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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 170 Final Stage Preparations

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    When the time entered March 1942, after the Anti-Japanese Alliance completed the final adjustments to the army's equipment, all aspects had entered the final preparation stage for the war. All ammunition, materials, especially oil, had been transported to secret storage points in various directions on the front line.  The directly affiliated reconnaissance troops operating on the western front have completed the reconnaissance of the offensive route across the Hunshandake Sands and identified the water sources in the Hunshandake Sands.  The width and density of the minefields in the Japanese frontline positions have been identified.

    It was the first time that the Japanese army used landmines on such a large scale to conduct defensive operations and laid minefields on the front line.  The Anti-Alliance Military Industry Department urgently manufactured a batch of demining equipment and distributed it to each division's engineering battalions.  Each division was mobilized to make its own demining equipment using local materials distributed by superiors.

    At the same time, the aviation unit has also completed the final preparations for the pre-war flight transition.  The secret site selection and establishment of field airports in various places in Chadong has been completed, and the wireless communication and navigation detachment has made preparations to go south in advance.  The health department is also ready to receive a large number of wounded and has completed the construction of a field hospital.

    Although these preparations for the Anti-Japanese War are kept strictly confidential, it is almost impossible for the news not to spread.  Although the intelligence coming from the anti-alliance base area was limited, the Japanese army also sensed something unusual.  In particular, it was impossible for the front-line combat troops to conduct terrain reconnaissance on the Hunshandake Sands and Chanan Mountains in advance without being noticed by the Japanese army.

    The Japanese army also made great efforts to detect the movements of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Although there is not much useful internal information collected from the base area.  However, in the frontline area where the two armies faced off, the Japanese army's tactical reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance had always been very intensive.  Especially the North China Front Army can almost be said to have spent a lot of money.

    All tactical reconnaissance operations conducted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the front line could not avoid the sight of the Japanese army under such circumstances.  In particular, the Western Front, which has a relatively special environment, was the earliest area of ??contact between the two sides.  Since entering 2002, the reconnaissance forces of both sides have encountered many encounters.

    Although the Hunshandake Sand Land at this time is not large in area, compared with the large deserts in northwest China, its small size can be directly ignored.  However, the terrain and landforms here, which can be used as the most important water supply for desert operations, and where a large number of troops can pass, are all very important to the anti-alliance team that launches the attack.

    The war is imminent. It is impossible for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to launch an attack recklessly without understanding the situation here.  Especially the attack route in the desert must be chosen carefully.  Even at this time, the area of ??Hunshandake Sand Land was far smaller than that of later generations due to indiscriminate farming and grazing.  However, the extremely well-preserved original environment here is much more complicated than that of later generations.

    The Hunshandake Sandfield is not just filled with sand.  This is an area where grasslands and deserts intersect, and there are a large number of lakes in the desert.  There are even large swamps on both sides of the main inland river, the Gaogesti River.  In this complex terrain, if roads are not surveyed first, major problems may easily arise in terms of troop attack and logistical supplies.

    Driving and driving tanks in the desert are not just for infantry to cross.  Several tons, or even dozens of tons of equipment might get trapped in the sand.  Moreover, where the troops can be replenished with water, where the ground can support the movement of large corps, and where it can be used as a logistics supply line are all things that must be considered.

    Although there is no shortage of water in the Hunshandake Sand Land, not everyone can drink the water there.  A lot of water is not hardened to a high degree and cannot be used as drinking water.  It is just salt water or the alkali content is too high, so it cannot be used for any purpose.  When fighting in this sandy area, even if the area is not large, the choice of water source must be the first priority.

    In the first phase of the battle, the troops led by Chen Hanzhang suffered a lot of losses in the Horqin Sandy Land.  The troops moved slowly in the sand, and the troops who entered the sand to fight could not find water sources.  Moreover, in areas with heavy sandstorms, the tank's engine power dropped significantly, and many vehicles got stuck in the sand.

    That time in the Horqin Sands, it was almost a march, with very few large-scale interspersed battles.  If there really is a big battle, the troops, which are almost unfamiliar with desert warfare, will suffer heavy losses.  With the lessons learned from the past, Yang Zhen will naturally not be careless.  As early as January, the troops in the frontline confrontation area sent a large number of reconnaissance personnel to cooperate with the two squadrons of the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region to conduct a thorough exploration of this area of ??sand.

    Since March, as the battle gets closer and closer, the reconnaissance intensity of the front-line troops has increased a lot.  Although the battle has not yet started, there are almost daily battles between the troops who enter the sand to conduct reconnaissance and the small Japanese troops who also conduct reconnaissance.  Ambushes and counter-ambushes on both sides were carried out quite frequently.

    There is also the mountainous area in Chanan, although the relevant internal forces are cooperating.  But heavy equipment can be passed there, where it can be used as a staging area, and where it is more suitable as an attack launch area, both of which require re-reconnaissance by front-line combat troops.  The equipment is different, and the conditions required for combat are also different.

    In order to understand these situations, during the confrontation between the two armies, the Anti-Japanese Federation deployed a considerable number of reconnaissance troops to penetrate into the southern and western fronts and conduct extensive reconnaissance.  In particular, the entire combat terrain on the Western Front was basically unfamiliar to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  This was the first real desert battle for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and it was impossible for Yang Zhen not to act with caution.

    ¡°And even though there was not much intelligence within the Anti-Japanese Alliance as before, the Japanese army could still clearly detect the busy night traffic on the Sitao Railway.  In particular, the Anti-Japanese Alliance consciously exposed the military columns loaded with T-26 tanks equipped by the 1st Armored Brigade, as well as a large number of oil tankers, passing through the Shuangliao and Tongliao front lines, and when transporting to the western front, the Japanese army looked through high-power telescopes.  Very clear.

    And although all the pedaling operations of the troops during the mobilization period are all at night, it will inevitably have a certain impact on the entire railway transportation.  At least all freight trains will need to adjust their schedules to military operations.  It is almost impossible to organize such a large-scale railway transportation without leaking any information.

    After entering March, it was discovered that the activities of the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the front lines were becoming more and more frequent, and there was a small amount of internal intelligence. Although it was not clear whether the Anti-Japanese Alliance's attack was focused on the southern or western front.  But compared to the army that was slow to move in some aspects, the Japanese army's reaction speed this time was extremely fast.

    At almost the same time that the Anti-Japanese Alliance began its general mobilization, the Kwantung Army and the North China Front Army also immediately went on high alert.  The entire Kwantung Army and the North China Front Army, and all the frontline troops confronting the Anti-Japanese Alliance, all entered combat status in the shortest possible time.

    Ammunition and combat supplies began to be distributed in large quantities to front-line combat troops, and artillery positions also began to undergo final camouflage.  Engineers are constantly making final additions to the density and width of the minefield.  At the same time, the reconnaissance of various Japanese field divisions and the Anti-Alliance forward positions became more and more frequent.

    A large number of military columns have also been mobilized at several large railway hubs such as Siping Street and Fengtian in the Northeast, and Beiping, Tianjin, Zhangjiakou, and Taiyuan in North China, ready to mobilize troops at any time.  The Japanese army also successively ended its raids on major base areas behind enemy lines in North China, and began to concentrate all troops involved in the raids.  In order to shrink their troops, they even voluntarily abandoned some of the strongholds they captured in the mountainous areas during the raids.

    Entering March, both the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Japanese Army in North China, the two major strategic clusters, are making final preparations for a war.  Especially since March 10th, the frontier areas of confrontation between the two sides have become tense.  The smell of tension is so strong in the air that even a fool can smell it.

    Although this war was a key battle for China's Anti-Japanese War and the future fate of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  But for a world war that has spread all over the world, it is just an ordinary battle.  It's just that this war has not really started yet, because the timing of the launch has already attracted the attention of many parties.

    At this moment, on the battlefield in Southeast Asia, the British army in Burma replicated the rout in Malaya.  In March, the British lost Rangoon, the capital of Myanmar, and retreated all the way to the interior of Myanmar.  The three armies of the expeditionary force organized by Chongqing are also entering Myanmar on a concurrent journey.

    In the southwest Pacific, the Japanese army is continuing to capture cities and territories.  The American, British, Australian, and Dutch forces in the Dutch East Indies have disintegrated.  All the defenders in the Dutch East Indies have stopped resisting.  All U.S. troops in the Philippines have withdrawn to the Bataan Peninsula and are making their final desperate struggle.

    At the same time, the Japanese army has successively captured Rabaul, a strategic location in the southwest Pacific, and captured the entire Bismarck Islands.  The resistance of the Australian defenders almost collapsed at the first touch.  The Japanese army, having tasted the sweetness, is launching an offensive into the Solomon Islands in order to ensure the safety of Rabaul.

    Throughout the Asia and Pacific battlefields, in order to preserve the last external communication line, troops have been sent to Burma, and Chongqing is currently bargaining with the Americans for the amount of US aid.  The United States and Britain are distressed by the worsening situation.  The Soviets had just finished the Battle of Moscow and drove the German troops out of Moscow.  Moreover, for this war, Yan'an was also mobilizing troops to cooperate with the Anti-Japanese War.

    At this moment, whether it is domestic eyes or international eyes, or because of the conflict of interests, or because of future development, or because of the current unfavorable war situation, they are paying close attention to North China.  Almost all intelligence agencies in all aspects are operating at a rapid speed.

    Especially at this time, Chongqing, who has all kinds of emotions in his heart, and even doesn¡¯t know what it feels like, whether it is in the Northeast or Pingjin, whether it is the Central Command, the Military Command, or a certain war zone intelligence agency, is fully engaged in trying to collect all information aboutInformation on military mobilization.

    Yang Zhen ignored the looks from the outside world that expressed expectations or mixed emotions, and he was still making final preparations before the war step by step.  For Yang Zhen now, the more critical the moment, the calmer his mentality becomes.  Regarding this battle, which was related to the fate of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and even China as a whole, Yang Zhen had almost no disturbance at all.

    On March 10th, after all combat plans were finalized and all material preparation and transfer work was completed.  On March 11, Yang Zhen convened a joint meeting of cadres above the Anti-Alliance Division, advancing army columns and above, as well as various services and arms of the Anti-Alliance, and cadres above the second-level ministers of the Third Headquarters to issue the entire combat plan and deploy all aspects of action plans.

    According to Yang Zhen¡¯s request, on March 13, various participating troops began to mobilize on a large scale through the railway in accordance with the mobilization plan issued by the headquarters.  And strictly follow the mobilization plan issued by the headquarters, pedal at the designated place and designated station.  And all must arrive at the combat area within the specified time.

    In order to keep the troop movement as confidential as possible, we must meet the deadline.  All railway transportation departments adopted the method of boarding trains at small stations around the station and driving in one by one at night.  The various departments that entered the highway were organized into regiments, and they moved in separately and were concentrated in designated areas
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