and is commanded by Wang Guangyu.  The Eastern Front Group consists of four infantry divisions, commanded by Wang Xiaoming.  The three infantry divisions deployed from West Manlin to Rehe, commanded by Tao Jingfei, serve as the entire strategic reserve for the southern and western fronts
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