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Text Chapter 497 I¡¯m afraid it¡¯s not that simple

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    Yang Zhen's statement that he would never participate in local affairs made Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun stunned. Neither of them thought that Yang Zhen would use this excuse to completely get out of local affairs.  , handing back the rights granted by the central government.

    However, Guo Bingxun didn't think anything about Yang Zhen's decision. However, a simple soldier is not too interested in issues other than military affairs. But for the political commissar Li Yanping, it was a bit surprising and even a bit unpleasant.  Very understanding.

    At present, according to the entire industrial development plan in the area, it was Yang Zhen who made the planning. Even many of the factory equipment were brought in by him. It seems that he is currently seizing the time to make final development preparations and carry out the project.  The oil fields under construction in Zhaozhou and Anda were built on Yang Zhen's insistence.

    Although oil has not yet been produced, after a summer of construction, the project there has basically been completed, the oil wells have been erected, and the transportation pipeline connecting there to the refinery in Hulan, which is being built as soon as possible, has been roughly completed, as planned.  It is planned to start test drilling in the spring of next year.

    This seemingly crazy plan, together with the introduction and construction of oil drilling equipment, oil smelting equipment, and oil smelting plants, were all carried out under the insistence of Yang Zhen. If it had been replaced by another person, it would have been determined long ago.  As an oil-poor country, China will not do this at all when funds are so difficult.

    Now it is about to test drill. At this time, he should be the boss. I am afraid it is not appropriate. Not only the commander-in-chief will not agree, but even the central government will not agree, even though there is the Chinese who was the first to arrive at the base area.  The founder of geology strongly supports this, but this is a major event that affects the eyes of the people across the country.

    As for Yang Zhen's idea of ??taking out a car to exchange talks with the Soviet Union, Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun both heard and understood it. But as for Yang Zhen's sudden taking out so much equipment to exchange weapons with the Soviet Union, Li Yanping  That's okay, at most I feel a little distressed, but I still understand and support Yang Zhen.

    However, Guo Bingxun is still somewhat puzzled. In fact, it is not just that he really cannot figure it out, but more of a pain. After dealing with the Soviets for such a long time, whether it is Li Yanping or Guo Bingxun, they have no idea about the character of the Soviets.  Both of them still knew it.

    Just as Yang Zhen said, if you are reluctant to part with a piece of good meat, you cannot trap the hungry bear of the Soviet Union. However, the two people are really unwilling to hand over the supplies that the Anti-Japanese Alliance also needs at the moment, and even more so.  The pain was so tight that for Guo Bingxun, almost all of his original plans were disrupted.

    In fact, for Guo Bingxun, the chief of staff who is in charge of astronomy, geography, and trivial matters in the middle, how can he not be clear about the actual situation of the artillery?  With the help of the Soviets, they built what is probably the most powerful artillery force currently in the country.

    However, the performance of the artillery in hand is uneven. Some artillery are even produced and manufactured for a long time. Not only the performance has fallen behind, but the quality of the artillery also has considerable problems. After the intensive use in this battle last year,  , there have been more than one incident of the barrel exploding due to old artillery.

    After experiencing high-intensity use last year, the performance and lifespan of these artillery pieces have declined even more this year, especially those French 75mm field guns made in Poland. The quality itself is not as good as the original goods, coupled with the general production time  , it has been up to twenty years or more, and a considerable part of them are even crudely manufactured products from the First World War, and there are even more problems in use.

    Not counting the Polish imitations, even those 1**8 type 75mm field guns made by the legal factory, because most of them were emergency products during the First World War, they have also reached the point of being scrapped. The artillery itself is aging, and then  Coupled with daily high-intensity training, the scrapping rate of these artillery has also been accelerated.

    Of course, when these artillery accidents occurred, it was not just a problem with the artillery. In many battles of the Anti-Japanese War, it was also an important reason for the use of exceeding the standard intensity.  All five field guns fired shells that nearly doubled the standard rate of fire.

    As for the remaining 100mm howitzers and 150 howitzers, their firing speeds are generally higher than the standard firing speed. More than half is a common phenomenon. An hour's bombardment defeated the main force of the 7th Division, and the headquarters was transferred to  Eighty percent of the artillery shells in the Aruhorqin Banner were fired. Unless the rate of fire of this artillery exceeded the standard by a large margin, it was simply impossible to achieve this and it was impossible to form a dense enough barrage.

    This phenomenon is also quite common in other troops. The two Type 41 mountain cannons equipped by the Seventh Division fired three shots in a battle.Within minutes, nearly eighty-six rounds of artillery shells were fired. The maximum rate of fire of the Type 41 mountain gun, even a newly manufactured cannon, cannot exceed ten rounds per minute. Eighty-six rounds of artillery shells are almost equivalent to those of these two guns.  The mountain artillery fired nearly fifteen rounds per minute.

    This kind of high-intensity use has undoubtedly exacerbated the situation in another aspect. Many artillery pieces that are second-hand or even third-hand goods are already very old and are scrapped. Not to mention old artillery, even newly manufactured artillery cannot withstand it.  Such intense use.

    Not only were the artillery units deployed in the Arukorqin Banner, there were many cases of artillery casualties caused by the explosion of the barrel. Although the two Type 41 mountain guns of the Seventh Division did not explode, the rifling was almost worn out due to intensive use after the war.  , after all inspections, it was found that there was no repair value and could only be scrapped.

    Although the headquarters has repeatedly ordered that when unnecessary, the waste in the use of artillery should be reduced as much as possible, and the intensity of artillery use should be strictly controlled, because this situation not only means accelerating the rate of artillery scrapping, but also destroys the artillery shells.  It's quite a waste. The Anti-Japanese Alliance has such a weak foundation. Let alone artillery, even if the artillery shells continue to fire like this, it is really too much.

    However, in terms of the use of artillery, many troops still experienced serious waste. On the Xinjing North battlefield, there was even a Japanese squadron counterattack, that is, two wild mountain artillery batteries, plus 107 rocket launcher batteries, eight  There is one company each of the 2nd mortar and the 120th mortar, with a fire coverage that can fire thousands of artillery shells.

    During the offensive operations, it often happened that an ordinary fortification group of the Japanese army was used, that is, an artillery battalion or even more artillery units were used. When implementing fire interception, no matter how many reinforcements the Japanese army dispatched, the multi-layered and intersecting ammunition  Curtain shooting is a fairly common phenomenon.

    However, the actual situation on the battlefield makes it impossible for the headquarters to control the use of artillery too strictly, so as not to affect the progress of the battle. After all, the main ground fire support method of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is still artillery. This has resulted in the artillery among the troops, especially the  The division's artillery was generally overused, and the consumption of artillery shells was increasing.

    Under this situation, some of the artillery currently used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, especially the divisional artillery that is used the most and most frequently, quite a few have reached the time when they must be replaced. And now on the battlefield, if you want to capture Japanese artillery,  It is also getting more and more difficult.

    In this battle, although several Japanese divisions have been completely annihilated, not many complete artillery pieces have been captured. When the Japanese army loses the battle, all artillery that cannot be carried or has no shells will be used as much as possible.  All were blown up. The quantity seized now is insufficient to meet the needs. If the source cannot be found, it may affect the combat effectiveness of the army in the future.

    According to Guo Bingxun's estimate, judging from the intensity of artillery use this year, after this battle, there will be at least fifty or more Seventy-five Mountain Field Artillery, as well as a considerable number of large-caliber artillery, especially those made in Poland or France.  The field artillery can only exit the equipment sequence.

    Although he knew that Yang Zhen's move was a helpless choice as he was currently unable to manufacture barreled artillery. Guo Bingxun also knew that he could not have his cake and eat it too, but these one thousand American-made trucks, for  Guo Bingxun is still quite reluctant to give up.

    Of these two issues, one is related to the issue of strategic supplies in the next operation, and the other is to solve the issue of future fire support for the troops. Both issues are very critical. Solving the one first is a headache. In this case  , we can only treat the headache first. As for the problem of the truck, we can put it aside for the time being.

    Moreover, taking out these one thousand American-made trucks is far from being fatal to the current Anti-Japanese Alliance, and it is not that they cannot be supplemented in the future. However, the issue of artillery is related to the fire support of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the next few years of operations.  After considering the question clearly, although Guo Bingxun did not fully agree, he actually acquiesced.

    As for Yang Zhen's words that in the future, apart from military issues, he would no longer interfere in the local construction of the base area and deal with the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain, Guo Bingxun did not pay much attention to it. There were some things that Yang Zhen could not get away with if he wanted to. The Central Committee  It was clearly instructed that in the future, when negotiating with the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain, Yang Zhen's opinions should still be given priority.

    This attitude has clearly shown the attitude of the central government, and when it comes to dealing with these cunning Western powers, most people who have no experience in foreign negotiations can only suffer a loss or just stare at it, using Guo Bingxun to privately negotiate with Li Yanping  In terms of conversation, when a gentleman is used to deal with gangsters, it is only the gentleman who suffers.

    "For those Western hooligans who only want to take advantage, we can only use people like Yang Zhen, who are thick-skinned and extremely shady, to truly make the best use of their talents. Otherwise, they will only suffer losses. In this case, the central government and others willThe Northeast Bureau still knows that if Yang Zhen wants to get out of it completely, it may not be that simple. Maybe he will just be a moon in the mirror and a flower in the water.

    The most important thing is that he believes that due to experience and environment, some things, including the commander-in-chief, are still a bit short-sighted. The more issues they consider are limited to a limited view. If the base area wants to truly have a long-term development  , at least for now, I can't do without the old man in front of me.

    Guo Bingxun, who has spent several years in the industrially developed France, knows clearly that he must have a clear strategic vision in terms of economic development and industrial construction in order to truly promote a major development. And this strategic vision, at least from the current perspective,  , it is none other than Yang Zhen, it is more appropriate for others to do some practical work.

    The most critical thing is that Guo Bingxun believes that in the current base area, under the limited economic conditions, the light industry in papermaking, textiles, and even building materials is dominated by the private economy, while heavy industry and issues related to the fundamental national economy and people's livelihood are dominated by the planned economy and public ownership.  The model is quite suitable.

    If someone else were to come up with a completely Soviet-style planned economic management model, this would be very detrimental to the economic development of the base area. Although there is not much research on economics, the Soviet Union's all-inclusive, too rigid and rigid industrial model would  Guo Bingxun still disagreed.
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